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Name:Lukas et Félix _______________   Date:17 novembre 2019 ______________

SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT[modifier | modifier le code]

Written Report

You must complete this document before starting your presentation

1. Title of My Project: which one is better plastic bag, or paper bag


2. What is your research question? (Quelle est la question de recherche?)

Paper vs Plastic: Which bag has the greater impact on the environment?

3. Why did you choose this subject? (Pourquoi avez-vous choisi ce sujet?)    1 paragraph

Because it was the most interesting subject for me. And i am curious to know if paper is better than plastic.

4. What do you know about this topic? (Que connaissez-vous sur ce sujet?)   2-6 sentences

I know that both of them are made in factories so that polluting for making them but for making the paper bag you need to cut trees. But there a kind of bag that pollute less tant paper and plastic a cassava bag or in french a manioc .

im cassava or in french manioc.

5. What is your hypothesis? Make a prediction to answer your research question (Quelle est votre hypothèse? Faites une prédiction pour répondre à votre question de recherche.)  

2-4 sentences

I think that the pollution level is equal between the plastic bag and paper bag.


6. Describe the steps you will take to do your research. (Décrivez les étapes que vous allez suivre lors de votre recherche)   1 paragraph

research  put in are word  correct and present

Is there an expert I can contact about my subject? Est-ce qu’il y a un expert que je peux contacter en lien avec mon sujet?   Prepare an email to send to them (Préparez un courriel à leur envoyer)

7. Explain the scientific concept(s) involved in your project. (Expliquer les concepts scientifiques abordés dans votre projet. )

Place and organize all of your research and important information in this section.

(Placez et organisez tous vos informations importantes dans cette section.

CONCLUSION:Les sacs plastiques sont moins polluants que les sacs en papier. Parce que il faut les fabriquer et couper des arbre. Ca se décompose mais ça ne se recycle pas.

8. Was your hypothesis correct? Explain the results. (Est-ce que votre hypothèse était correcte? Expliquez les résultats)   1-5 sentences

9. What other questions do you want to answer about this topic? (Quelles autres questions as-tu sur ce sujet?)   1-5 sentences

10. What did you learn from working on this project? Why is this subject important? (Qu’est-ce que vous avez appris en travaillant sur ce projet? Comment est-ce que ce sujet est important?)   1-2 paragraphs

11. What will the visual aspect of my project be? (Quel sera l’aspect visuel de mon projet?)

BIBLIOGRAPHY    Include ALL of your sources of information: books, websites, documentaries, teachers, experts, magazines, etc.