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en:U.S. Open Chess Championship

Multiples vainqueurs

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8 victoires
  • Pal Benko (1961, 1964 à 1967, 1969, 1974 et 1975)
7 victoires
5 victoires
4 victoires
3 victoires
2 victoires
1 victoire

World Open (Philadelphie, depuis 1973)

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en:World Open chess tournament ; World Open (échecs)

Multiples vainqueurs (World Open)

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6 premières places
5 premières places
4 premières places
3 premières places
2 premières places
1 première place

National Open, Festival de Las Vegas

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Walter Browne : 11 victoires : 1971 (??), 1972 (New York, continental experts, 7/7), 1973 (Las Vegas international open), 1975 (=) 1984, 1986 (=), 1987 (=), 1991 (Chicago), 1994 (1er), 1995 (=), 2002 (=) + ??.
Arthur Bisguier : 1970 (=), 1974 (Las Vegas, 7/8) et 1976.

  • 1965 : Reshevsky et Byrne (7/8) Las Vegas
  • 1966 : Benko (7,5/8), Evans (7/8) Las Vegas
  • 1968 : Benko
  • 1970 (Sparks) : Bisguier et Evans (7/8)
  • 1971 : Evans
  • 1972 (New York ??) : Walter Browne et Louis Levy
  • 1973 (Las Vegas) : Browne, 7/7
  • 1974 (8e) : Bisguier (Edmondson), Weinstein et Celorio (7/8) Las Vegas
  • 1975 (9e) : Benko (Edmondson), Browne, Ferriz Carrasco et Suhobeck (7/8)
  • 1976 : Formanek (Edmondson) et Miles (7/8)

  • 1977 : J. Sunye
  • 1978 : Bisguier
  • 1980 : Calvin Blocker
  • 1982 : Kudrin, Paul Kuroda
  • 1983 : Leonid Bass
  • 1984 : Browne (Edmondson), Bisguier, Kavalek, David Strauss, Luismar Brito, James Banks
  • 1985 : D. Gurevich (Edmondson), Yehuda Gruenfeld, Igor Ivanov, Kamran Shirazi, Kevin Burnett
  • 1986 : D. Gurevich (Edmondson), Joseph Bradford, Kudrin, Browne
  • 1987 : M. Dlugy (Edmondson), J. Benjamin, Browne, Kudrin, Cyrus Ladkadawala
  • 1988 : Michael Brooks (Edmondson), Kudrin, Mikhaïl Tal, James Rizzitano, Calvin Blocker, L. Chamkovitch
  • 1989 : M. Rohde (Edmodnson), Victor Frias, Dlugy, Kudrin, Eugene Meyer, Alexander Ivanov, Christiansen
  • 1990 : D. Gurevich (Edmondson), Kudrin, Kaidanov, Alexander Ivanov, Igor Ivanov, Jeremy Silman, Kamsky
  • 1991 : Browne (Edmondson), Yermolinsky, Alexander Ivanov, Fishbein, Dmitry Gurevich

  • 1992 : John Fedorowicz (Edmondson), Kaidanov, Igor Ivanov, Ilya Gurevich, Joe Bradford
  • 1993 : Kamsky (Edmondson), Kudrin, Yermolinsky, Kudrin
  • 1994 : Browne (Edmondson); Kaidanov, Akopian, Ehlvest, Ali Mortazavi

  • 1995 : Julian Hodgson (Edmondson, winner on tiebreak), Walter Browne, Tal Shaked - 5.5 each. $3000 each.
  • 1996 : First: Alexander Ivanov (Edmondson), Dmitry Gurevich, Pavel Blanty and Erico Sevillano with 5 1/2 - 1/2.
  • 1997 : D. Gurevich (Edmondson), Ilya Smirin, Alexander Baburin, Julian Hodgson
  • 1998 : There were 5 players tied for first all of whom took $2,300.
    • Julian Hodgson (Edmondson) took first on tie break.
    • 1st Julian Hodgson 2nd Pavel Blatny 3rd Jan Ehlvest 4th Vlaidimir Epishin th Evgeny Pigusov
  • 1999 : After six rounds Jaan Ehlvest split the money, but got the Edmundson Cup. Ilya Smirin, Kaidanov
  • 2000 : There was a 13 way tie for 1st with 5/6.
    • 1st= Jaan Ehlvest (Edmondson),
    • Alex Yermolinsky, Gregory Kaidanov, Alexander Goldin, Alexander Baburin, Grigory Serper, Dmitry Gurevich, Pavel Blatny, Alexander Stripunsky, Yuri Shulman, Eduard Gufeld (who celebrated his 64th birthday during the event and he defeated Joel Benjamin with black), Levon Altouian and Rade Milovanotic.
  • 2001 : 1 Akopian,Vladimir (Edmondson) GM CA 2734 5.5 ; 2 Zhang, Zhong GM CHN 2657 5.5
  • 2002 : Alex Yermolinsky (1., Edmondson) and Walter Browne (2.) finished on 5.5/6.
  • 2003 : 1-8. Wojtkiewicz (Edmondson cup), Kudrin, Kiriakov, Serper, Nakamura, Shabalov, Ibragimov, Ehlvest, - 5.
  • 2004 : Five players shared first place with 5/6 - GM Jaan Ehlvest, GM Evgeny Najer, GM Daniel Fridman, GM Alex Yermolinsky and Varuzhan Akobian. GM Yermolinsky won the Edmondson Cup on tie-breaks.
  • 2005 : : The 2005 National Open Chess Tournament was won jointly by GM Dmitry Gurevich, GM Nick De Firmian and GM Dashzeveg Sharavdorj and IM Ben Finegold, all scoring 5/6.
    • Dmitry Gurevich took the much coveted Edmondson Cup and title of National Open Champion after a round robin blitz playoff.
  • 2006 : . Aleksander Wojtkiewicz took first place (Edmondson cup) on tie-break ahead of Varuzhan Akobian, Nikola Mitkov, Merab Gagunashvili and Lubomir Ftacnik all of whom finished on 5/9.
  • 2007 : Hikaru Nakamura took clear first place with 5.5/6.
  • 2008 : 6 players finished on 5/6. Kamsky took the title back on tie-break. Kamsky, Fressinet, Petrossian, Kolev, Finegold, Friedel.
  • 2009 : Varuzhan Akobian and Enrico Sevillano tied on 5/6.
  • 2010 : Gareïev (5/6)
  • 2011 : Varuzhan Akobian (5/6) with the Edmondson Cup, which he won on tiebreak over Van Wely.
  • 2012 : Lenderman (5,5/6)
  • 2013 : Wesley So (Edmondson cup),
    • Jaan Ehlvest, Varuzhan Akobian, Alejandro Ramirez, Manuel Leon Hoyos, and Enrico Sevillano all scored 5/6 and took home $2,175 in prize money.
  • 2014 : Gata Kamsky won with 5/6.
  • 2015 : Aleksey Dreev (Edmondson cup), Gata Kamsky, Illia Nyzhnyk and Axel Bachmann all scored 5/6.
  • 2016 : Ruifeng Li (Edmondson) et D. Fridman 5/6, Las Vegas International Chess Festival 2016, twic 1129 ; The 15-year-old, Li, won the Edmondson Cup on tiebreak
  • 2017 : Tigran L. Petrossian (5/6), twic 1180
  • 2018 : Ioan Chirila (6/7), twic 1234, Swiercz, Nijnik, N. Mitkov (5,5/7)
  • 2019 : Nijnik (7/9), twic 1284, Ruifeng Li remporte le blitz.

American Open (Californie)

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