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(:Julien:) 7 novembre 2009 à 16:24 (CET)[répondre]

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Bonjour Politologia,

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Sardur - allo ? 4 novembre 2009 à 12:31 (CET)[répondre]

can you write in English? --Politologia (d) 4 novembre 2009 à 15:15 (CET)[répondre]

Certainly: this is the "traditional" warning for users who remove part(s) of articles (here, a map) without any explanation. Such a modification is unencyclopedic; it has been unmade, and you are asked not to do so again. Sardur - allo ? 4 novembre 2009 à 16:49 (CET)[répondre]

Soryy. I've got New ethnic map of caucasus of 2009. But i can't find the way how to uload image here. can you tel me how? --Politologia (d) 4 novembre 2009 à 18:27 (CET)[répondre]

You have to to that on Commons, not on any WP. See Sardur - allo ? 4 novembre 2009 à 18:33 (CET)[répondre]

Please, stop trying to insert the map you made by yourself. We already have a map in French, and overall, yours seems uncorrect when comparing it to the source (which is even not the CIA website itself!) you suggested.
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 8 novembre 2009 à 18:43 (CET)[répondre]

Oh. Sorry but all the time I've been trying to connect somebody from french admins failed. Nobody jus respond me!!!! I see that you have a map. But map you have is totally uncorect (specially on georgian territory) unfortunately, everybody think that CIA is most correct source for such maps. but it's totaly uncorect. I can prove you that. Here is the map of georgian ethnic groups that is made by European Center For Minority Issues: official web page is: So you can compare you map to this map and you'll see the big difference. The french wiki the only one who use this old version of map so far. whaiting for your respond. With respect. Temo Blumgardt --Politologia (d) 8 novembre 2009 à 19:11 (CET)[répondre]

The most important thing here is that the map you made is pretty different from the one you're talking about (but, anyway, I don't think anyone will let you replace a map in French by one in English ; we're on the French Wikipedia here, afterall)).
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 8 novembre 2009 à 19:29 (CET)[répondre]

I can make French version too. If it's ok. no problem. I've just put some corections in map you have, cuz, as you see, it's uncorect--Politologia (d) 8 novembre 2009 à 19:34 (CET)[répondre]

Well, your version is uncorrect as well, so I don't see the point here. BOuaRF——euh oui ? 8 novembre 2009 à 19:40 (CET)[répondre]

Uncorect? WHY? Didn't I show you the source? Why the version now on site is more correct? --Politologia (d) 8 novembre 2009 à 20:00 (CET)[répondre]

Actually you did show me the source : (?)
It's uncorrect because your map is just not the same. The areas are differently placed.
I don't know anything about the French version, but at least, even if it's uncorrect too, it is in French.
Now, my point of view : I hardly believe that since 2007, after the war in Ossetia, Georgian people migrated to Abkhazia (which is what your version shows). And however, what tells me that the ECMI map is more correct than the one from the CIA?
I don't know, try to make it in French if you feel like doing it, but try to draw the areas more precisely too (I mainly think of the Armenian and Greek areas in the south and the Abkhazian ones in Abkhazia). Personnaly, I'll try to find other users in order to have more ideas about the subject ok?
As a conlusion, I'd like you to understand that if you don't speak a single world of French, it's just going to be hard for you to contribute in an optimal way here.
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 9 novembre 2009 à 00:06 (CET)[répondre]

Yes of course. after war in south osetia georgians leave this region but not all of them. Axalgori region (fully settled by georgians), still settled only by Georgians. So map is correct about this region. What about Abxazia. Gali region, the only one where georgians still live even after war (you can chak it anyware you want!!!). Ao about Abxazia the map is correct too. What about greeks. there is no greeks actually any more, 90% of them migrated to Greek republic. CIA uses map that is made in soviet period. (you can chak it in source). So New map is 90% (at least) correct. But CIA one is can be correct ony 50-40% (If we meajured by precents). What about French. I don't need to know french well to write frech names of cauntries and so on. So I wiill make Map (French version) and you can chak it after --Politologia (d) 10 novembre 2009 à 13:54 (CET)[répondre]

Here Is French Version: --Politologia (d) 10 novembre 2009 à 14:26 (CET)[répondre]

Ok, I'm not gonna fight with you. But as the map you've made is still different from the one edited by the ECMI and is not in a vectorial format (which is highly recommanded here) as was the one you replaced, I'll personnaly work on this map as soon as I'll find some time to do it.
By the way, once again, speaking French is more than important to contribute here: aren't we talking here, in another language than French? Am I supposed to speak English? Is anyone on :fr supposed to speak English? Contributing to Wikipedia often goes with discussion, as show you the one we're having now.
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 12 novembre 2009 à 11:48 (CET)[répondre]

OK. I am here to help you with any kind of information. I'm looking forward to seeing new corrected map. Cuz it's really more realistic than this map, that based on old soviet maps.--Politologia (d) 13 novembre 2009 à 14:06 (CET)[répondre]

OK txs. I won't be on WP for the next ten days but I'll keep you in touch asap. BOuaRF——euh oui ? 13 novembre 2009 à 14:20 (CET)[répondre]

Ok. Better later than never :) --Politologia (d) 13 novembre 2009 à 14:27 (CET)[répondre]

Je ne sais pas si vous avez remarqué mais plusieurs utilisateurs ont retiré la carte de la Géorgie que vous insistez pour mettre. Vous n'avez jamais apporté la moindre justification. Personnellement (sans que ça vaille pour les autres utilisateurs), j'ai argué que la carte qui montre la localisation de l'Abkhazie et de l'Ossétie du Sud est bien plus utile car elle permet de situer les pbs frontaliers (ou d'intégrité selon le point de vue). (:Julien:) 30 mai 2010 à 20:02 (CEST)[répondre]

Julien, comme tu peux le voir dans les discussions plus haut, notre ami ne parle pas un mot de français. BOuaRF——euh oui ? 30 mai 2010 à 20:58 (CEST)[répondre]

I can't understand Franch. Can you write in English? Thanks --Politologia (d) 31 mai 2010 à 14:18 (CEST)[répondre]

Do no impose a map

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Please do not try to impose this map anymore as it will result in your blocking. Convince people that your map is superior, by providing reference and rationale, and they'll agree to it. Thanks for your cooperation. Moez m'écrire 3 juin 2010 à 17:58 (CEST)[répondre]

Why the 2 regions in this map have different colors? This map is not correct! --Politologia (d) 7 juin 2010 à 13:52 (CEST)[répondre]

Although I agree with you - I searched and proposed an alternative map see history -, I solely intervened in this article because of the revert war that was going on. Please use the talk page as you will not be able to obtain an agreement without discussing it first. Moez m'écrire 7 juin 2010 à 14:53 (CEST)[répondre]

So let's put the normal map. Cuz France didn't recognaz those regions as idndipendet countries. What's the problem I can' understan?! Somebody changed the map. I often visit Franch wikipedia, so it was always normal map. Who chaged it? I think, with big respect to you, that better to ban the person who chaged orginal map. Waiting for your respond. --Politologia (d) 7 juin 2010 à 16:01 (CEST)[répondre]

As Moez told you many times, you have to discuss first on the discussion page of the article. It is not a matter to know who's right here but to get to a consensus.
You should argue about why you want this map and wait more than a single day for other contributors to reply to you. Till then, you shouldn't try to add this map.
Last thing, as I already told you six months ago, not speaking the language of the Wikipedia you're contributing to is a real problem as no one here should (could) speak English and wouldn't be able to participate to your argumentation.
Sincerly, BOuaRF——euh oui ? 7 juin 2010 à 18:56 (CEST)[répondre]

I can't understand. To prove that somebody is right it's nessesery to know french? Strange rull. The case is that Franch didn't recognise those regions as indipendet states, so whay we need any disscussion i can't understand? Can you explain that? If i put some map o Franch where some regios of Franch would be in different collors did you , as amdnistrator, disscuss it or just remove? Have the map that's on French wiki now proof link? NO! The fact that I can't speack French didn't give a person who know it more right then I. I thought in French there was democracy. I miised! --Politologia (d) 7 juin 2010 à 19:40 (CEST)[répondre]

What is it you cannot understand in the fact that many French users of Wikipedia don't speak English and as a matter of fact won't be able to understand your argumentation?
Wikipedia is not a democracy and doesn't have any obligation of reflecting the French foreign affair position. As you've been told too many times now, you must discuss and find a consensus before adding any polemical informations.
I can initiate the discussion about this map on the adequate page if want, but I'll have to do it in French, sorry.
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 7 juin 2010 à 22:27 (CEST)[répondre]

No. What I'am interesting in is why somebody changed the previos map without any explonations and this is ok? And why you alloed him or her to put these map but not the correct one? This what i can't understand! --Politologia (d) 8 juin 2010 à 18:00 (CEST)[répondre]

That's just because it is the way Wikipedia goes: no one is supposed to allow anything to anyone ; it is just asked to discuss when other conributors don't agree with you, which is the case here, but wasn't when that "somedbody" has changed the previous one.
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 8 juin 2010 à 19:06 (CEST)[répondre]

So you mean that the person who changed the the previos map explaned why he didi it? --Politologia (d) 10 juin 2010 à 19:46 (CEST)[répondre]

No, please read closely what I wrote. I mean that nobody asked him any explanation. As you can see, it's not the case with your changing, that's why it is asked you to argue on the discussion page of the article.
BOuaRF——euh oui ? 10 juin 2010 à 20:04 (CEST)[répondre]