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19 mai : déploiement des outils de Croissance

Résumé par Trizek (WMF)
Enregistré sur Phabricator
Tâche 252420
Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)


Les outils seront disponibles mardi 19 à partir de 20h00 CEST.

Le seul souci que nous avons à régler est de formater la liste de signatures du message de bienvenue pour qu'elle soit en adéquation avec les pré-requis pour les outils.

Il faudrait voir qui distribue ce message de bienvenue, et comment adapter la liste. Ou créer une liste séparée. À vous de choisir la meilleure solution. :)

Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)

J'oubliais : merci d'informer la communauté. :)

Nemo Le Poisson (discutercontributions)

Autant faire une même liste mais on doit ducoup rendre Loveless compatible...

Orlodrim (discutercontributions)
Maximilianklein (discutercontributions)


I think the change should be easy, but I don't have the time to work on it now. I have a small question too. Do we want to (A) also handle the mentor's descrpition of themselves so that it will be part of the message, it will require changing the welcome template too, or (B) just support taking the user name out of the new list format, but ignore the mentor's description?

The exact part of the code that is responsible for parsing the signatures list is: If someone else can update the code, I can still run it. Or I can let someone else fix and run.

Orlodrim (discutercontributions)

I implemented a workaround, so there is no deadline to update your bot: there are now two pages and my bot converts the new format to the old format. However, I would like to stop doing that at some point.

What are your future plans about the bot? As far as I know, you replaced Darkoneko's bot in order to run an experiment. Is that for a fixed period of time or would you like to continue running it in the long term? If you're going to stop in a few weeks or months, you can keep it as is. Otherwise, you will occasionally need to do some maintenance or find someone else to help you (I'm not using pywikibot).

I don't have a strong opinion about including the description in the welcome message. Changing the message would deserve a separate thread on this page, so feel free to start one.

Orlodrim (discutercontributions)

@Trizek (WMF) According to the documentation, the extension relies on to get the language->page mapping. This makes it a quiet sensitive page. However, it is currently unprotected. Are developpers aware of this?

The usual way of doing that kind of per-wiki configuration is to use a system message (only sysops can edit them).

Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)

@Orlodrim We pick the link there and that's all. It is then secured in the wiki's configuration file. Look at the Phab task, I've listed the wiki page there, not the Wikidata item.

Concerning the signature list (if Max can update it) you should then reformat it and then invite mentors to add their description.

The Homepage will pick any name with a link listed on the page. So be concerning archiving.

Orlodrim (discutercontributions)

Thanks, a fixed page is safer :)

Keep the same page for both tasks is better, but if we do that, the deadline may be a bit tight:

  • The welcome bot clearly doesn't support the new format yet. I had to revert Spécial:Diff/170826900 because it was causing errors like this. That's a blocker to migrate the list.
  • It may take a few more days before mentors add a description.

I don't understand the last sentence of your message "So be concerning archiving" (is a word missing?). Anyway, I updated my bot so it will happily archive and unarchive lines with the new format.

I have a few more questions:

  • Can we use the French forms of namespaces, i.e. [[Utilisateur:X]] or [[Utilisatrice:X]]? (if so, the welcome bot should support them as well.)
  • What if not everyone has added a description when it's launched? Do we have to remove those users? Will they be ignored?
  • The two lists of inactive users Projet:Aide et accueil/Signatures/Absents and Projet:Aide et accueil/Signatures/Inactifs are displayed by transclusion and the end of the main list. Is that a problem?
Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)

(Pour info, on est passés à l'anglais parce qu'il est possible que des interlocuteurs qui ne comprennent pas le français passent par là.)

We can postpone the date, no problem.

I missed a word. "So be careful concerning archiving". Since the pages are transcluded, I think it is covered. To be confirmed, as listed below.

Concerning other questions:

  • For [[Utilisateur:X]] or [[Utilisatrice:X]] I would say it works. @Roan_Kattouw_(WMF), thoughts?
  • There is placeholder if the description is not added. When the bot will be compatible, then you can ping all mentors to inform them about the new tools and to add their description there.
  • I think it would be okay to have transcluded lists, but Roan will confirm.

Roan Kattouw (WMF) (discutercontributions)

Yes, Utilisateur: and Utilisatrice: will work. The software looks for links to user pages; you can think of it as doing a reverse Special:Whatlinkshere / Spécial:Pages liées on the mentor list page. If the mentor list shows up in the Whatlinkshere list for your user page, then you are a mentor.

The placeholder for users without a description is "Cet utilisateur expérimenté sait que vous êtes nouveau et peut vous aider dans l’édition." (translated here, can be customized here)

Transcluded lists will work partially, but not fully. Links to user pages in transcluded lists will be recognized, but descriptions will not be. So these users will be mentors, but their descriptions will not be displayed.

However, for absent and inactive users you may not want this to work: presumably absent/inactive mentors shouldn't be assigned new mentees? In that case it would be better to list their names as plain text, not as links, so that the software doesn't recognize them as mentors. Removing a mentor from the list (or removing the link to their user page, at least) means they don't get assigned new mentees, but their existing mentees don't get reassigned to new mentors.

Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)
Orlodrim (discutercontributions)

We don't want users from transcluded pages to be used by the extension. Thus, I replaced transclusions with links.

Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)

Deployment is tomorrow. Are we good to go?

Orlodrim (discutercontributions)

I think we aren't. I left a message directly to Maximilianklein(CS) to ask him about what he can do, as he may have missed the notification if he doesn't log in often. Otherwise, we will have to change the page used by the extension.

Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)
Orlodrim (discutercontributions)

I moved the page to Projet:Aide et accueil/Volontaires and sent a message message to ask everyone to add a message. @Trizek (WMF): can you please ask someone to update the configuration of the extension to point to this new page?

For now, I will make sure that the old page used by the bot keeps the old format but stays in sync (no one should edit it manually).

Trizek (WMF) (discutercontributions)


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