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Anita Spinelli

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Anita Spinelli (08.01.1908-24.03.2010) was a Swiss artist, painter and drawer also known for her approaches to graphic work. In her rich iconography she explores themes related to being. Formally and in content her work expresses a profound urge for freedom and was therefore never affiliated with a particular artistic movement.

Spinelli was born Anita Corti, in Balerna, Ticino in 1908, the third child of four to Gemma and Gaetano Corti. She was initiated to art quite early. Her father a businessman in winery patronized several artists. He liked to entertain his children with drawing games. Anita’s talent quickly became apparent. After middle school she attends the Arts and Crafts School in Lugano and Guido Gonzato’s studio [1].

Defying conventions and her family, she registered at the Brera Academy of Art in Milan, attended the special courses with Aldo Carpi and graduated in 1933. During this period she immersed herself in the buoyant artistic life of Milan, travelled to Paris and Vienna and sojourned several months in Assisi, where she lived in the monastery to study Giotto’s frescos. In 1932 she married Paolo Spinelli, a civil servant and landowner with whom she had two daughters. They moved to their mansion of Pignora, Novazzano in Ticino, where she will live and work for most of her life [2].

To force open the regional and cultural isolation she engaged into extended travelling in the Mediterranean Basin and Europe, Africa, Central America and Cina with repeated and prolonged stays in the USA. The vast array of references, reaching from the first human civilizations to contemporary developments, from new spaces and lights to societal behaviors will throughout her whole working life be important sources of renewal and inspiration. In the almost monastic silence of her studio she filtered and elaborated these thoughts.

Anita Spinelli died on 24 March 2010 in Mendrisio of the consequences of an accident occurred in her studio. She has continued to create art until her death.

Spinelli’s work explores those individual and societal questions that characterized her long life as an actor of the 20th and early 21st century. Her poignant work roots in reality, but a reality that she transforms through her inner perception, through intellectual contamination and imaginative accelerations into figures, mental figures [3], which attain a more radiant pictorial truth [4]. Her look is not purely visual it is emotional participation, on a further level it is taking position with humor or irony, with joy or grief; a third, enigmatic level is that of existential questions [5]. The quests, existential conditions, which encompass the very essence of human life make up her central subjects: hope, joy but also loneliness, silence, memory, fear, separation, oppression, war and hardship [6]. She expresses the interior sentience of being. In Spinelli’s words: ”It is silent, curious listening: a search for the essence of the object, stripped of the superfluous, with hard work and without complacency. To make art means to me being alive among the living. My characters are myself. With them I share the load of good and evil. You cannot cheat [7].”

Her work spanning over almost a century, Spinelli has addressed and analyzed the formal debates of her time. She explored from metaphysics to post cubist deconstruction, from expressionism to abstractionism to new forms of figuration, however never adhering completely to any one of these positions[2]. Rather she synthesized and bent them freely to her needs. Spinelli developed a novel, personal poetic language characterized by vivid chromatics, dynamism, a wide freedom and complexity in composition, determined by simultaneity and disruption of perspective [2], where the figure emerges from an abstract spatiality. Spinelli’s language is her own, expressionist in nature, but where a visionary spirit superposes or coexists with the tragic element. In the last period her color-light rarefies to a metaphysical dimension of pure light, transparency and lightness. The freshness of her novel approaches, the sense of freedom and of expressive possibilities together with a constant poetic and ethical tension mark her contribution [8].

References and Sources

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Bibliography - Monographies

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  • Cristina Brazzola ed. Anita Spinelli. Villa Ciani, Museo d’Arte Moderna, Lugano, 2008
  • Maria Cristina Donati ed. Anita Spinelli - In collina. Novazzano, 2008
  • Angela Regli et al. Anita Spinelli : opere 1990-2004. Balerna, 2004
  • Claudio Nembrini, Angela Regli ed. Anita Spinelli. La quadreria e altre opere. Lomazzo: Tecnografica, 2002
  • René Berger. Anita Spinelli. Les signes revisités. 1996 
  • Angela Regli ed. Anita Spinelli. Scritti di Carlo Bertelli, Adriano Soldini, Losone: Poncioni, 1988
  • Adriano Soldini and René Berger. Anita Spinelli. Chiasso, 1980

Book Illustrations

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  • Franco Regli, Filippo Donati and Anita Spinelli. Migräne, eine Art Schmerz. Deutsche Ausgabe, Baar: Janssen-Cilag, 2005
  • Ugo Petrini. Tre poesie. Sassello, 2000
  • Raphaël Maire, Franco Regli and Anita Spinelli. Vertiges et mouvements. Baar: Janssen-Cilag, 1995
  • Franco Regli et al. Céphalées et visages. illustrations: Anita Spinelli. Baar: Janssen Pharmaceutica, 1992
  • G. de Reynolds. Le Tessin, son âme. Cercle de Langue française, Lugano, 1986

Filmography and Broadcasts

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  • Matteo Bellinelli. Il secolo di Anita. Documentary (49’46''). Televisione della Svizzera Italiana (TSI), Lugano-Comano, 23.03.2008
  • Valeria Bruni. Anita Spinelli. Televisione della Svizzera Italiana (TSI), Lugano-Comano, 17.01.2008
  • Graziano Terrani. Anita Spinelli. Televisione della Svizzera italiana (TSI), Il Quotidiano, Lugano-Comano, 28.11.1998
  • Graziano Terrani: Dipingere e vivere. Televisione della Svizzera italiana (TSI), Lugano-Comano, 27.04.1988
  • Matteo Bonetti, Arte e ospedale. Televisione della Svizzera italiana (TSI), Lugano-Comano, 07.10.1994
  • Incontro con la pittrice Anita Spinelli. A cura di Claudio Nembrini. Radio della Svizzera italiana (RSI), Rete 2, Filo Diretto, Lugano-Comano, 20.12.1998
  • Anita Spinelli: il filo incandescente della vita. A cura di Claudio Nembrini, con la partecipazione di Walter Schönenberger, Mario De Micheli e Anita Spinelli. Radio della Svizzera italiana (RSI), Rete 2, Il mondo delle immagini, Lugano-Comano, 17.12.1990
  • Eros Bellinelli. Mostra di Anita Spinelli sala Diego Chiesa Chiasso. Radio della Svizzera italiana (RSI), Lugano-Comano, dicembre 1980
  • P. Jelmorini. Anita Spinelli.  Agenda culturale, 15.03.1978
  • Eros Bellinelli. Anita Spinelli Corti, pittrice. Radio della Svizzera italiana (RSI), Lugano-Comano, 06.01.1955
  • Piero Bianconi. Anita Spinelli o della vocazione. Radio della Svizzera Italiana (RSI), Lugano-Comano, 1951
  • V. Cavalleris. Les lettres et les arts en Suisse italienne. Femmes écrivains et artistes du Tessin. Radio de Suisse Romande (RSR), Lausanne, 25.02.1939
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  1. Claudo Nembrini in : Anita Spinelli-La quadreria e altre opere, 2002, p 73
  2. a b et c Cristina Brazzola ed., Anita Spinelli monografia, Museo d'Arte Moderna Lugano, Villa Ciani, 2008
  3. Bruno Corà, in Cristina Brazzola ed., Anita Spinelli monografia, Villa Ciani, 2008
  4. Flaminio Gualdoni, ditto, 2008, p.153
  5. René Berger, in Regli Angela ed., Anita Spinelli, 1988, p.21
  6. Kornelia Imesch, «The artist on Herself in her Work». Woman and Femininity as a Theoretical Model in the Work of Anita Spinelli, in: Cristina Brazzola ed. Anita Spinelli, Museo d’Arte Moderna,Villa Ciani, Lugano 2008, dito, p.161
  7. Franco Regli, in: Claudio Nembrini e Angela Regli ed., Anita Spinelli – la Quadreria e altre opere, 2002, p.38
  8. Bruno Corà, in Cristina Brazzola ed., 2008