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Chuck Austen
Nom de naissance Chuck Beckum
Naissance Années 60
Nationalité Drapeau des États-Unis États-Unis
scénariste de comics
Illustrateur et écrivain
Marié, sans enfants

Chuck Austen (né Chuck Beckum) est un auteur et illustrateur de comics, célèbre pour son travail controversé dans la série X-Men, ainsi que dans d'autres bandes dessinées de Marvel et de DC Comics.

Austen commence sa carrière sous son vrai nom, Chuck Beckum, qu'il abandonnera plus tard par désir de se dissocier du nom de son père[1].

Débuts à dans les années 1980]]

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Il fait ses débuts à San Francisco dans les années 80, où il écrit des bandes dessinées pornographiques en noir et blanc, dont Strips, WorldWatch et Hardball[1].

À la même époque, il illustre les séries de super-héros Phantom Lady et Miracleman d'Allan Moore chez DC comics.

À la fin des années 80, il participe à la série Hero Sandwich de Slave Labor Graphics, ainsi qu'aux séries moins connues Dr. Radium et Lee Flea.

À partir de 2001, Austin a écrit plusieurs épisodes de War Machine.[2] Les mini-séries sont bien accueillies par le public, mais les ventes de cette BD sont décevantes, principalement à cause du fait qu'elle est publiée juste après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, ce qui diminue son écho dans la presse. En 2003, Austen continue cette série, avec War Machine 2.0. Prenant avantage des libertés créatrices que lui autorisent l'univers parallèle dans lequel l'action prend place, il imagine un Tony Stark (alias Iron Man) plus pacifiste et intéressé par les affaires que son équivalent dans la première série[3].

In the early 2000s, Austen started working regularly for Marvel Comics, writing and illustrating U.S. War Machine, illustrating Elektra, and writing a number of series, including Uncanny X-Men, Captain America, and The Avengers. His two-year run on Uncanny X-Men was his most lengthy writing assignment to date.[1]

In 2002 Austen took part in writing a Marvel book with Bruce Jones entitled, The Call of Duty 911, series of short-lived Marvel Comics series featuring firefighters and emergency service workers dealing with paranormal phenomena in the Marvel Universe, conceived in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks as a way to convey the heroism of New York City firemen as real life superheroes. Austen wrote Call of Duty: The Brotherhood #1–6, and Call of Duty: The Wagon #1–4, and a short run on an ongoing series in 2002–2003, that lasted four issues.

From August 2003 to January 2004, Austen wrote six issues of The Eternal for the Marvel MAX line.[4] It was a reimagination of the classic Eternals comic book by Jack Kirby and was lauded as "haunting yet humorous".[5][6]

X-Men and Avengers work

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In 2002, Austen took over Uncanny X-Men beginning with #410-415, during which he introduced the character of Annie Ghazikhanian, who falls in love with comatose X-Man Havok. Comics Bulletin gave Austen 3.5 out of 5 stars: while criticising a certain tendency for melodramatics, he was lauded for his "spot-on" characterizations of Northstar and Professor X.[7] Austen's follow-up arc, "Dominant Species", ran from #416-420, in introduced a group of mutant werewolves who eat humans who do not accept mutant rights.

Austen continued in 2003 with three short two-part arcs named "Rules of Engagement", "Holy War", and "Sacred Vows" (Uncanny X-Men #421–427).

Comics Bulletin was appreciative of Rules of Engagement while acknowledging that the Canadian superhero team Alpha Flight behaved strangely nationalistic.[8] "Holy War" featured religious zealots Church of Humanity who crucify several junior X-Men and abduct demonic-looking X-Man Nightcrawler. They want to install him as Pope of the Catholic Church to discredit this religion whilst simulating the Rapture (It should be noted that the Catholic faith does not actually accept the concept of the Rapture).

In "Sacred Vows", Austen established that X-Man Polaris is the daughter of archvillain Magneto. That drives her over the edge, makes her betray her fiancé Havok with a male stripper, while Havok betrays her with nurse Annie Ghazikhanian. Austen admitted misplotting Polaris.[9]

In the next story arc, "Draco", (Uncanny X-Men #428–434), Nightcrawler is revealed to be the son of Azazel, a powerful demon, who is later revealed as Satan himself, or rather an ancient mutant who serves as the original basis for the myths of Satan. called the story pacing "unbelievably tedious" and pointed out that Austen's revelation lacked power, because Azazel was painted as Satan from literally the prologue of the story on.[10] Austen himself admitted that he misplotted the story.[11]

The next arc, 2004's "She Lies With Angels" (Uncanny X-Men #437–441), was a retelling of the classic Romeo and Juliet story using Josh Guthrie as the male and a girl called Julia Cabot, daughter of a family full of anti-mutant racists, as the female counterpart.

By then, Austen's X-Men work was widely criticized. strongly rebuked him for "horror-filled destruction of characters and inane plotting" that "defined" his work on Uncanny X-Men.[12]

In 2004, Austen also wrote Avengers from #77-84. His first arc introduced a new Captain Britain (since renamed Lionheart). The second Captain Britain was a single mother thrust into the realm of super-heroes.[13] The second arc, which saw Austen writing former Avengers USAgent and Namor, the Sub-Mariner attempting to liberate a middle eastern country from its corrupt leadership, served as launching pad for the short-lived 2004 Invaders series.[14][15][16]

The writing stints during Avengers and X-Men affected Austen's reputation among comic book fans. Detractors saw him as a "misogynist", who "hate[s] women" and "obsessed with sex". In response, Austen pointed out he was married with children, was raised by a single mother he looked up to and strongly denied misogynist sentiment.[11]

In 2004 Austen created the independent title WorldWatch, which he described as being like Warren Ellis's The Authority, but with more explicit depiction of sex, violence and realpolitik.[17] The last page of Worldwatch #2 featured an announcement from the publisher stating that Austen had been fired, and that he would be replaced by notable writer Sam Clemens (the real name of American writer Mark Twain). However, as creator and owner, Austen cannot be fired from Worldwatch. In a subsequent interview, Austen stated that it was intended as a joke, and that he was disappointed that most readers had not understood it.[11]

From 2004 to 2005, Austen wrote issues 812 - 823 of DC Comics' flagship title Action Comics, starring Superman. Austen was criticized by fans for resurrecting the "Silver Age" feud between Superman supporting characters Lois Lane and Lana Lang over Superman, with Lana in particular divorcing longtime husband Pete Ross in the process.[11] Austen controversially left the title[18] after 10 issues. The next two were written by J.D. Finn. Austen himself speculated that J.D. Finn was actually then–Action Comics editor Eddie Berganza, and has denied using the pseudonym.[11]

In 2006, Austen wrote The Boys of Summer, an Original English Language (OEL), adult-themed manga illustrated by Hiroki Otsuka through TokyoPop. Copies of the first volume were pulled from a number of bookstores in May that year due to its graphic content. Publishers Weekly named The Boys of Summer of the Top Ten manga/manhwa of 2006, calling it both "a titillating and edgy reading experience."[19] Subsequently, news reports indicated that the series had been cancelled even though the other two volumes were written and drawn, and both Austen and Otsuka had been paid.[18] The first volume is available in English on,[20] and Austen stated that all three would likely see print in other languages, if not in English. He also stated that doing the series was such maturing experience for him as a creator that he would never go back to superheroes or work-for-hire again. A 600-page hardcover edition collecting all three volumes, The Boys of Summer: The Complete Season, was scheduled for August 2008, but Austen reported it cancelled in a July 2008 interview.[18]

Austen has written for television, most notably on the program Tripping the Rift, which he co-created.

During his Marvel/DC stint, Austen invented the expression "Seven Deadly Trolls". In Austen's point of view, they are a small and not representative group, who use internet message boards, blogs and newsgroups to attack Austen on a professional and personal level.[13] Multiple comic book critiques though, have panned Austen's Marvel and DC work.[12][21] Austen admitted that he took online criticism of his work personally. On a professional level, the criticism also led to hostility between himself and certain comic book store owners.[11]

In a 2006 interview, Austen commented sarcastically on his bad image among comic book fans,[11] later acknowledging having had a "bad day" during that interview, and being overtly cynical.[13]

Personal life

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Austen is married and has two daughters. He is a military brat[2] and described his childhood as a tough struggle: after his parents divorced, he was raised by his single mother in a housing project.[11]

Austen identifies himself as humanitarian and anti-racist.[11] In Austen's view the Republican Party discriminates against women, and he especially disliked the Bush administration.[2] On a professional level, Austen admires fellow comic book creators Brian Michael Bendis, Paul Jenkins, Bill Sienkiewicz and J. Michael Straczynski.[11]

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Category:American graphic novelists Category:Military brats Category:Living people Catégorie:Date de naissance inconnue (XXe siècle)