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Discussion:József Mindszenty

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Comment les communistes obtinrent ses "aveux"

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Au sujet du procès de Mindszenty en 1949, on lit sur le site sceptique Skeptoid, "The Secrets of MKULTRA", que Mindszenty "who was innocent, mechanically confessed in court to a long list of crimes including stealing Hungary's crown jewels, planning to depose the government, start World War III, and then seize power himself." (...) It was 1948 when Communist Hungary banned the Church, and Cardinal Mindszenty — as an outspoken critic of Communism — feared that he was likely to be arrested. He wrote that he had not conspired against the government, and said that if he later made any confessions to the contrary, that they would be the result only of coercion. After his arrest and conviction, he spent about 8 years in prison until being freed as a result of the Hungarian Revolution, at which point he was finally able to reveal the details of how and why he had made his bogus confessions in court. His confessions were not the result of psychoactive drugs, hypnotism, or any other type of mind control. He'd simply been beaten with rubber truncheons until he agreed to confess."

Ne serait-il pas intéressant de dire dans l'article qu'il suffit de battre les gens avec une matraque de caoutchouc pour qu'ils avouent n'importe quoi ? Marvoir (d) 5 août 2013 à 15:11 (CEST)[répondre]