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The World Day for The End of Fishing

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The World Day for The End of Fishing (WoDEF) is an international campaign lauched by animal rights activists demanding the end of fishing practices. It takes place the fourth Saturday of March every year[1].

The campaign was born in Switzerland and France in 2016 and took an international turn in 2017. It was first launched by the association Pour L'Égalité Animal (PEA)[2].

Over the years and around the world lots of actions were organized for the WoDEF : street protests, sit-ins, screenings, conferences, fish counts, workshops, exhibitions, etc. in order to bring awareness to fish pain, sentience and fish intelligence.

In 2017, for its first edition, the event occured in many cities around the world : in Lorient[3], Paris, Valence, Lyon, Lille, Montpellier, Saint Malo, Rennes (France), Geneva[4], Lausanne (Swiss), Brussells, Namur, Charleroi (Belgium), Montreal, Toronto (Canada), Stuttgart, Vogelsberg, Siegen, Hannover, Göttingen, Hamburg, Berlin (Germany), Lisbonne (Portugal), Tel Aviv, Haifa (Israel), Melbourne (Australia), San Diego et Monterey Bay (United States)[5].

In 2018, for its second edition, the event occurend once again internationally : in Canada, Australia, Belgium, Swiss, Peru, Sweden, United States, Germany, Japan, Brazil, France, Denmark, Mexico, United Kingdom and Panama[6].

Also, in 2018, an open letter signed by dozens of philosophers and scientists, including Stevan Harnard, Peter Singer, Valéry Giroux, Sue Donaldson, Will Kymlicka and Elise Desaulniers, was published in Le Nouveau Magazine Litérraire in order to highlight the WoDEF.[7]

In 2019, for its third edition, activists from 269 Life France pierced their cheeks with fish hooks in a street protest for the WoDEF.[8]

Their Claims

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The organizers of the Word Day for the End of Fishing demand the abolition of all kinds of fishing practices for fish, crustaceans and cephalopods : the end of aquaculture, industrial or wild fishing, the use of marine animals as domestic pets and in scientific experiments, in antispeciesist perspective[9].


  1. « The World Day and the “Another Perspective on Fish” campaign - World day for the end of fishing », sur (consulté le )
  2. « The World Day and the “Another Perspective on Fish” campaign - World day for the end of fishing », sur (consulté le )
  3. « Vegan. La souffrance des poissons dénoncée », sur Le Telegramme, (consulté le )
  4. www rjb ch, RJB, Radio Jura Bernois, « Une journée pour sensibiliser au carnage mondial des poissons », sur (consulté le )
  5. « Succès pour la première Journée mondiale dédiée aux poissons - Association PEA - Pour l'Égalité Animale », sur (consulté le )
  6. « Des militants réclament la fin de la pêche », sur La Presse, (consulté le )
  7. « Halte au carnage des poissons », sur (consulté le )
  8. (en) « Activists in France pierce cheeks to mark world day to end fishing », sur RFI, (consulté le )
  9. « Why should we stop fishing? - World day for the end of fishing », sur (consulté le )