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Bonne continuation parmi nous !

Apollon 27 février 2007 à 23:22 (CET)[répondre]

Salut, juste pour te dire que ce genre d’article général est très précieux pour l’encyclopédie, et que des contributions de ce genre sont appréciées. Encore bienvenu, et bonne continuation ici. (Tu peux répondre ici, je suivrai ta page.) keriluamox (d · c) 28 février 2007 à 11:57 (CET)[répondre]

Reply to RFC concerning Ostad Elahi

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I am a university professor in France. My contributions are usually made under French language in Wikipedia French, and I have also posted this comment on the article page. I am responding to the RFC made on this article based on my experience in France, UK and Germany with the name of Ostad Elahi.

I came across Ostad Elahi’s name in 1995 for the first time when I visited an exhibition on his life at the Sorbonne’s Chapel in Paris. Since then, I have gradually integrated certain aspects of his philosophy into my courses on ethics. Because Ostad Elahi’s mother tongue was Persian and he never wrote in English or in French, his philosophy has been either translated or disserted upon in Europe by several scholars which speak Persian.

Based on my readings of his works in French and English [1], my understanding is that Ostad Elahi had three fields of expertise: music, the Ahl e Haqq order, and his personal philosophy on metaphysics and ethics. It seems to me that if one focuses on his contributions to the Ahl e Haqq, Nur Ali Elahi is the name that is most widely used in that context. On the other hand, if one focuses on his music or his personal philosophy on metaphysics and ethics, then all of the literature that has been translated and commented on after his death uses the name Ostad Elahi. Although I’m not a specialist of ancient oriental religions and orders such as the Ahl e Haqq, I can say that Ostad Elahi is more widely known as a thinker in the field of applied Ethics based on Plato’s thoughts, at least in Europe. Therefore, I would say that it makes more sense to redirect the birth name to the more known honorific.

[1] A. CHOURAQUI, “De l’unité des religions” et “Conclusion” [Unicity of religions and conclusive remarks on the Symposium (Sept. 1995)], Cahiers d’Anthropologie Religieuse, n° 5, under the direction of Professor Michel Meslin, University of Paris-Sorbonne Press, 1996, pp. 25-33 et 187-188.

C. DEVILLE, Introduction to Connaissance de l’âme [Knowing the Spirit], Ed. L’Harmattan (2001), pp. 21-32.

J. DURING, “La musique d’Ostad Elahi” [The music of Ostad Elahi], Cahiers d’Anthropologie Religieuse, n° 5, under the direction of Professor Michel Meslin, University of Paris-Sorbonne Press, 1996, pp. 147-155.

B. ELAHI, “Le spirituel dans la pensée d’Ostad Elahi” [the concept of spirituality in Ostad Elahi’s thought], Cahiers d’Anthropologie Religieuse, n° 5, under the direction of Professor Michel Meslin, University of Paris-Sorbonne Press, 1996, pp. 128-136

S. MARIN et F. AMELI, « Le rôle de la traduction et de l’interprétation du droit en Iran dans la première moitié du XXème siècle: l’exemple d’Ostad Elahi (1895-1974) » [Role of translation and interpretation of law in Iran during the first half of the 20th century: The Example of Ostad Elahi (1895-1974)], Droit et Cultures, Revue trimestrielle d’anthropologie et d’histoire [Anthropology and History Quarterly], publiée avec le concours du CNRS [published in collaboration with the National Center for Scientific Research], 44/2001, pp. 183-201.

S. MARIN, « Ostad Elahi et les droits de l’homme : Ethique et modernité » [Ostad Elahi and Human rights : Ethics and modern way of thinking], in Le Code civil et les droits de l'homme, [French civil Code and Human rights] textes réunis et publiés par Jean-Luc Chabot, Philippe Didier, Jérôme Ferrand, (ISBN 2747588939), L’Harmattan (2005) pp. 418-434.

S. MARIN, « Une philosophie du droit en Islam ? Un exemple iranien” [A philosophy of law in Islam ? The example of Iran], Journées de la recherche en théorie et philosophie juridiques et politiques, p.23

S. MARIN, Vérité et jugement : Ostad Elahi, juge et philosophe iranien (1895 - 1974) [Truth and judgment : Ostad Elahi, Persian judge and philosopher (1895-1974)], thèse de l’Université de Paris-X, Nanterre (2006) [Thesis leading to the PhD Degree – University of Paris (2006)].

J. MORRIS, « La pensée d’Ostad Elahi » [Ostad Elahis’s philosophy], Cahiers d’Anthropologie Religieuse, n° 5, under the direction of Professor Michel Meslin, University of Paris-Sorbonne Press, 1996, pp. 137-146.

J. MORRIS, Introduction to Knowing the Spirit, SUNY Press (2007)

F. TERRE, “Ethique et droit” [Ethics and Law], Symposium in the French Supreme Court (Sept. 1995), in Cahiers d’Anthropologie Religieuse, n° 5, under the direction of Professor Michel Meslin, University of Paris-Sorbonne Press, 1996, pp. 179-186.