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A quick history of the infamous silver canned red lettered soda many know as diet coke, actually began as a “top secret”. The reason behind this was the skeptical aspect of releasing the diet soda. When first developing the soda, the name was one of the biggest decsions to be made. They were between diet and sugar free because there competitor brand had already taken light. The undercapitalization of the label “diet Coke”, was purposeful. This was due to the reason that Coca Colas's trademark lawyers refused the permission of the uppercase D. According to the Coca Cola company, the reason behind this decision was because, “Diet with an uppercase “D” was a noun, and the use of a noun changed the name of the trademark. Use of the lowercase “d” was an adjective and, therefore, did not alter the legal basis of the trademark.” The initial design was red letters against a white background, labeled with the words “less than 1 calorie.” The core demographic for the soda was baby boomers who were getting “20 years older, 20 pounds heavier (Coca-Cola company).” America’s beloved soda has only increased in popularity since its release in July 8, 1982.  

Back in 2013, the Coca Cola company announced their long term partnership with the 13 grammy award winner Taylor Swift. The reason behind choosing Taylor Swift according to the Coca Cola company is because of, "Taylor's unmatched business savvy, talent and drive to succeed are an inspiration to everyone. She's an extraordinary individual and a wonderful symbol of achievement," said Katie Bayne, President, North America Brands, The Coca-Cola Company. The artist even stated, “I’ve said for years that Diet Coke just ‘gets me’ and my lifestyle. I’m so excited about our new partnership,” said Swift. Diet cokes social media page essentially would be used as a “behind the scenes” of the artists everyday life.  

However the partnership did not last as long as anticipated. In 2019 ties were cut. Although no “real or official” reason was given, many believe that it was to due to the fact that the soda company donated thousands of dollars to candidates advocating for illegalization of abortions. The artist has openly confirmed her democratic political stance throughout the latest years of her career. Thus, leading many to believe this was the reason for said separation.