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{{Use mdy dates|date=June 2014}} {{Infobox animanga/Header | name = No Game No Life | image = [[File:No Game No Life Vol. 1.jpg|230px]] | caption = Couverture du premier tome | ja_kanji = ノーゲーム・ノーライフ | ja_romaji = Nōgēmu Nōraifu | genre = [[Aventure]], [[Comedie]], [[Fantaisie]], [[Supernaturel]], [[Ecchi]] }} {{Infobox animanga/Print | type = light novel | auteur = [[Yū Kamiya]] | illustrateur = Yū Kamiya | Editeur = [[Media Factory]] | Public = Homme | label = [[MF Bunko J]] | Première publication = April 25, 2012 | Dernière publication = | Tomes = 6 | volume_list = }} {{Infobox animanga/Print | type = manga | auteur = [[Yū Kamiya]] | illustrateur = Mashiro Hiiragi | Editeur = [[Media Factory]] | Public = ''[[Seinen manga|Seinen]]'' | Prepublication = [[Monthly Comic Alive]] | Première publication = January 27, 2013 | Dernière publication = | Tomes = 1 | volume_list = }} {{Infobox animanga/Video | type = TV series | Realisateur = [[Atsuko Ishizuka]] | Producteur = | Auteur = [[Jukki Hanada]] | Musique = [[Shinji Hosoe|Super Sweep]] | Studio = [[Madhouse (company)|Madhouse]] | licence = {{english anime licensees|NA=[[Sentai Filmworks]]}} | network = [[AT-X (company)|AT-X]], [[Tokyo Metropolitan Television|Tokyo MX]], [[Sun Television|SUN]], [[Kyoto Broadcasting System|KBS]], [[Television Aichi Broadcasting|TVA]], [[Nippon BS Broadcasting|BS11]] | Chaine = {{English anime network|NA=[[Anime Network]]}} | Première diffusion = 9 Avril 2014 | Dernière diffusion = 25 Juin 2014 | episodes = 12 }} {{Infobox animanga/Footer}} No Game No Life (ノーゲーム・ノーライフ, Nōgēmu Nōraifu?, aussi abrégé NGNL ou Noge Nora) est une série Japonaise écrite et déssinée par Yū Kamiya. Media Factory a publié six tomes depuis le 25 Avril 2012. Une adaptation manga par Yu Kamiya avec la participation de Mashiro Hiiragi a débuté avec le magazine de Seine de la Media Factory Monthly Comic Alive le 27 Janvier 2013. Une adaptation animée par le studio Madhouse a commencé le 9 Avril 2014 et la première saison s'est terminée le 25 Jun 2014.

Frère et Sœur, Sora et Shiro sont inséparables, autant dans le monde réel que dans le monde des jeux vidéos. La combinaison de leurs capacités individuelles font d'eux une équipe invincible : Sora, avec son astucieuse intuition et son sens de déduction; et Shiro, avec son intelligence remarquable qui fait d'elle un génie de haut niveau. Dans le monde réel, ils sont des "Hikikomori", renfermés et associables, mais dans le monde des jeux vidéos, ils forment ensemble les 『  』 (Kūhaku (空白?, se lit "espace blanc")), un mystérieux groupe de joueurs en ligne invaincu avec un score imbattable dans tout les jeux auxquels ils jouent. A cause de leur nom de compte laissé vide, ils sont simplement connu sous le nom des "Blancs". Un jour, après avoir battu un mystérieux adversaire dans un jeu d'échec en ligne, le frère et la sœur se voient offrir la possibilité par leur adversaire de renaitre dans son monde, Disboard - un monde fantaisiste où tout est déterminé par le jeu. Quand ils acceptent la proposition, Sora et Shiro sont invoqué à Disboard par le dieu de ce monde, Tet,qu'ils découvrent être leur précédent adversaire. Ensemble, Sora et Shiro commence leur aventure pour sauver la faible race humaine de l'Imanity et concquérir le monde pour affronter Tet pour son titre de Seul Vrai Dieu.

Les Exceeds

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Ce sont les 16 races intelligentes de Disboard, communement connu comme les Exceeds. Chaque race s'est vue attribuer une représentation d'une pièce d'echec; si cette "pièce raciale" est perdue, la race perd sa place dans le rang des Exceeds et la protection des Engagements, les rendant vulnérables a toute attaque, esclavage ou meurtre depuis les autres races. Toutes les races des Exceeds sont tenus par les 10 Engagements, lois établiés par Tet après qu'il ai atteint le titre de Seul Vrai Dieu. Les Dix Engagements sont les suivants :

  1. Tout les effusions de sang, guerres et pillages sont interdits.
  2. Tout les conflits doivent être réglés par le jeu.
  3. Dans le jeu, chaque partie doit parier quelque chose que chaque côté accepte à valeur égale.
  4. Tant que cela n'enfreint pas le 3ème engagement, les choses pariés et les règles du jeu ne doivent pas être mise en question.
  5. Le participant défié a le droit de décider les règles du jeu.
  6. Toute mise en accord avec les engagement peut être pariée.
  7. Les conflits entre les groupes vont être gérés en en désignant un représentant avec une autorité absolue.
  8. Être pris en train de tricher pendant le jeu compte comme une défaite instantanée.
  9. Au nom de Dieu, les précédentes règles ne doivent jamais être changées.
  10. Tout le monde doit être ensemble et s'amuser.

Le Classement des 16 Races

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Les races d'Exceeds sont chacune classée en fonction de leur affinité avec la magie, avec les Old Deus (Anciens Dieu) en 1er, et l'Imanity - avec aucune affinité pour la magie - classé en dernier.

  1. Old Deus (Anciens dieux)
  2. Fantasmes
  3. Elementaires
  4. Dragon
  5. Géants
  6. Flügel
  7. Elfes
  8. Nains
  9. (Pas encore dévoilé)
  10. Ex Machina
  11. (Pas encore dévoilé)
  12. Dhampires
  13. Rumaruna
  14. Hommes Animaux
  15. Seirenes
  16. Imanity

Le classement exact des Fée et Démon sont actuellements inconnus; chacun classé 9ème ou 11ème. Les Exceed de niveau égal ou inférieurs aux Elfes possèdent un corps physique de chair, et utilise des méthodes de reproduction communes; alors que les autres, les "6 premiers du classement", possèdent la force de la volonté et du concept, que l'on peut penser être a Vie. Cela rapporte a une "Segmentation" entre les deux parties du classement.


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『  』

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『  』 (Kūhaku (空白?, lit. "espace blanc")), un légendaire groupe de joueurs inconnus en ligne qui gagnent chaque jeux auxquels ils jouent avec un score imbattable. Leurs incroyables compétences sont tellement célèbres qu'ils sont devenus une légende urbaine dans le monde du jeu vidéo. Le nom de compte des joueurs est toujours laissé vide, c'est ainsi qu'ils sont uniquement connu comme "les Blancs". Dans le vrai monde, les Blancs sont composés de Sora et Shiro, deux frères et sœur NEET et reclus. Ils gardent une proche et inséparable relation et s'ils sont séparés, chacun devient extrêmement introvertis et et fermés au monde, alors qu'ensemble, ils se complètent avec le sens tactique et l'intuition de Sora, et l'intelligence et la capacité de réflexion hors du commun de Shiro. Ils ne se considèrent pas comme des personnes à part, mais comme une unique existence dont la règle principale est "Les Blancs ne perdent jamais". Les frères et sœur chérissent le monde du jeu, où ils sont célèbres et excellent; au contraire, ils craignent le monde réel qu'ils considèrent comme un "mauvais jeu". Après avoir été amenés a Disboard par Tet, ils deviennent les dirigeant d'Elkia, le dernier pays restant de l'Imanity. Ensemble, ils travaillent sur la rédemption de l'humanité et à l'union des 16 races intelligentes, espérant pouvoir défier Tet pour son titre de Seul Vrai Dieu.
Sora (?)
Modèle:Doublé par
Le frère ainé de Shiro âgé de 18 ans. Il est vierge et n'a jamais eu de petite amie; en conséquent, il peut être un pervers. Il est très protecteur envers Shiro, et a une confiance absolue envers elle. Quand il était plus jeune, il croyait que les humains étaient stupides et faibles, mais après sa première rencontre avec la brillante Shiro agée de 3 ans, sa foi en l'humanitée a été restaurée. Il porte un T-shirt jaune qui dit "J'aime l'humanité".
Quand il joue aux jeux, Sora est excellent à l'analyse de l'expression et des pensées de ses opposants, assez pour prévoir leur prochains mouvements. Il excelle à toutes les triches et à trouver les tricheries. Avec Shiro à ses côtés, il est confiant et compétent; son inébranlable et charismatique caractère persuade tout son entourage au potentiel de l'humanité.Après avoir gagné les élections pour être Roi avec Shiro, il devient le roi et le représentant d'Elkia, le dernier pays de l'Imanity. Après avoir accepter le trône, il fait de son but la conquête du monde entier afin de pouvoir un jour défier Dieu. Quand il est séparé de sa sœur, Sora perd toute sa confiance et devient extrêmement introvertis et lâche.
Shiro (?)
Modèle:Doublé par
La petite sœur de 11 ans de Sora. Elle a une apparence tranquille et innocente, mais, comme son frère, elle a un côté pervers. Elle est assez mignonne,et décrite par Sora comme étant une "beauté parfaite et sans défaut". Alors qu'elle est plus jeune que Sora de 7 ans, elle garde autant d'influence que lui dans leur relation, et aux vues de cette relation, elle apparait comme son égal. Elle est très attaché à son frère, et a absolument confiance en ses capacités et ses décisions. Elle s'est résolue a toujours le suivre, et en contrepartie, Sora a promis de la mener vers la grandeur.
Génie née, Shiro est bonne dans toute chose relative aux calculs, et est capable de parler plus de 20 langues et d'en maitriser une nouvelle en 15 minutes. Elle est excellente au jeu d’échec et aux jeux de FPS (First Person Shoot), mais elle a des difficultés avec la stratégie et la tromperie. Après avoir gagné l'élection royale avec Sora, elle devient la reine régnante d'Elkia. Shiro est déterminée pour rester aux côtés de Sora et et de toujours rester avec lui, conquérir le monde et affronter Dieu. Quand elle n'est pas avec Sora, Shiro devient incroyablement découragée et irresponsable à cause de son anthropophobie.

Imanity/Humains (人類種)

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Ranked 16th in the Exceed. Imanity's race piece is the "King", which is noted by Sora for being the weakest yet strategically most important piece.
The human race of Imanity (pun on humanity) holds the last rank in the Exceed, and is regarded condescendingly by the other races as the weakest. Because the Imanity do not possess any special ability and are incapable of using magic, their country, "Elkia", once the largest country in Disboard, quickly loses most of its land after the declaration of the Ten Oaths. As of the 5th light novel, Sora and Shiro recover most of their lost lands, and form alliances with the Werebeasts, Flügel, Dhampires, and Sirens, establishing the Elkia Federation.
Stephanie Dola (ステファニー・ドーラ, Sutefanī Dōra?)
Modèle:Voiced by
Referred to as "Steph" by Sora and Shiro, Stephanie is the granddaughter of the previous king of Elkia. She is quite beautiful and popular, which often prompts harassment from the siblings. After she loses a Rock-Paper-Scissors game to Sora, she is ordered by Sora to "fall in love" with him as a punishment, forcing her to become the siblings' underling with no choice but to comply with their demands. While she is bad at playing games, she has achieved excellent grades at the nation's top school; as a result, Sora and Shiro usually leave all the political chores to her while they focus on gaming against the other races.
Over time, Steph finds herself falling in love with Sora, but vehemently denies it and blames her feelings on the Rock-Paper-Scissors game loss, even though the effect seems to have expired long ago. As Jibril points out, she had been ordered to "fall in love," not "stay in love." Like her grandfather, Steph is prone to taking large risks in order to find her opponent's weakness, and is not very good at playing games. She challenges Sora once in a while when she finds a game she thinks she can win, but always ends up losing and getting forced to do something embarrassing. Yet as she continues to challenge the siblings, her skill in games and cheating begins to improve; while she is still no match for the siblings, she becomes capable of easily beating any human.
Kurami Zell (クラミー・ツェル, Kuramī Tseru?)
Modèle:Voiced by
A human who allies with several different races in order to win the king's contest; she believes that humans will never be strong and must depend on others in order to survive. She is close friends with an Elf named Feel, who seems to be her mother figure. Kurami makes it to the final round of the king's contest by cheating with the help of Feel's Elf magic, but loses to Sora and Shiro when they use her own schemes against her. When Sora mocks her for her underestimation of humankind, she throws away her confident façade and bursts into tears while childishly calling him names.
In the 3rd light novel, she returns to challenge the siblings, only to lose again, and relinquishes all of her memories to them as punishment. In the end, Sora chooses to share their combined memories between them, returning her memories, as well as giving her his. Glimpsing Sora's past wins both her allegiance and trust, and, believing he will fulfill his vow to unite all of the races, she now assists Feel in claiming the leadership of the Elves.
Previous King
Modèle:Voiced by
Steph's late grandfather, who was the previous king of Imanity. His death is fairly recent, and Imanity scornfully remembers him as the "Fool King"; during his time on the throne, he consecutively lost in games to the other races, relinquishing Elchea's vast library to Jibril the Flügel, as well as most of Imanity's land to the Werebeasts. Later on, it is revealed that he understood his incompetence in games, and was actually trying to find a way to win against the other races, hoping to create a fighting chance for Imanity. He arranges the king election contest to be held after his death, desiring for the "best gambler" in Imanity to become king.

Flügel (天翼種)

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Ranked 6th in the Exceed. The Flügel's race piece is the "Queen".
The Flügel are ancient warriors, capable of killing gods, and were originally created by the Old Deus to fight wars for them. While their combat abilities are sealed by the Ten Oaths, they still retain their near immortality and high magic ability. Due to their nature, the Flügel tend to have violent thoughts, as well as harsh and sarcastic dispositions. According to Jibril, they used to collect the severed heads of other races. However, after the Ten Oaths were established and murder was forbidden, the Flügel valued knowledge above anything else. They began collecting knowledge from all over Disboard by robbing books from the other races, and after thoroughly stocking their homeland with the stolen knowledge, the Flügel passed a law decreeing that every member must share the books with each other. The Flügel's country is Avant Heim, a flying city.
The most common game among the Flügel is a word game called "Materialization Shiritori." An alternate dimension is created specifically for players of the game. Each side must provide a word with a leading letter that is identical to the ending letter of the opponent's word. Words can be in any language, however naming fictional things that don't exist won't count. Because this is "Materialization" Shiritori, if something that doesn't exist within the dimension is said, it will appear; if something that already exists within the dimension is said, it will disappear. Three things invoke game loss: using a word that has already been used, failing to answer for 30 seconds, or being unable to continue the game. Once the game is over, everything will be undone. While the Flügel do not actively cheat during the game, their high endurance, combined with their extensive knowledge, puts them at a great advantage.
Jibril (ジブリール, Jiburīru?)
Modèle:Voiced by
She is the youngest and strongest of the Flügel race, though she is actually 6,407 years old. She has an avid love and passion for knowledge, and can speak every one of the 700 languages in Disboard. She depicts a very bright and airy personality, however sometimes her words can hold very ominous or perverted implications. She once blew up one of the Elves' cities with a single blast and stole all of their books. Against the book-sharing law, she leaves her homeland and wins Imanity's main library from the previous king - Steph's grandfather. When she is challenged by Sora for her library, she places herself and everything she has as a wager, firmly believing that knowledge and the places where it is stored is just as valuable as one's life. Thus, after she is defeated, she holds true to her bet and becomes the servant of Sora and Shiro. She tends to have a condescending manner towards other races, initially including Imanity, but after she accepts Sora as her master, over time she gradually begins to understand and accept his belief in the potential of humankind. Unlike Steph, Jibril is happy to be the siblings' underling. She shows growing feelings for Sora, though she mentions that she does not actually have the emotion of love.

Elves (森精種)

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Ranked 7th in the Exceed. The Elves' race piece is the "Rook".
The Elves are one of the most skilled races in magic ability, known for their wisdom and complicated enchantments. Though the Elf country is democratic, they often take slaves from other races by winning them as a wager. Eight hundred years ago, before the Ten Oaths, Jibril destroyed their capital and robbed all of their books about magic, stalling the growth of their magic ability for a long time. The Elf country is Alvern Gald, currently the largest nation on the planet. Elves refer to magic users as the Nth rank for being able to use N types of magic at the same time. The 3rd rank magic user is the most common in the upper classes.
Fil Nilvalen (フィール・ニルヴァレン, Fīru Niruvaren?)
Modèle:Voiced by
An Elf girl. She is 52 years old, despite her young appearance. She is Kurami's game partner, and often helps her to cheat with her Elf magic. Though it is later revealed that Kurami is actually her family's slave, they still hold a close relationship with each other. While other Elves call her the shame of Nilvalen for being a 2nd rank magic user, Fil is actually a 6th rank magic user, however keeps it a secret. Believing that Sora will fulfill his vow to unite all the races, she now works with Kurami to claim the leadership of the Elves.

Warbeasts (獣人種)

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Ranked 14th in the Exceed. The Warbeasts' race piece is the "Pawn".
The Warbeasts, along with the Flügel, were one of the most violent races in Disboard before the declaration of the Ten Oaths. Their trademark characteristics include animal ears, claws, and a tail. They are the only race, besides Imanity, that cannot use magic, however they possess extremely keen senses, capable of detecting magic, emotions, and even lies. Some have an ability known as "Blood Destruction," which temporarily enhances their physical abilities. When used in gaming, this gives them great speed and quick reflexes. The Warbeasts' country, Eastern United, is known to be the most industrialized and technologically advanced in Disboard, with video games and even elevators.
When challenged, the Warbeasts compete in video games; because video games are non-existent outside of Eastern United, the opponent is put at a great disadvantage and the Warbeasts are able to easily cheat. They have their opponents bet their memories of the game as a wager so when the challengers lose, their memories are wiped and the nature of the Warbeasts' games remains a mystery to the rest of Disboard.
The Warbeasts defeated Imanity's ex-king (Steph's grandfather) in eight consecutive games and gained half of Imanity's land, however, as an exchange, Steph's grandfather was allowed to keep his memory of the last game. He had promised to keep it a secret for the rest of his life, but his promise had a catch: it didn't extend to after his death. The ex-king recorded his memories of the game and his other discoveries in a book, and passed them on to Elkia's next king. Thus, when Sora and Shiro inherit his knowledge, they are able to use the secrets and weaknesses of the Warbeasts to force them into joining the Elkia Federation.
Izuna Hatsuse (初瀬 いづな, Hatsuse Izuna?)
Modèle:Voiced by
An 8-year-old Warbeast girl, the ambassador of the Warbeast race. She is adored by Sora and Shiro, and the siblings like petting her fur. Likewise, Izuna shares the same fondness for them, even mentioning once that she prefers them over her grandfather. She is still learning the Imanity language, and has a habit of saying "please" after everything in order to make it sound polite. After the Warbeasts are forced to join the Elkia Federation, Izuna becomes the siblings' underling under Miko's request. Steph has noted that Izuna shares many similarities with Sora and Shiro; she has a lack of common knowledge and holds an arrogance towards others, but she also possesses great intelligence and has a skilled competence in gaming.
Ino Hatsuse (初瀬いの, Hatsuse Ino?)
Modèle:Voiced by
Izuna's 98-year-old grandfather, who works at the embassy of Elkia. Later, he also becomes the siblings' underling. He is extremely protective of his granddaughter, becoming unhappy whenever she is close to Sora and Shiro, and he constantly tries to fend off the siblings. According to Miko, he has thirty wives. He was one of the participants in the games between Imanity's ex-king and the Warbeasts.
"Miko" (『巫女』, Miko?)
Modèle:Voiced by
The leader of the Warbeasts. She lost her real name during the formation of the country when she placed it as a wager. She looks down on Imanity at first, but after forming a truce with Sora and joining the Elkia Federation, she begins to have faith in the siblings. She orders Izuna and Ino to follow them, believing that both could learn more from Sora and Shiro.

Dhampires (吸血種)

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Ranked 12th in the Exceed.
The Dhampires are also known as "Those who transcend death (Nosferatu)", "The rulers of the undead (No Life King)" and "Dominators of the night (Nightwalker)". They live and mature by consuming the soul essence of the other Exceed races by ingesting their body fluids. Before, they used to consume blood freely, but after the Ten Oaths were established, they were forbidden to do so. As a result, when their race came to the verge of extinction, they were forced to resort to a lifestyle more akin to succubi.
After the Dhampires failed at an attempt to build a relationship with the Seirenes, they are now only permitted to drink Seirenes' blood, while Seirenes, a race with only females, are allowed to mate with male Dhampires at will.
A Dhampir's bite will not cause the victim to turn into a Dhampir. Instead, the outcome of a bite depends on the victim's race: if the victim's race is of rank 6 or above, their blood will kill the Dhampir (This is because the souls of exceed races that are rank 6 and above are far more potent than those of below rank 6); if the victim's race is of a rank 7 or lower, the victim will be infected with a disease that makes them vulnerable to sunlight. On the other hand, if a Dhampir drinks blood or any other fluid without direct contact (ie: biting), the disease will not be transmitted.
Plum (プラム, Puramu?)
A Dhampir who lives in Oceando and asks Sora and Shiro for help.

Seirenes (海棲種)

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Ranked 15th in the Exceed.
The Seirenes - also known as Mermaids - live in Oceando, together with the Dhampires. They are a race of only females, and cannot leave water for long. The Ten Oaths forbid them from hunting males of other races for mating. After the Dhampires tried to form a treaty with them, the Seirenes ended up winning the game; as a result, they can now mate with male Dhampires, while the Dhampires can only drink their blood. All Seirenes other than their queen have a notoriety that the male who mate them will die. This eventually makes the Dhampires, along with Seirenes, into near extinction. Seirenes are known to other races as extremely stupid, and they spend most their time playing and mating.
Empress of the Seirenes. Using the pledges she put herself to sleep to be awakened by *true love*. Conquering her affection and waking her up is part of the game between the Elkian Federation and Oceando.

Ex Machina (機凱種)

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Ranked 10th in the Exceed, they have a cybernetic appearance.
Syuvi Dola (シュヴィ・ドーラ, Shubī Dōra?)

An Ex Machina from the first war, she shares features with Shiro.

Old Deus (神霊種)

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Ranked 1st in the Exceed.
The Old Deus are the defeated gods. Long ago, in the distant past, they waged an eternal war against each other for the right to become the One True God and rule the world. However, every god who participated in the war was defeated, and the war ended with no victor. As a result, Tet - the only deity who didn't participate in the war - won the title of One True God by default, and established The Ten Oaths to prevent further warring and violence from ever occurring again. According to Jibril, in the ancient times, even a force of two hundred Flügel was not enough to kill a single Old Deus.
Tet (テト, Teto?)
Modèle:Voiced by
The God of Disboard. Being the only God, Tet does not belong to any of the sixteen races, and can change his appearance at will. He was once known as the "god of play," but after all of the other gods were defeated in the eternal war, he won the new title of One True God by default, and established the Ten Oaths. After Shiro and Sora defeat him in an online game of chess, he summons the siblings to Disboard, and asks for them to save Imanity. However, later on, Tet admits that his main motive for bringing them to his world had really been to cure his boredom and stir things up. He has faith in the siblings' skills, and expects that one day they will come to challenge him for the title of God. In order to challenge Tet, the siblings must first collect each of the different chess pieces from the sixteen races. Under the Ten Oaths, this means that they must unite all of the races of the Exceed under their rule.

Fantasma (幻想種)

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Ranked 2nd in the Exceed.
Not much has been revealed about this race except that Avant Heim, the country of the Flügel, is actually a fantasma. It resembles a giant floating rock, and has the right to infringe on the sunlight and view of others, as noted by Sora.

Dragonia (龍精種)

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Ranked 4th in the Exceed.
The Dragonia have the appearance of Dragons. According to Jibril, in the ancient times, it took a force of fifty Flügel to just barely kill one Dragonia.

Rumaruna (月詠種)

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Ranked 13th in the Exceed.

Elemental (精霊種)

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Ranked 3rd in the Exceed.
Every living thing born in Disboard contains traces of Elemental (Sora and Shiro were not born in Disboard, so they do not). These traces of Elemental are the most concentrated in the erogenous zone(s).


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Ranked 5th in the Exceed.
According to Jibril, it would take the force of 27 Flugel to take on one Gigant.

Light novels

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The first light novel volume was published on April 25, 2012, under Media Factory's MF Bunko J imprint. Six volumes have been published as of April 25, 2014. The light novel ranked at No. 10 in 2014 in Takarajimasha's annual light novel guide book Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!.[1]

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A manga adaptation by Yū Kamiya with art by Mashiro Hiiragi started serialization in the seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive on January 27, 2013. It has been collected in a single tankōbon volume as of December 2013. North American publisher Seven Seas Entertainment will release the manga in October 2014.[2]

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No Game No Life was one of five MF Bunko J light novel anime television adaptations announced at Media Factory's Summer School Festival event on July 28, 2013.[3] It is produced by Madhouse[4] and premiered on April 9, 2014 on AT-X and later on Tokyo MX, SUN, KBS, TVA and BS11. The anime has been licensed by Sentai Filmworks for digital and home video release.[5] The opening song is "This Game" by Konomi Suzuki and the ending song is "Oracion" by Ai Kayano.

List of Episodes

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No. Title Original air date
  1. (ja) Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! 2014, Takarajimasha, (ISBN 978-4-8002-1954-1)
  2. « Seven Seas Licenses No Game, No Life Manga », Anime News Network (consulté le )
  3. « No Game, No Life Light Novels by Itsuten's Kamiya Gets Anime », Anime News Network, (consulté le )
  4. « No Game, No Life Anime's 1st Promo Video, Cast, Staff Unveiled », Anime News Network, (consulté le )
  5. « Sentai Filmworks Adds No Game, No Life », Anime News Network (consulté le )
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{{Madhouse|state=collapsed}} [[Category:2012 novels]] [[Category:2013 manga]] [[Category:Anime and manga based on light novels]] [[Category:Fantasy anime and manga]] [[Category:Japanese fantasy novels]] [[Category:Light novels]] [[Category:Madhouse (company)]] [[Category:MF Bunko J]] [[Category:Seinen manga]] [[Category:Sentai Filmworks]] [[Category:Seven Seas Entertainment titles]] {{Anime-stub}}