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The Franco-British Connections is a non-profit and non-political association created to raise students and alumni’s interest in Franco-British affairs. The philosophy of the Franco-British Connections is to encourage and help students develop their own cross-Channel initiatives. The association works as an informal network of people who wish to contribute to the development of Franco-British relations at the university level as defined extensively [1]

The objectives of the Franco-British Connections are to:

  1. Provide a reference point to reduce the initiative barrier faced by students.
  2. Help the stability of general projects of student-level Franco-British cooperation, by providing input to students to help them define objectives.
  3. Act as a centraliser of resources. Students can use the network of the association to gain access to academics, officials and sponsors. Institutions can use the network of the association to make contact with students.

2. How it started

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The Franco-British Connections was set up in 2008 by alumni who had played key roles in student initiatives that followed the centenary Entente Cordiale celebrations in 2004. The alumni members set up the association to promote continuity and share experience and contacts by getting involved where possible. Their first annual meeting was held at ENS Lyon.

In 2012, it merged with the Franco British Comparative Project, a comparative analysis research project on French and British public policies, founded at Sciences Po by Jean-Pascal Sibiet.

3. Activities

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Each year, the Franco-British Connections organises and helps organise a number of student-led events. These events have enabled students to meet with field leaders, discuss policies and challenge preconceived ideas on Finance, Defence, Politics, Higher Education, and other domains.

3.1 Conferences

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2010: Franco-British Student Conference with Lord Grenfell, UCL[2]

2011: Franco-British Student Conference on Innovation with Cédric Villani and Sir Simon Donaldson, Imperial College [3]

2013: Franco-British Finance Summit with Howard Davies, Pierre Tapie, Peter Ricketts, ESSEC [4]

2013 :The Communication of Social and Scientific Research in France and the UK with Lord Winston and David Valls-Gabaud, Goodenough College [5]

2014: Franco-British Entente Cordiale Summit on Politics and Defence with Gratien Maire, Patrick Chevalereau, Mike butcher various locations in Paris [6]

2015: Franco-British Student Conference on Democracy and Liberty with Michael Tugendhat, Sylvie Goulard, Lord Sumption, Jean-Paul Costa, Lancaster House [7] [8]

2018 : Franco-British Summit: Shaping the future of Europe post-Brexit, Schoolab, Bercy, Assemblée nationale [9]

3.2 Panel Discussions

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2015: Digital Education in France and the UK, The British Ambassador's Residence in Paris[10]

2016: Post-Brexit Discussion, SciencesPo Alumni[11]

2017: French and UK Perspectives on Fintechs, FrenchSquare

3.3 Seminars

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2014: (D) ÉCRIRE LE MONDE with Michael Edwards, Dominique Hernandez and Yann Moix, La Sorbonne

2015: H.E. Sylvie Bermann, Ambassador of France to the UK, A French Perspective on the Future of the European Union, LSE [12]

3.4 Debates

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2011: Franco-British Student Debate on Freedom of Press with Peter Westmacott, James Barr and Eric Maurice , Residence of the British Ambassador to Paris[13]

2011: Square Debate on European Defence, British Council

2012: Franco-British Student Debate on Cultural Differences with Stephen Clarke / Square Debate on European Energy Supply, British Council/ Founding of the Inter-University Parliamentary Debate Tournament

2013: Révolte-Toi debates in London, Institut Français

2016: Trans-Channel Debate on Brexit, University of London Institute in Paris and Senate House

3.5 Online Essay Competition

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The Franco-British Connections celebrated the official launch of the Cordial Debate Prize in 2010. Since then, the association has organised many editions of this online essay competition. Jury members (Xavier Darcos, Gillian Shephard, Cédric Villani, Dominic Grieve, Axelle Lemaire ...)

4. Other Activities

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2017: Launch of the Franco-British Young Leaders Initiative, a project operated by the Franco-British Council and incubated at the Franco-British Connections.

The Franco-British Connections has long standing supporters such as the Allianz Cultural Foundation, the French Embassy in London and the British Embassy in Paris.

The foundation of the association has benefited from the support of the Lord Julian Grenfell and Baroness Joyce Quin.

6. Partnerships

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2016: Association France-Grande Bretagne

2017: Spark! Contest

7. Publications

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  • Plus que jamais, jeunes Français et jeunes Britanniques doivent apprendre à se connaître, by Lise Péron and Jean-Pascal Sibiet [14]
  • Le Brexit : une opportunité pour les jeunes Britanniques et pour la France. By Louis Marty and Jean-Pascal Sibiet. [15]
  • Opinion: Génération BREXIT, quel avenir pour la jeunesse britannique?. By Jean-Pascal Sibiet and Florian Bercault [16]
  • Arrêtons de gâcher des talents : quelques enseignements venus d'Outre Manche, by Jean-Pascal Sibiet and Lise Péron [17]
  • Never Ending Rivalry or looking closer at the European youth from a Franco-British Perspective. By Jean-Pascal Sibiet. [18]
  • Philippe LANE & Maurice FRASER, eds., (2011) Franco-British Academic Partnerships : the Next Chapter, Liverpool University Press, p. 241 [19]
  • Business et culture : deux raisons de traverser le Rhin, mais aussi la Manche by Jean-Pascal Sibiet [20]
  • L'avenir de la French Tech en question by Florian Bercault [21]
  1. Lane, Philippe. et Fraser, Maurice., Franco-British academic partnerships : the next chapter, Liverpool University Press, (ISBN 9781846316777, 1846316774 et 1846316693, OCLC 759158942, lire en ligne)
  2. Modèle {{Lien web}} : paramètre « titre » manquant. [1], sur (consulté le )
  3. (en-US) President, « Franco-British Connections | Imperial College French Society » (consulté le )
  4. (en-US) « – Financial Sectors of France and Great-Britain Students’ Summit » (consulté le )
  5. « The Franco-British Connections | Sciences Po école doctorale », sur (consulté le )
  6. (en-US) « Entente Cordiale 2014 | Franco-British Student Summit on International Relations, Defence and Conflict Resolution » (consulté le )
  7. Steve-, « Franco - British Conference », sur Magna Carta Trust 800th Anniversary | Celebrating 800 years of democracy, (consulté le )
  8. (en-GB) « Magna Carta versus the French: Key points », {{Article}} : paramètre « périodique » manquant,‎ (ISSN 0307-1235, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  9. (en-US) « Conference 2018 », sur FBSA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, (consulté le )
  10. (en-US) « Digital Education – Higher Education: France, the United Kingdom and Overseas #DigitalEducationUKFR | Franco-British Connections » (consulté le )
  11. (en-US) « Minutes of the Apéro Brexit | Franco-British Connections » (consulté le )
  12. (en-US) « H.E. Sylvie Bermann at the London School of Economics | Franco-British Connections » (consulté le )
  13. (en-US) « FBCP Debate on the Freedom of Press | Franco-British Connections » (consulté le )
  14. « Plus que jamais, jeunes Français et jeunes Britanniques doivent apprendre à se connaître », L'Opinion,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le )
  15. Jean-Pascal Sibiet / Président de l'association Franco-British Connections et membre du Bureau du Conseil Franco Britannique, « Le Brexit : une opportunité pour les jeunes Britanniques et pour la France », sur, (consulté le )
  16. Les Echos, « La génération Erasmus doit se mobiliser pour l'Europe », sur, (consulté le )
  17. Jean-Pascal Sibiet / Président de l'association Franco-British Connections et membre du Bureau du Conseil Franco Britannique, « Opinion | Arrêtons de gâcher des talents : quelques enseignements venus d’Outre Manche », sur, (consulté le )
  18. (en-US) « Never Ending Rivalry or looking closer at the European youth from a Franco-British Perspective | Franco-British Connections » (consulté le )
  19. (en) Maurice Fraser et Philippe Lane, Franco-British Academic Partnerships: The Next Chapter, Oxford University Press, (ISBN 9781846316630, lire en ligne)
  20. Jean-Pascal Sibiet / Président de l'association Franco-British Connections et membre du Bureau du Conseil Franco Britannique, « Business et culture : deux raisons de traverser le Rhin, mais aussi la Manche », sur, (consulté le )
  21. Florian Bercault / Fondateur d'Estimeo et membre du think tank Cartes sur Table, « L’avenir de la French Tech en question », sur, (consulté le )