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Discussion:Ludwig von Bertalanffy

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C'est un peu pauvre pour la richesse d'un tel homme et son oeuvre avec des erreurs grossières.

"Bertalanffy ist ab 1941 Professor in Wien, ab 1949 Professor in Ottawa und Edmonton, Kanada".

1 - Lire les commentaires du Français Jean-Louis Le Moigne dans "Théorie du système général. Théorie de la modélisation", PUF, 1977, dans la dispute franco-française entre une "Théorie générale du système" et la Théorie du système général". En effet, dans "General System Theory", l'adjectif "general" peut s'accorder aussi bien au "système" qu'à la "théorie" dansla traduction française.

2 - Un article de Bertalanffy, en biologie, des années 30 intitulé .The Chance and the Law" dans la traduction anglaise semble avoir inspiré Jacques Monod pour son livre Le hasard et la nécessité". Il s'agit du processus stochastique dans l'explication cybernétique implicite dans l'évolution des espèces de Darwin et Wallace.

3 - Bertalanffy est l'inventeur de l'équifinalité qui est une propriété fondamentale des systèmes ouverts à l'énergie, l'information et la matière. Voir Approche écosystémique.

Takima 3 mai 2006 à 02:38 (CEST)[répondre]

Jolie fabulation

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  • "[...] Citoyen autrichien, il a dû travailler aux États-Unis. Cependant, il a éprouvé une discrimination dans le milieu académique américain du fait qu’il a refusé de se dépeindre comme une victime du nazisme et il est revenu travailler en Europe."

Qu'il vaut sans doute mieux retirer: il n'est jamais revenu travailler en Europe et s'il a éprouvé quelques difficultés, ce n'est pas parce qu'il ne s'est pas dépeint en victime, ou alors c'est un euphémisme pour dire qu'il a eu des sympathies nazies marquées. Qu'il a viré les juifs de son laboratoire, etc...


Voici une source sérieuse.

Austro-Canadien, il a principalement travaillé au Canada.

"1926 He earned his doctorate at the University of Vienna

1934 The University of Vienna named him Privatdozent, a faculty lecturer with prestige but no pay

1937 -1938 He was awarded a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship to spend a year studying American developments in biology

1938 During the spring he took off for a cross-country (USA) lecture tour From June to October, at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, he conducted flat-worm experiments in the nature of growth

1939 -1948 Professor at the Department of Zoology [University of Vienna] He continued investigations into the nature of growth, including the abnormal growth of cancer. He teached biology to medical students

1948 -1949 Visiting Professor at the Medical School's Middlessex Hospital [University of London]

1949 -1952 Professor of Biology at the McGill University, Montréal in Canada. Professor of Biology and Director of Research at the Faculty of Medicine [University of Ottawa, Canada]. He began a series of experiments that culminated in the Bertalanffy Method of cancer cyodiagnosis. He developed mathematical equations that could be used to predict a given species' growth rate on the basis of that species' rate of metabolism. He went on an eighteen-university lecture tour in USA

1954 -1955 Founding Fellow at the Ford Foundation's Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, California

1954 -1958 Professor at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford. Co-director in charge of biological research at Mt Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He conducted studies of hallucinogenic and tranquilizing drugs used in psychiatry. Visiting Professor at the department of Physiology, at the School of Medicine [University of Southern California in los Angeles] UCLA. He gave lectures at the Hacker Psychiatric Clinic in Beverly Hills.

1958 -1961 Alfred P. Sloan Visiting Professor at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas (1)

1961 -1966 He founded the Center for Advanced Studies in Theoretical Psychology at the University of Alberta, Edmonton (1)

1966 -1969 Professor of Theoretical Biology (later University Professor) and member of the Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Psychology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. He was co-teacher of a seminar on theoretical psychology and the philosophy of science. He gave a series of lectures in Germany, sponsored by the Reimers Foundation for Anthropogenic Research, about his method of cancer diagnosis.

1969 - 1972 Faculty Professor at the Center for Theoretical Biology, State University of New York, Buffalo (1), appointed to the faculty of Social Sciences, but assigned to the Center for Theoretical Biology. He gave courses on systems science and philosophy: "Science, Society and Culture", "Perspective Philosophy and the New Image of Man".

Honorary Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Fellow of the International Academy of Cytology, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Editor of General Systems Yearbook of the Society for General Systems Research

As a researcher he was recognized for his discoveries in comparative physiology of metabolism and growth, and the explicit identification of laws governing the processes of growth and adaptation.

12 June 1972 Bertalanffy died of a heart attack. He was buried in Montréal (1)

(5) Veronika Hofer, Organismus und Ordnung; zu Genesis und Kritik der Systemtheorie Ludwig von Bertalanffys (Dissertation)


Takima 9 juin 2006 à 03:21 (CEST)[répondre]

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