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Personnages principaux[modifier | modifier le code]

Ce sont les héros des romans des séries Honor Harrington et L'univers d'Honor Harrington. Cette seconde série, spin off de la première, est cependant plus collégiale que dotée d'un seul héros en particulier.

Honor Harrington[modifier | modifier le code]

Honor Harrington , Lady Dame Honor Stephanie Alexander-Harrington de son nom complet. Duchesse Harrrington, en charge du duché du même nom situé sur la planète (Gryphon), seigneur Harrington de (Grayson). Recipiendaire de la Médaille Parlementaire du Courage (HH10), Monarch's Thanks (HH3, HH11); première et unique récipiendaire de l'Etoile de Grayson (HH2), la seconde à avoir jamais été décernée deux fois. Chevalier Grand Cross of the Order of King Roger (HH11), Captain of HMS Unconquered (HH11). premier membre féminin, et second officier le plus gradé de la flotte militaire graysonnienne. Amiral des Rouge et Commandant de la huitième flotte de la RMN. Amiral de la flotte de la GSN, Commandant en titre de l'escadre du protecteur. Femme de Hamish Alexander-Harrington et d'Emily Alexander-Harrington Havre Blanc. Mère des deux enfants du groupe familial, quoique mère biologique d'un seul. Apparait dans les livres HH1-HH11, Dances on Clouds SKM Treecat name for Honor Harrington.

Nimitz[modifier | modifier le code]

Nimitz, également nommé "Rit gaiement" de son nom sylvestre est le chat sylvestre d'Honor Harrington avec lequel elle a développé une liaison empathique particulièrement profonde depuis leur adoption réciproque lors de la 14e année d'Honor. En raison de ce lien, il l'a accompagné à l'Académie Navale de Saganami, puis tout le long de sa carrière, à l'exception de leur emprisonnement à bord du Tepes, le navire de Cordelia Ransom, lors des évènements de . Les blessures qu'il a reçue lors de cet épisode lui ont interdit toute communication télépathique avec les autres chats sylvestre, ce qui a entraîné le développement de la communication gestuelle entre les espèces humaines et sylvestre. Compagnon de Samantha, père de Jason, Achille, Andromède et Cassandre, élevés sur Grayson suite à l'émigration d'une partie du clan de Nimitz, le Clan de l'Eau Vive.

Michelle Henke[modifier | modifier le code]

Lady Michelle Henke (Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn Winton-Henke ), Cousine germaine de la reine Elisabeth Winton et cinquième dans l'ordre de succession. Comtesse du Pic-d'Or à la suite de l'assassinat de son père et de son frère, compagne de chambrée d'Honor à l'académie, XO du HMS Nike; capitaine du HMS Agni; Contre-amiral des Rouges et commandant de l'escadre de Battlecruiser au sein de la Huitième flotte; fut brièvement prisonnière de guerre sur Havre. Apparaît dans HH3, HH4, HH8-HH11 Puis Contre-Amiral, CO 10th Fleet, SI2 Rear Admiral, CO, battlecruiser squadron 81. Later vice admiral.SI2. Son premier stewart personnel, Clarissa Arbuckle meurt lors de la Bataille de Solon(SI2, Ch. 8). Elle est remplacée par Chris Billingsley Maître Stewart physiquement à l'opposé de Clarissa, approximativement de l'âge de James MacGuiness, il a reçu le traitement prolong de première génération, solidement bâti, compact, avec une barbe luxuriante qu'il laisse pousser depuis sa capture. Il est ce que le service décrit comme un personnage. Il sait ou se trouvent les plus proches jeux de hasard ou les plus proche distilleries. has "a checkered past," always popular with the officers he served under and the enlisted personnel he served with.||SI2, Ch. 4 Gold Peak, Admiral||_||see: Henke, Michelle.||SI2 |- |Gold Peak, Countess||_||see: Henke, Michelle.||SI2

Aivars Terekhov[modifier | modifier le code]

Aivars Aleksovitch Terekhov, Capitaine de la flotte royale de Manticore. CO, HMS Hexapuma.||SI1; SI2, Ch. 5 Lorsqu'il apparaît dans les romans, il reprend un poste de commandant de vaisseaux après une blessure . Avant son affectation sur le HMS Hexapuma, il est en effet lourdement blessé en service lors d'une bataille navale d'une extrême violence. A la suite de sa prise de fonction, le HMS Hexapuma est envoyé dans le quadrant de Talbot alors en cours d'annexion au royaume. Aivars Therekhov ayant une longue expérience diplomatique, ses supérieurs espèrent qu'elle se révèlera utile lors des négociations avec les gournements du Quadrant.

Victor Cachat[modifier | modifier le code]

Victor Cachat Jeune officier du Service de Sécurité de la république populaire. Il devient, sous la direction de Kevin Usher, un membre de la résistance au régime de Pierre et de Saint Just, ainsi qu'un participant majeur à l'Incident Manpower sur Terre. Très loyal envers la République de Havre, Il est l'un de ses agents les plus capables. En tant qu'agent non officiel de l' Agence Fédérale d'Investigation de Havre, Il est profondément impliqué dans les évènements qui ont menés à la libération des esclaves de Vert-Site sur la planète Congo, et à la création du royaume de Torche. Il est ensuite transféré à la FIS et nommé Chef de Secteur en Erewhon pour les Services Secrets de Havre. Il travaille alors conjointement avec l'ex-capitaine manticorien Anton Zilwiki, et effectue avec lui une incursion sur Mesa. Il est, depuis les évènements de Torche, en couple avec Thandi Palane, ex-lieutenant des fusilliers de la FLS et Commandant en chef des forces armées de Torche.

Anton Zilwicki[modifier | modifier le code]

Anton Zilwicki Capitaine. Mari de Helene Zilwicki (décédée). Ex-espion, retiré du service. Père de Hélène Zilwicki, Lieutenant de la flotte de Manticore, et père adoptif de Lars, et Berry Zilwicki. {voir aussi: Catherine Montaigne}. Anton apparaît pour la première fois lors des évènements d'"une guerre victorieuse et brève ", lorsque sa fille Hélène et lui assistent impuissant à la mort au combat de leur épouse et mère. En effet, le capitaine Hélène Zilwicki s'est sacrifiée pour protéger le convoi de vaisseaux dans lequel ils voyageaient de l'attaque de vaisseaux guerre de la république de Havre. Anton Zilwicki est natif des Highlands de Gryphon et, à l'image de tous les natifs de cette planète, il exprime une profonde aversion pour l'aristocratie, en particulier celle du royaume de Manticore. Après son apparition initiale, on le retrouve dans une nouvelle, non traduite, Changer of Worlds - From the Highlands (Honorverse anthology #3) en tant que capitaine membre du service de renseignement de la flotte royale de Manticore, en poste à l'ambassade Manticorienne auprès de la ligue, sur la planète Terre. Les évènements qui se déroulent alors, lors desquels Zilwicki s'associe avec les terroristes du Théâtre Audubon, conduisent l'amirauté à le retirer du service actif et à le placer en demi solde. Son action sur Terre génère un scandale politique sur Manticore et la destruction du quartier général de la corporation mesane Manpower Incorporated sur Terre. Bien que sa spécialité soit l'espionnage electronique, il a également montré d'indéniable capacité d'infiltration et de travail sous couverture. Il est l'amant de Catherine Montaigne, Comtesse Manticorienne du Tor, ainsi qu'une activiste anti esclavage particulièrement réputée par ailleurs figure proéminente du parti Libéral Manticorien. (see: Crown of Slaves).}}||HH3, HH10, HH11, HHA3, WS01

Berry Zilwicki KT. Fille adoptive d'Anton Zilwicki. Reine de Torche HHA3, HH11, WS01.

Lars Zilwicki RMN Fils adoptif d'Anton Zilwicki, frère biologique de Berry Zilwicki. HHA3, WS01, WS02.

Helen Zilwicki RMN. Capitaine De la flotte de Manticore. Tuée au combat au début de la guerre contre Havre, recipiendaire e la Parliamentary Medal of Valor. Elle est la mère de Hélène Zilwicki. HH3

Helen Zilwicki RMN. Fille d'Anton et de Helen Zilwicki. Enseigne. Served her Middie cruise aboard the HMS Hexapuma. She is the daughter of Captain Anton Zilwicki and the late Captain Helen Zilwicki. Her adopted siblings are Berry Zilwicki and Larens ("Lars") Zilwicki. Her de facto stepmother is Catherine Montaigne, former Countess of the Tor. Helen's first appearance was as a 4-year old girl in The Short Victorious War, when her mother sacrificed herself and her ship to protect the convoy Helen and Anton were escaping in. Helen Sr was posthumously awarded the Parliamentary Medal of Valor (the Manticoran equivalent of a Victoria Cross or the Medal of Honor). She subsequently appeared at age 14 in From the Highlands. She was kidnapped and held for ransom by slavers in the catacombs under Chicago. An expert in Neue-Stil Handgemenge, she killed three men barehanded after escaping, and saved the lives of Berry and Lars. Helen also appeared in War of Honor where she was attending the Saganami Naval Academy. She had a brief appearance in Crown of Slaves, a book which mostly concerned Anton and Berry's adventures on Erewhon and Torch. The Shadow of Saganami had Helen as a major character. She served as a Midshipwoman (an Honorverse variant of Midshipman) aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma, under the command of Captain Aivars Terekhov. Her Officer Candidate Training Officer was Lieutenant (junior grade) Abigail Hearns. She developed a romantic interest in Paulo d'Arezzo, a fellow midshipman. She is effectively Crown Princess (Heiress Presumptive) of Torch according to the Torch constitution. She is the oldest sibling of her sister Queen Berry, who currently has no children. HH3, HH10, HHA3, WS01, SI1

Personnages récurrents[modifier | modifier le code]

Les personnages qui interviennent dans deux ou plus tomes des deux séries.

Les proches d'Honor Harrington[modifier | modifier le code]

La famille d'Honor Harrington[modifier | modifier le code]

Dr. Alfred Harrington Neurochirurgien et officier médicale en retraite. père d'Honor Harrington, diplomé de la Semmelweiss University, Officier médical de la FRM, il deviendra chef du service neurologie du centre médical de la flotte le centre médical Basington. Neurochirurgien privé après son départ à la retraite, il ouvre une clinique sur Grayson dans le fief de sa fille. Il a épousé Allison Benton-Ramirez y Chou Harrington, plus connue sous le nom de Allison Harrington, généticienne native de Beowulf. Elle est membre de l'une des plus illustres dynasties médicales de sa planète d'origine et l'un de ses ancêtres direct à signé la convention de Cherwell contre l'esclavage génétique. D'autres ont travaillés à la réparation des dégats génétiques causés par la Guerre Finale sur la Terre, en particulier les expériences de super-hommes ukrainniennes. La mère d'Honor, ainsi que de Faith et James, ses jeunes frères et soeur, se caractérise par un physique remarquable et un caractère particulièrement sans-gène envers les conventions sociales de Beowulf, Manticore ou Grayson. Faith et James sont jumeaux. Faith, la jeune soeur d'Honor à été brièvement Seigneur Harrington durant la période où Honor était officiellement décédée, suite à sa fausse éxécution par les Havriens. D'autres membres de la famille d'Harrington sont mentionnés dans les livres. Parmi eux, Devon Harrington, le cousin germain d'Honor et son héritier avant la naissance des jumeaux. En conséquence, il deviendra, après la fausse éxécution d'Honor, le second comte Harrington, ce qui, selon lui, ne fera que le gêner dans ses études d'historien.

Jacques Chou Honor Harrington's maternal uncle. A resident of Beowulf and a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. An old time powder weapon "gun nut" who taught his niece much about the handling of obsolete hand weapons such as the M1911 Mentioned in HH6

Doctor Jennifer Chou Honor Harrington's maternal grandmother Mentioned in HH7

Une grande partie de la famille Harrington, dont Devon Harrington, disparaît lors de la destruction de Yawata lors des évènements de " . Parmi les rares survivants du clan familial, outre la famille proche d'Honor, se trouvent l'oncle qui a formé aux anciennes armes à feu et la fille (cadette?) de Devon Harrington. Cette dernière devient à son tour comtesse Harrington.

Hamish Alexander[modifier | modifier le code]

Hamish Alexander également connu comme Lord Hamish Alexander, Comte de Havre-blanc, Amiral de la flotte en retraite, actuellement Premier Lord de l'Amirauté (Commandement civil du Service Naval) précédemment commandant de la 8e flotte, de la 6e et autres. Il possède également le rang d'Amiral de la flotte dans la marine spatiale Graysonienne. Epoux de Emily Alexander et Frère de Lord William Alexander HH1-HH11

William & Emily Alexander Lady Emily Alexander Comtesse Havre Blanc. Première femme de Hamish Alexander. Actrice Holodrame célèbre, rendue impotente à la suite d'un grave accident. Également une poète et productrice respectée. Quoique vivant retirée depuis son accident, elle poursuit auprès de son mari une carrière d'activiste politique. Son accident l'a laissé totalement invalide, son corps, à l'instar de celui d'Honor, refusant toute greffe ou thérapie de régénération. HH10-HH11 Prime Minister William Alexander Lord William McNeish, Premier Baron Grandville. Premier Ministre de Manticore, à la tête du parti centriste et précédent leader de l'opposition. A servi en tant que Chancelier de l'Echiqiuer, c'est à dire comme ministre des finances, durant l'Administration Cromarty. Frère cadet de d'Hamish Alexander. Crée Baron Grandville à son accession au poste de Premier ministre. NOTE: 'McNeish' is spelled 'MacLeish' in HH1, Ch. 22. (Baron Grantville)||-||See Prime Minister William Alexander

Paul Tankersley[modifier | modifier le code]

Paul TankersleyRMN Lointaine relation (préciser) de Michelle Henke, second du capitaine Pavel Young lors des évènements du roman "Basilic". Après son affectation sur le Sorcier, il est transféré sur et devient officier radoubeur. Honor et lui tombent amoureux et développent une liaison sérieuse. Il crée pour Nimitz, la première combinaison spatiale pour chat sylvestre. Il est tué par le duelliste professionnel Dever Summervale sur l'ordre de Pavel Young.
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 6: "...He was short, the crown of his head just topping Honor's shoulder, but solid and chunky, and his dark hair, longer than current fashion decreed, was drawn back in a neat ponytail under his black beret. His cuffs bore the same four gold rings as her own, but his collar carried the four gold pips of a junior grade captain, not the single planet of a captain of the list,... ...Tankersley's voice was deeper than she remembered, rumbling about in his chest..."HH1, HH3, HH4.

James 'Mac' MacGuiness[modifier | modifier le code]

James 'Mac' MacGuinessRMN Steward personnel d'Honor Harrington. Il démissionne de la flotte à la suite de la capture et de la fausse exécution d'Honor. Il est, à ce moment majordome en chef du manoir Harrington sur Grayson. Il est également le tuteur légal des chats sylvestre de Grayson.

Andrew LaFollet[modifier | modifier le code]

Andrew LaFolletHSG Major de la garde seigneuriale du seigneur Harrington. Ami proche et longtemps Homme d'arme personnel d'Honor. Il est promu lieutenant-colonel et devient le garde du corps personnel du fils d'Honor. Il meurt à ce poste lors de la destruction de la ville de Yawata, après avoir sauvé la vie de son pupille et des parents d'Honor. Jennifer LaFolletGRNourrice et gouvernante des jeunes frère et soeur de Honor Harrington. Cousine de Miranda et d'Andrew Lafollet Miranda LaFolletGRSoeur d'Andrew LaFollet. Cousine de Jennifer LaFollet. Femme de chambre et assistante personnelle d'Honor Harrington. Première Graysonnienne à se lier avec un chat sylvestre. Décède lors de la destruction de la ville de Yawata. James CandlessHSGHonor Harrington's second most senior armsman. Took a rear guard post during Honor's extration from special confinement and was killed protecting her aboard PNS Tepes before it was destroyedHH4-HH7

Rafael "Rafe" Cardones[modifier | modifier le code]

Cardones, Rafael "Rafe"RMNFormerly assistant tactical officer and later tactical officer aboard HMS heavy cruiser Fearless (CL-56) and it's subsequent replacement Fearless (CA-286), seconded temporarily to ONI for sub rosa project in Silesia, tactical officer aboard HMS Nike, executive officer of HMAMS Wayfarer, all under Honor Harrington. Commander of LAC carrier Werewolf, commander of superdreadnought Imperator as Honor Harrington's flag captain with the rank of Captain (Senior Grade), personally saved from assassination by HH; close personal and official friend of HH.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 6: "...a tall, dark-haired commander walked through it. He was built on long and lean lines, with a hawk-like nose and a ready smile. The breast of his tunic bore the white-barred blue ribbon of the Order of Gallantry and the red and white ribbon of the Saganami Cross, and, like Honor herself, the blood-red stripe of the Monarch's Thanks marked his right sleeve. He looked decidedly on the young side, even for a prolong recipient, to have acquired two of the Star Kingdom's four top medals for valor...".HH1, HH3, HH4, HH6, HH8, HH9, HH10, HHA4

Alistair McKeon[modifier | modifier le code]

Alistair McKeon||RMN||Rear Admiral of the Red. HH Executive Officer aboard the light cruiser, Fearless (CL-56, not CA-286). Captain of Troubador, Prince Adrian. Captured and sent to Hades with HH. Killed in the Battle of Manticore.
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 1: ...tall, heavyset exec... ...His gray eyes ...||HH1-HH4, HH7-HH11

Andreas Venizelos[modifier | modifier le code]

Andreas Venizelos RMN The slim Venizelos served under Honor Harrington as Lieutenant and tac officer aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56) and as Lieutenant Commander and XO aboard HMS Fearless (CA 286). Was later promoted to Commander and given command of the light cruiser HMS Apollo, and eventually become HH's chief of staff when she assumed command of Battlecruiser Squadron 18 of Admiral White Haven's Eighth Fleet. Catured aboard HMS Prince Adrian and died helping Honor escape from Tepes. HH1, HH2, HH4, HH7, HHA4

Mercedes Brigham[modifier | modifier le code]

RMN et GSN, Commodore, RMN Rear Admiral, GSN Admiral Harrington's chief of staff. Previously served as ship's Sailing Master aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56 (probably not also CA-286)), executive officer aboard HMS Madrigal and staff officer for the Grayson Navy. Spent a short, but brutal period as a Masadan prisoner of war. Desc. from HH1, Ch. 4: ...Lieutenant Mercedes Brigham sat facing Blanding, as if she'd been placed deliberately to accentuate the contrast between them. Blanding was young and fair; Brigham was almost old enough to be Honor's mother, with dark, weathered-looking skin... ...yet her comfortable, lived-in face normally wore an air of quiet competence, though she had to know she would never advance beyond her present rank after so long in grade. And if she was as withdrawn as the others, at least she didn't seem physically afraid of her captain.HH1, HH2, HH5, HH9, HH10

Warner Caslet[modifier | modifier le code]

PN, GSN Captain, GSN Citizen Commander, PN Former Havenite naval officer who defected to Manticore aboard Tepes before it was destroyed. Entered service in the GSN's Protector's Own Squadron. Formerly CO of PNS Vaubon and Citizen Admiral Thomas Theisman's operations officer. Desc. from HH6, Ch. 30: small|"...Hazel eyes..."HH5-HH10

Prescott "Scotty" David Tremaine[modifier | modifier le code]

Sir Horace Harkness[modifier | modifier le code]

Sir Horace Harkness RMN Chief Warrant Officer, recipient of the PMV for his work on Tepes assisting the Manticoran party to escape undetected to the surface of Hades. Married to Iris Babcock. Specialist in flight ops after meeting Ensign Tremaine. Mentored Prescott Tremaine and Aubrey Wanderman. Formerly a long serving non-com with a spotty record for brawling with Marines and a number of less than above concerning smuggling and such. Now reformed (more or less) HH1, HH6-HH12

Andrea Jaruwalski[modifier | modifier le code]

Andrea Jaruwalski RMN Tactical officer aboard HMS Hadrian. Career nearly destroyed by Admiral Elvis Santino {deceased} (HH8). "Rehabilitated" by Honor Harrington at Saganami Island (HH9). Eighth Fleet Operations Officer. HH8, HH9 Ch. 11+, HH11

Clinkscales, CarsonGSNHoward Clinkscales' nephew and a Grayson naval officer. Served under Honor Harrington as her flag lieutenant. Incredibly clumsy at first. Captured with Commodore Harrington aboard Prince Adrian and sent to Hades. Served with distinction in the escape from the Tepes. As of HH11, holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander.HH7, HH8

Howard ClinkscalesGRGrayson's Minister of Security and First Regent of Harrington Steading. Began his career as armsman for Protector Benjamin's grandfather, later went on to head Planetary Security. CEO of Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd. Died of old age, succeeded as regent by his son Austen.HH2, HH4, HH5, HH7-HH11

Courvosier, Raoul RMN Admiral of the Green, considered to be one of the greatest military minds of his time ("cherubic little gnome of a man with a bent for creating demonic tac problems"). Mentor to Honor Harrington, friend and mentor to Admiral Bachfisch. Former tactics instructor of Advanced Tactics at Saganami Island Naval Academy. Later assigned to the Foreign Office. He died when his squadron was ambushed by Alfredo Yu during the First Battle of Yeltsin.
Descr. at HH2, Ch. _- "...level blue eyes, ...cherub face..."HH1; HH2

Henri Dessouix - ? - SEE: Henri Benson-Dessouix HH8, Ch. 12 & 22

Les chefs d'Etat[modifier | modifier le code]

Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore[modifier | modifier le code]

Ariel SKM Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore's treecat.HH6

Protector Benjamin Mayhew IX[modifier | modifier le code]

Alexandra Mayhew||GR||Benjamin Mayhew's daughter||HH9

|Protector Bernard III Mayhew||GR||(assassinated Protector of Grayson, early history)||

|Cyrus the Weak||GR||(early Mayhew family Protector of Grayson, imprisoned)||

|Elaine Mayhew||GR||(Benjamin Mayhew's second wife) Mother of Jeanette and Honor Mayhew.||HH2, HH5, HH8, HH9, HH11

|Jared Mayhew||GR||Second Maccabeus. Minister of Industry prior to the Mayhew Restoration. Second in line for the Protectorship, prior to the attempted Maccabeus coup.||HH2

|Jeanette Mayhew||GR||(Benjamin Mayhew's daughter through Elaine)||HH5, HH8, HH9, HH11

|Katherine Mayhew||GR||(grayson) Protector Benjamins senior wife, effectively the Queen Consort of Grayson.||HH2, HH4, HH7, HH8, HH9, HH11

|Jasper Mayhew||GR||Lieutenant (Senior-Grade)||HH7-HH9

|Michael Mayhew||GR||Younger brother of Benjamin Mayhew IX||HH2, HH3

|Oliver Mayhew||GR||Father of Jared Mayhew. First Maccabeus.||HH2

|Protector Oliver IV Mayhew||GR||(assassinated Protector of Grayson, early history)||

|Lord Oliver Mayhew||GR||(Mayhew steadholder (first Protector?), early Grayson history)||

|Protector Benjamin II Mayhew||GR||(assassinated Protector of Grayson, early history)||

|Protector Benjamin IV Mayhew (Benjamin the Great)||GR||Grayson early history, sole escapee of Bancroft's assassinations. Expelled Faithful to Masada||

|Protector Benjamin Mayhew IX||GR||Current Protector of Grayson and ally of HH and by extension, Queen Elizabeth and the Star Kingdom of Manticore||

|Protector John II Mayhew||GR||(early grayson history)||

|Theresa Mayhew||GR||Benjamin Mayhew's daughter through Katherine||HH5

Héloïse Pritchard[modifier | modifier le code]

President Eloise Pritchart||RH||PRHN Admiral Javier Giscard's Peoples Commissioner, former Aprilist opponent of the RH regime, (twin sister Estelle brutally killed in the streets of Nouveau Paris). Very close relationship with Giscard, concealed from StateSec and most others. After the Theisman coup, became President of the revived (pre-Legislaturalist) Republic of Haven.||HH6, HH8-HH11, HHA3, HHA4 |- |Estelle Pritchart||PRH||sister to Eloise Pritchart. Killed, inspiring Eloise Pritchart to join the CRU||HH6

Emperor Gustav Anderman XI[modifier | modifier le code]

Andermien, Emperor Gustav XI. Current Emperor of the Andermani EmpireMentioned in HH6 Prince Huang AndermanAEPrince. Younger brother to Emperor Gustav XI. Victim of assassination attempt by Col. Hofschulte. One of his children diedMentioned in HH10

Abruzzi, Malachai[modifier | modifier le code]

Solarien. Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Education and Information, Solarian League (back on Old Earth). One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions. (See also Innokentiy Arsenovich Kolokoltsov, Omosupe Quartermain, Nathan MacArtney, and Agatá Wodoslawski) SI2, Ch. 47

Omosupe Quartermain Solarian, Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Commerce (back on Old Earth). One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions. Unlike the other four, she had spent twenty years in the private sector before joining the Solarian bureaucracy. (See also Innokentiy Arsenovich Kolokoltsov, Nathan MacArtney, and Malachai Abruzzi and Agatá Wodoslawski) SI2, Ch. 47

Albrecht Detweiler[modifier | modifier le code]

ME Chairman and CEO of Manpower Incorporated The apparent Mesan chief executive, is possibly the descendant of Leonard Detweiler (who was a major proponent of genetic engineering and an opponent of the Cherwell Convention.) Possibly the wealthiest individual in the Honerverse.
(See also Benjamin, Collin, Daniel & Everett Detweiler)||HH11; SI1; SI2, Ch. 10 Benjamin Detweiler||ME||'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of military affairs.||SI2, Ch. 10 Collin Detweiler||ME||'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of intelligence operations||SI2, Ch. 10 Daniel Detweiler||ME||'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated Openly involved with R&D programs; Mesan Alignment director of nongenetic R&D..||SI2, Ch. 10 Evelina Detweiler||ME||Albrecht Detweiler's wife; a senior genetic researcher for the Mesan Alignment.||SI2, Ch. 10 Everett Detweiler||ME||'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated Openly involved with R&D programs; Mesan Alignment director of genetic R&D.||SI2, Ch. 10 Franklin Detweiler||ME||'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of political strategy.||SI2, Ch. 10 Gervais Detweiler||ME||'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of foreign affairs.||SI2, Ch. 10

Oscar Saint-Just||PRH||former 2nd ranking member of PRH Security Service, betrayed RH by coup in partnership with ex-Dolist Legislature member R S Pierre, to found the People's Republic of Haven. Became Chief of State Security (the PRH Gestapo equivalent), survived at least two coup attempts, and the death of all other Committee members in the last to become dictator of the PRH. Killed in a final coup led by Admiral Thomas Theisman.||HH3, HH5, HH7, HH8, HH9, HHA3

Georgia Sakristos||SKM||see also Elaine Komandorski and Lady Georgia Young, Countess of North Hollow. Former employee of Dmitri Young, Earl of North Hollow and later his son Pavel Young. Planned the deaths of Paul Tankersly and Honor Harrington as well as the demise of her former employer and lover. Later married his younger brother, Stefan. Disappeared towards the end of War of Honor after burning down the North Hollow residence. Current whereabouts are unknown.||HH4

Militaires Havriens[modifier | modifier le code]

Thomas Theisman[modifier | modifier le code]

Lester Tourville[modifier | modifier le code]

Shannon Foraker[modifier | modifier le code]

Shannon Foraker||RHN||Vice Admiral, Head of Research and Development for the Havenite Navy. Previously served as tactical officer aboard PNS Vaubon under Citizen Commander Warner Caslet, and as operations officer on the staff of Citizen Admiral Lester Tourville. Single-handedly engineered the destruction of two StateSec naval squadrons. Reputed to have been a single-minded "techno-nerd" and "tac witch" during her early career for her considerable technical prowess. Perhaps most famous for 'Oops!' comment.||HH5-HH10

William 'Five' AndersRH Captain, RH. Member of Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker's staff at BoltholeHH10

Oliver Diamato||PN||Former tactical officer in PNS Schaumberg. Took over command after the death of Schaumberg's Captain Hall and her commissioner during the Second Battle of Hancock Station. After recovery in hospital, reported that the RMN used some new "super LACs" during that battle. His report was discounted for political reasons within much of the PRH Navy's ONI. Later promoted to Citizen Captain and given command of PNS William T. Sherman. After restoration of the Haven Constitution by Admiral Theisman, promoted to Admiral and served during the Battle of Manticore (Operation Beatrice) in a watching brief on the Manticoran Junction.||HH8, HH9, HH11

|Elaine Dumarest||PRH||The PRH's Secretary of War under the Legislaturalist regime. Ally of Admiral Parnell of Haven Naval Intelligence.||HH1, HH3

Fontein, Erasmus||SS||Citizen General, Senior State Security officer assigned as People's Commissioner to Admiral Esther McQueen. Present with the Admiral while she put down the Leveler Revolt. Died with the Admiral when a nuclear device detonated under the Octagon||HH5, HH7-HH9, HHA1, HHA3

Javier Giscard||RH||Citizen Admiral PN; Admiral, RH; assigned to commerce raiding (HH5), High Admiral of the RH. Commanded fleets just before the ceasefire between PRH and SKM, during McQueen's offensive before White Haven nearly won the war militarily before being leased by the cease-fire, and at the beginning of the restoration of hostilities. Assigned Eloise Pritchart as a People's Commissioner, but became her lover and co-conspirator against PRH||HH5, HH6, HH8, HH10, HH11

Militaires Manticoriens[modifier | modifier le code]

Sir Thomas Caparelli[modifier | modifier le code]

Sir Thomas CaparelliRMN, Admiral of the Green, First Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of King Roger. Put on half pay by the High Ridge Administration; reinstated as First Space Lord, when the High Ridge Administration resigned. Desc. from HH3, Ch. 11: |"...a barrel-chested man with a weight-lifter's torso grafted onto a sprinter's legs. Although he was going just a bit to fat these days, the athlete whose bruising, physical style... ...was still recognizable..."HH3-HH10

Abigail Hearns[modifier | modifier le code]

The Hon. Augustus Khumalo[modifier | modifier le code]

Helen Zilwicki & Paulo D'ArezzoRMNMidshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS HexapumaSI1, SI2

FitzGerald, Ansten RMN Commander, executive officer aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma SI1, SI2

Autres[modifier | modifier le code]

Estelle Matsuko[modifier | modifier le code]

Berry Zilwicki[modifier | modifier le code]

Lord Pavel Young[modifier | modifier le code]

W.E.B. Du Havel||KT||Prime Minister of Torch. Former genetic slave of Manpower Unlimited. Distinguished scholar and political scientist who, despite his hatred of the genetic slave trade and his personal vendetta to fight it in his own way, disagrees with the methods of Jeremy X and the Audubon Ballroom. Named himself after W. E. B. Du Bois and Václav Havel.||WS01

Personnages secondaires[modifier | modifier le code]

Joachim Alquezar : TCPremier délégué de San Miguel à la Talbott Constitutional Convention, actionnaire majeur de l'Union Commerciale de Rembrandt, leader du Constitutional Union Party à la Convention. Il est donc un des plus fervents partisans de l'union avec Manticore. Plus tard, après l'annexion, il devient le premier ministre du Talbott Quadrant.SI1, SI2. Il est très grand, plus de deux mètres, mince, et roux. Sa taille vient de la faible gravité de son monde d'origine, qui produit des individus longiligne. Le personnage fait sa première apparition dans L'ombre de Saganami.

Chien-lu Anderman : IANHerzog von Rabenstrange, Grossadmiral. Officier commandant Les forces Andermiennes en Silésie. Cousin de l'empereur Gustav XI, cinquième dans la ligne de succession au trône. HH6, HH10

Anisimovna, AldonaMEMember of the Manpower Incorporated Board of Directors; a senior operative of the Mesan Alignment.SI1, HH11, SI2.

Gervais 'Gwen' ArcherRMNLieutenant Gervais Winton Erwin Neville Archer, or GWEN. Adm. Henke's new Flag Lieutenant. He was on board the Necromancer in the Battle of Solon. {father is Sir Roger Mackley Archer.}
HH commented- "His efficiency reports are top-notch, and I know Captain Cruickshank thought the world of him. He ‘tastes’ a lot like another Tim Mears..." Desc.- "flaming red hair, green eyes, and snub nose... at best an exceedingly remote cousin (of Adm. Henke). "...tallish young man, a good quarter-meter taller than {Helga Boltitz's} own hundred and sixty-two centimeters, although he was nowhere near the height of someone like Alquezar or someone else from San Miguel. He was built more for speed than brute strength..." SI2, Ch. 7 & Ch. 15 Archer, Sir Roger Mackley_"Gwen" Archer's father.SI2

Adelina ArifSKMDoctor. Manticoran linguist who developed a method of communication with the MedusansHH9

Iris BabcockRMMCSergeant Major, wife of Horace Harkness. Served as Sergeant Major of the Marine contingents aboard the heavy cruisers HMS Fearless (probably CA-286, not CD-56) and HMS Prince Adrian. She is an expert in Coup de vitesse and often works out with Honor Harrington. She is 88 Earth years old as of The Honor of the Queen, but her physical age is about 40 due to the prolong process.
Descr. in HH1, Ch. 7: "...from Gryphon, Manticore-B V. ...Babcock was a good twenty centimeters shorter (than Honor Harrington), with a much shorter reach, to boot. She was also just over twice Honor’s age, and ...she was first-generation prolong. The original treatment had stopped the aging process at a much later point than current techniques, and there were strands of gray in her red hair and crows-feet around her eyes...." HH2, HH4, HH6

Thomas BachfischRMNAdmiral, CO of armed merchant ship Pirate's Bane, owner of Pirate's Bane and Ambuscade. Conducts anti-piracy operations in the Silesian Confederacy, as well as working for RMN ONI, and running a small freight line. Honor Harrington's Captain for her midshipwoman cruise. Promoted Harrington to Ensign ahead of her classmates.HH0, HH10, HHA3

Bardasano, IsabelMECadet member of the Jessyk Combine Board of Directors (which is fully owned by Manpower Incorporated); senior intelligence specialist, Mesan Alignment.SI1, HH11, SI2

Henri Benson-DessouixGRBrigadier, formerly a Gaston Marine Lieutenant aboard GNS ship Dague. Captured by Havenite forces during the takeover and imprisoned on Hades. Companion/friend of, then married to Harriet Benson. He functioned as Camp Inferno's chief tailor. Relocated to Grayson after escape from Hades; joined the Grayson MarinesHH8-HH10

Harriet Benson-DessouixGSNRear Admiral, formerly a Captain in the Pegasus System Navy. Captured by Havenite forces during the takeover of Pegasus, and imprisoned on Hades. Entered the Grayson Space Navy after escaping Hades and became CO of the First CLAC Squadron, Protector's OwnHH8, HH9, HH10

Leonard Boardman,

Brentworth, MarkGSNCO Protector's Own Second Battle Squadron. Formerly CO of GNS Jason Alvarez and later of First Battlecruiser SquadronHH2, HH3, HH5, HH10.

Lady Elaine DescroixSKM/MEManticoran Peer of the Realm and leader of the Progressive Party. Became Foreign Secretary in the coalition government headed by Baron High Ridge. Resigns with the entire High Ridge Cabinet after Operation Thunderbolt and departs for Beowulf having diverted several tens of millions of government funds. An agent of sorts for Mesa / Manpower, who arranged that she would never be called to account or to testify.HH4, HH6, HH9, HH10, HH11

Sir John DescroixSKMLady Elaine Descroix's dead husband.HH10

Drazen Divkovic||TC||Cell leader, Freedom Alliance of Kornati.||SI1

Juras Divkovic||TC||Cell leader, Freedom Alliance of Kornati.||SI1

Sir Thomas Caparelli, Genevieve Chin, Howard Clinkscales, Sir Lucien Cortez, Lucy Danvers, Lady Elaine Descroix, Henri Dessouix, Albrecht Detweiler, Oliver Diamato, Sebastian D'Orville, Erasmus Fontein, Adam Gerrick, Javier Giscard, Patricia Givens, Klaus Hauptman, Lady Caitrin Winton-Henke, Sonja Hemphill, Susan Hibson, Everard Honeker, Sir Edward Janáček, , Marissa Turner of New Kiev, Elaine Komandorski (Georgia Sakristos puis Georgia Young), Henri Krietzmann, Theodosia Kuzak, , Denis LePic, Ginger Lewis, Sally MacBride, , Wesley Matthews, Simon Mattingly, Lady Francine Maurier, Esther McQueen, Catherine Montaigne, Fritz Montoya, Willard Neufsteiler, Gregor O'Shaughnessy, The Hon. Michael Oversteegen, Amos Parnell, Robert S. Pierre, Lord Henry Prestwick, President Eloise Pritchart, Tomas Ramirez, Oscar Saint-Just, Mark Sarnow, Prime Minister Allen Summervale, Dame Alice Truman, Kevin Usher, Bernardus Van Dort, Sir James Bowie Webster, Samuel Houston Webster, Jeremy X, Bernard Yanakov, Judah Yanakov, Alfredo Yu, Raoul Courvosier

al-Fanudahi, Daud ibn Mamoun SLN Captain, a Battle Fleet analyst assigned to the Office of Operational Analysis. SI2

Lord William Allen Hillman Fitzclarence||GR||Lord Burdette, Steadholder of Burdette Steading on Grayson and a leader of the extreme conservatives opposed to Protector Benjamin's reforms. Conspired with Steadholder Mueller and others to ruin Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd. by means of sabotage during construction of a school dome in Mueller Steading. Ordered the attempted murder of Honor Harrington by missile attack on her shuttle at Harrington Field. Resulted in the death of Reverend Hanks among others. Killed during a sword duel between the Protector's Champion (HH) on planet wide broadcast from the Council of Steadholders Chamber||HH5 |-

Figurants[modifier | modifier le code]

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Personnages historiques fictifs[modifier | modifier le code]

Emperor Gustav Anderman I AE Emperor Gustav I. Ancient mercenary and founder of the Andermani Empire, author of the military treatise Sternenkrieg. Believed himself to be the reincarnation of Frederick the GreatMentioned in HH6

Emperor Gustav Anderman VI AE Emperor Gustav VI. Emperor of the Andermani Empire. Quietly deposed for insanity (tried to appoint his rose bush as Chancellor)Mentioned in HH6

Emperor Gustav Anderman VII AE Emperor Gustav VII. Actually one of Gustav VI's sisters; succeeded in the fight for the Andermani throne after having herself legally declared as a man. Considered the best emperor the Andermani Empire ever hadMentioned in HH6

Baoyuan Anderman IAN Rank unclear - possibly Admiral. Victor at the Battle of the Farnham SystemHH9

Barbara BancroftGR"The Mother of Grayson", wife of Steadholder Bancroft. Left her husband to warn the Moderates about the Faithful's doomsday weapon, triggering a series of events that led to the end of the Grayson Civil War and the exile of the Bancroft faction to Masada. Known in Masada as the "Harlot of Satan"Mentioned in HH2, HHA4. Jeremiah BancroftGRSteadholder Bancroft, Grayson historical figure; led the Faithful coup to take over the government, killing in the process 53 Steadholders and their heirsMentioned in HH5

Leonard Detweiler

Ellen D'Orville||RMN||One of the Royal Manticoran Navy's greatest naval heroes. An empty crypt at King Michael's Cathedral in Landing honors her.||HH8

DuQuesne, (first name unknown) PRH Havenite politician and architect of the PRH's plans of conquest (aka the DuQuesne Plan) to avoid economic collapse of the Haven welfare state. Military installations and a superdreadnought class are named after him.

Stephanie Harrington||SKM||HH's ancestress. Discovered treecats. First human to bond with a treecat, Lionheart (Climbs Quickly of Bright Water Clan). Only human ever to survive an encounter with a hexapuma armed only with a vibroknife. Youngest human ever to discover an intelligent species. Effective founder of the Sphinx Forestry Service. Drafted the 9th Amendment to the SKM Constitution.||HHA2

Edward Saganami||RMN||Commodore in the RMN leader of a brilliant defense of a merchant convoy in Silesia against a much larger force, during which he lost his ship and his life. Regarded as one of the best fighting officers the RMN has ever had. The first recipient of the PMV, posthumously. His last ship, the cruiser Nike, became the first member of the RMN honor list, meaning that there will always be a ship of that name on the active commissioned roster. 'Buried' in the King Michael's Cathedral, Landing City, as a mark of honor. The RMN Naval Academy is located on Saganami Island.||

Explanation of abbreviations[modifier | modifier le code]

Andermani Empire
Solarian League
IANS Imperial Andermani Naval Ship GSN Grayson Space Navy OFS Office of Frontier Security
INSS Imperial Naval Space Station GNS Grayson Naval Ship SMC Solarian Marine Corps
IAN Imperial Andermani Navy HSG Harrington Steadholders Guard SLN Solarian League Navy
SNS Solarian Naval Ship
Andie other Grayson other Sollie other
Star Kingdom of Manticore
CPS Committee of Public Safety ACS Astro Control Service
CRU Citizen's Rights Union ATC Advanced Tactical Course
CRP Citizens Rights Party CCFA Crown Council Financial Advisory
FIA Federal Investigation Agency HMAMS Her Majesty's Armed Merchant Ship
FIS Foreign Intelligence Service HMS Her Majesty's Ship
InSec Internal Security HMSS Her Majesty's Space Station
PN People's Navy ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
PNS People's Naval Ship RMA Royal Manticoran Army
PM People's Marines RMAIA Royal Manticoran Astrophysics Investigation Agency
RN Republican Navy RMMC Royal Manticoran Marine Corps
RHNS Republic of Haven Naval Ship RMMS Royal Manticoran Merchant Ship
SS State Security RMN Royal Manticoran Navy
PMV Parliamentary Medal of Valor
Peep other Mantie other

Other abbreviations

  • ATO: Assistant Tac Officer
  • CIP: Council for an Independent Prism
  • CO: Commanding Officer
  • COLAC: Commanding Officer, LACs
  • CN: Caliphate (Zanzibaran) Navy
  • CPO: Chief Petty Officer
  • DCC: Damage Control Center
  • ECM: Electronic CounterMeasures (methods to confuse enemy sensors)
  • EN: Erewhon Navy
  • ER: Erewhon star system
  • EVA: Extra-Vehicular Activity (derived from ancient NASA term)
  • EW: Electronic Warfare (also Energy Weapons?)
  • HH: Honor Harrington
  • INS: Interstellar News Service (one of a small number of more or less Galaxy wide news organizations), knock off of Old Earth International News Service
  • JNMTC: Joint Navy Military Transport Command (SKM)
  • KT: Star Kingdom of Torch
  • LAC: Light attack craft (not hyper capable)
  • MA: Masada star system
  • ME: Mesa star system
  • MN: Monican Navy
  • MO: Monica star system
  • OCTO: Officer Candidate Training Officer
  • PO: Petty Officer
  • ROE: Rules of Engagement
  • SAR: Search and Rescue
  • SC: regional star cluster and political entity Silesian Confederacy
  • SBA: Sick Bay Attendant (in RMN)
  • SCPO: Senior Chief Petty Officer
  • SIS: Special Intelligence Service (SKM term)
  • SO: Senior Officer
  • SUT: Sustained Use Thruster (usually in context of EVA suit thrusters)
  • TC: region near one of the SKM wormhole terminals Talbott Cluster, same as Talbott Quadrant.
  • TQ: See TC
  • VE: Verge system