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Marshal of the Royal Air Force

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Marshal of the Royal Air Force
Image illustrative de l’article Marshal of the Royal Air Force
Insignes du grade de Marshal of the Royal Air Force.

Armée  Royal Air Force
Statut Maréchal
Désignation Marshal of the Royal Air Force
Abréviation MRAF
Code OTAN OF-10
Équivalence Field marshal (British Army)
Admiral of the fleet (Royal Navy)

Marshal of the Royal Air Force est le plus haut grade de la Royal Air Force. Il se classe immédiatement au-dessus du grade de Air Chief Marshal et est l'équivalent d'un Admiral of the Fleet dans la Royal Navy et d'un Field Marshal de l'Armée de terre britannique.


Année de nomination Nom Naissance Décès Notes
1927 Hugh Trenchard 1873 1956 Promoted 1 January 1927[1],[2].
1933 John Salmond 1881 1968 Promoted 1 January 1933[3].
1936 Édouard VIII du Royaume-Uni 1894 1972 Honorary rank.
Promoted 21 January 1936[4].
1936 George VI du Royaume-Uni 1895 1952 Honorary rank.
Promoted 11 December 1936[5].
1937 Edward Leonard Ellington (en) 1877 1967 Promoted 1 January 1937[6].
1940 Cyril Newall 1886 1963 Promoted 4 October 1940. Retired only 20 days later[7].
1944 Charles Portal 1893 1971 Promoted 1 June 1944.
1945 Arthur Tedder 1890 1967 Promoted 12 September 1945.
1946 William Sholto Douglas 1893 1969 Promoted 1 January 1946.
1946 Arthur Travers Harris 1892 1984 Promoted 1 January 1946, several months after retirement[8].
1950 John Slessor 1897 1979 Promoted 8 June 1950.
1953 Philip Mountbatten, duc d'Edimbourg 1921 2021 Honorary rank.
Promoted 15 January 1953[9].
1954 William Dickson 1898 1987 Promoted 1 June 1954.
1958 Dermot Boyle 1904 1993 Promoted 1 January 1958.
1958 Henry de Gloucester 1900 1974 Honorary rank.
Promoted 12 June 1958[10].
1962 Thomas Pike 1906 1983 Promoted 6 April 1962[11].
1967 Charles Elworthy 1911 1993 Promoted 1 April 1967[12].
1971 John Grandy 1913 2004 Promoted and retired on the same day (1 April 1971)[13].
1974 Denis Spotswood 1916 2001 Promoted and retired on the same day (31 March 1974)[14].
1976 Andrew Humphrey 1921 1977 Promoted 6 August 1976[15].
1977 Neil Cameron 1920 1985 Promoted 31 July 1977[16],[17].
1982 Michael Beetham 1923 2015 Promoted and retired on the same day (14 October 1982)[18].
1985 Keith Williamson 1928 2018 Promoted and retired on the same day (15 October 1985)[19].
1988 David Craig 1929 - Promoted 14 November 1988[20].
1992 Peter Harding 1933 - Promoted 6 November 1992[21]. Resigned commission 14 June 1994[22].
2012 Prince Charles 1948 - Honorary rank.
Promoted 16 June 2012.
2014 Jock Stirrup 1949 - Honorary rank.
Promu le 13 juin 2014[23].


Notes et références

  1. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 33235, p. 9, 31 December 1926. Consulté le 2009-05-25.
  2. Malcolm Barrass, « Marshal of the RAF The Viscount Trenchard of Wolfeton », Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation, (consulté le )
  3. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 33898, p. 15, 30 December 1932. Consulté le 2009-06-03.
  4. (en) The London Gazette, no 34251, p. 665, 31 January 1936. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  5. (en) The London Gazette, no 34351, p. 8187, 18 December 1936. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  6. (en) The London Gazette, no 34356, p. 17, 1 January 1937. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  7. Baron Newall
  8. Malcolm Barrass, « Marshal of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris », Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation, (consulté le )
  9. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 39753, p. 349, 13 January 1953. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  10. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 41409, p. 3561, 3 June 1958. Consulté le 2008-11-24.
  11. Malcolm Barrass, « Marshal of the RAF Sir Thomas Pike », Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation, (consulté le )
  12. Malcolm Barrass, « Marshal of the RAF The Lord Elworthy of Timaru », Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation, (consulté le )
  13. Malcolm Barrass, « Marshal of the RAF Sir John Grandy », Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation, (consulté le )
  14. Malcolm Barrass, « Marshal of the RAF Sir Denis Spotswood », Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation, (consulté le )
  15. Henry Probert, High Commanders of the Royal Air Force, Londres, HMSO, , 133 p. (ISBN 0-11-772635-4)
  16. Henry Probert, High Commanders of the Royal Air Force, Londres, HMSO, , 135 p. (ISBN 0-11-772635-4)
  17. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 47289, p. 9978, 1 August 1977. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  18. Henry Probert, High Commanders of the Royal Air Force, Londres, HMSO, , 137 p. (ISBN 0-11-772635-4)
  19. Henry Probert, High Commanders of the Royal Air Force, Londres, HMSO, , 139 p. (ISBN 0-11-772635-4)
  20. Henry Probert, High Commanders of the Royal Air Force, Londres, HMSO, , 141 p. (ISBN 0-11-772635-4)
  21. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 53103, p. 18862, 9 November 1992. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  22. (en) The London Gazette, (Supplement) no 53814, p. 14206, 10 October 1994. Consulté le 2009-04-29.
  23. « 2014 Birthday Honours for service personnel and defence civilians », Ministry of Defence, (consulté le )