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Wikipédia:Forum des nouveaux/relecture/accueili

La fondation Eva Perón était une fondation crée par Eva Perón, l'épouse du président argentin Juan Perón, dans le but de proportionner une assistance sociale. Cette fondation a été dissoute en 1955. D'abord appelée Fundación María Eva Duarte de Perón, elle a ensuite changé de nom pour Fundación Eva Perón.[1]

Histoire[modifier | modifier le code]

Social welfare in Argentina was highly underdeveloped before Juan Perón was elected president in 1945 and his wife, who had been born into the working classes, was aware of this. Most charity work was undertaken by the Sociedad de Beneficencia, which was controlled by eighty-seven elderly women of the upper-classes. The orphans whose care the Sociedad controlled had to wear blue smocks and have their heads shaved; at Christmas they were put out onto the streets of Buenos Aires with collecting tins. Their policies are supposed to have been the inspiration behind Evita's famous declaration that, 'When the rich think about the poor, they have poor ideas.'

The chairpersons of this society were traditionally the Papal Nuncio to Argentina and the First Lady, but the society refused to extend the invitation to Evita when her husband was elected president. At first they insisted that it was because she was too young; but it was widely interpreted as an insult to the new First Lady. Evita was furious and moved against the society, effectively bringing it to an end. She then created her own foundation to replace it. ‘It is time,’ Evita declared, ‘for [real] social justice.’ [2]

istoria[modifier | modifier le code]

Era costumbre que la Sociedad de Beneficencia de Buenos Aires (que había sido fundada por Bernardino Rivadavia) designara presidenta honoraria a la primera dama. Cuando Eva Perón se entrevistó con sus directivos adujeron como excusa para no darle el cargo que por su edad carecía de la experiencia necesaria y también rehusaron la propuesta de Eva Perón que en tal caso se designara a su madre. El gobierno dispuso el 6 de setiembre de 1946 la clausura y disolución de la sociedad, que recién pudo reanudar su actividad una vez derrocado el gobierno peronista.

En tanto las sociedades de beneficencia tradicionales se limitaban en general a subvencionar instituciones de ayuda, la Fundación construyó establecimientos de diversa índole, incluyendo policlínicos en el Gran Buenos Aires y los edificios para unas mil escuelas en la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Fundación Eva Perón
  2. N. Fraser and M. Navarro, Evita: The Real Lives of Eva Perón, p. 116

[[Catégorie:Association ou organisme philanthropique]] [[Catégorie:Organisme fondé en 1948]]