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Donald P. Ryan

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Donald Ryan
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Donald P. Ryan (né en 1957) est un archéologue, égyptologue, écrivain américain. Ses domaines de recherche comprennent l'archéologie égyptienne, l'archéologie polynésienne, l'histoire de l'archéologie, l'histoire de l'exploration, les langues et écritures anciennes et l'archéologie expérimentale.


Il est surtout connu pour ses recherches en Égypte, notamment ses fouilles dans la Vallée des Rois où il a enquêté sur les tombes non décorées longtemps négligées du cimetière royal. Son travail a abouti à la redécouverte de la tombe perdue et controversée KV60, la réouverture de KV21 longtemps enterré avec ses deux occupants féminins et probablement royaux, et des tombes KV27, KV28, KV44, KV45 et KV48. En 2017, il a redécouvert trois petites tombes (KV50, KV51 et KV52) dans la Vallée des Rois qui contenaient lors de sa découverte en 1906, des momies d'animaux, dont un chien et des singes[1].

Entre 1995 et 2002, Ryan a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l'explorateur, archéologue et écrivain norvégien Thor Heyerdahl. Parmi leurs nombreux projets, ils ont dirigé des fouilles sur le site des pyramides de Guimar à Tenerife dans les îles Canaries[2]. Ryan a été chargé de poursuivre certains des aspects de recherche de l'héritage de Heyerdahl[3].

D'autres recherches de Ryan comprennent des études sur les cordages égyptiens anciens et d'autres technologies[4], des études des cônes funéraires égyptiens[5], des études biographiques des premiers archéologues, dont Giovanni Belzoni[6], des études sur l'influence de l'antiquité sur la culture et les arts[7], et la documentation des pétroglyphes sur l'île d' Hawaii.


  1. Les travaux sur ces tombes sont disponibles dans les articles suivants : Donald P. Ryan: 1990, "Who is buried in KV 60?" KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 1(1):34-39, 58-59, 63; 1991, "Return to Wadi Biban el Moluk: The Second Field Season of the Valley of the Kings Project." KMT 2(1):26-31; 1992, "The Valley Again." KMT 3(1):44-47, 69; 1992, "Some observations concerning uninscribed tombs in the Valley of the Kings." dans, After Tutankhamun. ed. by C.N. Reeves. Kegan Paul, pp.21-27; 1995, "Further observations concerning the Valley of the Kings." dans, Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs. ed. by R. Wilkinson, U. of Arizona Press, pp.134-156; 1995, "Tentative tomb protection priorities, Valley of the Kings, Egypt." (with John Rutherford) dans, Valley of the Sun Kings: new explorations in the tombs of the Pharaohs, ed. by R. Wilkinson, U. of Arizona Press, pp.134-156; 1995, "Dental remains from the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt." (avec D. Swindler and B. Rothschild) dans, Aspects of Dental Biology:Paleontology, Anthropology and Evolution. ed. by J. Moggo-Cecchi. International Institute for the Study of Man; 2000, "Pottery from the Valley of the Kings: Tombs KV 21, 27, 28, 44, 45, and 60."(with Barbara and David Aston) Cahiers de la Ceramique Égyptienne 6:11-26; 2007, "The Pacific Lutheran University Valley of the Kings Project: Work conducted during the 2005 Field Season." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 81:345-356-361; 2007, "The Pacific Lutheran University Valley of the Kings Project: Work conducted during the 2006 Field Season." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 81:357-361; 2010, "Five Field Seasons in the Royal Necropolis: The Second Phase of the Pacific Lutheran University Valley of the Kings Project." KMT: A Modern Journal of Egyptology 21(4); 2010, The Pacific Lutheran University Valley of the Kings Project: Work conducted during the 2007 Field Season." Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte 84:383-388. A popular narrative of much of the work can be found in: Donald P. Ryan, 2010, Beneath the Sands of Egypt, Harper/Collins.
  2. Donald P. Ryan, "Pyramids in the Atlantic." In, 2010, Beneath the Sands of Egypt, HarperCollins, pp.230-255.
  3. e.g. Donald P. Ryan: 1997, "Thor Heyerdahl et l'Expedition Kon-Tiki: Mythe et Réalité." Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Océaniennes 275:22-35; 1997, "Thor Heyerdahl: the life and legacy of an explorer, scholar and world citizen." The Explorers Journal 75(1):14-16; 1998, "American Indians in the Pacific: A 50 year retrospective of the Kon-Tiki Expedition." dans, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Easter Island and East Polynesia. ed. by C. Stevenson et al. Pp.379-385; 2001, "Historical perspectives of prehistoric seafaring in the Pacific." No Barriers Seminar Papers, Kon-Tiki Museum, Vol. 3: 27-30; 2003 "Mapping the Poike Ditch." (with R. Reanier). In, Easter Island: Scientific Exploration into the World's Environmental Problems in Microcosm.ed. by J. Loret and J. Tanacredi. Kluwer Academic. pp. 207-221.
  4. 1985, "The misidentification of ancient Egyptian plant fibers." Varia Aegyptiaca 1(3):143-149; 1987, "A study of Ancient Egyptian cordage from the British Museum." (avec David H. Hansen) Occasional Papers of the British Museum 62; 1988, "The archaeological analysis of inscribed Egyptian funerary cones." Varia Aegyptiaca 4(2):165-170; 1988, "Papyrus." Biblical Archaeologist 51 (Sept.):132-140; 1989, "Belzoni's rope from the tomb of Sethos I." Studien zur Altaegyptische Kultur, Beihefte 2:137-142; 1993, "Old rope: who cares about the ancient Egyptian technology?" KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 4(2):72-80; 1997, "Ancient Egyptian Basketry." In, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Art (now Grove Encyclopedia of Art); 2001, "Basketry, matting and cordage." dans, Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt 1:164-166.,
  5. 1986, Book Review of: H.M. Stewart (1986), "Mummy cases and inscribed funerary cones in the Petrie collection." Varia Aegyptiaca 2(3):225-228; 1988, "The archaeological analysis of inscribed Egyptian funerary cones." Varia Aegyptiaca 4(2):165-170; 2005 "Cone Conundrum." KMT 15(4):59-66; 1987, "Inscribed Egyptian funerary cones in-situ: An early observation by Henry Salt." (`with C.N. Reeves) Varia Aegyptiaca 3(1):47-49.
  6. 1986, "Giovanni Battista Belzoni."Biblical Archaeologist 49(3):133-138; 1995 "David George Hogarth at Asyut, Egypt: 1906-1907: the history of a "lost" excavation." Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 5(2):3-16; 1996, "David George Hogarth: A somewhat reluctant Egyptologist." KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt 7(2):77-81.2004, "The Great Temple revealed: Giovanni Battista Belzoni at Abu Simbel." KMT 15(2):68-82; 2016 "The very brief Theban excavation of H.S. Whitaker." In, Jacobus Van Dijk, ed., A Mouthful of Dust: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin. Peeters: Leuven.
  7. e.g. 2005, "The Pharaoh and the Poet." KMT 16(4):76-83; 2006; "Ibsen and Egypt. (with Claudia Berguson) KMT 17(3):74-82; 2007; "Cleopatra Had a Jazz Band: Egypt in Early 20th century sheet music." KMT 18(1):72-80; 2007, "Ancient Egypt on Stage: A brief introduction to two splendid operas." KMT 18(3):75-85; 2007, A shattered visage lies ...": Nineteenth Century Poetry Inspired by Ancient Egypt. Rutherford Press; 2009 "'Aikupika Kahiko A Me Ka 'Olelo Hawai'i: Ancient Egypt and the Hawaiian Language." KMT: 20(1):74-82; 2016, "The Poetic World of Giovanni Battista Belzoni." Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities 42:47-67; 2016, Ancient Egypt in Verse: An Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Poetry. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press

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