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Traduction pour Ambassades des pays nordiques (Berlin)

Nordic Embassies behind the copper facade

The Nordic Embassies in Berlin are the diplomatic missions of the Nordic countries to Germany, located in a common building complex, the Pan Nordic Building, in Berlin. The building complex was designed by the architects Alfred Berger and Tiina Parkkinen and completed in 1999.[1]

The building comprises six individual buildings enveloped by a green, copper clad, snaking wall. Of the six buildings five are the embassies of Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Finland, arranged geographically. The remaining building is a communal building called the Felleshus, which includes the entrance to the complex, an auditorium and a canteen.


  • Complex and Felleshus (communal space) - Berger and Parkkinen
  • Denmark - 3XN
  • Iceland - PK Hönnun
  • Norway - Snøhetta
  • Sweden - Wingårdh Arkitektkontor
  • Finland - Viiva Arkkitehtuuri Oy


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  1. a et b (de) « Site internet des Ambassades des pays nordiques à Berlin », sur

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