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économie gazière de l'Iran

Le gazoduc Iran-Iraq-Syrie est un projet allant du champ gazier iranien-qatari North Dome (South Pars) vers la Syrie, oú il ira ensuite approvisionner les clients européens.


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Le gazoduc est nommé "le gazoduc de l'amitié" par les gouvernements impliqués et "gazoduc islamique" par certaines sources occidentales[1]) is a proposed natural gas pipeline running from the Iranian South Pars / North Dome Gas-Condensate field field towards Europe via Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to supply European customers as well as Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.[2] Le gazoduc aura 5600 km de long et aura un diamètre de 56 pouces.[2]. Un projet précédent nommé le gazoduc perse A previous proposal, known as the Persian Pipeline, had seen a route from Iran's South Pars to Europe via Turkey; it was apparently abandoned after the Swiss energy company Elektrizitätsgesellschaft Laufenburg halted its contract with Iran in October 2010 in the face of pressure over US sanctions against Iran.[3][4]

Iraq a signé un agrément avec l'Iran en juin 2013 pour y recevoir du gaz naturel pour alimenter les centrales électriques de Baghdad et Diyala.[5]

En juillet 2011, l'Iran, l'Iraq et la Syria said they planned to sign a contract potentially worth around $6bn to construct a pipeline running from South Pars towards Europe, via these countries and Lebanon and then under the Mediterranean to a European country, with a refinery and related infrastructure in Damascus.[2][6][7][8] In November 2012 the United States dismissed reports that construction had begun on the pipeline, saying that this had been claimed repeatedly and that "it never seems to materialize."[9] A framework agreement was to be signed in early 2013, with costs now estimated at $10bn;[10] construction plans were delayed by the Syrian civil war.[11] In December 2012 the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies said that the project "remains doubtful. It is not clear how such a project will be financed given that both Iran and Syria are subject to strict financial sanctions."[12] In July 2015, Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company (IGEDC) and Pasargad Energy Development Company signed a BOT (build-operate-transfer) contract under which the project owner will provide 25% of finance and National Development Fund of Iran the rest for the construction of IGAT-6.[13]

Ce gazoduc sera un concurrent du Nabucco entre l'Azerbaijan et l'Europe[2] ainsi que du Gazoduc Qatar-Turquie[14].

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atégorie:Énergie en Iran atégorie:Énergie en Irak atégorie:Économie de la Syrie atégorie:Mer Rouge