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Gérard Philippot

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Gérard Philippot
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Nom de naissance
Gérard Bernard PhilippotVoir et modifier les données sur Wikidata
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Unilog (d)Voir et modifier les données sur Wikidata

Gérard Philippot, né le à Lisle-en-Barrois (Meuse) et mort le à Montfort-l'Amaury (Yvelines)[1],[2], est un dirigeant d'entreprise français.

Il est diplômé de l'École polytechnique. Il est un des cofondateurs du groupe Unilog en 1968, dont il fut le président de 1992 à 2006[3],[4],[5].


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  1. « matchID - Moteur de recherche des décès », sur (consulté le )
  2. Avis de décès sur
  3. (en) « Director's deals », Financial Times,‎ . « Nearly 40 years ago Philippot founded Unilog, a French IT company, which was acquired by Logica in 2005. Last week he liquidated his entire stake in the parent by selling 8.5m shares over three days, bringing his total increase in wealth above Pounds 14m in a week. »
  4. (en) « Cutting edge: close-up: How LogicaCMG's takeover offer for Unilog was structured », International Financial Law Review,‎ . « The management of LogicaCMG was aware that the existing executive president of Unilog, Gerard Philippot, also its largest individual shareholder, was planning to retire in 2007, creating uncertainty regarding the future of the company. Negotiations were entered into with Philippot and some of his colleagues, which were intended to lead to a recommended bid by LogicaCMG. »
  5. (en) « LOGICA PLC - New non-executive directors », PR Newswire Europe Including UK Disclose,‎ . « Mr. Philippot was appointed non-executive director of the Board in October 2005, following the acquisition of Unilog where he was President for thirteen years. In particular, he has brought valuable insight into the French market to the Board. »