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Beeleev, company created in 2013 by Hugues Franc, is an online & offline co-development network of selected entrepreneurs (Founders, CEOs, Presidents, Business Owners of SMEs seeking cross-border opportunities), experts and corporation that wish to mutually collaborate to realize their international business development[1] by sharing their best practices and resources.

Story[modifier | modifier le code]

Internationalizing a business became strategic for a wild number of companies, looking for new market penetration and development. This became essential for their growth. Beyond the language differences, implementing and developing a business abroad, remains hard. Indeed, the legal, social or fiscal environment are always different, and more complex than your own national market. All CEOs face the same challenges[2], no matter their nationality, or their cultural differences.

This is what lead Hugues Franc to create the Beeleev network, in June 2013.

Hugues Franc, is a business world specialist. After studying at HEC Lausanne, working at Bull S.A, Cap Gemini and Bossard Consultants, he founded and managed the Réseaux Entreprendre Paris, 92 et 93.

When he starts Beeleev, he is associated with someone in New York. It enables the company to be established in both Paris and New York since its begining.

- January 2015: 350 Beeleevers in 24 pays.[3]

- January 2016: 2000 Beeleevers in 206 countries

Mission[modifier | modifier le code]

Beeleev's mission is to help entrepreneurs worldwide. It is an online platform based on collaboration among its members. Byond that objective of co-development, Beeleev is also involved in its members visibility and, in most cases, successes. Thanks to its own members and Hugues Franc's personal network, Beeleevers (members of the Beeleev platform) can find potential synergies between their businesses, or potentially find partners to tackle new foreign markets.

Beeleev's mission is also to create a spirit of communitarianism. In order to reach that goal, Networking Events are organized locally and internationally for entrepreneurs to meet in person. These events can be a breakfast with a small group of entrepreneurs and an expert speaker, or bigger events during the evening like a cocktail. In a digital era, Beeleev wants to emphasize the importance of physical meetings during which everything goes faster.

Beeleev also organizes Learning Expeditions with groups of entrepreneurs. These Learning Expeditions are business trip in a foreign country. The objective is for the group of entrepreneurs to know more about the business ecosystem of said foreign countries. The last Learning Expeditions were:

- San Francisco and the Silicon Valley (April 2016)

- Berlin (2015)

- New York (2014)[4]

- London (2014)

More are planned in the near future.[5];307.html

  1. « This Parisian Startup Is the LinkedIn for Global Entrepreneurs », sur, (consulté le )
  2. « This Parisian Startup Is the LinkedIn for Global Entrepreneurs », sur, (consulté le )
  3. « Beeleev un réseau d'entrepreneurs sans frontières », sur
  4. « Beeleev », sur
  5. (en) « Beeleev », sur