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Pseudomys occidentalis est une espèce de rongeurs d'Australie appartenant à la famille des Muridés. Elle est appelée en anglais « western mouse » (souris occidentale) ou « walyadji ». Jadis largement répandue, elle est maintenant limitée à une dizaine de zones de bush du Sud-Ouest de l'Australie et a été déclarée quasi menacée.

Ce sont de petites souris robustes qui vivent dans des terriers dans un sol sableux et sortent la nuit pour se nourrir à proximité.

Taxonomie[modifier | modifier le code]

L'espèce a été décrite pour la première fois par George H. H. Tate en 1951,[1], à partir de spécimens datant de 1930[3]. Son holotype est formé par le crâne et la peau d'un jeune adulte récolté à Tambellup par J. Baldwin, Tate renvoyant aussi à un deuxième spécimen un peu plus grand et au crâne endommagé[4].

Comme il assignait l'espèce à un genre peu défini, Pseudomys, Tate l'a placée dans une sous-espèce, Gyomys[1].

Le terme walyadji est utilisé pour désigner l'espèce, mais il n'apparait pas dans la recension des noms Nyungar des mammifères de la région[5]

Description[modifier | modifier le code]

This mouse is roughly 10 centimeters long, not counting its tail, which may be up to 14 centimeters in length. It weighs an average of 34 grams. It has a soft, fine, dark gray and yellowish buff pelage that is interspersed with black guard hairs. The feet are white.[6][3]

The species is distinguished by the aquiline profile of nose, and its long tail. The range of measurements for the head and body combined is 88 to 110 millimetres, exceeded by the tail's length of 120 to 140 mm. The hind feet of Pseudomys occidentalis are 24 to 28 mm, relatively long for the genus, with interdigital pads that are larger than the terminal pads. The proportion of the pads and lack of granulation over the surface of the hind foot distinguishes the species from the ash-grey species Pseudomys albocinereus. They have two pairs of inguinal teats. The weight range of the species is 30 to 55 grams.[7]

Comportement[modifier | modifier le code]

The subterranean nests have a single entrance, a shaft that connects to a network 200 to 300 millimetres below the ground. The main tunnel has a nest site at the opposite end of a loop, two to three metres from the entrance, with a network of other loops extending as annexes to the central tunnel. The site may be occupied by up to ten individuals.[2]

Distribution et habitat[modifier | modifier le code]

The distribution range once extended across Southwest Australia and into the arid interior, this became restricted to a few areas near the Ravensthorpe Range, at Fitzgerald River National Park, and several isolated populations in the southern wheatbelt.[7]

This mouse lives in loamy soils in areas that have not been burnt recently, and not known at any location that has been subjected to fire in the preceding 30 to 50 years.[2] The terrain has climax vegetation, especially the desert quandong Santalum acuminatum and sedge-like plants.[6] The substrate of the ecological communities in which they are known to remain is sandy or sandy-clay soil that is often intermixed with gravel. Plant genera associated with their remnant sites are Eucalyptus, Acacia, Isopogon, Allocasuarina and Melaleuca, and the vegetation of their habitat is highly variable, including open woodlands, low and tall shrubland, mallee and heath in open to dense arrangements of plants.[3]

After being identified in 1951, the species was known by five specimens until the region's survey and collection of mammals was begun by the state's museum in 1971.[3]

Conservation[modifier | modifier le code]

The conservations status of the species was assessed as near threatened in 2016, with a declining population in an area of occupancy less than 200 km2. The fragmented populations inhabit remnants of its preferred habitat, estimated from earlier surveys to be greater than 10 and a decline less than 30% in three generations. Loss of habitat and a anthropogenic climate change is expected to impact upon the species population trajectory.[2]

Références[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. a b et c G. H. H. Tate, « Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 65. The rodents of Australia and New Guinea. », Bulletin of the AMNH, vol. 97, no 4,‎ , p. 183–430 [246] (hdl 2246/1060)
  2. a b c et d Modèle:Cite iucn
  3. a b c et d D. Kitchener, « Complete book of Australian mammals. The national photographic index of Australian wildlife », dans R. Strahan, {{Article encyclopédique}} : paramètre encyclopédie manquant, London, Angus & Robertson, , 414–415 p. (ISBN 0207144540), « Western Mouse Pseudomys ocidentalis »
  4. (en) « Species Pseudomys occidentalis Tate, 1951 Western Mouse », sur Australian Faunal Directory
  5. (en) Ian Abbott, « Aboriginal names of mammal species in south-west Western Australia », CALMScience, vol. 3, no 4,‎ , p. 438
  6. a et b Pseudomys occidentalis. Western Australia Government.
  7. a et b (en) P.W. Menkhorst et F. Knight, A field guide to the mammals of Australia, Melbourne, 3rd, (ISBN 9780195573954), p. 196
  • (en) Baillie, J. 1996. Pseudomys occidentalis. 2011 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 23 September 2011.
  • (en) Musser, G. G. and M. D. Carleton. 2005. Superfamily Muroidea. pp. 894–1531 in Mammal Species of the World a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder eds. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

{{portail|mammifères|Australie-Occidentale}} Catégorie:Faune endémique d'Australie-Occidentale Catégorie:Rongeur (nom scientifique) Catégorie:Muridae