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Le Maître de Jacques IV d'Écosse (ca. 1485 - ca. 1526) est un enlumineur et peintre flamand à nom de convention résidant probablement à Gand ou à Bruges. Des indices, parmi lesquels plusieurs panneaux peints, semblent confirmer son identification à Gerard Horenbout. Il est l'un des enlumineurs majeur de son temps.

Histoire et style

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Le nom du peintre vient d'un portrait de Jacques IV d'Écosse qui fait partie, avec un portrait de la reine, d'un livre d'heures commandé par Jacques IV et conservé aujourd'hui à Vienne[1]. Ce fut l'un des plus prestigieux enlumineur en Flandres dans les années 1500. Il fut probablement à la tête d'un important atelier.

Stylistically, the Master's miniatures are distinguished by their collections of robust and unidealized figures, set against colorful landscapes and detailed interiors. He had a knack for depicting narrative, and would frequently use obscure Biblical images when constructing his paintings; his scenes of daily life, designed for calendar illuminations, are considered particularly vivid. Most importantly, the Master was interested in experimenting with the layout of his drawings on the page. Using various illusionistic elements, he often blurred the line between the miniature and its border, frequently using both in his efforts to advance the narrative of his scenes.

The Master's work is sometimes associated with the work of the Master of the Lübeck Bible. Major works include the "Spinola Hours" in the Getty Museum, "the most pictorially ambitious and original sixteenth-century Flemish manuscript",[2] the Grimani Breviary in Venice, the Holford Hours in Lisbon (1526, probably his last work), the "Rothschild Prayerbook" (or "Hours"), the "Vatican Hours" and two detached miniatures in the Cloisters Museum.[3] On large projects he often collaborated with other masters.[4]

Gerard Horenbout

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Gerard Horenbout was court painter, from 1515 to about 1522, to Margaret of Austria, Regent of the Netherlands. He then went, with his son Lucas Horenbout and daughter Suzanna, to England, where he was recorded in 1528 (Lucas had been there since 1525 at least), and later returned to the Continent, probably after 1531; he had died in Ghent by 1540. It has been suggested that their move was in connection with an attempt by the King, or possibly Cardinal Wolsey, to revive English manuscript illumination by establishing a workshop in London, but this is controversial.[5] Susanna, who was also an illuminator, is recorded in 1529 as married to a John Palmer and in England.[6]

  1. Catalogué dans Kren & McKendrick, pp. 371-373. Des illustrations en basse résolution de quelques pages sont disponibles ici. Le portrait de la reine est la dernière images.
  2. Kren & S McKendrick, 414, who also catalogue the Grimani Breviary and Vatican Hours.
  3. Image and commentary,the other of the pair
  4. Kren & S McKendrick, 418-426
  5. T Kren & S McKendrick, pp. 427-8
  6. Reynolds (2006):45


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