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Meant William , better known as MendyWill, is a Haitian Rapper and Music Producer. He has a stage name, MendyWill.

Name: Meant William

Background: Solo Rapper

Birth_name: Meant William

Birth_date: 7 August 1983

Birth_place: 🇭🇹Haiti

 Genre:             Hip Hop
 Occupation:    Musician

Years_active: 2007

Yvon Jerome (ex Major of Carrefour) Jude Edrouard Pierre (Actual Major of Carrefour)

MendyWill's discographies are hard to find, and as public data about him are extremely limited, his career is relatively unknown. MendyWill is the CEO of GDP Music Group, that features Haitian artists.the Famous Haitian Dj Name Tonymix, Dug-G,Izolan, P-Jay Steevy PL, Mark-Ed, Mario Fireboy, Shassy, Lil John Bob & Ded Kra-Z

MendyWill was born in Haiti. His father, Wilfrid Meant was aTaxi Driver, and his mother, Paulette Meant Joseph was a Stylist.

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