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Elisabeth Dimitrief[modifier | modifier le code]

Toumanovski[modifier | modifier le code]

She had a Marriage of convenience with the colonel Toumanovski in 1869 to obtain a inheritance and to be able to leave abroad[1].She went to Genève for her studies and joined the Russian section of the International Workers' Association (IWA)[2].[modifier | modifier le code]

Frienship[modifier | modifier le code]

She moved to London where she became friends with Karl Marx. With him she organized several meetings of the AIT. In 1871, Karl Marx sent her to Paris to inform about the events following the proclamation of Paris on March 6, 1871[3].[modifier | modifier le code]

The union of women and the care of the wounded[modifier | modifier le code]

In 1871, she founded with other women and Nathalie Lemel[modifier | modifier le code]

«The union of women and the care of the wounded»[4].She dealt with political issues and set up cooperative workshops, which offered women work.[modifier | modifier le code]

The bloody week[modifier | modifier le code]

During the bloody week, Elisabeth took part in the street fights. After this, week someone lose her track, but she was found in Russia. She married Ivan Davidovski, a swindler, and remained hiding until her death.[5][modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Carolyn J. Eichner, Franchir les barricades : les femmes dans la Commune de Paris, (ISBN 979-10-351-0522-8, 978-979-1035-10-1 et 979-1035-10-5, OCLC 1149074370, lire en ligne)
  2. Élisabeth Badinter, « Sur la mort de Mme d'Épinay : une lettre inédite de Grimm », Dix-huitième Siècle, vol. 22, no 1,‎ , p. 239–241 (ISSN 0070-6760, DOI 10.3406/dhs.1990.1756, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  3. Braibant, Guy., Le Droit administratif français, Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, (ISBN 2-7246-0617-5, 978-2-7246-0617-1 et 2-247-01442-9, OCLC 27195068, lire en ligne)
  4. Gilles Candar, « Du nouveau sur la Commune de Paris à la veille de son cent-cinquantième anniversaire: », Revue historique, vol. n° 697, no 1,‎ , p. 223–236 (ISSN 0035-3264, DOI 10.3917/rhis.211.0223, lire en ligne, consulté le )
  5. Sylvie Braibant, « Searches for SUSY particles at LEP2 », AIP Conference Proceedings, AIP,‎ (DOI 10.1063/1.56611, lire en ligne, consulté le )