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Michel Prost was born in 1948 in France. He studied Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology, first at the University of Strasbourg, and then at the University of Dijon where he received the Master degree of Molecular Physiology and Chemical Biology in 1969. He joined the Medical Biochemistry Laboratory of the Medical School of Dijon where he started research in biochemistry under the direction of Professor Prudent Padieu. His work at the Medical School was centered on the setup and development of well-adapted and sensitive gas chromatographic methods coupled to mass spectrometry and mass fragmentography for the study of corticosterone synthesis and metabolism in newborn rat adrenal cells in cultures. For his thesis in this research area, he received the degree of "Doctor in Biochemistry" in 1973.

From all the new, inventing technologies developed under the Prost's impetus at the Department "Research and Development" of SPIRAL Co., over ten international patents were obtained, and especially the patents for the photon-scanning tunnel microscope (PSTM) and the process for the determination by means of free radicals of the anti-oxydant properties of a living organism or potentially aggressive age. » In October 1989, M. Prost was invited to attend The Ninth College Park Colloquium on Chemical Evolution organized by Professor Cyril Ponnamperuma and Professor Charles W. Gehrke at the Laboratory of Chemical Evolution, University of Maryland. This workshop was sponsored by NASA's Solar System Exploration Division and the Office of Exploration, and devoted to the study of the concept and the scientific requirements of a Lunar-Based Chemical Analysis Laboratory (LBCAL). M. Prost made a presentation on a "Biological Test for Human Resistance Capability to Free Radical Attack". Today, this biological test, a SPIRAL Patent,has widely proved its availability for the simple sensitive measurements of the total anti-oxidative defense status of individuals.This test has been approved by the Ministry of Health and is CE marked.

M. Prost is author and co-author of many scientific publications in Analytical Biochemistry, Cellular Biology and Biotechnology. He is also co-author I editor of two treatise books entitled "Les Nouvelles Dimensions de la Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse" published by Labo-France Editor (1982), and Méthodes Chromatographiques Couplées à la Spectrométrie de Masse", published by Masson S.A.(1986). These books address theory and application methods of gas chromatography, mass spectrometry by direct probe introduction, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, and mass fragmentography for the identification and the quantitative analysis of many biological compounds. A third more recent publication is the much acclaimed book entitled "A Lunar Based Analytical Laboratory", Cyril Ponnamperuma Memorial Volume, edited by Charles Gehrke, Michel Prost and all. , A. Deepak Publishing. He is one of rare French quoted in the reference book on the pioneers of chromatographic technologies : Chromatography - a century of discovery - 1900-2000 : The bridge to the sciences / technology (Ed. C.W. GEHRKE and al. - Journal of chromatography library - 64, 2001, 470-474), Elsevier.

Dr Prost is an expert analyst at the Common Bureau of Reference of the European Economic Community for the chemical quality monitoring of irradiated foods. He is also expert analyst attached to the courts and to the insurance companies for the control and (or) determination of chemical environment pollutions, fire origins, wood treatments, adulterations in oenology, etc... He has many scientific connections and collaborative works with the French Research Organisms, i.e. C.N.R.S. ("Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique"), l.N.S.E.R.M. ("Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale"), I.N.R.A. ("Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique"),and with many French and foreign academia. Dr. Michel Prost was named President of the International Commission of Nutrition and Health of Populations in 1996, at the United Towns Agency for the North-South Cooperation, an ECOSOC of the United Nations, until 2001.

Michel PROST was invited, in September, 2004, by the governor Bob HOLDEN, the senator Christopher S. KIT BOND, the director of the NASA Sean O' KEEFE and the president of the University of the Missouri in the inauguration of “MU LIFE CENTER” (Science for a better life, studying Food, Health and the Environment) and of the “Charles W. GEHRKE Proteomics Center” in honour of the emeritus professor Charles W. GEHRKE, founder of ABC LABORATORIES INC. and partner of Michel PROST in SPIRAL company.

Michel PROST was one of the main actors for the elaboration of VITAGORA, the project for the pole of competitiveness, in narrow collaboration with Guy GILLOT (President of “Dijon Development”) and Edgard DAUGER (Director of “Dijon Development”), with the industries of Burgundy and with the researchers of “Université de Bourgogne”, INRA, INSERM, CNRS, ENSBANA, “Institut du Goût”, CRITT2ABI … This pole of innovation “Goût-Nutrition-Santé” (“Taste-Nutrition-Health”) VITAGORA whose official candidature was submited the 02/28/05 obtained the label «Pôle de Compétitivité” (“Pole of competitiveness”) during the inter-ministerial committee for organization and development of the territory chaired by Prime Minister on 07/12/05. Within the context of the elaboration of the structures for animation and governance of the pole VITAGORA, Michel PROST was named vice-president of Vitagora and coordinator of the platforms of competence “Molécules-Nutrition-Santé (“Molecules-Nutrition-Health”) and “Développement-Process-Industrialisation” (“Development-Process-Industrialization”)


B.F. MAUME, P. BOURNOT, J. DURAND, J.C. LHUGUENOT, G. MAUME, M. PROST & P. PADIEU. New developments in steroid and catecholamine analysis in biological media by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry using a multiple ion detector. L’expansion Scientifique Française, Organisation des Laboratoires Biologie Prospective IIe Colloque de Pont à Mousson, p. 637 à 654 (1972).

B.F. MAUME, P. BOURNOT, J.C. LHUGUENOT, C. BARON, F. BARBIER, G. MAUME, M. PROST & P. PADIEU. Mass fragmentographic analysis of steroids, catecholamine and amino acids in biological materials. Analytical Chemistry, 45, 1073-1082 (1973).

B.F. MAUME & M. PROST. Maintien des fonctions de stéroïdogénèse différenciée chez des cellules surrénaliennes isolées du rat nouveau-né maintenues en culture monocouche. C.R. Société de Biologie, 167, 1427-1430 (1973).

M. DELAFORGE, B.F. MAUME, P. BOURNOT, M. PROST & P. PADIEU. Use of gas-liquid chromatography with glass capillary columns for steroid traces analysis in tissue. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 12, 545-549 (1974).

M. PROST & B.F. MAUME. Hormonal steroids in biological materials. A study by mass fragmentography. Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine, A. Frigerio and N. Castagnoli, Jr, Eds, raven Press, New-York, p. 139-150 (1974).

M. PROST & B.F. MAUME. Hormones stéroïdes de la surrénale de rat. Analyse des 18-hydroxycorticostéroides par chromatographie gaz liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse et par fragmentographie de masse. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, 5, 133-144 (1974).

M. PROST, P. BOURNOT & P. PADIEU. Etude des stérols de la glande surrénalienne de rat. Identification de phytostérols, d’oxo et d’hydroxychloestérols par chromatographie gaz liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse. Biochemica Biophysica Acta, 360, 230-240 (1974).

M. PROST, P. BOURNOT & B.F. MAUME. Adrenal and liver metabolites of 18-hydroxy-11-deoxycorticosterone in the rat. Identification of reduced compounds (18-OH-TH-DOC) in adrenals and liver. Steroids, 25, 177-188 (1975).

P. BOURNOT, M. PROST & B.F. MAUME. Separation and characterization of the reduced metabolites of 18-hydroxy-deoxycorticosterone hormone by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Occurrence of stereoisomeric forms in rat adrenals and liver. J. Chromatogr., 112, 617-630 (1975).

M. PROST, D. MESNIER, J.F. JEANNIN, P. BOURNOT, M. DELAFORGE & B.F. MAUME. Séparation et caractérisation d’une large gamme de stéroïdes hormonaux par l’association de la chromatographie sur couche mince, de la chromatographie gaz liquide et de la spectrométrie de masse. Application aux stéroïdes surrénaliens. L’Expansion Scientifique Française, Organisation des Laboratoires Biologie prospective IIIe Colloque de Pont à Mousson, p. 445-451 (1975). J.P. DELBEQUE, M. PROST, B.F. MAUME, J. DELACHAMBRE, R. LAFONT & B. MAUCHAMP. Dosage de la B-Ecdysone par fragmentographie de masse au cours du dernier stade larvaire de Tenebrio molitor L. (Insecte, coléoptère). C.R. Acad. Sciences Paris, tome 281, 309-312 (1975).

G. PIERRAT, M. PROST, G. LAVOUE & C. LUMBROSO. Utilisation d’un échangeur d’ions comme moyen rapide d’extraction appliqué au dosage des estrogènes et du pregnandiol urinaires de grossesse par colorimétrie ou par chromatographie en phase gazeuse. Ann. biol. Clin., 34, 423-430 (1976).

B.F. MAUME, M. PROST & P. PADIEU, in A. Frigerio and N. Castaglioni (Editors). Study of hormone biosynthetic pathways of rat adrenal cell cultures. Advances in Mass Spectrometry in Biochemistry and Medicine, Spectrum Publications, New York, vol. 1, p. 525 (1976).

C. FRANCISCO, G. COMBAUT, J. TESTE & M. PROST Eléganolone nouveau cétol diterpénique linéaire de la phéophycée Cystoseira elegans. Phytochemistry, 17, 1003-1005 (1978)

P. LESUR, P. COUSTENOBLE, M. PROST, J. BLANCHARD & A. GRANIER. Dosage de stéroïdes plasmatiques sous forme de dérivés enol HFB par chromatographie gaz liquide sur colonne capillaire avec détecteur à capture d’électrons : contrôle des dérivés par fragmentographie de masse. Applications chez l’homme ainsi que chez d’autres espèces animales. 13th International Symposium on Chromatography, Cannes, June 30 – July 4 (1980).

Michel PROST A propos de l’analyse des hormones stéroïdiennes en chromatographie gazeuse. Nouvelles Dimensions de la chromatographie en phase gazeuse, Labo France Editeur, 199-257, (1982).

Michel PROST Estrogènes et pregnandiol urinaires. Labo France Editeur, 259-269, (1982).

Jean DESGRES, G. CURIE & Michel PROST Application au cours de la grossesse de la méthode de dosage décrite. Labo France Editeur, 271-289, (1982).

S. GARBARG, J.P. DEVISSAGUET, M. PROST & Y. BOGAIEVSKY. Comparaison pharmacoclinique de deux formes galéniques de trihexyphénidyle. L’Encéphale, IX, 167-174 (1983). Daniel COURTOT, Michel PROST, Jean-Louis GUYOT & E. BENOIT. Anabolisants et contrôle antidopage chez le cheval. Congrès Médecine et Sports Equestres, Chantilly, 10 juin 1983.

J.P. DEVISSAGUET, S. GARBARG, M. PROST & Y. BOGAIEVSKY. Comparative pharmacokinetic study of 2 galenic forms of 5 mg trihexyphenidyl; tablets (Artane) and sustained-release capsules (Parkinane retard). Therapie, 39 231-236 (1984)

BREVET « Utilisation d’une substance folinique en tant qu’agent antiagrégant plaquettaire », n° 2631828, France, 21.05.88. L. FAY, G. MICHEL, P. GOUPIT, C. HARPEY & M. PROST. Determination of trimetazidine in biological fluids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography, 490, 198-205 (1989).

Gérard MICHEL, Laurent FAY & Michel PROST. Determination of isosorbide dinitrate and its metabolites in plasma by gas chromatography on a capillary column with electron-capture detection. Journal of Chromatography, 493, 188-195 (1989).

BREVET « Utilisation de générateur de radicaux libres dans le domaine des dosages biologiques », n° 8900999, France, 26.01.90.

P. GIAMARCHI, Guy LESGARDS, Michel PROST, Gérard MICHEL & Jacques RAFFI. Identification of irradiated oils by analysis of the radio-induced hydrocarbons. In « Potential New Methods od detection of Irradiated food », Eds J. RAFFI, J.J. BELLIARDO, Luxembourg, BCR information, CCE, EUR 13331 EN, 187-193, (1991). Denis BLACHE, Michel PROST & Jacques RAFFI. In vitro biological test of resistance to oxidation. Application to identification of irradiated food. In Potential New Methods of Detection of Irradiated Food, Report EUR 13331 EN, Commission of the European communities, Luxembourg, p. 105-116 (1991).

Jean-Louis GUYOT, Gérard MICHEL & Michel PROST. Chromatographie gazeuse en double polarité et double détection simultanée. Application à l’identification et au dosage de la procymidone dans le vin. Spectra 2000, 156 (1991).

Denis BLACHE & Michel PROST. Free radical attack : biological test for human resistance capability. In : C. Ponnamperuma, C.W. Gehrke, editors. Proceedings of the IX College Park Colloquium on Chemical Evolution : A Lunar-Based Chemical Analysis Laboratory (LBCAL). Washington, NASA, 82-98 (1992).

Denis BLACHE & Michel PROST. Free radical attack : biological test for human resistance capability. A Lunar based Chemical Analysis Laboratory, proceedings of the ninth College Park Colloquium on chemical Evolution. Deepak Publishing, Virginia, (1992).

M. COLOMBIER, J.L. GACHANCARD-BOUYA, R.J. BEGUE & M. PROST Identification of 2 alpha-hydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione in human pregnancy urine. J. Steroid Biochem Mol. Biol. 41, 191-196 (1992).

André DIETRICH, Frédérique WEBER-LOFTI, A. PFOHL-LESZKOWICZ, G. KEITH, Michel PROST, Jean-Claude VALENTIN, P.M. BADOT, L. MARECHAL-DROUARD, Benoît RETHER & Pierre GUILLEMAUT. Molecular effects of xenobiotic pollutants on plants in controlled conditions and in the field. Proceedings of IMTOX meeting on « Environmental Toxicology : volatil organic air polltants » held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany on December 1, (1992).

Pierre GUILLEMAUT, Frédérique WEBER-LOTFI, Denis BLACHE, Michel PROST, Benoît RETHER & André DIETRICH. Conifer decline in the north-east of France : Characteristic changes in chloroplast protein pattern and absence of anti-oxidative defense capability point to an involvement of ozone. Physologia Plantarum, vol. 85 issue 2, 215-222, Copenhagen (June 1992).

Guy LESGARDS, Isabelle POULIQUEN, Philippe GIAMARCHI, Jacques RAFFI & Michel PROST. Study of radio-induced compounds from lipids : alkanes and alkenes. Dans : « Recent Advances on Detection of Irradiated Food », Eds, BCR/CEE, EUR 14315, 240-249, (1992).

Gérard MICHEL, Christos TSACONAS, Jean-Louis GUYOT & Michel PROST. Méthodologie dans l’expertise analytique : Problème des goûts dans les vins. Ann. Fals. Exp. Chim., 86, 337-356, (novembre 1993).

Guy LESGARDS, Isabelle POULIQUEN, Philippe GIAMARCHI, Jacques RAFFI & Michel PROST. Dans « Recent Advances on detection of irradiated Food ». Eds. M. LEONARDI, J. RAFFI, J.J. BELLIARDO, Luxembourg, BCR, CEE, EUR 14315 EN, 251-260, (1993).

Guy LESGARDS, Jacques RAFFI, Isabelle POULIQUEN, Abdel-Aziz CHAOUCH, Philippe GIAMARCHI & Michel PROST. Use of radiation-induced alkanes and alkenes to detect irradiated food containing lipids. Journal of the American Oil chemists’ Society, vol. 70 issue 2, p. 179-185, (February 1993).

Robert VALLS, Véronique MESGUICHE, Louis PIOVETTI, Michel PROST & Gilbert PEIFFER. Meroditerpenes from the Brown alga cystoseira amentacea var. stricta collected off the french Mediterranean coast. Phytochemistry, vol. 41 N° 5, 1367-1371, (1996).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Denis BLACHE. Pro-thrombotic effects of a folic acid deficient diet in rat platelets and macrophages related to elevated homocysteine and decreased n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Atherosclerosis, vol. 121 issue 2, p. 231-243 (April 5, 1996).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Denis BLACHE. Folic acid deficiency enhances oral contraceptive-induced platelet hyperactivity. Arteriosclerosis Thromb Vasc Biol, 17, 1939-1946 (1997).

Charles W. GEHRKE, Jean DESGRES & Michel PROST. Biomedical monitoring of inhabitants at a lunar based : amino acids, tRNA, turnover and free radicals. A Lunar Based Analytical Laboratory, A. Deepak Publishing, Virginia, USA (1997).

Julie CONNAULTE, Guy LESGARDS, Michel PROST & Jacques RAFFI. Contribution à l’étude du pouvoir antioxydant des fruits secs. J. chim. Phys., 94, 401-404 (1997).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Denis BLACHE. Folate Deficiencies and Cardiovascular Pathologies. Clin. Chem. Lab. Med., 36, 419-429 (1998).

Sylvie STUYCK, Julie CONNAULTE, Guy LESGARDS, Michel PROST & Jacques RAFFI. Influence du traitement ionisant par rayonnement sur le pouvoir antioxydant de fractions poly phénoliques issues de substances d’origine végétale. J. Chim. Phys., 95, 871-874, (1998).

Sylvie STUYCK, Guy LESGARDS & Michel PROST Ann. Fals. Exp. Chim., 944, 305-313, (1998).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Denis BLACHE. Déficiences en folates et pathologie cardiovasculaire. Revue Française des Laboratoires, vol. 1998 issue 307, p. 45-54 (novembre 1998).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Denis BLACHE. Altérations du métabolisme de l’homocystéine et maladies cardiovasculaires. Revue Française des Laboratoires, vol. 1998 issue 307, p. 33-44, (novembre 1998).

M. BEN MILED LASSOUED, Jacques RAFFI, Isabelle POULIQUEN-SONAGLIA, Michel PROST & Guy LESGARDS. Influence de l’état physique sur l’ionisation gamma de lipides d’œuf. J. Chim. Phys., 96, 183-187, (1999).

Leila DOUIFI, Jacques RAFFI & Michel PROST. Influence de la nature des coquillages sur leur spectre de RPE avant et après irradiation gamma. J. Chim. Phys., 96, 188-192, (1999).

Michel PROST, Philippe DURAND, Emmanuelle PROST, Marc CARVIN, Guy LESGARDS & Denis BLACHE Test biologique de mesure du potentiel de défense anti-radicalaire, application à l’évaluation de l’activité protectrice anti-radicalaire de divers extraits de plantes aromatiques. Conférence Université de Pharmacie de Marseille (09.09.1999)

Pierre STOCKER, Jean-François LESGARDS, Marie-Pierre LEHUCHER-MICHEL, Jacques. RAFFI, Michel PROST & Guy LESGARDS. Test d’hémolyse : approche des mécanismes radicalaires. Caractérisation du pouvoir antioxydant de vitamines. Ann. Fals. Exp. Chim., 949 : 471-483 (2000).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST, Nadine LOREAU, S. LUSSIER-CACAN & Denis BLACHE. Impaired Homocysteine Metabolism and Atherothrombotic Disease. Laboratory Investigation, volume 81, number 5, 645-672 (May 2001).

Marie-Pierre LEHUCHER-MICHEL, Jean-François LESGARDS, O. DELUBAC, Pierre STOCKER, Philippe DURAND & Michel PROST. Oxidative stress and human disease. Current knowledge and perspectives for prevention. Presse Med. 16-23;30, 1076-1081 (2001).

Jun KUMAGAI, Tomoko KAWAURA, Tetsuo MIYAZAKI, Michel PROST, Emmanuelle PROST, Masami WATANABE & Joëlle QUETIN-LECLERCQ. Test for antioxidant ability by scavenging long-lived mutagenic radicals in mammalian cells and by blood test with intentional radicals : an application of gallic acid., Elsevier, 27.08.2001.

Gilles BOETSCH , Michel PROST & Emma RABINO-MASSA Evolution of Consanguinity in a French Alpine Valley : The Vallouise in the Briancon Region (17th-19th Centuries). Human Biology, vol. 74 issue 2, p. 285-300 (April 01,2002). Denis BLACHE, Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Nadine LOREAU. (+)-Catechin inhibits platelet hyperactivity induced by an acute iron load in vivo. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Elsevier, Vol. 33, issue 12, p. 1670-1680, (December 15, 2002).

Jean-François LESGARDS, Philippe DURAND, M. LASSARE, Pierre STOCKER, Guy LESGARDS, A. LANTEAUME, Michel PROST & Marie-Pierre LEHUCHER-MICHEL. Assessment of lifestyle effects on the overall antioxidant capacity of healthy subjects. Environ. Health Perspect., 110 : 479-487 (2002).

Jean-François LESGARDS, Michel PROST & Marie-Pierre LEHUCHER-MICHEL. Oxidative stress and its implications. Myalgies International, 2, 14-19 (2002)

Jun KUMAGAI, Tomoko KAWAURA, Tetsuo MIYAZAKI, Michel PROST, Emmanuelle PROST , Masami WATANABE, Joëlle QUETIN-LECLERCQ. Test for antioxidant ability by scavenging long-lived mutagenic radicals in mammalian cells and by blood test with intentional radicals : an application of gallic acid. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, vol. 66 issue 1, p. 17-25 (January 2003)

G. DURAND, A. POLIDORI, J.P. SALLES, M. PROST, P. DURAND & B. PUCCI. Synthesis and antioxidant efficiency of a new amphiphilic Spin-Trap derived from PBN and lipoic acid. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 13 - 2673-2676 (2003).

Pierre STOCKER, Jean-François LESGARDS, Nicolas VIDAL, Florence CHALIER & Michel PROST. ESR study of a biological assay on whole blood : antioxidant efficiency of various vitamins. Elsevier – Biochemica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/General subjects, vol.1621 issue 1, p. 1-8 (April 7, 2003).

Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST, Nadine LOREAU, S. LUSSIER-CACAN & Denis BLACHE. Genetic and/or nutritional factor-mediated dysfunction of homo cystéine metabolism and atherothrombotic disease. Soumise pour publication.

Ludovic RONDINI, Marie-Noëlle PEYRAT-MAILLARD, Agnès MARSET-BAGLIERI, Gilles FROMENTIN, Philippe DURAND, Daniel TOME, Michel PROST & Claudette BERSET. Bound ferulic acid from bran is more bioavailable than the free compound in rat. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 52 issue 13, p 4338-4343 (June 30, 2004).

RABINO-MASSA Emma, PROST Michel & BOETSCH Gilles Social Structure and Consanguinity in a French Mountain Population. Human Biology, vol. 77 issue 2 p. 201-212 (June 20, 2005)

Jean-François LESGARDS, Marie-Pierre LEHUCHER-MICHEL, Nicolas VIDAL, Michel PROST & Pierre STOCKER. Assessment of antioxidative activity of lipid and water soluble vitamins in human whole blood. Comparative analysis between a biological test and chemical methods. Int. J Vitam. Nutr. Res. 2005 Jan, 75 (1) : 11-8 (2005). E. GUINEBERT, P. DURAND, M. PROST, G. ROLAND and B. ROLAND. Assessment of the overall resistance against free radical aggression : a potential new biomarker for poultry production and selection. Sixième journée de la recherché avicole, St Malo, 30 et 31 mars 2005

Pierre GUILLEMAUT, Frédérique WEBER-LOTFI, Denis BLACHE, Michel PROST, Benoît RETHER, & André DIETRICH Conifer decline in the north-east of France : Characteristic changes in chloroplast protein pattern and absence of anti-oxidative defense capability point to an involvement of ozone. Physiologia Plantarum 04/2006, 85(2), 215-222 (2006)

Denis BLACHE, Sylvie DEVAUX, Olivier JOUBERT, Nadine LOREAU, Martina SCHNEIDER, Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST, Vincent GAUME, Markus ADRIAN, Pascal LAURANT & Alain BERTHELOT. Long-term moderate magnesium-deficient diet shows relationships between blood pressure, inflammation and oxidant stress defense in aging rats. ELSEVIER – Free Radical Biology & Medicine, vol. 41 issue 2, 277-284 (July 15, 2006).

Béatrice MERCIER, Josiane PROST & Michel PROST. Antioxidant activity of Bol d’Air Jacquier® breathing sessions in wistar rats – first studies. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2008 21 (1):1-16 (2008).

Béatrice MERCIER, Josiane PROST & Michel PROST The essential oil of turpentine an its major volatile fraction (alpha and beta pinenes) International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 01/2009, 22(4), 331-42 (2009)

David GUILLOU, C. LAUNAY, Philippe DURAND & Michel PROST Effet de la supplémentation en vitamine E et en sélénium organique sur la mesure du potentiel global de défense anti-radicalaire des porcelets. Journées Recherche Porcine, 41 – 2009

Sylvie CASPAR-BAUGUIL, Nicolas MAESTRE, Céline SEGAFREDO, Anne GALINIER, Jésus GARDIA, Michel PROST, Brigitte PERIQUET, Luc PENICAUD, Robert SALVAYRE, Louis CASTELLA Evaluation of whole antioxidant defenses of human mononuclear cells by a new in vitro biological test : lack of correlation between erythrocyte and mononuclear cell resistance to oxidative stress. Clinical Biochemistry, volume 42 issue 6 (April 2009) : 510-4, Epub 2008 Dec 11

Karine PORTIER, David CROUZIER, Michel GUICHARDANT, Michel PROST, Jean-Claude DEBOUZY, Nathalie KIRSCHVINK, Nicole FELLMANN, Pierre LEKEUX & Jean COUDERT Effects of high and low inspired fractions of oxygen on horse erythrocyte membrane properties, blood viscosity and muscle oxygenation during anaesthesia. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 36, 287-298 (2009)

ROSSI Raphaella, CORINO Carlo, PASTORELLI Grazia, DURAND Philippe & PROST Michel Assessment of antioxidant activity of natural extracts. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8 (2), 655-657 (2009)

Armelle GOLOTTE, B. SECCO, Louis MERCY, Marie-Claude LEMOINE, Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST & Silvio GIANINAZZI Raspberry breeding and biotisation for increasing plant stress tolerance and antioxidant activity. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 838 : Workshop on Berry Production in Changing Cliimate Conditions and Cultivation Systems. COST-Action 863 : Euroberry Research from Genomics to Sustainable Production, Quality and Health (2009).

Béatrice MERCIER, Josiane PROST & Michel PROST A well-oxygenated cells environment may help to fight against protein glycation. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 03/2011, 24(1), 102-7 (2011)

RIFLER JP, LORCERIE F, DURAND P, DELMAS D, RAGOT K, LIMAGNE E, MAZUE F, RIEDINGER JM, D’ATHIS P, HUDELOT B, PROST M, LIZARD G and N. LATRUFFE. A moderate red wine intake improves blood lipid parameters and erythrocytes membrane fluidity in post myocardial infact patients. Mol Nutr Food Res 56 (2) : 345-351 (2012)

R. CHEN, M. PROST, L. GREINER, RH MULLER and CM KECK Antioxidant capacity of tailor made quercetin nanocrystals with KRL test (2013)

R. CHEN, M. PROST, L. GREINER, RH MULLER and CM KECK Size dependent antioxidant capacity of tailor made quercetin nanocrystals : a quick look from KRL test. 7th Polish-German Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences. Pharmaceutical Technology : I – 51 (2013)

N. BAISAENG, M. PROST, P. DURAND, RH MULLER and CM KECK In vitro evaluation of antioxidant potential of coenzyme Q10-loaded ultra small lipid nanocarriers (2013)

GUILLEMIN, F-A ALLAERT, B. ARNOULT, L. CAPURON, A. DUPUY, E. GINON, J-M LECERF, M. PROST, M. ROGEAUX, I. URDAPILLETA and A. MARREL Dataset PMR173 : Development of a questionnaire to evaluate food-related well-being. Dataset, November 2013

Cornelia M. KECK, Nuttakorn BAISAENG, Philippe DURAND, Michel PROST, Martina C. MEINKE, Rainer H. MULLER Oil-enriched, ultra-small nanostructured lipid carrier (usNLC) : A novel delivery system based on flip-flop structure. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, article, December 2014

Thomas NURY, Amira ZARROUK, John J. MACKRILL, Mohammad SAMADI, Philippe DURAND, Jean-Marc RIEDINGER, Margaux DORIA, Anne VEJUX, Emeric LIMAGNE, Dominique DELMAS, Michel PROST, Thibault MOREAU, Mahamed HAMMAMI, Régis DELAGE-MOURROUX, Nora M. O’BRIEN, Gérard LIZARD Induction of oxiapoptophagy on 158N murine oligodendrocytes treated by 7-ketochlolesterol, 7B-hydroxycholesterol or 24(S)-hydroxycholesterol : Protective effects of a a-tocopherol and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6 n-3) Steroids article, February 2015

GUILLEMIN, A. MARREL, B. ARNOULD, L. CAPURON, A. DUPUY, E. GINON, S. LAYE, J. LECERF, M. PROST, M. ROGEAUX, I. URDAPILLETA, F. ALLAERT How French subjects describe well-being from food and eating habits, Development and scoring definition of the well-being related to food questionnaire (WELL-BFQ©). Appetite, article, September 2015

Houda NEFFATI, Michel PROST Intelligence territoriale et logique du vivant : quelle valorisation des ressources naturelles tropicales. Conference paper, October 2015

FA ALLAERT, E. GINON, M. ROGEAUX, I. URDAPILLETA, L. CAPURON, A. DUPUY, S. LAYE, J. LECERF, M. PROST, I . GUILLEMIN, A. MARREL, B. ARNOULD External validity of the well-Being related to food questionnaire (WELL-BFQ©) : variations according to the subjects nutritional status. Value in Health, article, November 2015.

GUILLEMIN, A. MARREL, B. ARNOULD, L. CAPURON, A. DUPUY, E. GINON, S. LAYE, J. LECERF, M. PROST, M. ROGEAUX, I. URDAPILLETA, F. ALLAERT How French subjects describe well-being from food and eating habits. Development and scoring definition of the well-being related to food questionnaire (WELL-BFQ©). Conference paper, November 2015

PHAN-THI H, DURAND P, PROST M, PROST E, WACHE Y Effect of heat-processing on the antioxidant and prooxidant activities of ß-carotene from natural and synthetic origins on red blood cells. Food Chem. 190:1137-1144, 2016

Meryam DEBBABI, Thomas NURY, Amira ZARROUK, Nadia MEKAHLI, Maryem BEZINE, Stéphane GREGOIRE, Lucie MARTINE, Philippe DURAND, Anne VEJUX, Aymen JABRANE, Lionel BRETILLON, Michel PROST, Agnès FROMONT, Thibault MOREAU, Mohamed HAMMAMI, Gérard LIZARD. Protective effects of α-Tocopherol, ﻻ-Tocopherol, and Oleic Acid, three coumpounds of olive oils, and no effect of Trolox on 7-Ketocholesterol-Induced Mitochondrial and Peroxisomal Dysfunctions on Microglial BV-2 Cells. In Press, 2016

Meryam DEBBABI, El-Mostafa KARYM, Emmanuelle CAMUS, Philippe DURAND, Mustapha CHERKAOUI-MALKI, Michel PROST, Boubker NASSER, Mohamed HAMMAMI, Gérard LIZARD. Etude comparative des profiles anti-oxydants et de la composition en polyphénols de fruits et de legumes associés au regime méditerranéen. Sous presse, 2016


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