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Dialectologie de la langue espagnole

Phonologie et phonétique[modifier | modifier le code]

Prononciation de la lettre 'x' et des groupes xc, sc, cs[modifier | modifier le code]

En espagnol courant, la prononciation de la lettre x (rendu phonétique standard [ks]) subit une lénition et se trouve réduite à une simple apico-alvéolaire s (/s̺/), en particulier devant consonne (experiencia : [esperi'enθia] ou [esperi'ensia] dans les zones seseantes). En Amérique hispanique, la lettre est prononcée ks, avec la [s] habituel, dental ou laminaire, mais lorsqu'il est suivi d'un son [s] (provenant de [s] ou [c] devant [e] ou [i]), celui-ci est assimilé : [kss]>[ks]. On trouve le même phénomène dans le cas de [sc] suivi de [e] ou [i] : [ss]>[s]. En Espagne (hors Andalousie), l'assimilation ne se produit pas e, raison de la distiction entre [θ] et [s].

Par exemple, en suivant les tendances exposées ci-dessus, excelente sera prononcé en Espagne (hors Andalousie) [ɛs̺θeˈlɛnte], mais [ɛkseˈlɛnte] dans les autres zones. Ascensión est prononcé en Espagne [as̺θɛnˈs̺jɔn], voire [aθɛnˈs̺jɔn], mais en Amérique et en Andalousie simplement [asɛnˈsjɔn].

Several variants of Spanish are also characterized by a highly relaxed pronunciation, which tends to aspiration or elision of many implosive consonants, not just final s. This is not related to the elision of k in the pronunciation of x, which is general in most dialects of Spanish, except in formal speech. However, s is reinforced because of its dental, stressed realization, in some kind of assimilating phenomenon. Something similar occurs with other sibilant groups, like -sc-, -sz- or -xc- in seseo areas. Thus words like examen ("exam") or próximo ("nearby", "next") are pronounced [esˈsamen] and [ˈprossimo], respectively, and words like descenso or excelencia in seseo areas become [desˈsenso] or [ɛsseˈlɛnsja]. Due to this tendency, it is not unusual to find similar cases of s assimilation and reinforcement even in cases where two s letters are added through prefixation into a single word, producing only a single s in Standard Spanish, and Northern or Latin American Speech: for example in digámoselo ("let's tell it to them"), formed from the verbal form digamos and clitic pronouns se and lo, a typically Andalusian pronunciation would be [diˈɡamosselo], or in desaborido ("untasteful" or "boring", "pessimistic"), from the prefix des ("un-") plus adjective saborido ("tasteful"), an Andalusian pronunciation would be [(d)essaboˈrido].

An exception is the pronunciation of the x in words like México, which originally used the phonetic value of the x in Medieval Spanish, represented by the voiceless postalveolar fricative /ʃ/. This evolved into a voiceless velar fricative /x/ during the sixteenth century.[1] Although the name is still spelled México, the x sounds like /x/. This is also true for other toponyms, like Texas and Oaxaca and proper and last names like Xavier and Ximénez.

A small number of words in Mexican Spanish retain the historical /ʃ/ pronunciation, e.g. Mexica.

Adoption des affriquées 'tz' and 'tl'[modifier | modifier le code]

Mexican Spanish and some other Latin American dialects have adopted from the native languages the voiceless alveolar affricate [t͡s] and a voiceless alveolar lateral affricate [t͡ɬ] represented by the respective digraphs <tz> and <tl>, as in the names Atzcapotzalco and Atlantico [aˈt͡ɬantiko]. Classical Spanish does not have these affricates.

Système phonologique du judéo-espagnol[modifier | modifier le code]

Judaeo-Spanish, popularly known as Ladino, is a special case, since due to the fact that its speakers were expelled from Spain in the 15th century, they have preserved the old sibilants, where /z/ and /s/ are respectively distributed for simple, voiced intervocalic s and voiceless, initial, implosive, or doubled intervocalic s, e.g.: rosa ("rose") becoming [ˈroza] and assentarse ("to sit down") becoming [asenˈtarse]. Due to an archaic seseo phenomenon in Ladino, the two kinds of old Spanish zetas, the voiced z [dz] and the voiceless ç [ts], have also been treated in a similar way. Fazer ("to make") becoming [faˈzer] instead of the medieval [faˈdzer] and plaza ("square") becoming [plasa] instead of medieval [platsa].

Grammaire[modifier | modifier le code]

Voseo[modifier | modifier le code]

Most Spanish dialects have two second person singular pronouns, one for informal use and one for more formal treatment. In most dialects the informal pronoun is , which comes directly from Latin, and the formal pronoun is usted, which is usually considered to originate from "vuestra merced", meaning "Your (singular) grace" or literally "Your mercy". In a number of regions is replaced by another pronoun, vos, and the verb conjugation changes accordingly (see details below). "Vos" comes from Latin vos, which was simply the second person plural informal pronoun.

In any case, there is wide variation as to when each pronoun (formal or informal) is to be used. In Spain, is informal (for example, used with friends), and usted is formal (for example, used with older people). There has been a noticeable tendency to extend the use of even in situations previously reserved for usted. In several countries, however, the formal usted is also used to denote a closer personal relationship (parts of Central America and, especially, in Colombia). Many Colombians and some Chileans, for instance, employ usted not only for a child to address a parent, but also for a parent to address a child. Some countries, like Cuba and the Dominican Republic, prefer the use of even in very formal circumstances, and usted thus is seldom used. Meanwhile, in other countries, the use of formal rather than informal second-person pronouns denotes authority. In Peru, for example, senior military officers will use to speak to their subordinates, while junior officers will use only usted to address their superior officers.

Using informally, especially in contexts where usted was to be expected, is called tuteo. The corresponding verb is tutear (a transitive verb, the direct object being the person addressed with the pronoun). Tutear is used even in those dialects where the informal pronoun is vos.

The use of vos instead of is called voseo. Voseo is informal in most countries. In Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay it is the standard form of the informal second person singular, and is used by all to address others in all kinds of contexts, often regardless of social status or age, including by cultured/educated speakers and writers, in television, advertisements, and even in translations from other languages. In Uruguay vos and are used concurrently, though vos is much more commonplace. In both cases the verb is conjugated as vos ("Vos querés / Tú querés", rather than "Vos querés / Tú quieres").

The name Rioplatense is applied to the particular dialect, spoken around the mouth of the Río de la Plata and the lower course of the Paraná River, where vos is always used, with verb conjugations that resemble those of the Castilian second person plural. This area comprises the most populated part of Argentina (the provinces of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe) as well as an important part of Uruguay including Montevideo, the capital.

In Ecuador, vos is the most prominent form throughout the Sierra region of the country, though it does coexist with usted and the lesser used . In this region, Vos is regarded as the unofficial standard, but it is not used in public discourse, the media or television. To complicate things more, the choice of pronoun to be used depends on the participants' likeness in age and/or social status. Based on these factors, the addresser can assess himself as being an equal, superior or inferior to the addressee, and the appropriate choice of pronoun to be employed can then be made. Ecuadorians of the highlands thus generally use vos among familiarized equals, or by superiors [in both social status and age] to inferiors; among unfamiliarized equals, or by a superior in age but inferior in social status; and usted by both familiarized and unfamiliarized inferiors, or by a superior in social status but inferior in age. On the more-populated coastal region, the form is used in most situations, usted being only used for unfamiliar and/or superior subjects.

Vos can be heard throughout most of Chile, Bolivia, and a small part of Peru as well, but in these places it is reproached as substandard and the speech of the uneducated and ignorant. It is also used as the unofficial standard in the Paisa Region (Colombia), in Zulia State (Venezuela), in Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and the State of Chiapas in Mexico.

In Chile, is the preferred pronoun in all normal and educated speech. Vos is used, pronounced with an aspiration at the end instead of s. When so pronounced, it is always derisive to some extent, with the magnitude of this disdain depending on the inflection of speech. In this form, it is used in informal speech between very close friends as playful banter (usually among men), but even then a change in inflection can change the meaning of a statement, which can result in an offensive comment. The use of verbal voseo ( + vos conjugation of the verb, e.g. "tú podís") is quite widespread, though. This has been something that typically distinguishes Chileans.

A usage similar to voseo is vos with the verb in the grammatically plural form (as if it were vosotros). It appears as a formal or disrespectfully familiar use in the works of the Spanish Golden Century/Golden Age and period works placed in that era. In Colombia, the choice of second person singular varies with location. In most of inland Colombia (chiefly the Andean region), usted is the pronoun of choice for all situations, even in speaking between friends or family, but in large cities (Bogota mainly), the use of is becoming more accepted in informal situations, especially between young interlocutors of the opposite sex and among young women. In Valle del Cauca (Cali), Antioquia (Medellín) and the Pacific coast, the pronouns used are vos/usted. On the Caribbean coast (mainly Barranquilla and Cartagena), is used for practically all informal situations and many formal situations, usted being reserved for the most formal environments. A peculiarity occurs in Boyacá and among older speakers in Bogotá: usted is replaced by sumercé for formal situations (it is relatively easy to spot a Boyacense by his/her use of this pronoun). Sumercé comes from su merced ("your mercy").

In parts of Spain, fifty years ago a child would not use but usted to address a parent. This would be very unusual today. Among the factors for the ongoing substitution are the new social relevance of youth and the reduction of social differences. Being addressed as usted makes one feel older. It has also been attributed to the egalitarianism of the right-wing party Falange. By contrast, Spanish leftists of the early 20th century would address their comrades as usted as a show of respect and worker's dignity.

Joan Corominas explains that vos was a peasant form in classical Castilian, and since most Spanish immigrants to the New World belonged to this class, vos became the unmarked form.

Another explanation is that in Spain, although vos denoted high social status by those who were addressed as such (monarchs, nobility, etc.), these people never actually used the pronoun themselves since there were not any people above them in society. Those who used vos were the inferiors (lower classes and peasants). When the waves of Spanish immigrants arrived to populate the New World, they primarily comprised these lower classes and peasants. They would then want to raise their social status from what it was in Spain and would demand to be addressed as vos. Everyone thus became vos in the Americas, and the pronoun was transformed into an indicator of low status not only for the addresser, but also for the addressee. Conversely, in Spain today "vos" is still considered a highly exalted archaism that is confined to liturgy, and its use by native Spaniards is seen as deliberate archaism.

Speakers of Ladino still use vos as it was originally used, to address people higher on the social ladder. The pronoun usted had not been introduced to this dialect of Spanish when the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492, hence vos is still used in Ladino much as usted is used in modern Spanish.

Other less frequent forms analogous to usted are voacé, bosanzé and boxanxé (by Moriscos), vuecencia, v/usía. The latter are short for vuestra excelencia and vuestra señoría. The most common analogous form of usted still used today is vusted, which can be heard in Andean regions of South America.

Deuxième personne du pluriel[modifier | modifier le code]

In Standard European Spanish the plural of is vosotros and the plural of usted is ustedes. In Latin America vosotros is not used, and the plural of both and usted is ustedes. This means that speaking to a group of friends a Spaniard will use vosotros and a Latin American will use ustedes. Although ustedes is semantically a second-person form, it is treated grammatically as a third-person plural form because it originates from the term vuestras mercedes ("Your [pl.] Graces," sing. vuestra merced).

In Argentina, Colombia, Peru, and Chile, school children are taught the conjugation of vosotros.[Information douteuse] However, it is only a formality, as they rarely if ever use vosotros in real-life situations.

The only vestiges of vosotros in America are boso/bosonan in Papiamento and the use of vuestro/a in place of sus (de ustedes) as second person plural possessive in the Cusco region of Peru.

In very formal contexts, however, the vosotros conjugation can still be found. An example is the Mexican national anthem, which contains such forms as apretad and empapad.

Joan Coromines supposes that the vos forms in the Caribbean were perceived as slave-talk, and disrespectful for whites initially, and later for everybody.

The plural of the Colombian sumercé is sumercés/susmercedes, from Sus Mercedes ("Your Mercies").

In some parts of Andalusia (the lands around the Guadalquivir river and western Andalusia), the usage is what is called ustedes-vosotros: ustedes is combined with the verbal forms for vosotros.

In Ladino vosotros is still the only second person plural pronoun, since usted does not exist.

Groupes dialectaux hispano-américains[modifier | modifier le code]

In a broad sense, American Spanish pronunciation can be grouped in five sets of variants. The first group, the Caribbean, is spoken in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panamá, the Colombian Caribbean, much of Venezuela, and the Caribbean parts of Nicaragua and Mexico. The second one is the South American Pacific, which comprises Perú, Chile and Guayaquil, Ecuador. The third is the Central American, spoken in El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The fourth is the Argentine-Uruguayan-Paraguayan variant, which probably includes Eastern Bolivia (Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando). The fifth, which probably is not a group but a cluster of places that resisted changes in the pronunciation of the s sound at the end of a syllable, has been called the Highland American Spanish, and is spoken in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Andean Colombia, Andean Venezuela, Quito, the Peruvian Sierra and Bolivia (except in Santa Cruz, Beni, and Pando).[2]

Intercompréhension[modifier | modifier le code]

The different dialects and accents do not severely block cross-understanding among the educated. The basilects have diverged more. As an example, early sound films were dubbed into one version for the entire Spanish-speaking market. Currently, non-Spanish (usually Hollywood) productions are dubbed separately into each of the major accents, but productions from another Spanish-language country are never dubbed. The popularity of telenovelas and music familiarize the speakers with other varieties of Spanish.

Prescription and a common cultural and literary tradition, among other factors, have contributed to the formation of a loosely-defined register which can be termed Standard Spanish (or "Neutral Spanish"), which is the preferred form in formal settings, and is considered indispensable in academic and literary writing, the media, etc. This standard tends to disregard local grammatical, phonetic and lexical peculiarities, and draws certain extra features from the commonly acknowledged canon, preserving (for example) certain verb tenses considered "bookish" or archaic in most other dialects.

Évolution[modifier | modifier le code]

L'hispaniste suédois Bertil Malmberg affirme qu'une tendance existe dans l'évolution de l'espagnol à préférer les syllabes ouvertes (se terminant par une voyelle)[3].

In variants like that of Argentine gauchos, which were less subject to the standard, this leads to a weakening of final consonants like /l/, /r/ or /s/. The realization of syllable-final /s/ as a  barely audible [h] or simply nothing is rather noticeable in many dialects, including the Argentine ones. In the Castilian variety, this tendency did not exist in the past but has recently appeared due to the influence of southern dialects (Andalusia, Madrid, La Mancha, etc.).

However, Malmberg and others have pointed out that in Mexican Spanish, it is vowels that lose strength, while consonants are fully pronounced. It has been pointed out that Mexican Spanish is tending towards stress timing and concomitant vowel reduction, and that this is likely to be caused by the influence of geographically close English of the United States and strong economic and social-cultural ties between the two countries. Other theories associate vowel reduction in Mexico with a native American substratum, in fact vowel reduction is not unknown along the Andean area (highland Colombia, Bolivia, Peru) where the influence of native American languages was strong on Spanish.

Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. « Evolution of the pronunciation of "x" », Real Academia Española
  2. Spanish sound library
  3. Bertil Malmberg, Det spanska Amerika i språkets spegel, Stockholm, 1966