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Jean-Perre Nicola is the French astrologer with a mathematical mind who founded Conditionalist Astrology in the mid-1960s. He was born on May 8th, 1929 at Nice at 08:00 A.M. (07:45 according to himself). For this school, the astral chart is not the person, but the indicator of celestial influences creating particular conditions for the realization of the Self, taking into account the influences of the environment, hence the term "conditionalist". The terrestrial conditions include the genetic inheritance, the education, the socio-cultural and historical contexts.

Conditionalist Astrology is without reference to psychoanalysis and develops a vision that is not exclusively symbolist (in particular, it does not take into account the four Elements and traditional rulerships). It has strong relationships with astronomy for the transmitting sky (it uses a photoperiodic zodiac, which is about the cycle of the durations of presence and absence above the plane of the local horizon of the planets in the ecliptic zone), and with Pavlov's neurophysiology for the human receiver. Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936) was a physician and specialist in animal physiology. He specialized in research on the physiology of the digestive glands, which in 1904 earned him the Nobel Prize in medicine. By taking again the nervous types defined by Pavlov (excitation / inhibition) and by postulating that the planetary functions are equivalent to conditional reflexes, Nicola arrived at a new definition of the Planet-Sign relationship, forming a reflexological zodiac. We could not be further from psychology and its typologies. Finally, Conditionalist Astrology rejects fatalism and predictions.

Among the concepts cast by Jean-Pierre Nicola are the age theory, the interpretative model of the Hero and his Shadow, and the R.E.T model, which was filed with the National Institute of Industrial Property. R.E.T. stands for Representation (short term influence)-Existence (medium term influence)-Transcendence (long-term influence). Nicola attributes the planets to these three groups : Sun, Mercury and Venus belong to the representative level ; Mars, Jupiter and Saturn correspond to the existence level ; Uranus, Neptune and Pluto belong to the transcendence level. He further assigns each of the three planets in a group to a subgroup based on the R.E.T., thus reinventing the traditional astral symbolism. The overall structure of the natal chart results from this planet hierarchy.

Bibliography (French)[modifier | modifier le code]

La Condition solaire(1964)
Nombres et formes du Cosmos (1971)
Pour une astrologie moderne (1977)
Éléments de cosmogonie astrologique (1992)
Le Grand Livre de l’astrologue (1983, reedition 2005)
La Globalité en Psychologie analytique et Astrologie Conditionaliste (2004)
Le Ballet des coïncidences (2014)

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