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Discussion utilisateur:Melgarath

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Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Hi. The message of welcome has nothing to do with your work about Michel Servet on Wikipedia. This is a message we are sending to every news users on the french Wikipedia in order to help them to contribute and stay active in the french encyclopedia. Best regards. Ainsi parla Kormin [paix sur lui] en ce noble jour du 11 août 2011 à 22:02 (CEST)[répondre]

Ok thanks, i had not a clue. Anyway, do you think i could discuss at wikipedia with people from Paris, grenboble, Viene in dauphine?im realy interested, more if they know about history. here people is fighting so much caring of where servet was born at , that they neglet new data, even from france. I was hoping french would care of this character, who turned french, well by the way my work was not about Herny II, i am not the researcher, but i have info about it. There are some other research that relay on Lyon editors, etc, does it exit some article in french on Michel Servet? i would me interested in proposing em some data that i can proof. for enriching teh article, and based on ofitial documents from france, neglected by the old spanish version. It woudl be supported by the international society of history of medicine, from paris--Melgarath (d) 11 août 2011 à 22:12 (CEST)[répondre]

Here is the article about Michel Servet. I don't know if you will find any informations that you need. I'm absolutely not a specialist in medicine history or anything related to Michel Servet. I didn't even know him before ^^'. Maybe you can try to contact people who have contributed to his article. I'm scared I won't be able to help you more. Hope you find some interesting things. Good luck. Ainsi parla Kormin [paix sur lui] en ce noble jour du 11 août 2011 à 23:43 (CEST)[répondre]