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=== Sites internet ===
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* [ The Animal Diversity Web]
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Version du 27 novembre 2007 à 18:59

Sommaire par ordre alphabétique, et : Introduction - Voir aussi

Amphibia - Animal (en général) - Annelida - Arachnida - Aves - Brachiopoda - Bryozoa - Cephalochordata - Chaetognatha - Chelonia - Chondrichthyes - Cnidaria - Crocodilia - Crustacea - Ctenophora - Cycliophora - Echinodermata - Ectoprocta - Entoprocta - Gastrotricha - Gymnophiona - Hemichordata - Insecta - Invertébrés (en général) - Kinorhyncha - Lepidosauria - Loricifera - Mammalia - Merostomata - Mollusca - Myriapoda - Nematoda - Nemertea - Onychophora - Osteichthyes - Phoronida - Placozoa - Platyhelminthes - Porifera - Priapulida - Rotifera - Sipuncula - Tardigrada - Urochordata - Vertébrés (en général) - Zooplancton

Acropora sp. (Cnidaria, Zoantharia) (Ile de la Réunion)
Chrysaora sp. (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa)
Chirurgien (Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis, Osteichthyes, Actinopterygii, Acanthuridae), à Hawaii
Litoria infrafrenata (Amphibia, Hylidae)
Velociraptor (Dinosauria, Theropoda)
Pic noir (Dryocopus martius, Aves, Picidae) au nid
Fichier:Mus Musculus-huismuis.jpg
souris commune (Mus Musculus, Mammalia, Glires, Muridae)
Orque (Orcinus orca)


Cette page n'a ni la prétention ni pour objet de proposer une liste exhaustive des références relatives à la zoologie, une telle entreprise serait, bien-entendu, sans fin... Son ambition est de présenter une sélection d'ouvrages, de publications ou de sites internet incontournables ou majeurs, qu'ils soient généraux ou plus ciblés. Pour les sujets comportant une liste de références trop importante, se reporter aux éventuelles sous-pages plus spécialisées via les liens proposés. Le second objectif de cette page est, pour chaque discipline, d'en présenter les grandes lignes historiques de la littérature ainsi que d'en citer les auteurs majeurs. Par ailleurs, les espèces fossiles ne sont pas représentées ici. Pour des références se rapportant aux groupes disparus, consulter la page Orientation bibliographique sur l'origine et l'évolution du vivant.

REFERENCE :         Référence scientifique majeure     -        Vulgarisation particulièrement excellente




Sites internet

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  • Bale, A., Heip, C., Bett, B., Chapman, M., Gage, J., Herman, P., Kenny, A., Eleftheriou, A., McIntyre, A.D., 2005. Methods for the Study of Marine Benthos. Blackwell Publishing Limited (3rd ed.), 440 pp. ISBN-10 0632054883; ISBN-13 978-0632054886.
  • D'HONDT, J.L., 1999. Les invertébrés marins méconnus. Institut Géographique (ed.), 448 pp. ISBN 2903581231.
  • Giese, A.C., Pearse, J.S., Pearse, V.B. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates (collection d'ouvrages).

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  • Harris, R., Wiebe, P., Lenz, J., Skjoldal, H.R., Huntley, M., 2000. ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual. Academic Press, 684 pp. ISBN-10 0123276454; ISBN-13 978-0123276452.
  • Young, C.M., Sewell, M.A., Rice, M.E., 2006. Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae. Academic Press, 640 pp. ISBN-10 0123736080; ISBN-13 978-0123736086.

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Références par groupe zoologique


  • Voigt, O., Collins, A.G., Pearse, V.B., Pearse, J.S., Hadrys, H., Schierwater, B., 2004. Placozoa - no longer a phylum of one. Current Biol., 14: R944-R945. (pdf).

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  • Hooper, J.N.A., Van Soest, R.W.M., 2003. Systema Porifera: A Guide to the Classification of Sponges. Volume 1. & 2. ISBN 0306472600.
  • Muller, W.E.G., 2003. Sponges (Porifera). Springer-Verlag (ed.). ISBN 354000968X.
  • Vacelet, J., Boury-Esnault, N., 1987. Taxonomy of Porifera: From the N.E. Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Springer-Verlag (ed.). ISBN 0387160914.

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  • Cornelius, P.F.S., 1995. North-west european thecate hydroids and their medusae. In Barnes, R.S.K. et J.H. Crothers (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 50. Partie 1 : 386 p., partie 2 : 347 p.
  • Grassé, P.P., 1987. Cnidaires, Anthozoaires. Traité de zoologie, anatomie, systématique, biologie, Tome III, fascicule III. 859 p. Masson, Paris.
  • Grassé, P.P., 1993. Cnidaires, Hydrozoaires, Scyphozoaires, Cubozoaires, Cténaires. Traité de zoologie, anatomie, systématique, biologie, Tome III, fascicule II. 1117 p. Masson, Paris.
  • Kramp, P.L., 1961. Synopsis of the Medusae of the World. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom : 40, 469p.
  • Russell, F.S., 1953. The Medusae of the British Isles. Volume 1: Anthomedusae, Leptomedusae, Limnomedusae, Trachymedusae, and Narcomedusae. Cambridge University Press.
  • Russell, F.S., 1970. The Medusae of the British Isles. Volume 2: Pelagic Scyphozoa, with a supplement to Vol. I. Cambridge University Press.
  • Shick, M.J., 1991. A functional biology of sea Anemones. Chapman and Hall. 395 pp.

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  • Giese, A.C. and J.S. Pearse (eds). 1975. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates Volume II Entoprocts and Lesser Coelomates. Academic Press: New York. 344 pp.
  • Nielsen, C. 1989. Entoprocts. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 41. Publié par E.J. Brill. Leiden, New York, Kobenhavn, Koln. 131 p.

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  • Hayward, P.J. 1985. Ctenostome bryozoans. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 33. Publié par E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys. 312 p.
  • Hayward, P.J. et J.S. Ryland. 1977. British anascan bryozoans. Dans Kermack, D.M. (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Academic Press, London/New York, for the Linnean Society of London. N° 10. 188 p.
  • Hayward, P.J. et J.S. Ryland. 1979. British ascophorans bryozoans. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Academic Press, London/New York, for the Linnean Society of London. N° 14. 312 p.
  • Hugo I. Moyano, Juan M. Cancino, Patrick N. Wyse Jackson, 2004. Bryozoan Studies 2004 - Proceedings of the 13th International Bryozoology Association conference, Concepcion/Chile, 11-16 January 2004. Taylor & Francis (March 1, 2005), 422 pp. ISBN-10: 0415372933; ISBN-13: 978-0415372930.

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  • Giese, A.C., Pearse, J.S., Pearse, V.B., 1991. Echinoderms and Lophophorates. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates, Volume VI. The Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove. 211 pp. ISBN 0-940168-09-X.
  • C. Howard C. Brunton, L. Robin M. Cocks, Sarah L. Long, 2001. Brachiopods: Past and Present. CRC Publisher, 460 pp. ISBN-10: 0748409211; ISBN-13: 978-0748409211.
  • Williams, A, Carlson, S.J., Brunton, C.H.C., 2000. Brachiopod classification. In Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, de Kaesler, R.L. Boulder, Colorado and Lawrence, Kansas, Geological Society of America and The University of Kansas (ed.). ISBN 0-8137-3108-9.

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  • Gibson, R., 1972. Nemerteans. Hutchinson (ed.). ISBN-10 : 009111991X. ISBN-13 : 978-0091119911.
  • Gibson, R., 1994. Nemerteans. Dans Barnes, R.S.K. et J.H. Crothers (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 24 (2e édition). 224 p.
  • Giese, A.C., Pearse, J.S., 1974. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates Volume I Acoelomate and Pseudocoelomate Metazoans. Academic Press: New York.
  • P. Sundberg, R. Gibson, G. Berg, 1986. Recent Advances in Nemertean Biology. Series: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY 43. Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Nemertean Biology (Tjarno Marine Biology Laboratory, August 11-15, 1986). Springer-Verlag, 224 pp. ISBN-10: 9061936470.
  • R. Gibson, J. Morre, P. Sundberg, 1991. Advances in Nemertean Biology. Series: DEVELOPMENTS IN HYDROBIOLOGY 89. Proceedings of the Third International Meeting on Nemertean Biology (Bangor, North Wales, 10-15, 1991). Springer-Verlag, 288 pp. ISBN-10: 079232482X.

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  • Giese, A.C. and J.S. Pearse (eds). 1977. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates Volume IV Molluscs: Gastropods and Cephalopods. Academic Press: New York. 367 pp.
  • Giese, A.C. and J.S. Pearse (eds). 1979. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates Volume V Molluscs: Pelecypods and Lesser Classes. Academic Press: New York. 369 pp.
  • Grassé, P.P., 1968. Mollusques, Gastéropodes et Scaphopodes. Traité de zoologie, anatomie, systématique, biologie, Tome V, fascicule III. 1072 p. Masson, Paris.
  • Jones, A.M. et J.M. Baxter. 1987. Molluscs: Caudofoveata, Solenogastres, Polyplacophora and Scaphopoda. In Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (ed.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 37. Publié par E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys. London, Leiden, Koln, Kobenhavn. 123 p.
  • Graham, A. 1988. Molluscs: prosobranch and pyramidellid gastropods. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 2 (2e édition). 662 p.
  • Thompson, T.E. 1988. Mollusca: benthic opistobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 8 (2e édition). Publié par E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys. Leiden, New York, Kobenhavn, Koln. 356 p.
  • H.GRIZEL, 2003. Atlas d'histologie et de cytologie des mollusques bivalves marins. An atlas of histology and cytologie of marine bivalve molluscs. IFREMER / OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DES EPIROOTIES (OIE), 202 pp. N° ISBN : 2844331114.
  • Slieker, Frans J.A., 2000. Chitons of the World. An Illustrated Synopsis of Recent Polyplacophora. Mostra Mondiale Malacologia. ISBN-10: 8886070055.
  • Voss, N. A., Vecchione, M., Toll, R. B., Sweeney, M. J., 1998. Classification, type localities and type repositories of recent Cephalopoda. Systematics and Biogeography of Cephalopods. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 586 (I-II): 561-599.

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  • Cutler, E.B., 1994. The Sipuncula: Their Systematics, Biology, and Evolution. Cornell University Press, 454 pp. ISBN-10: 0801428432.
  • Gibbs, P.E., 1978. British Sipunculans. Synopses of the british fauna, Volume 12. Field Studies Council.

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  • Giese, A.C. and J.S. Pearse (eds). 1975. Annelids and Echiurans. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates, Volume III. Academic Press (New York).
  • Klemm, D.J. 1985. A guide to freshwater Annelida (Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea) of North America. Dubuque (IA) : Kendall/Hunt Publishing. 198 p.


  • Rouse, G., Pleijel, F., 2001. Polychaetes. Oxford University Press, 354 pp. ISBN-10: 0198506082.
  • Knight-Jones, P., Knight-Jones, E.W., 1977. Taxonomy ecology of British Spirorbidae (Polychaeta). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 57 : 453-499.
  • George, J.D., Hartmann-Schröder, G., 1985. Polychaetes : British Amphinomida, Spintherida and Eunicida. In Synopses of the british fauna. Keys and notes for identification of the species (New Series), Volume n°32, Kermack, D.M., Barnes, R.S.K. (ed.). E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys, Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. 221 pp.
  • Holthe, T. 1986. Polychaeta Terebellomorpha. Norwegian University Press. Coll. « Marine Invertebrates of Scandinavia », n° 7. 194 p.
  • Pleijel, F. et R.P. Dales. 1991. Polychaetes: British Phyllodocoideans, Typhloscolecoideans and Tomopteroideans. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 45. Publié par Dr. W. Backhuys, Netherlands. 202 p.
  • Strelzov, V.E. 1973. Polychaetes worms of the family Paraonidae Ceruti, 1909 (Polychaeta Sedentaria). Translated from Russian. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. New Dehli : Oxonian Press Ltd. 212 p.
  • Westheide, W. 1990. Polychaetes: interstitial families. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 44. Publié par E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys, Netherlands. 152 p.


  • Brinkhurst, R.O. 1986. Guide to freshwater aquatic microdrile oligochaetes of North America. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa. « Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences », n° 84. 259 p.
  • Brinkhurst, R.O. et D.G. Cook. 1979. Aquatic Oligochaete biology. Plenum press, New York. 529 p.
  • Brinkhurst, R.O. et B.G.M. Jamieson. 1971. Aquatic Oligochaeta of the world. Oliver and Boyd, Edimburgh. 860 p.
  • Bouché, M.B., 1972. Lombriciens de France. Écologie et systématique. Institut national de la recherche scientifique (Ed.), 671 pp. ISBN 285340028X.
  • Edwards, C.A., Bohlen, P.J., 1996. The Biology and Ecology of Earthworms (3rd Ed.). Chapman & Hall, 426 pp. ISBN 0412561603.
  • Edwards, Clive A., 2004. Earthworm Ecology. CRC Press (ed.). ISBN 084931819X.
  • Greig-Smith, P.W. 2006. Ecotoxicology of Earthworms. Intercept Ltd (ed.). ISBN 0946707405.
  • Hendrix, Paul F., 2006. Biological Invasions Belowground: Earthworms As Invasive Species. Springer-Verlag (ed.). ISBN 1402054289.
  • Lavelle, P., Lapied, E., 2003. Endangered earthworms of Amazonia : an homage to Gilberto Righi. Pedobiologia, 47 (5-6) : 419-427. (Résumé)
  • Sims, R.W., 1980. A Classification and the distribution of earthworms, suborder Lumbricina (Haplotaxida: Oligochaeta). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology. 39: 103-124.


  • Adriaan W.C. Dorresteijn, Wilfried Westheide, 1999. Reproductive Strategies and Developmental Patterns in Annelids. Developments in Hydrobiology, Volume 142. Springer (Publisher): Reprinted from HYDROBIOLOGIA, 402 edition (November 1, 1999), 328 pp. ISBN-10: 0792360184; ISBN-13: 978-0792360186.

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  • Grassé, P.P., 1965. Némathelminthes (Nématodes, Gordiacés), Rotifères, Gastrotriches, Kinorhynches. Traité de zoologie, anatomie, systématique, biologie, Tome IV, fascicule III. 766 p. Masson, Paris.
  • D'Hondt Jean-Loup, 1965. Coup D'Oeil Sur Les Gastrotriches Macrodasyoides Du Bassin D'Arcachon. Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux, tome 102, 1965, Série A - N° 16, plaquette de 15,50x24 cm, 16 pages.
  • D'Hondt Jean-Loup, 1966. Chaetonotoides Marins Et D'Eau Douce De La Région D'Arcachon. Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux, tome 103, 1966, Série A - N° 11, plaquette de 16x24 cm, 24 pages.

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  • Adrianov, A.V., Malakhov, V.V., 1999. Cephalorhyncha of the World Ocean. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-400.
  • Malakhov, V.V., Adrianov, A.V., 1995. Cephalorhyncha - A new phylum of the animal kingdom. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-199.
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  • Adrianov, A.V., Malakhov, V.V., 1999. Cephalorhyncha of the World Ocean. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-400.
  • Malakhov, V.V., Adrianov, A.V., 1995. Cephalorhyncha - A new phylum of the animal kingdom. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-199.
  • ...

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  • Adrianov, A.V., Malakhov, V.V., 1996. Priapulida: Structure, development, phylogeny, and classification. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-268.
  • Adrianov, A.V., Malakhov, V.V., 1999. Cephalorhyncha of the World Ocean. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-400.
  • Knight-Jones, E.W., Ryland, J.S., 1990. Priapulida, Sipuncula, Echiura, Pogonophora, and Entoprocta. In "The marine fauna of the British Isles and north-west Europe", Volume 1. By Hayward, P.J. and Ryland, J.S. (eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford. 307-321.
  • Knight-Jones, E.W., Ryland, J.S., 1995. Priapulids, sipunculans, echiurans, and entoprocts. In "Handbook of the marine fauna of north-west Europe". By Hayward, P.J. and Ryland, J.S. (eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford. 278-288.
  • Land, J. van der, 1975. Priapulida. In Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates, Volume 2 : Entoprocts and lesser coelomates. By Giese, A.C. and Pearse, J.S. (eds.), Academic Press, New York. 55-65.
  • Malakhov, V.V., Adrianov, A.V., 1995. Cephalorhyncha - A new phylum of the animal kingdom. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow. 1-199.
  • Shirley, T., 2002. Phylum Priapulida. In "Atlas of marine invertebrate larvae". By Young, C.M. (ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, p.189-193.

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Ou Xiphosura


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  • Hubert, M., 1979. Les araignées. Boubée, 277.
  • Szűts, T., 2005. Generic key to the West-African salticid genera (pdf).

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  • Demange, J.M., 1981. Les mille-pattes. Boubée, 284 pp.

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  • Anderson, D.T. 1994. Barnacles. Structure, function, development and evolution. London : Chapman & Hall. 357 p.
  • Angel, M.V. 1993. Marine planktonic Ostracods. Dans Kermack, D.M., R.S.K. Barnes et J.H. Crothers (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 48. 240 p.
  • Athersuch, J., D.J. Horne et J.E. Wittaker. 1989. Marine and brackish water Ostracods (superfamilies Cypridacea and Cytheracea). Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. E.J. Brill. Leiden, New York, Kobenhavn, Koln, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 43. 343 p.
  • Dussart, B. 1985. Répertoire mondial des copépodes cyclopoïdes. Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris. 236 p.
  • Grassé, P.P., 1994. Crustacés. Traité de zoologie, anatomie, systématique, biologie, Tome VII, fascicule I. 917 p. Masson, Paris.
  • Holsinger, J.R. 1972. The freshwater Amphipod Crustaceans (Gammaridea) of North America. Biota of freshwater ecosystems. Identification Manual n° 5. 89 p.
  • Lincoln, J.R. 1979. British marine Amphipoda : Gammaridea. London : British Museum (Natural History). 657 p.
  • Mauchline, J. 1984. Euphausiid, Stomatopod and Leptostracan crustaceans. Dans Kermack, D.M. et R.S.K. Barnes (éd.). Synopses of the british fauna (New Series). Keys and notes for identification of the species. Field Studies Council, Shrewsbury, England, for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine and Brackish-water Sciences Association. N° 30. Publié par E.J. Brill / Dr. W. Backhuys. Leiden, New York, Kobenhavn, Koln. 91 p.
  • Pohle, G.W. 1990. A guide to decapod crustacea from the canadian Atlantic: Anomura and Brachyura. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. n° 1771. 30 p.
  • Squires, H.J. 1990. Decapod Crustacea of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. n° 221. 532 p.
  • Williams, W.D. 1972. Freshwater Isopods (Asellidae) of North America. Biota of freshwater ecosystems. Identification Manual n° 7. Washington : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 45 p.

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  • Bone, Q., 1991. The biology of chaetognaths. Oxford University Press, 184 pp. ISBN-10: 019857715X.
  • Matus, D.Q. et al. (2006). "Broad taxon and gene sampling indicate that chaetognaths are protostomes". Current Biology 16: R575-R576.
  • Marletaz, F. et al. (2006). "Chaetognath phylogenomics: a protostome with deuterostome-like development". Current Biology 16: R577-R578.
  • Papillon, Daniel et al. (2004). "Identification of chaetognaths as protostomes is supported by the analysis of their mitochondrial genome". Molecular Biology & Evolution 21 (11): 2122-2129.

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  • Giese, A.C., Pearse, J.S., Pearse, V.B., 1991. Echinoderms and Lophophorates. Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates, Volume VI. The Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove. 211 pp. ISBN 0-940168-09-X.
  • Jangoux, M. et J.M. Lawrence. 1987. Echinoderm studies, vol. 12. Rotterdam : Balkema. 285 p.
  • Lawrence, J. 1987. A functional biology of Echinoderms. London : Croom Helm. 340 p.
  • Ausich, William I., 1998. Early phylogeny and subclass division of the Crinoidea (Phylum echinodermata). Journal of Paleontology. (Résumé)

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  • Bone, Q., 1998. The Biology of Pelagic Tunicates. Oxford University Press.
  • Lambert, G., 2005. Ecology and natural history of the protochordates. Canadian journal of zoology, 83 (1) : 34-50. (pdf)
  • Robison, B.H., Reisenbichler, K.R., Sherlock, R.E., 2005. Giant Larvacean Houses: Rapid Carbon Transport to the Deep Sea Floor. Science, 308 (5758) : 1609-1611.
  • Shu, D.G., Chen, L., Han, J., Zhang, X.L., 2001. An Early Cambrian tunicate from China. Nature, 411 : 472-473.

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  • Carl Gans, Norman Kemp, Stuart Poss, 1994. The Lancelets: A New Look at Some Old Beasts. Modified Proceedings of a Workshop at the IVth International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (University of Chicago, August 1994). Laser Pages Publishing, 446 pp. (Analyse).
  • Garcia-Fernàndez, Jordi, 2006. Amphioxus: a peaceful anchovy fillet to illuminate Chordate Evolution (I). International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2: 30-31. (pdf)
  • Garcia-Fernàndez, Jordi, 2006. Amphioxus: a peaceful anchovy fillet to illuminate Chordate Evolution (II). International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(3):93-94. (pdf)

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  • Nussbaum, Ronald A., Mark Wilkinson, 1989. On the Classification and Phylogeny of Caecilians. Herpetological Monographs, 3 : 1-42.
  • San Mauro, Diego, David J. Gower, Oommen V. Oommen, Mark Wilkinson,Rafael Zardoya, 2004. Phylogeny of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona) based on complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear RAG1. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 33: 413-427. (pdf)
  • San Mauro, Diego, Miguel Vences, Marina Alcobendas, Rafael Zardoya, Axel Meyer, 2005. Initial diversification of living amphibians predated the breakup of Pangaea. American Naturalist, 165: 590-599.

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  • Alström, P., Colston, P., Lewington, I., 1992. Guide des oiseaux accidentels et rares en Europe. Delachaux et Niestlé, Lausanne. ISBN 2-603-00896-X.
  • Cabard, P., Chauvet, B., 2003. Etymologie des noms d'oiseaux. Belin. ISBN 2-70113-783-7.
  • Géroudet, P. : Plusieurs ouvrages majeurs sur les oiseaux d'Europe, aux éditions Delachaux et Niestlé.
    • Les passereaux d'Europe (2 ou 3 tomes selon les éditions).
    • Les rapaces d'Europe (diurnes et nocturnes).
    • Les palmipèdes d'Europe.
    • Grands échassiers, gallinacés, râles d'Europe.
  • Heinzel, H., Fitter, R., Parslow, J., 2004. Guide Heinzel des oiseaux d'Europe, d'Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient. Delachaux & Niestlé, Collection Règne animal, 388 p. ISBN-10: 2603014862; ISBN-13: 978-2603014868.
  • Hoyo, J. del, Elliott, A., Sargatal, J., Christie, D. Handbook of the Birds of the World (collection d'ouvrages).
  • Peterson, R.T., Mountfort, G., Hollom, P.A.D., 2006. Guide Peterson des oiseaux de France et d'Europe. Delachaux et Niestlé, Collection Les guides du naturaliste, 534 p. ISBN-10: 2603013947; ISBN-13: 978-2603013946.

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  • Wilson, D.E., Reeder, D.A.M., 1993. Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic reference. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington.

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