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Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria
(74 ans)
Ksibet-Sousse, Tunisie
Nom dans la langue maternelle
عبد العزيز بن جبرية
tunisienne, française, américaine.
Maitrise de Mathématiques, Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7. D.E.A, Ph.D, et Doctorat d’État, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6.
Amina Ben-Jebria
Dorsaf, Minwel et Yater Ben-Jebria
Autres informations
A travaillé pour
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, France) The Pennsylvania State University (USA, Pennsylvania)
Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria

Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria (عبد العزيز بن جبرية) est né le 6 juin 1950 à Ksibet-Sousse (ﻗﺼﻴﺒﺔ ﺴﻮﺴﺔ) en Tunisie, de parents Kacem Ben Jebria et Aïcha Rabbègue. Il détient trois nationalités: tunisienne, française et américaine. Biophysicien de formation à l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie, il a été chercheur scientifique en Physiologie Respiratoire à l’Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, France), puis il a été nommé Professeur de Recherche en Génie Biologique et Médicale à l'Université d'État de Pennsylvanie (USA, Pennsylvania). Durant son parcours académique, il réussit à valider plusieurs brevets américains pour des inventions, auxquelles il a pris part. Retraité depuis 2010, il se dévoue à la littérature et à la poésie, et publie son premier ouvrage autobiographique suivi d'un autre à visée socio-politique.

Biographie[modifier | modifier le code]

Enfance[modifier | modifier le code]

Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria a débuté sa scolarité en 19561, jusqu'à la fin de ses études primaires, à Ksibet-Sousse, un petit village situé à 5 km de Sousse, connu anciennement sous le nom de Hadrumète. Il a poursuivi ses études secondaires au Lycée Technique de Sousse (en section Math-technique), puis au Lycée Militaire de Bizerte et enfin au Lycée de Garçons de Sousse. Malheureusement, il ne réussit pas à décrocher son Baccalauréat en Mathématiques.

Depuis qu'il a été enfant, il est très attaché à sa grand-mère maternelle Aziza (1910-1998). Celle-là, devenue veuve très tôt élève toute seule ses deux enfants Zeynab et Aïcha, (Aïcha est la mère d’Abdellaziz), tout en étant cultivatrice agricole. Cet amour pour la terre sera transféré à Abdellaziz, qui se passionne pour la cueillette des olives. Son lien exceptionnel avec sa grand-mère jouera un rôle prépondérant dans son développement personnel et dans son cheminement académique et professionnel.

Formation universitaire[modifier | modifier le code]

Après le raté du baccalauréat, Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria émigre en France. Il a résidé pendant dix ans dans le 5ème arrondissement de Paris et il a redoublé ses efforts pour poursuivre ses études, en formation continue le soir, dans un premier temps et en travaillant pendant la journée, afin de pouvoir accéder aux études universitaires. Parallèlement, il a suivi une formation professionnelle en vue d'obtenir un diplôme d’animateur de centres de loisirs et de colonies de vacances.

Une fois admis à l’Université de Paris-VII, il entame ses études supérieures en Sciences exactes et réussit à obtenir un Diplôme Universitaire d'Études Scientifiques (DUES) en Mathématiques-Physique, puis une maitrise ès Sciences en Mathématiques, un D.E.A en Biophysique (dont le titre du mémoire est: Transport actif dans les vésicules biliaires d'Escherichia Coli), un Ph.D (dont le titre de thèse est: Modélisation de la ventilation pulmonaire chez l'homme normal) et enfin un Doctorat d’Etat ès Sciences en Biophysique de l’Université de Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris-VI), intitulé: Contributions biophysiques à l'étude de la mixique pulmonaire. Ce parcours ambitieux a été couronné pour un poste de recherche biomédicale à l’INSERM en France où il a étudié notamment la ventilation pulmonaire à haute fréquence et l’évaluation d’une prothèse vocale pour les patients ayant subi une laryngectomie totale, avant de s’expatrier aux Etats-Unis.

Carrière aux États-Unis[modifier | modifier le code]

Lors de son séjour aux États-Unis, il enseigne à l'Université de Pennsylvanie. Il s'intéresse particulièrement aux aspects de bio-ingénierie du système respiratoire, comme: la dosimétrie des xénobiotiques inhalés, l'évaluation de la toxicité pulmonaire due à la pollution atmosphérique, l'administration pulmonaire de médicaments à l'aide de particules polymères poreuses, grandes et légères, pour la thérapie systémique, l'administration transdermique de médicaments avec application d'ultrasons à basse fréquence et l'association entre l'obésité et l'asthme.

Ses travaux scientifiques ont été concrétisés par plus d’une centaine de présentations dans des congrès internationaux et par autant de publications dans des revues scientifiques internationales, dont les comités de lecture sont essentiellement anglophones. En plus de ses recherches fondamentales et appliquées, Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria est co-inventeur de treize brevets technologiques visant l’administration des aérosols médicamenteux par inhalation, ce qui favorise la création de meilleures thérapies systémiques, notamment par le biais de l’insuline pour le diabète chronique.

Ci-dessous, les prix et les distinctions qu'il a eus, ainsi qu'un extrait de son expertise scientifique, seront détaillés en anglais, dans leur version d'origine.

Prix et distinctions[modifier | modifier le code]

1. Student Research Fellowship: awarded by the French DGRST (Equiv. US NSF), September 1978 – August 1980.

2. State Doctorate of Science with Very Honorable Distinction: Awarded by the University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris) in recognition of advanced scholarly research in biophysics, October 26, 1984.  

3. Visiting Scientist Fellowship: Sponsored by the French DRET Research Program achieved in USA, September 1987 – August 1988.

4. Visiting Fellow Award: Sponsored by the Philippe Foundation, Paris and New York, September 1988 – August 1989.

5. Nightingale Prize: Best paper of the year 1989 selected and sponsored by the Biological Engineering Society and the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, September 27, 1989.

6. Graduate Student Outstanding Research Award in Drug Delivery: Sponsored by Controlled Release Society and CRS-3M Pharmaceuticals, June 22, 1998.

7. Thomas T. Mercer Joint Prize: Award recognizing excellence in pharmaceutical aerosols and inhalable materials, co-sponsored by the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) and the International Society for Aerosols in Medicine (ISAM), November 8, 2000.

8. Fulbright Award: Granted by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board and sponsored by the US State Department to Lecturing/Research at the Medical School of Sousse in Tunisia, October 2007 – July 2008.

Publication[modifier | modifier le code]

Ouvrages littéraires[modifier | modifier le code]

1. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Tunisie d’Amour, que Reste-t-il de tes Beaux Jours? Éditions du Panthéon, 2024. 112 pages (ISBN 978-2-7547-6954-9)[1]

Ce second ouvrage de Ben Jebria, change la donne, en mettant l'autobiographie de l'auteur en arrière-plan et les événements qui ont bousculé la Tunisie depuis 2010 au premier. Cet inversement de cadre rend l'ouvrage en question, proche d'un essai socio-politique, où le narrateur se réfugie dans ses souvenirs d'antan afin de surmonter la noirceur des événements qui font sombrer son pays dans l'abîme.

2. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Les Periples de l’Enfant de Ksiba. Livre autobiographique, Éditions Edilivre, 2020. 522 pages (ISBN 978-2-414-47166-9)[2]

Dans cet ouvrage autobiographique, l'auteur retrace son parcours entre la Tunisie, la France et les Etats-Unis et dresse l'inventaire des impressions, des goûts, des paysages et des souvenirs qui se succèdent et qui le marquent à jamais. Son inter-culturalité et son ouverture d'esprit culminent en rendant un bel hommage à ses bien-aimés.

Chroniques et vulgarisations scientifiques[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Chroniques Mensuelles, depuis 2022, dans le Blog "Grains de Sel", créé par l’Association de l’Autobiographie et du Patrimoine Autobiographique (APA)[3].
  2. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Relation Entre Obésité et Asthme. Le Cercle Les Echos, Economie & Société, Santé, February 13, 2012[4].
  3. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Qui a Empêché les Diabétiques de Savourer leur Insuline Respiratoire? Le Cercle Les Echos, Economie & Société, Santé, February 18, 2013[5].
  4. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Retrouver la Parole après l’Ablation du Larynx Cancéreux. Le Cercle Les Echos, Economie & Société, Santé, February 14, 2014[6].
  5. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. Comment un larynx mal place anatomiquement ne permet pas au nourrisson comme au chimpanzé de parler? Le Cercle Les Echos, Recherche, June 20, 2014[7].
  6. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria. L’Excision, une Pratique en Pleine Expansion. Le Huffington Post, Santé et Vie, May 5, 2015[8].

Publications scientifiques[modifier | modifier le code]

1. Ben-Jebria A., M. Brès, C. Hatzfeld.  Mesure de coefficients de diffusion binaire entre l'oxygène et un autre gaz. Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 15: 639‑647 (1979)[9].

2. Ben-Jebria A.   Modélisation de la ventilation pulmonaire chez l'homme normal. Etude théorique et expérimentale. Thèse de Doctorat de 3ème cycle de Biophysique, Université de Paris 6 (1979).

3. Ben-Jebria A., A. Mallet, J.L. Steimer, J.F. Boisvieux, C. Hatzfeld.  Quantitative analysis of gas transport in the central airways. Computer simulation and experimental results. In Gas Exchange Function of Normal and Diseased Lungs, edited by J. Piiper and P. Scheid.  S. Karger Publisher, Prog. Respir. Res. vol. 16, pp. 96‑102 (1981).

4. Ben-Jebria A., A. Mallet, J.L. Steimer, C. Hatzfeld, J.F. Boisvieux.  Finite element simulation of gas transport in proximal respiratory airways: comparison with experimental data. Comput. Biomed. Res. 14: 493‑505 (1981).

5. Ben-Jebria A., C. Walton, B. Mensch, C. Hatzfeld.  Injecteurs d'emboles de gaz inerte et marqué. Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir., 17: 261‑267 (1981).

6. Ben-Jebria A., M. Thiriet, J.C. Bonnet, M. Brès, B.F. Visser, C. Hatzfeld.  Extraction of tissue compartment from multibreath N2 washout curves in healthy subjects. Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 18: 291‑302 (1982).

7. Ben-Jebria A., G. Bedig, B. Mensch, C. Hatzfeld.  Dispersion d'un embole radioactif dans l'oropharynx et le larynx : recherche de la fonction de transfert.  J. Biophys. Med. Nucl.  6: 51‑57 (1982).

8. Ben-Jebria A., M. Brès.   Computer simulation of ternary diffusion in distal airways of the human lung.  Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 13: 403‑419 (1982).

9. Ben-Jebria A.   Contributions biophysiques à l'étude de la  mixique pulmonaire. Thèse de Doctorat ès‑Science d'Etat, Université de Paris 6 (1984).

10. Ben-Jebria A.   Convective gas mixing in the airways of the human lung. Comparison of laminar and turbulent dispersion. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Engin. 7: 498‑506 (1984).

11. Ben-Jebria A.   Pulmonary gas mixing during spontaneous breathing and high‑frequency ventilation. Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 15: 35‑50 (1984).

12. Ben-Jebria A., P. Varène.  Analytical simulation of longitudinal gas mixing in the human central airways. Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 15: 405‑417 (1984).

13. Ben-Jebria A.   Dispersion gazeuse dans les voies aériennes centrales du poumon humain. Etude in‑vivo. Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 20: 263‑269 (1984).

14. Ben-Jebria A.   A mechanical approach to the longitudinal dispersion of gas in human airways. J. Biomechanics 18: 399‑405 (1985).

15. Brès M., A. Ben-Jebria.   Stochastic simulation of Taylor's dispersion in the airways. Comput. Biomed. Res. 18: 166‑175 (1985).

16. Maillard D., A. Ben-Jebria., C. Hatzfeld.  Effect of He‑O2 breathing on blood gas and ventilation during exercise in normal man. Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 22: 107‑113 (1986).

17. Ben-Jebria A.  Gas mixing in the human upper airways. Respiration : Int. Rev. Thor. Dis. 50: 273‑278 (1986).  

18. Ben-Jebria A.   Simulations of steady quaternary gas diffusion between alveolar and blood compartments. Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 20: 97‑105 (1987).

19. Ben-Jebria A., Z. Tabka, P. Techoueyres.  Steady pressure‑flow relationships in a cast of the upper and central human airways. Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 20: 211‑224  (1987).  

20. Ben-Jebria A., C. Kays.  Effect of resident gas density on CO2 elimination during high‑frequency oscillation: a model study. Int. J. Biomed. Comput. 21: 137‑151 (1987).

21. Tabka Z., A. Ben-Jebria , H. Guénard.  Effect of breathing dry warm air on respiratory water loss at rest and during exercise. Respir. Physiol. 67: 115‑125 (1987).

22. Tabka Z., A. Ben-Jebria, C. Kays, Guénard.  Asthme  post‑exercice chez l'enfant : conséquences respiratoires de l'inhalation d'air sec. Science & Sports 2: 185‑192 (1987).

23. Ben-Jebria A., C. Kays.  Effective carbon dioxide washout by high‑frequency mechanical ventilation. Med. & Biol.  Engin. & Comput. 25: 655‑660 (1987).

24. Ben-Jebria A., C. Henry, J. Petit, M. Gioux, F. Devars, L. Traissac.  Physical and aerodynamic features of the Bordeaux Voice prosthesis. Artificial Organs 11: 383‑387 (1987).

25. Ben-Jebria A., M.L. Choukroun, Z. Tabka, J.S. Ultman.  High‑frequency oscillatory pressure‑flow relationships in the airways of laryngo‑tracheo‑bronchial tree casts. Med. & Biol. Engin. & Comput. 26: 476‑482 (1988).

26. Tabka Z., A. Ben-Jebria, J. Vergeret, H. Guénard.  Effect of dry warm air on respiratory water loss in children with exercise‑induced asthma. Chest 94: 81‑86 (1988).

27. Simone A.F., J.S. Ultman, A. Ben-Jebria.  Bronchial distribution of gas mixing in a model of the upper and central airways. J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1693‑1702 (1988).

28. Ben-Jebria A., M. Gioux, C. Henry, F. Devars, L. Traissac.  New prosthesis with low airflow resistance for voice restoration following total laryngectomy. Med. & Biol. Engin. & Comput. 27: 204‑206 (1989).

29. Ben-Jebria A., J.S. Ultman.  Fast‑responding chemiluminescent ozone analyzer for respiratory applications. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 60: 3004‑3011 (1989).

30. Ben-Jebria A., S.C. Hu, J.S. Ultman.  Improvements in chemiluminescent ozone analyzer for respiratory  applications. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61: 3435‑3439 (1990).

31. Marthan R., A. Ben-Jebria.  Distribution de l'ozone dans les voies aériennes ; effets sur la mécanique ventilatoire et la réactivité bronchique. Pollut. Atmos. 128: 445‑448 (1990).

32. Ben-Jebria A., A.P. Full, D.D. DeMaria, B.A. Ball, J.S. Ultman.  Dynamics of sulfur dioxide absorption in excised porcine tracheae. Environ. Res. 53: 119‑134 (1990).

33. Ben-Jebria A.  Gas mixing in lung model ventilated by high frequency oscillation ; effect of tidal volume, frequency and molecular diffusivity. Med. & Biol. Engin. & Comput. 29: 75‑78 (1991).

34. Belaguid A., A. Ben-Jebria, A.M. Cros, C. Boudey, H. Guénard.  High‑frequency jet ventilation and upper tracheal stenosis: A model study. Intensive Care Med. 17: 479‑483 (1991).

35. Ultman J.S., A. Ben-Jebria. Noninvasive determination of respiratory ozone absorption: Development of a fast-responding ozone analyzer. The Health Effects Institute, Research Report Number 39: 1-27 (1991).

36. Ben-Jebria A., S.C. Hu, E.L. Kitzmiller, J.S. Ultman.  Ozone absorption into excised porcine and sheep tracheae by a bolus‑response method. Environ. Res. 56: 144‑157 (1991).

37. Hu S.C., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman.  Simulation of ozone uptake distribution in the human airways by orthogonal collocation on finite elements. Comput. Biomed. Res. 25: 264‑278 (1992).

38. Hu S.C., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman.  Longitudinal  distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: quiet respiration in  healthy subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 73: 1655-1661 (1992).

39. Ben-Jebria A., R. Marthan, J.P. Savineau.  Effect of in vitro nitrogen dioxide exposure on human bronchial smooth muscle response. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 146: 378‑382 (1992).

40. Ben-Jebria A., R. Marthan, M. Rossetti, J.P. Savineau, J.S. Ultman.  Effect of in vitro exposure to acrolein on carbachol responses in rat trachealis muscle. Respir. Physiol. 93: 111-123 (1993).

41. Ben-Jebria A., R. Marthan, M. Rossetti, J.P. Savineau.  Effect of passive sensitization on the mechanical activity of human isolated bronchial smooth muscle induced by substance P, neurokinin A and VIP. Br. J. Pharmacol. 109: 131-136 (1993).

42. Hu S.C., J.S. Ultman, A. Ben-Jebria.  Single‑breath bolus exposure for noninvasive determination of ozone dose distribution. In Advances in Controlled Clinical Inhalation Studies, edited by U. Mohr, D.V. Bates, H. Fabel and M.J. Utel.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 309-316 (1993).

43. Ultman J.S., A. Ben-Jebria, S.C. Hu. Noninvasive determination of respiratory ozone absorption: The bolus-response method. The Health Effects Institute, Research Report Number 69: 1-42 (1994).

44. Ben-Jebria A., R. Marthan, M. Rossetti, J.P. Savineau, J.S. Ultman. Human bronchial smooth muscle responsiveness after in vitro exposure to acrolein. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 149: 382-386 (1994).

45. Fayon M., A. Ben-Jebria, C. Elleau, D. Carles, J.L. Demarquez, J.P. Savineau, R. Marthan. Human airway smooth muscle responsiveness in neonatal lung specimens. Am. J. Physiol. (Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol.) 267:L180-L186 (1994).

46. Hu S.C., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: effects of respiratory flow. J. Appl. Physiol. 77: 574-583 (1994).

47. Kabel J.R., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: comparison of nasal and oral quiet breathing. J. Appl. Physiol. 77: 2584-2592 (1994).

48. Ben-Jebria A., J.R. Kabel, J.S. Ultman. Regional human lung dosimetry of inhaled ozone: the scrubbing efficiency of the nose. In Nasal Toxicity and Dosimetry of Inhaled Xenobiotics, edited by F.J. Miller. Taylor & Francis Publishers, Inhal. Toxicol. 6 (suppl.), pp. 386-389 (1994).

49. Ben-Jebria A., Y. Crozet, M.L. Eskew, B.L. Rudeen, J.S. Ultman. Acrolein-induced smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness and eicosanoid release in excised ferret tracheae. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 135: 35-44 (1995).

50. Fayon M., A. Ben-Jebria , C. Elleau, J.L. Demarquez, R. Martan. The ontogeny of bronchial reactivity. Annales de Pediatrie. 42:170-175 (1995).

51. Abeles S., J.S. Ultman, A. Ben-Jebria, S.C. Hu. Modeling ozone distribution in intact human lungs. In Tropospheric Ozone: Critical Issues in the Regulatory Process, Edited by J.J. Vostal. Air & Waste Management Association. VIP 54, pp. 444-452 (1996).

52. Asplund P., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. A portable inhalation system for personal exposure to ozone. Arch. Environ. Health 51: 138-145 (1996).

53. Asplund P., A. Ben-Jebria, M.L. Rigas, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: Effect of continuous exposure. Arch. Environ. Health 51: 431-438 (1996).

54. Ben-Jebria A., Y. Crozet, M.L. Eskew, J.S. Ultman. Epithelium-linked smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness in ferret tracheae exposed to acrolein. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 2: 49-57 (1996).

55. Bush M.L., T. Raybold, S. Abeles, S-C. Hu, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: Simulation with a single-path model. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 140: 219-226 (1996).

56. Bush M.L., P.T. Asplund, K.A. Miles, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of O3 absorption in the lung: Gender difference and intersubject variability. J. Appl. Physiol. 81: 1651-1657 (1996).

57. Rigas M.L., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: Effects on nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone exposures. Arch. Environ. Health 52: 173-178 (1997).

58. Schlesinger R.B., A. Ben-Jebria, A.R. Dahl, M.B. Snipes, J.S. Ultman. Deposition of inhaled toxicants. Chapter 12 In Handbook of Human Toxicology, edited by E.J. Massaro. CRC Press, pp. 493-550 (1997).

59. Edwards D.A., J. Hanes, G. Caponetti, J. Hrkach, A. Ben-Jebria, M.L. Eskew, J. Mintzes, D. Deaver, N. Lotan, R. Langer. Large porous particles for pulmonary drug delivery. Science 276: 1868-1871 (1997).

60. Ultman J.S., A. Ben-Jebria, C.C. MacDougal, M.L. Rigas. Improvement of a respiratory ozone analyzer. The Health Effects Institute, Research Report Number 79: 1-20 (1997).

61. MacDougal C.S., M.L. Rigas, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. A respiratory ozone analyzer optimized for high resolution and swift dynamic response during exercise conditions. Arch. Environ. Health 53: 161-174 (1998).

62. Edwards D.A., D. Chen, J. Wang, A. Ben-Jebria. Controlled-release inhalation aerosols. Respir. Drug Deliv. VI: 187-192 (1998).

63. Edwards D.A., A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Recent advances in pulmonary drug delivery using large, porous inhaled particles. J. Appl. Physiol. 84: 379-385 (1998).

64. Ben-Jebria A., L. Satchithanandam, R.J. Gusic, T.R. Gervais, J.S. Ultman. Kinetics of protein depletion in rat bronchoalveolar lavage fluid following in vitro exposure to nitrogen dioxide. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 6: 177-185 (1998).

65. Nodelman V., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Fast-responding thermionic chlorine analyzer for respiratory applications. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69: 3978-3983 (1998).

66. Wang J., A. Ben-Jebria, D.A. Edwards. Inhalation of Estradiol for sustained systemic delivery. J. Aerosol Med. 12: 27-36 (1999).

67. Ben-Jebria A., D. Chen, M.L. Eskew, R. Vanbever, R. Langer, D.A. Edwards. Large porous particles for sustained protection from carbachol-induced bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs. Pharm. Res. 16: 555-561 (1999).

68. Vanbever R., A. Ben-Jebria, J.D. Mintzes, R. Langer, D.A. Edwards. Sustained-release of insulin from insoluble inhaled particles. Drug Develop. Res. 48: 178-185 (1999).

69. Ben-Jebria A., M.L. Eskew, D.A. Edwards. Inhalation system for pulmonary aerosol drug delivery in rodents using large porous particles. Aerosol Sci. Technol. 32: 421-433 (2000).

70. Rigas M., S.N. Catlin, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Ozone uptake in the intact human respiratory tract: relationship between inhaled dose and actual dose. J. Appl. Physiol. 88: 2015-2022 (2000).

71. Santiago L.Y., M.C. Hann, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Ozone absorption in the human nose during unidirectional airflow. J. Appl. Physiol. 91: 725-732 (2001).

72. Bush M.L., W. Zhang, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone and chlorine in the human respiratory tract: simulation of nasal and oral breathing with the single-path diffusion model. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 173: 137-145 (2001).

73. Rutkowski J.M., L.Y. Santiago, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Development of an assay for ozone-specific antioxidant capacity. Inhal. Toxicol. 15:1369-1385 (2003).

74. Ferrara T.J., A. August, A. Ben-Jebria. Modulation of tracheal smooth muscle responses in inducible T-cell kinase knockout mice. Pulmon. Pharmacol. Therap. 17:301-308 (2004).

75. Cancel L.M., J.M. Tarbell, A. Ben-Jebria. Fluorescein permeability and electric resistance of human skin during low-frequency ultrasound application. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 56:1109-1118 (2004).

76. Ultman J.S., A. Ben-Jebria, S.F. Arnold. Uptake distribution of ozone in human lungs: Intersubject variability in physiological response. The Health Effects Institute, Research Report Number 125: 1-30 (2004).

77. Reeser W.H., G.M. Lee, A. Taylor, L. Wang, S.F. Arnold, J.S. Ultman, A. Ben-Jebria. Uptake of ozone in human lungs and its relationship to local physiological response.Inhal. Toxicol. 17: 699-707 (2005).

78. Taylor A., G.M. Lee, K. Nellore, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Changes in the carbon dioxide expirogram in response to ozone exposure. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 213: 1-9 (2006).

79. Kermani S., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Kinetics of ozone reaction with uric acid, ascorbic acid and glutathione at physiologically relevant conditions. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 451:8-16 (2006).

80. Ferrara T.J., C. Mueller, N. Sahu, A. Ben-Jebria, A. August. Reduced airway hyperresponsiveness and tracheal responses during allergic asthma in mice lacking tyrosine kinase ITK. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 117:780-789 (2006).

81. Bates M.L., M.T. Brenza,  A. Ben-Jebria, R. Bascom, J.S. Ultman. Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: comparison of cigarette smokers and nonsmokers. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 236: 270-275 (2009).

82. Miâdi-Messaoud H., A. Chouchane, E. Abderrazek, H. Debbabi, M. Zaouli-Ajini, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Obesity-induced impairment of endothelium-dependent vasodilation in Tunisian women. Int. J. Obesity, 34:273-279 (2010).

83. Chouchane A., H. Miadi-Messaoud, I. Ghannouchi, S. Rouatbi, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Obesity-induced broncho-pulmonary hyperresponsiveness in Tunisian women. Int. J. Obesity, 34:1078-1085 (2010).

84. Rutkowski J.M., L.Y. Santiago, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Comparison of ozone-specific (OZAC) and oxygen radical (ORAC) antioxidant capacity assays for use with nasal lavage fluid. Toxicol. In Vitro, 25: 1406-1413 (2011).

85. Miâdi-Messaoud H., A. Chouchane, H. Ben Saad, H. Debbabi, M. Zaouli-Ajini, A. Ben-Jebria, Z. Tabka. Six-minute walk test improved forearm blood flow in Tunisian obese women. Obesity, 20:1773-17779 (2012).

86. Bates M.L., A. Fassih, L.Y. Santiago, R. Bascom, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Determination of the relationship between nasal mucus composition and ozone absorption in the human nose. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., submitted (2012).

87. Chouchane A., H. Miadi-Messaoud, W. Ben Turki, S. Rouatbi, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Assessment of airway inflammation with exhaled nitric oxide in obese Tunisian women. Afr. J. Intern. Med., 5:42-46 (2013). 

88. Tabka Z., C. Aouichaoui, F. Chaieb, A. Chouchaine, H. Miadi-Messaoud, A. Ben-Jebria. Effet de l’entrainement physique sur l’inflammation systémique et la réactivité bronchique chez la femme obese. Rev. Fr. Allergo., 54 :265 (2014)

89.  Bates M.L., M.T. Brenza, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Bascom, M.W. Eldridge, J.S. Ultman. Pulmonary function responses to ozone in smokers with a limited smoking history. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 278:85-90 (2014).

Sélection de travaux présentés lors des réunions scientifiques[modifier | modifier le code]

1. Ben-Jebria A., J.L. Steimer, A. Mallet, J.F. Boisvieux, C. Hatzfeld.  Etude du transfert gazeux dans les premières générations trachéobronchiques au moyen d'un embole de gaz inerte. 48ème Réunion Annuelle de l'Association des Physiologistes. Genève, 10‑12 septembre 1980. "J. Physiol. 76: 42A, 1980 (Abstract)"

2. Ben-Jebria A., M. Thiriet, J.C. Bonnet, B.F. Visser, C. Hatzfeld.  Peut‑on attribuer la phase terminale du rinçage de l'azote chez le sujet normal à un compartiment tissulaire ? 49ème Réunion Annuelle de l'Association des Physiologistes. Montréal, 24‑26 août 1981. "J. Physiol. 77: 29A, 1981 (Abstract)"

3. Ben-Jebria A., G. Bedig, B. Mensch, C. Hatzfeld.  Fonction de transfert de l'oropharynx et du larynx : étude radioisotopique. 49ème Réunion Annuelle de l'Association des Physiologistes. Montréal, 24‑26 août 1981. "J. Physiol. 77: 29A, 1981 (Abstract)"

4. Ben-Jebria A., M. Brès.  Diffusion ternaire dans les dernières générations trachéobronchiques. Réunion commune de l'Association des Physiologistes et de la Société des Physiologistes Tchécoslovaques. Prague, 13‑17 septembre 1982."J. Physiol. 78: 30A, 1982 (Abstract)"

5. Ben-Jebria A.  Mécanismes du transport gazeux intrapulmonaire pendant la ventilation normale et à haute fréquence. 51ème Réunion Annuelle de l'Association des Physiologistes. Poitiers, 20‑24 juin 1983. "J. Physiol. 79: 30A, 1984 (Abstract)"

6. Ben-Jebria A., C. Canonne, C. Hatzfeld, D. Maillard, M. Thiriet.  Effect of He‑O2 and Ar‑O2 breathing on pulmonary gas exchange during exercise. Meeting of the Physiological Society. Oxford, July 21‑23, 1983. "J. Physiol., London, 345: 86P, 1983 (Abstract)"

7. Maillard D., A. Ben-Jebria, J.C. Bonnet, C. Hatzfeld.  Effect of He‑O2 and Ar‑O2 breathing on ventilatory control during exercise. Annual Meeting of the SEPCR. Barcelone, 11‑15 juin 1984. "Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 21: 34A, 1985 (Abstract)"

8. Ben-Jebria A.   Approche biomécanique de la dispersion gazeuse dans les voies aériennes du poumon humain. 10ème Congrès de la Société DE Biomécanique. Créteil, 9‑10 septembre 1985. "J. Biophys. Bioméc., 9: 346‑347, 1985 (Abstract)"

9. Ben-Jebria A., Z. Tabka, P. Téchouyeres.  Relations pression‑débit dans un modèle laryngo‑trachéo‑bronchique.10ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique. Créteil, 9‑10 septembre 1985. "J. Biophys. Bioméc. 9: 348‑349, 1985 (Abstract)"

10. Ben-Jebria A., Z. Tabka, P. Téchoueyres.  Pressure flow behavior in a model of the upper and central airways. Meeting of the SEPCR. La Haye, 23‑28 juin 1985. "Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 21: 54M, 1985 (Abstract)"

11. Tabka Z., A. Ben-Jebria, J. Vergeret, H. Guénard.  Déperditions hydriques respiratoires au cours de l'exercice musculaire : influence de l'hygrométrie ambiante. 53ème Réunion Annuelle de l'Association des Physiologistes. Lille, 24‑28 juin 1985. "J. Physiol. 80: 60A, 1985 (Abstract)"

12. Ben-Jebria A., C. Kays.  Mécanisme de l'efficacité de la ventilation artificielle à haute fréquence. Etude in‑vitro. Réunion commune des Sociétés Française et Tunisienne de Pneumologie. Tunis, 13‑14 juin 1986. "Rev. Mal. Respir. 3: 288‑289, 1985 (Abstract)"

13. Tabka Z., A. Ben-Jebria, H. Guénard.  Déperditions hydriques respiratoires et asthme post‑exercice. Réunion commune des Sociétés Française et Tunisienne de Pneumologie. Tunis, 13‑14 juin 1986. "Rev. Mal. Respir. 3: 305‑306, 1985 (Abstract)"

14. Tabka Z., A. Ben-Jebria, J. Vergeret, H. Guénard.  Respiratory water loss in children with exercise‑induced asthma breathing warm dry air. 21st Annual Meeting of the SEPCR. Paris, 3‑6 septembre 1986. "Bull. Europ. Physiopath. Respir. 8: 170S, 1986 (Abstract)"

15. Ben-Jebria A.  Pression‑débit dans les voies aériennes en écoulement oscillant à haute fréquence. 11ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique. Mons, 5‑6 septembre 1986. "J. Biophys. Bioméc. 10: 92‑93, 1986 (Abstract)"

16. Ben-Jebria A.  Efficacité de la ventilation artificielle à haute fréquence. Validation d'un modèle. 11ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique. Mons, 5‑6 septembre 1986. "J. Biophys. Bioméc. 10: 79‑80, 1986 (Abstract)"

17. Ben-Jebria A., Z. Tabka, C. Kays, H. Guénard.  Effet de l'air sec sur la mécanique pulmonaire de l'enfant asthmatique. 11ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique. Mons, 5‑6 septembre 1986. "J. Biophys. Bioméc. 10: 90‑91, 1986 (Abstract)"

18. Ben-Jebria A., C. Henry, M. Gioux, F. Devars, L. Traissac.  Caractéristiques aérodynamiques d'une prothèse phonatoire. 12ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique. Paris, 3‑4 septembre 1987. "J. Biophys. Bioméc., 11: 67‑68, 1987 (Abstract)"

19. Ben-Jebria A., C. Henry, M. Gioux, F. Devars, L. Traissac.  Aerodynamic characteristics of a voice prosthesis. Ninth Annual Conference of IEEE/Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. Boston, November 13‑16, 1987. "IEEE/Engin. Med. & Biol. Soc. 3: 1727‑1728, 1988 (Abstract)"

20. Ben-Jebria A., Z. Tabak, G. Manier, H. Guénard, P. Varène.  Respiratory water loss through the mouth and tracheotomy of patients with chronic lung disease. 72nd Annual Meeting of the FASEB. Las Vegas, May 1‑5, 1988. "The FASEB Journal 2: A1706, 1988 (Abstract)"

21. Ben-Jebria A., C. Henry, M. Gioux, F. Devars, L. Traissac.  Airflow resistance of a new voice prosthesis. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. San Antonio, August 6‑12, 1988. "Phys. Med. Biol., Suppl., 33: 390, 1988 (Abstract)"

22. Ben-Jebria A., J.S. Ultman.  Pressure‑flow characteristics of the upper and central airways during high‑frequency oscillation. 10th Annual International Conference of IEEE/Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. New Orleans, November 4‑7, 1988. "IEEE/Engin. Med. & Biol. Soc. 10: 692‑693, 1988 (Abstract)"

23. Hu S.C., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultamn.  Simulation of bolus‑response in the lung airways. 73rd Annual Meeting of the FASEB. New‑Orleans, March 19‑23, 1989. "The FASEB Journal 3: A685, 1989 (Abstract)"

24. Ben-Jebria A., S.C. Hu, E.L. Kitzmiller, J.S. Ultman.  Absorption of ozone inot excised tracheas. 74th Annual Meeting of the FASEB. Washington, D.C., April 1‑5, 1990. "The FASEB Journal 4: A1105, 1990 (Abstract)"

25. Ben-Jebria A., A.P. Full, D.D. DeMaria, J.S. Ultman.  Dynamics of Sulfur dioxide absorption into excised tracheas. Wordl Conference on Lung Health. Boston, May 2024, 1990. "Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. A422, 1990 (Abstract)"

26. Ultman J.S., S.C. Hu, A. Ben-Jebria.   Longitudinal distribution of ozone uptake in human lungs during quiet breathing. American Thoracic Society. Anaheim, California, May 12‑15, 1991. "Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 143: A707, 1991 (Abstract)"

27. Ultman J.S., S.C. Hu, A. Ben-Jebria.  Ozone distribution in human lungs ‑Effect of respiratory air flow. American Thoracic Society. Miami, Florida, May 17‑20, 1992. "Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 145: A802, 1992 (Abstract)"

28. Ben-Jebria A., R. Marthan, J.P. Savineau.  In vitro exposure to NO2 increases human airway smooth muscle contractility. 2nd Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society. Vienna, Austria, August 29 ‑ September 3, 1992. "Eur. Respir. J. 5: 130s, 1992 (Abstract)"

29. Ben-Jebria A., J.P. Savineau, M. Rossetti, R. Marthan.  Effect of neuropeptides on mechanical activity of passively sensitised human isolated airways. Congress of "Association des Pharmacologistes". Montpellier, October 1‑2, 1992. "Fund. Clin. Pharmacol. 6: 410, 1992 (Abstract)"

30. Ben-Jebria A., J.P. Savineau, M. Rossetti, J.S. Ultman, R. Marthan.  Effect of in vitro exposure to acrolein on human isolated airway smooth muscle. American Thoracic Society. San Francisco, California, May 16-19, 1993. "Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 147: A705, 1993 (Abstract)"

31. Ben-Jebria A., J.P. Savineau, M. Rossetti, R. Marthan.  In vitro responsiveness to neuropeptides in human passively sensitized airways. American Thoracic Society. San Francisco, California, May 16-19, 1993. "Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 147: A705, 1993 (Abstract)"

32. Ben-Jebria A., J.R. Kabel, J.S. Ultman.  Uptake distribution of ozone in human lungs during oral and nasal breathing. American Thoracic Society. San Francisco, California, May 16-19, 1993."Am. Rev. Respir. Dis. 147: A388, 1993 (Abstract)"

33. Asplund P.A., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman.  Distribution of ozone absorption in intact human lungs. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Memphis, Tennessee, October 21-23, 1993."Annals Biomed. Engr. 21: 7, 1993 (Abstract)"

34. Ben-Jebria A., P.T. Asplund, K.A. Miles, H.L. Barlett, W.C. Nicholas, J.S. Ultman. Distribution of ozone uptake in human female and male lungs. American Thoracic Society. Boston, Massachusetts, May 21-25, 1994. "Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 149:A152, 1994 (Abstract)"

35. Ben-Jebria A., Y. Crozet, M.L. Eskew, B.L. Rudeen, J.S. Ultman. Acrolein uptake and airway reactivity in excised tracheae. American Thoracic Society. Seatle, Washington, May 20-24, 1995. "Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 151:A502, 1995 (Abstract)"

36. Bush M., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Ozone transport in human male and female lungs. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Boston, Massachusetts, October 6-8, 1995. "Annals Biomed. Engr. 23:S-9, 1995 (Abstract)"

37. Rigas M.L., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Effect of NO2 and O3 exposure on O3 uptake in human lungs. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology Societies. Washington DC, April 14-17, 1996. "The FASEB Journal, 10:A807, 1996 (Abstract)"

38. Ben-Jebria A., M.L. Rigas, J.S. Ultman. Effects of continuous exposure to O3 and NO2 on O3 uptake in human lung airways. American Thoracic Society. New Orleans, Louisiana, May 10-15, 1996. "Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 153:A700, 1996 (Abstract)"

39. Bush M., S. Abeles, T. Raybold, S-C. Hu, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman.  Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lungs: Simulation with a single path model. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. University Park, Pennsylvania, October 3-6, 1996. "Annals Biomed. Engr. 24: S-81, 1996 (Abstract)"

40. Marzani J.A., M.L. Rigas, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman.  Respiratory ozone absorption: Effect of unequal inspiratory and expiratory flow. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. University Park, Pennsylvania, October 3-6, 1996. "Annals Biomed. Engr. 24: S-81, 1996 (Abstract)"

41. Nodelman V., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. A fast-response halogen gas detector for noninvasive determination of Cl2 dose distribution in the human airways. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. San Diego, October 2-5, 1997. “Annals Biomed. Engr. 25:S-11, 1997 (Abstract)”

42. Ben-Jebria A., D. Chen, M.L. Eskew, R. Vanbever, R. Langer, D.A. Edwards. Long lasting bronchodilation with inhaled albuterol carried by large porous particles. American Thoracic Society. Chicago, Illinois, April 24-29, 1998.“Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 157:A639 , 1998 (Abstract)”

43. Ben-Jebria A., D. Chen, D.A. Edwards. Long-lasting bronchodialator aerosol for treatment of astma. Annual AAAR Confrerence. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 22-26, 1998.

44. Wang J., A. Ben-Jebria, D.A. Edwards. Sustained systemic steroid delivery via the lungs. Annual AAAR Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio, June 22-26, 1998.

45. Vanbever R., A. Ben-Jebria, J.D. Mintzes, R. Langer, D.A. Edwards.Sustained-Release of insulin from insoluble inhaled particles. International Symposium of Controlled Bioactive Materials. Las Vegas, Nevada, June 21-26, 1998.

46. Nodelman V. A. Ben-Jebria, J.S Ultman. Distribution of chlorine in intact human lungs. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Cleveland, Ohio, October 10-13, 1998. “Annals Biomed. Engr. 1998 (Abstract)”

47. Ben-Jebria A. Inhalation system for pulmonary drug delivery in rodents. American Thoracic Society. San Diego, California, April 23-28, 1999. “Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 1999 (Abstract)”

48. Santiago L.Y., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Ozone absorption in the nasal cavity. The Third Environmental Chemistry Symposium; Center for Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry. Penn State, Pennsylvania, February 26, 2000.

49. Santiago L.Y., M.C. Hann, J.M. Rutkowski, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Chemically enhanced absorption of ozone in the human nose.  National Meeting of ACS Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemestry, E.V Murphree Award Symposium Honoring J. Larry Duda. San Francisco, California, March 26-30, 2000.

50. Reeser W.H., W. Zhang, A. Ben-Jebria, S.F. Arnold, J.S. Ultman. Distribution of ozone in intact human lungs: intersubject variability in pulmonary response. Annual Meeting of The Health Effects Institute. Atlanta, Georgia, April 9-11, 2000.

51. Santiago L.Y., M.C. Hann, J.M. Rutkowski, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Effect of epithelial lining fluid composition on ozone absorption in the nasal cavity. American Thoracic Society.  Toronto, Ontario, May 5-10, 2000. “Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 161:A173, 2000 (Abstract)”

52. Bush M.L., W. Zhang, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Parameterization of a single-path model for the inhalation of reactive gases. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Seatle, Washington, October 12-14, 2000. “Annals Biomed. Engr., 2000 (Abstract)”

53. Santiago L.Y., M.C. Hann, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Exposure-dose relationships of ozone in the nasal cavity. Third Annual Biomolecular Transport Dynamics Symposium, University Park, Pennsylvania, December1, 2000.

54. Reeser W.H., G. Lee, C. Liu, A. Ben-Jebria, S.F. Arnold, J.S. Ultman. Distribution of ozone in intact human lungs: Intersubject variability in pulmonary response. Annual Meeting of The Health Effects Institute. Washington D.C., April 29-May 1, 2001.

55. Santiago L.Y.,  A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Uptake of ozone in the human nasal cavities. 2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference ASME, Snowbird, Utah, June 27-July 1, 2001.

56. Santiago L.Y., M.C. Hann, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Exposure system for the measurement of nasal ozone absorption. 6th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, September 23-27, 2001.

57. Reeser W.H., G. Lee, C. Liu, L. Wong, A. Ben-Jebria, S.F. Arnold, J.S. Ultman. Distribution of ozone in intact human lungs: Intersubject variability in pulmonary response. Annual Meeting of the Health Effects Institute. Seattle, Washington, April 28-30, 2002.

58.  Cancel L.M., J.M. Tarbell, A. Ben-Jebria. Ultrasonic enhancement of mass transfer rates across human skin. Fifth Annual Biomolecular Transport Dynamics Symposium. University Park, Pennsylvania, December 6, 2002.

59. Ultman J.S., L.Y. Santiago, J.M. Rutkowski, R. Bascom, A. Ben-Jebria. Ozone uptake and antioxidant levels in the human nose. 99th International Annual Conference of the American Thoracic Society.  Seattle, Washington, May 16-21, 2003. “Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.  2003 (Abstract)”

60. Lee G.M., W. Reeser, K. Nellore, A. Taylor, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Carbon dioxide capnometry to assess the effect of ozone inhalation on the peripheral airspaces. Summer Bioengineering Conference. Key Biscayne, Florida, June 25-29, 2003.

61. Reeser W.H., Lee G.M., A. Taylor, L. Wang, S.F. Arnold, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Intersubject variability in the acute response of the human lungs to ozone. Annual Meeting  of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Nashville, Tennessee, October 2-4, 2003. “Annals Biomed. Engr. 2003 (Abstract)”

62. Ben-Jebria A., T.J. Ferrara, A. August. Tracheal smooth muscle response in inducible tyrosine kinase knockout mice. International Annual Conference of the American Thoracic Society.  Orlando,Florida, May 21-26, 2004. “Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 169:A446,  2004 (Abstract)”

63. Kermani S., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Reaction of ozone with nasal antioxidants. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Philadephia, Pennsylvania, October 13-16, 2004.

64. Fassih A., A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Nasal ozone absorption and nitric oxide production in response to ozone exposure. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society. Philadephia, Pennsylvania, October 13-16, 2004.

65. Ben-Jebria A., W.H. Reeser, A.B. Taylor, L. Wang, S.F. Arnold, J.S. Ultman. Changes in alveolar slope of the capnogram are correlated with ozone uptake during acute exposure conditions. International Annual Conference of the American Thoracic Society.  San Diego, California, May 20-25, 2005. “Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. A169 ,  2005 (Abstract)”

66. Ben-Jebria A., A. August. Modulation of airway smooth muscle tone in allergic sensitized mice lacking tyrosine kinase ITK. International Annual Conference of the American Thoracic Society.  San Diego, California, May 20-25, 2005.“Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. A503 ,  2005 (Abstract)”

67. Ultman J.S., A. Fassih, L.Y. Santiago, A. Ben-Jebria. Relationship between ozone absorption and uic acid concentration in the human nasal cavities. World Congress of Biomechanics.  Munich - Germany,  July 29 -  August 4,  2006.

68. Lowe-Bates M.L., T. Brenza, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Ozone-induced alterations in regional airway function during exercise in smokers versus non-smokers. American Conference of Sport Medicine (ACSM). Indianapolis, Indiana, September 27-30, 2006. “Sports & Medicine 38:S46, 2006 (Abstract)”

69. Brenza T., M.L. Lowe-Bates, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. The effects of smoking on ozone uptake in human lungs. Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Chicago, Illinois, October 11-14, 2006.

70. Ben-Jebria A., M. Vautar, A. August. Modulation of bronchodilation and tracheal smooth muscle relaxation in mice lacking tyrosine kinase ITK. International Annual Conference of the American Thoracic Society. San Fransisco, California, May 18-23, 2007.

71. Brenza T., M. Lowe-Bates, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Dynamic changes in response to ozone exposure. Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering. Salt Lake City, Untah, November 4-9, 2007.

72. Brenza T., M. Lowe-Bates, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Determination of ozone uptake in human lungs: study of the effects of smoking. Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering. Salt Lake City, Untah, November 4-9, 2007.

73. Miâdi H., A. Abderrazzak, H. Debbabi, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Exploration du dysfonctionnement endothelial chez les femmes obèses. 1ère Journée d’Interface Clinico-Biologique du Diabète Type 2. Sousse, Tunisia, April 19, 2008.

74. Miâdi H., A. Abderrazzak, H. Debbabi, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Effect of obesity on forearm blood flow response to acetylcholine. International Symposium on Biotechnology. Sfax, Tunisia, May 4-8, 2008.

75. Miâdi H., A. Abderrazzak, H. Debbabi, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Cardiovascular risk associated with obesity in adult women. 5th Meeting of Tunisio-Europeen of Practice in Cardiology. Hammam-Sousse, Tunisia, June 12-14, 2008.

76. Brenza T., M.L. Bates, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Fractional uptake efficiency of ozone in human subjects. Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 18-20,  2008.

77. Lowe-Bates M.L., T. Brenza, A. Ben-Jebria, J.S. Ultman. Effect of Ozone boluses on the lung function of smokers. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology. San Diego, California, April 5-9, 2008. “The FASEB Journal 22:897.14, 2008 (Abstract)”

78. Miâdi H., H. Debbabi, A. Chouchane, A. Zbidi, Z. Tabka, A. Ben-Jebria. Pharmacological method of investigating endothelial function in obese women. Annual Meeting of French Society of Pharmacology & Therapeutics. Marseille, April, 15-17, 2009. “Fundamentals & Clinical Pharmacology 23:Supplement 1:12, 2009 (Abstract)”

Brevets et inventions[modifier | modifier le code]

1. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No.  5,874,064 (Granted February 23, 1999).

2. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 6,136,295 (Granted October 24, 2000).

3. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, R. Langer, A. Ben-Jebria. Porous Particles for Deep Lung Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 6,254,854 (Granted July 3, 2001).

4. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J. Hrkach, N Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 6,399,102 (Granted June 4, 2002).

5. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, R. Langer, A. Ben-Jebria.  Porous Particles Comprising Excipients for Deep Lung Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 6,436,443 (Granted August 20, 2002).

6. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, R. Langer, A. Ben-Jebria. Amorphous Porous Particles for Deep Lung Delivery.  U.S. Patent No. 6,447,752 (Granted September 10, 2002).

7. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, R. Langer, A. Ben-Jebria.  Porous Particles for Deep Lung Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 6,447,753 (Granted September 10, 2002).

8. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No.  6,503,480 (Granted January 7, 2003).

9. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No.  6,635,283 (Granted October 23, 2003).

10. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, R. Langer, A. Ben-Jebria.  Porous Particles Comprising Excipients for Deep Lung Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 6,740,310 (Granted May 25, 2004).

11. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J. Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No.  6,942,868 (Granted September 13, 2005).

12. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J. Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, A. Ben-Jebria, R. Langer. Aerodynamically Light Particles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery. U.S. Patent No.  6,977,087 (Granted December 20, 2005).

13. Edwards D.A., G. Caponetti, J Hrkach, N. Lotan, J. Hanes, R. Langer, A. Ben-Jebria.  Porous Particles Comprising Excipients for Deep Lung Delivery. U.S. Patent No. 7,435,408 (Granted October 14, 2008).

S'ajoute à tout cela, la conception et la valorisation d’une Prothèse Phonatoire permettant aux patients ayant subi une laryngectomie totale de parler.

Notes et Références[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria, Tunisie d'Amour, que reste-t-il de tes beaux jours?, Paris, Éditions du Panthéon, , 112 p. (ISBN 978-2-7547-6954-9)
  2. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria, Les Périples de l'Enfant de Ksiba, Paris, Éditions Édilivre, , 522 p. (ISBN 978-2-414-47166-9)
  3. « Association pour l'autobiographie (APA) »
  4. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria, « Y a-t-il une relation entre obésité et asthme? » Accès libre (consulté le )
  5. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria, « Comment a-t-on privé les diabétiques de leur insuline respiratoire? » Accès libre (consulté le )
  7. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria, « Comment un larynx mal placé anatomiquement ne permet pas au nourrisson comme au chimpanzé de parler ? » (consulté le )
  8. Abdellaziz Ben-Jebria, « L'excision, une pratique en pleine expansion. » (consulté le )
  9. A Ben Jebria, M Brès, C Hatzfeld, « Measurement of binary diffusion coefficients of oxygen and another gas »

1- En 1956, la Tunisie eut son indépendance après avoir connu le protectorat français, depuis 1881.