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Life of Joan of Arc

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The childhood of Joan of Arc

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Joan of Arc was born on january 6 of 1412 in Domrémy in Lorraine in France. She grew up in a pretty rich peasant family with her sister and brothers. Her father was notable of is village. Her mother was Isabelle de Vouthon and they had five childrens.

Her family changed her family name for « d’Arc» when charles VII raised them to the nobility.

Jeanne was a true beliver, she went to church as often as possible for pray every single day. . When she was 13 years old she said that she saw st michel.

In her childhood village, people said about her that she was honnest, chaste and holy. People also said that she was a very happy young girl.

How did Joan of Arc encouraged the King ?

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This statue represent Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc went to Chinon to meet the dauphin Charles. At this moment, Charles was depressed and ready to renounce at his rights on the kingdom. And Joan arrived, introducing herself being Joan « The Maid », with her

incredible ideas and the certainty that the God talked to her and told her she have to meet the dauphin Charles and take him to Reims for his crown. At first, she only convinced Yolande d’Aragon (the mother-in-law of Charles) and intrigued some captains. But she succeed to talk alone with the dauphin Charles, interview whose subject is still a secret, and convinced Charles she was honnest. Actually, Joan was calm and unfazed and brought the confidence that Charles needed. However, she had to pass some examinations to verify her words. She went to Poitiers to be inspected by theologians, and ladies who had to confirm her virginity. The battles’ victory were the last proofs of her sincerity.

The death of Joan of Arc

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The trial of Joan of Arc

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First, Joan of Arc came to Normandy only to be tried and only to be killed.

Also, the English accused her to be a witch. They know that she is send by the devil and not by god. Moreover, the English entrusted the trial of Joan of Arc to a french : Pierre Cochon. Man of church, he is since treaty of Troyes (1420) an advisor of King of England. Probably, he had the English pressure on the back, but Pierre Cochon didn't need them to know in which ways the trial had to finish. This man thought that Joan of Arc was inevitably guilty and a liar. Because in the opposite case, if her voices were divines, Charles VII would be the true king of France, the king of England would be an usurper and finally, Cochon would be false .

The trial of Joan of Arc was an inquisition trial. She didn’t have the chance to be freed because this trial was really unfair because Joan couldn’t defend herself in front of the judges.

After been interrogated, the judges obligated Joan to confess her crimes for which she was accused by them. For that, the judges sent executioners to show her some subjects of torture, and after that they organized a public ceremony during which, the sentence was pronounced in front of the defendant. During this ceremonial, Joan confessed to be lying and the judges were satisfied and they sentenced her to die by fire like a witch or a devil. So they sent her back in her cell.

The 30th May, Joan of Arc was burnt on the “Place du Vieux-Marché” in Rouen in front of the crowd.

The pyre of the place of "Le Vieux Marché"

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At the Middle age, People were burned when they were labeled as witches, it was called « witch hunt » or « witch purge ».

It is the pursuit and the persecution, condemnation of people accused of practicing sorcery.

This movement started in the years 1430 in Europe, between the Fifteen century and the Eighteen century, there is a number of victims estimated between 40 000 and 100 000 by some historians with some written traces.

Etienne LeCourt has also been burned at this place for heresy, just like Joan of arc but because he converted to the Protestantism.

In France a lot of people were burned because of heresy, sorcery, rapes, kills, pedophilia and poisoning. It was often related to religion.

Joan of arc has been burned on the 30th May of 1431 in Rouen on the place of « Le Vieux Marché ».

Once she has been judged, she was carried to the place of “Le Vieux Marché” at 9am and burned. There’s now a Cross were she has been burned. Even after 588 years you can still hear about her story and visit this place.

There was some bleachers around the pyre, the first one for the Cardinal of Manchester and his invites, the second one for the people who judged her and the third one for Joan of arc and the doctor Nicolas Midi, she had to listen to her sentence before being carried to the pyre and burned.

The influence of Joan of Arc

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The reasons of the Joan of Arc’s celebrity over the centuries :

- This is a suprising story because listening voices is’nt common at all, that seems unreal and it’s supersticious.

- This is the first knight woman,in the Middle Age, women didn’t fight and she was considerate like strange because of her liberties as a woman at this century.

- This story persist over the centuries because of Joan of Arc’s end is atrocious. Indeed she has been burn alive on a pyre, so this story is memorable.

This is a revolting story that denounces in some ways, the injustice of her situation over the centeries. Her story served as an exemple dor the occidental societies who resume Joan of arc‘s story in the actual life :

- All this infatuation, relate to Joan of Arc created impacts on our actual life, for exemple some public instituationsresume Joan of Arc’s name, like educational etblishments, hospitals,...

- Joan of Arc also had influenc in the policy of the XX century. Many political party used Joan of Arc as an exemple.

At the end of the XIX century, Joan of Arc was the muse of the leftist republican party. During the World War II, she was used by the rightist party and far right. At the end of the World War II, and until the 60s, she served as an example for the communist party. And she has been return by Jean-Marie Lepen at the end of the XX century.

To finish, Joan of Arc was of no little importance in the courant life. In fact she has been used on a lot of XX century’s publicities, and a lot of films tell her incredible story.

Heritage of Joan of arc

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Famous during his lifetime, both with her allies and with her Burgundian and English enemies, his posterity after her execution never really faded. In her lifetime, several authors, including Christine de Pisan, compare her to the nine preuses.

Few years after her death, on the Rouen’s stake, many womens affirmed they were Joan of Arc who escaped from death. The majority are quickly confound for their lies. However two of them passed to posterity and one of them, Joan “des Armoises” has been recognized by Joan D’arc’s own brothers. But these two women disappear quickly from the chronicles.

In 1455, King Charles VII of France, who owed so much to the "Pucelle d’Orléans", ordered a trial for revision. More than 20 years after his death, the new trial led by Thomas Basin washes the honor and memory of Joan of Arc. Indeed, besides the fact that the first trial conducted by Pierre Cauchon in the pay of the English was tainted with many irregularities. It was unthinkable that the name of the Dauphin become king be attached to that of a heretical woman. The decades, then the following centuries, Joan of Arc remains in the collective memory, but without particular brilliance. With the Renaissance, the Middle Ages is relegated to darkness.

It was not until the nineteenth century and the prominence of great national figures that Joan of Arc interested historians, artists, politicians and the general public. In the century of the emergence of the nation-state throughout Europe, France, in constant opposition with its neighbors, is looking for historical and iconic heroes. In this way are summoned, Clovis, Charlemagne, Roland, Saint Louis, Eudes Count of Paris, or Du Guesclin, but also Joan of Arc. The only woman of this national pantheon, she represents both the Christian values ​​of a part of the population, a woman of the people and, at the same time, a victorious leader of war since she helped to "beat the English out of France ". Joan of Arc is then disputed between the Catholics, the royalists and the republicans. Then began a period of rehabilitation of Joan of Arc by intellectuals and public authorities, but the task is far from easy.

Rehabilitating a historical figure as ambivalent as Joan of Arc was a complicated operation. The tragic and mystical heroine inspires artists and writers. But from a political point of view, opinions are divided. Royalist and Christian figure, she does not have the favor of the Revolutionaries and Republicans of the early nineteenth century.

From the end of the Napoleonic period, there is an enthousiasm for Joan of Arc. From then on, historians seize her history, some of them with political aims. This is how rumors emerge about his survival after 1431, even his royal ancestry. Joan of Arc would then no longer be a peasant of Lorraine, but the bastard of Isabeau of Bavaria and Louis of Orleans, hidden and raised for a political purpose. Historians see it as an explanation of her military knowledge of the handling of weapons and of the direction of troops. These theories persist throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century.

From 1909, the Catholic church made her beatified and a few years later, in 1920, Joan of Arc is canonized. A law then institutes a holiday on the second Sunday of May. Since then, many schools, including private, adopting the name of Joan of Arc. At the same time, books and films about her multiply, participating in the public's craze. As a Christian and national figure, it is not surprising that some movements tempted to monopolise the character of Joan of Arc.

Moreover, Joan of Arc is a popular figure in many countries and is sometimes surprisingly revealed in pop culture. In Japan, she appears in mangas like Fate, Jeanne, and in video games.

The Historial of Joan of Arc

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Why an historial ?

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This historial was opened on 20, March in 2015.

Joan of Arc is an history figure, she is very usefull for the politician to show arguments. It’s an important historial which show the truth of her trial because there are many controversial versions.

In this historial there are many rooms. In each rooms we can watch a video with sounds and ligts which retrace the story of Joan of Arc. There is also actors who play people that had crossed the way of Joan of Arc and played a role in her trial.

Basic informations

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If you want to visit the Joan of Arc Historial here's some useful informations.

website :

Adress : 7 Rue Saint-Romain, 76000 Rouen

Phone number : 02 35 52 48 00

Email :

Opening hours

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- Monday : Closed

- Tuesday : 11:00am-7:00pm

- Wednesday : 11:00am-7:00pm

- Thurday : 11:00am-7:00pm

- Friday : 11:00am-7:00pm

- Saturday : 10:00am-7:00pm

- Sunday : 10:00am-7:00pm

You could visit the Joan of Arc Historial free tour from Tuesday to Sunday from 10h to 19h.

You could visit the Joan of Arc Historial with a guided every Sunday at 15h.

Which lasts about 1h15 of multimedia and audiovisual and 45min in the collections. For this visit, you must book online or by email.

Full Price : 10,50€

Reduced price : 7,50€

Combined ticket combining Joan of Arc Historial and Panorama XXL :

Full price : 15,00 € TTC

Reduced price : 12,00 € TTC

Family pass (4 people consisting of 2 adult entrances and 2 entries of young people under 18 years): 44,00 € TTC

Guided tour: entrance fee + 4 €

Public : For 4-7 years old (without accompanist)

Price : 4€ / people

A workshop proposed Wednesdays school holidays (zone B) from 10h to 11h.

Public : For 8-12 years old ( without accompanist )

Price : 4€ / people

A workshop proposed Wednesdays school holidays (zone B) from 10h to 11h.

« Mythothèque »

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Back to the « Mythothèque » : 4€

The “Mythotheque” welcomes the legends of the universe of the series! From the Middle Ages to Louis XIV, from fantastic to historical, decipher your favorite series! Game of Thrones, Kaamelott or Versailles, these series show that History has become an important source of inspiration for screenwriters.


The trial of Joan of Arc:

How did Joan of Arc encouraged the King ? :