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Utilisateur:Jeantantou/Méthode des compléments

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Nombres complémentaires sur une machine d'addition datant environ de 1910. Les plus petits nombres, à utiliser pour les soustractions, sont les compléments de 9 des nombres les plus grands, qui eux sont utilisés pour les additions.

En mathématiques et en informatique, la méthodes des compléments est une technique utilisée pour soustraire un nombre d'un autre nombre en utilisant uniquement l'addition de nombres positifs. Cette méthode fut ordinairement utilisé par les calculatrices mécaniques et est toujours présentes sur les ordinateurs actuels.

Le complément de neuf d'un nombre est formé en remplaçant chaque chiffre du nombre par neuf moins ce chiffre. Pour soustraire un nombre décimal y (le diminuteur) d'un autre nombre x (le diminuende), on peut utiliser deux méthodes :

  • Dans la première méthode, le complément de neuf de x est ajouté à y. Le complément de neuf du résultat obtenu est ensuite formé pour produire le résultat désire.
  • Dans la seconde méthode, le complément de neuf de y est ajouté à x et on rajoute 1 à la somme. On retire ensuite le chiffre 1 du début, ce qui est particulièrement pratique pour les calculatrices ou ordinateurs utilisant un nombre de chiffres fixé.

La méthode des compléments peut être étendue à d'autres bases numériques ; en particulier, elle est utilisée sur la plupart des ordinateurs pour effectuer des soustractions, représenter des nombres négatifs en base 2 et tester les dépassements de capacité pendant les calculs[1].

Numeric complements[modifier | modifier le code]

The radix complement of an n digit number y in radix b is, by definition, . The radix complement is most easily obtained by adding 1 to the diminished radix complement, which is . Since is the digit repeated n times (because ; see also binomial numbers). The diminished radix complement of a number is found by complementing each digit with respect to (that is, subtracting each digit in y from ).

The subtraction of y from x may be performed as follows. Adding the diminished radix complement of x to y results in the value or which is the diminished radix complement of , except for possible padding digits . The diminished radix complement of this is the value . Alternatively, adding the radix complement of y to x results in the value or . Assuming y ≤ x , the result will always be greater or equal to and dropping the initial '1' is the same as subtracting , making the result or just , the desired result.

In the decimal numbering system, the radix complement is called the ten's complement and the diminished radix complement the nines' complement. In binary, the radix complement is called the two's complement and the diminished radix complement the ones' complement. The naming of complements in other bases is similar. Some people, notably Donald Knuth, recommend using the placement of the apostrophe to distinguish between the radix complement and the diminished radix complement. In this usage, the four's complement refers to the radix complement of a number in base four while fours' complement is the diminished radix complement of a number in base 5. However, the distinction is not important when the radix is apparent (nearly always), and the subtle difference in apostrophe placement is not common practice. Most writers use one's and nine's complement, and many style manuals leave out the apostrophe, recommending ones and nines complement.

Example décimal[modifier | modifier le code]

Chiffres Complément
de neuf
0 9
1 8
2 7
3 6
4 5
5 4
6 3
7 2
8 1
9 0

Le complément de neuf d'un nombre décimal est le nombre qu'il faut lui ajouter pour obtenir 9 ; par exemple, le complément de 3 est 6 et celui de 7 est 2. Pour former le complément de neuf d'un grand nombre, chaque chiffre de celui-ci doit être remplacé par son complément de neuf.

Considérons le problème suivant :

  873  (x, le diminuende)
- 218  (y, le diminuteur)

Première méthode[modifier | modifier le code]

On calcule le complément de neuf du diminuende, 873 et on ajoute cela au diminuteur 218. On calcule ensuite le complément de neuf du résultat.

  126  (complément de neuf de x)
+ 218  (y, le diminuteur)

On calcule maintenant le complément de neuf du résultat

  344 (résultat)
  655 (complément de neuf du résultat, la réponse correcte)

Seconde méthode[modifier | modifier le code]

On calcule le complément de neuf de 218, qui est 781. Vu que 218 est composé de trois chiffres, c'est la même chose que soustraire 218 de 999.

Ensuite, on calcule la somme de x et du complément de neuf de y :

  873  (x)
+ 781  (complément de neuf de y = 999-y)
 1654  (999 + x-y)

On enlève ensuite le chiffre 1 au début du nombre, ce qui donne 654.

-1000  -(999 + 1) 
  654  (x-y-1)

Ce n'est pas encore correct. On a pour l'instant ajouté 999 à l'équation à la première étape. On a ensuite retiré 1000 en retirant le chiffre 1 dans le résultat ci-dessus qui était 1654. Cela fait donc que la réponse obtenue (654) est la bonne réponse moins 1. Pour corriger cela, il faut ajouter 1 à la réponse obtenue :

 655  (x-y)

Cela donne 655, la réponse correcte au problème initial.

Magnitude of numbers[modifier | modifier le code]

In the following example the result of the subtraction has fewer digits than x:

   123410 (x, the minuend)
 - 123401 (y, the subtrahend)

Using the first method the sum of the nines' complement of x and y is

   876589 (nines' complement of x)
+  123401 (y)

The nines' complement of 999990 is 000009. Removing the leading zeros gives 9 the desired result.

If the subtrahend, y, has fewer digits than the minuend, x, leading zeros must be added in the second method. These zeros become leading nines when the complement is taken. For example:

  48032  (x)
-   391  (y)

can be rewritten

  48032  (x)
- 00391  (y with leading zeros)

Replacing 00391 with its nines' complement and adding 1 produces the sum:

  48032  (x)
+ 99608  (nines' complement of y)
+     1

Dropping the leading "1" gives the correct answer: 47641.

Binary example[modifier | modifier le code]

0 1
1 0

The method of complements is especially useful in binary (radix 2) since the ones' complement is very easily obtained by inverting each bit (changing '0' to '1' and vice versa). And adding 1 to get the two's complement can be done by simulating a carry into the least significant bit. For example:

  01100100  (x, equals decimal 100)
- 00010110  (y, equals decimal 22)

becomes the sum:

  01100100  (x)
+ 11101001  (ones' complement of y)
+        1  (to get the two's complement)

Dropping the initial "1" gives the answer: 01001110 (equals decimal 78)

Negative number representations[modifier | modifier le code]

The method of complements normally assumes that the operands are positive and that yx, logical constraints given that adding and subtracting arbitrary integers is normally done by comparing signs, adding the two or subtracting the smaller from the larger, and giving the result the correct sign.

Let's see what happens if x < y. In that case, there will not be a "1" digit to cross out after the addition since will be less than . For example (in decimal):

  185  (x)
- 329  (y)

Complementing y and adding gives:

  185  (x)
+ 670  (nines' complement of y)
+   1

This is obviously the wrong answer; the expected answer is -144. But it isn't as far off as it seems; 856 happens to be the ten's complement of 144. This issue can be addressed in three ways:

  • Ignore the issue. This is reasonable if a person is operating a calculating device that doesn't support negative numbers since comparing the two operands before the calculation so they can be entered in the proper order, and verifying that the result is reasonable, is easy for humans to do.
  • Represent negative numbers as radix complements of their positive counterparts. Numbers less than are considered positive; the rest are considered negative (and their magnitude can be obtained by taking the radix complement). This works best for even radices since the sign can be determined by looking at the first digit. For example, numbers in ten's complement notation are positive if the first digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, and negative if 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. And it works very well in binary since the first bit can be considered a sign bit: the number is positive if the sign bit is 0 and negative if it is 1. Indeed, two's complement is used in most modern computers to represent signed numbers.
  • Complement the result if there is no carry out of the most significant digit (an indication that x was less than y). This is easier to implement with digital circuits than comparing and swapping the operands. But since taking the radix complement requires adding 1, it is difficult to do directly. Fortunately, a trick can be used to get around this addition: Instead of always setting a carry into the least significant digit when subtracting, the carry out of the most significant digit is used as the carry input into the least significant digit (an operation called an end-around carry). So if yx, the carry from the most significant digit that would normally be ignored is added, producing the correct result. And if not, the 1 is not added and the result is one less than the radix complement of the answer, or the diminished radix complement, which does not require an addition to obtain. This method is used by computers that use sign-and-magnitude to represent signed numbers.....

Practical uses[modifier | modifier le code]

Comptometer from the 1920s, with nines' complements marked on each key

The method of complements was used in many mechanical calculators as an alternative to running the gears backwards. For example:

  • Pascal's calculator had two sets of result digits, a black set displaying the normal result and a red set displaying the nines' complement of this. A horizontal slat was used to cover up one of these sets, exposing the other. To subtract, the red digits were exposed and set to 0. Then the nines' complement of the minuend was entered. On some machine this could be done by dialing in the minuhend using inner wheels of complements (i.e. without having to mentally determine the nines' complement of the minuhend). In displaying that data in the complement window (red set), the operator could see the nines' complement of the nines' complement of the minuhend, that is the minuhend. The slat was then moved to expose the black digits (which now displayed the nines' complement of the minuhend) and the subtrahend was added by dialing it in. Finally, the operator had to move the slat again to read the correct answer.
  • The Comptometer had nines' complement digits printed in smaller type along with the normal digits on each key. To subtract, the operator was expected to mentally subtract 1 from the subtrahend and enter the result using the smaller digits. Since subtracting 1 before complementing is equivalent to adding 1 afterwards, the operator would thus effectively add the ten's complement of the subtrahend. The operator also needed to hold down the "subtraction cutoff tab" corresponding to the leftmost digit of the answer. This tab prevented the carry from being propagated past it, the Comptometer's method of dropping the initial 1 from the result.[2]
  • The Curta calculator used the method of complements for subtraction, and managed to hide this from the user. Numbers were entered using digit input slides along the side of the device. The number on each slide was added to a result counter by a gearing mechanism which engaged cams on a rotating "echelon drum" (a.k.a. "step drum"). The drum was turned by use of a crank on the top of the instrument. The number of cams encountered by each digit as the crank turned was determined by the value of that digit. For example, if a slide is set to its "6" position, a row of 6 cams would be encountered around the drum corresponding to that position. For subtraction, the drum was shifted slightly before it was turned, which moved a different row of cams into position. This alternate row contained the nines' complement of the digits. Thus, the row of 6 cams that had been in position for addition now had a row with 3 cams. The shifted drum also engaged one extra cam which added 1 to the result (as required for the method of complements). The always present tens' complement "overflow 1" which carried out beyond the most significant digit of the results register was, in effect, discarded.

In computers[modifier | modifier le code]

Use of the method of complements is ubiquitous in digital computers, regardless of the representation used for signed numbers. However, the circuitry required depends on the representation:

  • If two's complement representation is used, subtraction requires only inverting the bits of the subtrahend and setting a carry into the rightmost bit.
  • Using ones' complement representation requires inverting the bits of the subtrahend and connecting the carry out of the most significant bit to the carry in of the least significant bit (end-around carry).
  • Using sign-magnitude representation requires only complementing the sign bit of the subtrahend and adding, but the addition/subtraction logic needs to compare the sign bits, complement one of the inputs if they are different, implement an end-around carry, and complement the result if there was no carry from the most significant bit.

Manual uses[modifier | modifier le code]

The method of complements was used to correct errors when accounting books were written by hand. To remove an entry from a column of numbers, the accountant could add a new entry with the ten's complement of the number to subtract. A bar was added over the digits of this entry to denote its special status. It was then possible to add the whole column of figures to obtain the corrected result.

Complementing the sum is handy for cashiers making change for a purchase from currency in a single denomination of 1 raised to an integer power of the currency's base. For decimal currencies that would be 10, 100, 1,000, etc., e.g. a $10.00 bill.

À l'école[modifier | modifier le code]

À l'école, on apprend parfois aux élèves la méthodes des compléments comme racourci utile en calcul mental.

Subtraction is done by adding the ten's complement of the subtrahend, which is the nines' complement plus 1. The result of this addition used when it is clear that the difference will be positive, otherwise the ten's complement of the addition's result is used with it marked as negative. The same technique works for subtracting on an adding machine.

Références[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. « Florida Tech » (consulté le ).
  2. Easy Instructions for Operation the Controlled Key Comptometer, Comptometer Division, Felt and Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago, 1917, p. 12