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Virginie Maire (born on 1977 in France) is an entrepreneur, expert on media economics and creation.

She founded, in 2014, the MCN Finder Studio[1], a subsidiary (now sold to TF1 Group and Prosieben to become Studio 71[2]) of the production company Makever, which supported over 150 talents. Since 2019, she is the co-founder, with Matthieu Viala, of Sybel, a streaming platform for audio contents (series, documentaries, children's stories, etc.) for all audiences and accessible on Android and IOS. And more recently, she co-developed a start-up with Matthieu Viala, as experts in Creator Economy, a start-up named Frak, a DeFi protocol which permits to Creators and Consumers to gain profits thanks to an innovative economic model

Biography[modifier | modifier le code]

Education[modifier | modifier le code]

At the end of an Economical, Management and Marketing school course, Virginie soon found her place in the offices of Le Parisien magazine in 2004 where she stayed for three years. She, among other projects, worked on diverse ad campaigns and developed her communication competences.

And after a one-year trip to Philadelphia for a project in the Love Park, she shortly joined the offices of Marie Claire on her return[3].

Beginnings at M6 Web[modifier | modifier le code]

In 2008, she joined the French multi-media group M6 Web in which her goal was to diversify the group's sources of income with start-ups.

"That's where I met a lot of entrepreneurs and where I learned a lot."[4]

In a context where the YouTube platform was just starting, Virginie and the M6 Web group decided to take a look at it,[5] seeing a totally innovative niche, product placements. Always been invested in culture and lifestyle content creators, she became the head of the creative MCN (Multi Channel Network) lifestyle in M6 Web. She discovered new talents such as the now known Marie (EnjoyPhoenix), and made her sign into the M6’s program: Rose carpet [6].

Finder Studios[modifier | modifier le code]

After 5 years, she decided to create her own MCN, named Finder Studios which brought together more than 150 youtubers specialized in Lifestyle or Humor.

Finder Studios offers original creations or videos from the all their YouTubers around 5 global themes (Beauty, Cooking, Humor, Men and Kids)[7], and still ensuring the quality and care of their production.

Her motto was and still remains to let content creators’ creativity flourish and let them find their own specialty. Her role was to grow their revenue streams on every platform. But also, to make them gain credibility and respect from brands in a time where it was a brand-new business.

She developed production, derived products and even events. In fact, she set up the organization of two shows dedicated to female youtubers, beauty and fashion, the Get Beauty[8], which became a real phenomenon.

But eventually, the MCN was sold[9] to TF1 Publicity in 2017 which made her focus about a new project in the continuity of her ideas: Podcasts.

Sybel[modifier | modifier le code]

In the late 2010’s, podcasts were trending in the United States. In France, this concept was not an economic model even though creators were involving time and production for their content. She wanted to develop an economic model in the French Podcast market so that this industry would be equally rewarded as it is for any other content creator platform.

And in 2018, Virginie Maire and Matthieu Viala (her co-founder) started to develop a platform to offer real fiction in podcast form: Sybel[10].

Launched in may 2019, Sybel is an audio content platform for all audiences that offers audio series of all kinds (comedy, education, fiction, horror, fantasy), documentaries or stories for children. The platform offers audio programs available in French, Spanish and more recently in English. It quickly reached 1 million subscribers which made the platform initiate a premium subscription model mid-2020. These subscriptions are available directly on the stores (iOS, Android) and on the web.

The platform, often referred to as the "Le Netflix de l’audio"[11], builds its catalogue, for the most part, by purchasing licenses from rights holders and by financing original audio series as line producers.

At this stage, the co-founders, who are already leaders in the creator economy, are seeking to push the limits of the economy in culture and media.

Frak[modifier | modifier le code]

In this incremental logic, during the summer 21, they set up the development of a smart contract on the Web3 to share the revenues from Sybel’s subscriptions equally among all podcasters. And one thing leading to another, the possibility of creating a real economy in the Web3 ( a token economy) for all creation[12].

And along with this project comes the appropriate technology: cryptocurrency and Web3.

“The Frak Protocol is the world’s first Consumption-based DeFi Protocol, designed to align the interests of creators and their community by more fairly distributing the value of content.”[13]

Centralized commissioning in the cultural world often leads to censorship, Frak Protocol aims to break away from this centralization. By using the Blockchain technology, Frak is the development of a DeFi system which would permit every value creator to be equally rewarded. In Q3 2022, the team announced the launch of the Frak protocol.

By investing in derivatives, named "Fraktions", tied to a specific content, users can earn a yield based on their consumption. Frak relies on a Proof-of-Consumption (PoC) consensus mechanism for processing transaction.

Fraktions are derivatives that are tied to specific content, such as a YouTube channel. The yield of these derivatives depends on three factors: the consumption of the content by the derivative owner, the consumption by the entire community of derivative owners, and the consumption by referees (people whom the derivative owner shared the content with).

Appearances[modifier | modifier le code]

She is a member of the association PFDM (Pour le Femmes Dans les Médias)[14], and have also been a Mentor of it during the year 2021-2022.

In June 2022, she was a host at the Paris Radio Show[15], a platform for privileged meetings that brings together all the players in all the Radio and Digital Audio professions, where she discussed about the Podcast market.

In June 2022, she attended the Viva Technology event[16], Europe's biggest startup and tech event, with Matthieu Viala to present the platform Sybel.

References[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. " Virginie Maire" sur (consulté le 3 mars 2023)
  2. "Studio 71 France: c’est parti !" sur Pub (consulté le 3 mars 2023)
  3. "Virginie Maire, à l'écoute" sur (consulté le 3 mars 2023)
  4. "Virginie Maire" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  5. Sophie Jacolin et Virginie Maire, « Le monde fascinant des stars du digital » Accès libre, sur cairn info, (consulté le )
  6. " Rose Carpet: c'est qui, c'est quoi?" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  7. « Finder Studio : 5 thématiques qui s’adressent à tous les publics ! » on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  8. "[Les youtubeuses mode et beauté tiennent un salon devant des ados en transe]" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  9. "TF1 signe un partenariat avec Finder Studio" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  10. "Sybel, la plateforme de podcast spécialisée dans la fiction sonore" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  11. "Sybel, le Netflix du podcast décolle" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  12. " La plateforme Sybel se convertit au Web3" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  13. "The Frak Protocol" on (consulted on march 3rd 2023)
  14. « Official site of PDFM », sur PFDM (consulté le )
  15. « Paris Radio Show - Page d'accueil », sur (consulté le )
  16. (en) « ★ 2023 Edition | Viva Technology ★ », sur (consulté le )

External links[modifier | modifier le code]