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L'admissibilité de la page « Dario de Judicibus » est débattue.

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Le créateur de la page et les contributeurs ayant un compte ayant fait au moins cinquante contributions aux articles (espace principal) de au lancement de cette procédure peuvent exprimer leur avis.
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Si un consensus clair s'est dégagé le 19 mars après l'expiration de sept jours pleins de débat (168 heures), un contributeur ayant réalisé au moins 500 modifications et ayant 3 mois d'ancienneté (utilisateur autopatrolled) qui n'aura pas pris part au débat peut clore la proposition et indiquer si la page est conservée ou supprimée (la suppression devant être demandée à un administrateur). Dans le cas contraire, la discussion se poursuit et peut être close à partir du 26 mars.


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Dear Sir,

since it looks like several people think that the article at issue should not be in this Wikipedia, I removed the page myself. I moved it in my personal user page and I removed also the automatic redirection from the original article so that it cannot be indexed or searched anymore in I assume this is absolutely correct according to Wikipedia rules.

I do not want to debate about the existence of that page in Wikipedia nor to criticize the opinion of people here, but I was really disappointed by the fact that someone said that I was not a writer or that I never published the books I wrote. I do not think it is correct.

So I took this decision. Thank you everybody. Regards --Dejudicibus (d) 13 mars 2008 à 10:01 (CET)[répondre]

Proposé par : Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 10:43 (CET)[répondre]

Autopromotion d'un auteur (par lui-meme et son réseau d'ami / complaisance), l'auteur n'a pas les référence IBSN qu'il prétend et encore moins la réputation.

Il s'agit d'un auteur à la notoriété auto-proclamée. Aucun ouvrage de référence publié (pas d'IBSN, pas de dépots légaux concernant ses soit-disant oeuvres... De plus ce monsieur se prétendait journaliste, un titre usurpé et fait l'objet de nombreuses réclamations antérieures sur wikipedia en italien, en anglais,... Il semblerait (cf. historique en anglais) qu'après un précedent retrait de l'article en anglais celui-ci serait revenu sur influence de complaisance d'amis ou de pseudo alias de la meme personne.

Ce type de pratique représente une véritable menace pour le projet wikipedia, puisque le travail de "tissage" de liens entre l'article et les sujets ou l'auteur souhaite s'imiscer (grande littérature italienne, littérature de science fiction célèbre, technologie internet,...) fini par embrouiller pronfondément les contenu des sujets les plus sérieux.

Ainsi par exemple (et c'est comme cela que j'ai détecté cet article et son auteur, un jeune enfant qui prépare un exposé sur les grands auteurs italiens, trouvera au même niveau ce monsieur parfaitement inconnu des milieux littéraires et Dante ! ou encore sur un meme niveau on a vu citer Tim Werner Lee, l'inventeur du web et ce meme monsieur.

Cela doit cesser au plus vite et plus largement une chasse à ce type d'intrusion parasitaire doit être inlassablement menée.

Notons enfin qu'après une recherche approfondie auprès meme de l'employeur de cette personne, on vérifiera que l'usurpation de notoriété est avérée.

Attention enfin lorsque la suppression sera effective, de retirer toutes les références (ajouts aux listes des grands auteurs, des évenements -ce monsieur avait lui-même cité sa naissance comme l'un des faits marquants de l'année 1960 !- et autres articles parasités).

Merci de votre aide afin surtout d'éviter de polluer la culture de nos enfants encore incapable de faire ce type de discernements--Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 10:43 (CET)[répondre]

Wikipédia n'a pas vocation à faire connaître un projet, un savoir, une personne...

Discussions[modifier le code]

Toutes les discussions vont ci-dessous.

First of all my apologies since I do not speak French and I cannot write in your language. I was informed by a friend about this discussion and I would like to reply to some people since I think it was said something wrong.

First of all, somebody said that I am not a writer nor a journalist. Here is the list of my publications:

Dario de Judicibus: La Lama Nera, Gruppo Editoriale Armenia, 2006, ISBN 88-344-1882-4
Dario de Judicibus: Le 10 Regole per Vivere Sereni, Gruppo Editoriale Armenia, 2005, ISBN 88-344-1803-4
Dario de Judicibus: Le 10 Regole dei Buoni Genitori, Gruppo Editoriale Armenia, 2003, ISBN 88-344-1505-1
Dario de Judicibus: TCP/IP in Pillole 2a Edizione, Tecniche Nuove, 2002, ISBN 88-481-1441-5
Dario de Judicibus: XML in 6 ore, Tecniche Nuove, 2000, ISBN 88-481-1098-3
Dario de Judicibus: TCP/IP in pillole, Tecniche Nuove, 1999, ISBN 88-481-0798-2

Dario de Judicibus: 9 articoli, Tecniche Nuove, in: Internet.Pro, 2005-2006, ISSN 1824-8403
Dario de Judicibus: 136 articoli, Tecniche Nuove, in: Internet News, 1996-2003, ISSN 1123-6027
Dario de Judicibus: 5 articoli, Tecniche Nuove, in: e-business News, 2000-2002, ISSN 1590-0355
Dario de Judicibus: 45 articoli, MC, in: MC Microcomputer, 1988-1992, ISSN 1123-2714

Dario de Judicibus, Paolo Gerosa: Il valore della gestione elettronica dei documenti, 
FileNET, in:, 2007, ISSN 1720-6618
Dario de Judicibus: La riforma dell'affido, Avvenire S.p.A., in: Avvenire, 2003
Dario de Judicibus: Knowledge Extended Framework, IBM Technical Bulletin, in: FR8-2002-0119, 2003
Dario de Judicibus: Il ruolo della tecnologia nella gestione della risorsa più preziosa: il tempo,
Edizioni Ritman, in: Logistica Management, 2003, ISSN 1120-3587
Dario de Judicibus: Quando le comunità si fondono: il caso Nextra, IBM, in: OL3, 2002
Dario de Judicibus: La gestione della conoscenza, FileNET, in:, 2002, ISSN 1720-6618
Dario de Judicibus: Deep-flat Connectors (DFCs), IBM Technical Bulletin, in: GB8-2000-0150, 2001
Dario de Judicibus: Vivilmare 2000, IschiaPrint S.r.l., in: Il Golfo, 2000
Dario de Judicibus: Intellectual Capital Management, IBM, in: Magazine, 1998
Dario de Judicibus: Reuse Overview, Reuse Technology Support Center, in: Z325-0700-01, 1994
Dario de Judicibus, Susan Henshaw: Expanding a field to fill in more information or clarify its content,
IBM Technical Bulletin, in: RA8-92-0194, 1993
Dario de Judicibus: Re-engineering the Software Development Process, 
IBM Reuse Technology Support Center paper, 1993
Dario de Judicibus: Stacked shells, a multiple workplace shell environment, 
IBM Technical Bulletin, in: IT8-93-0006, 1993
Dario de Judicibus: Reuse: A Cultural Change, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, 
in: International Workshop on Systematic Reuse, 1993
Dario de Judicibus: Hypercode: an hypertext approach to programming, IBM, in: SOFT-HYCD-04, 1993
Dario de Judicibus: Lo sviluppo industriale del software., IBM Foundation, 
in: I seminari organizzati, 1989
Dario de Judicibus: Object-Oriented Cookbook: The organization of OO in IBM, IBM, in: OOPS-9005-01, 1990 
American Physics Society, in: Phys.Rev.Lett.54:2195,1985, 1985, ISSN SLAC-PUB-3571
American Physics Society, in: Phys.Lett.135B:498,1984, 1983, ISSN DESY 83-067

As you can see I wrote about 200 articles on monthly magazines, so I am a journalist. I also published five books (not self-publishing!) with very well known publishers in Italy (not minor ones) and I am going to publish a sixth one and writing a seventh one (for one of the major publishers in Italy). So I am a writer. I work for IBM since 1986 and I have a reputation of expert in knowledge management and social networking.

Now, it is up to you to decide if the article should be here or not. I do not debate. I am a wikipedian just to contribute for what I know (mostly articles on Italy and just small corrections since I have difficulties to write in French, even if I can understand it a little bit). I believe in Free Internet and I am in the net since 1986 (Fidonet et al.). But for NO REASON I will accept that someone may say that I am an usurpator. I hope I was very clear.--Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 18:22 (CET)[répondre]

Reply to Mr. de Judicibus[modifier le code]

1. Every expert can (and usually have to) publish articles in magazines and journal (ISSN). That does not mean the expert is a journalist 2. You mention your five books. I've made many search on IBSN databases and well-known libraries unsuccessfully. That's the reason of the doubt I've raised about the work may be not published or self published 3. Should you have written published books, that's not enough to be considered as a relevant wikipedia entry. If all the authors with well know IBSN works, even reference books for famed universities and libraries should be mentioned as well-known authors, considered as major event of their birth year and birth date, we would have a proliferation of wikipedia information and thereby a less relevant quality of the information. As an expert of KM you should understand what I mean....--Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 20:54 (CET) --Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 20:54 (CET)[répondre]

Again, I do not want to debate about the fact that my name should be or not in Wikipedia. This is something that has to be decided by Wikipedians. It is not suitable that I speak to defend that page. This is not the way Wikipedia works. Everybody should judge independently. The only criteria is consistency. For example, if someone decides that you must have at least 4 published paper books to be here, that criterion should apply to everybody. But I suppose that good criteria cannot be simply based only on number of publications. As you correctly said, every expert writes many articles in technical journal. However the magazines where I wrote were not technical journals but magazines like BYTE or PC Professional. 200 articles on monthly magazines are a lot of years of collaboration with national-wide publications. I undestand, not so famous as BYTE, but they are Italian one only. Sorry. Not my fault. About ISBN I already replied to you in the previous section. I am honestly worried by what you said, because it is a signal of what's happening. Not your fault of course. You rely on Internet and site like Amazon. Amazon and other reliable sites do not index most of Italian books, you do not find the book, so the book does not exist. So, simply because they are not interested to Italian market establish if a book exists or not. I understand how difficult is to let English people how discouraging is that. Thank's God Italian Wikipedia ha a lot of contributes, but what will happen if we slow down to maintain it? What will happen if Italian wikipedians will stop adding contributes. Today it is that which tell you if your culture exists or not. The day an Italian Wikipedia will disappear, the only Italian people you'll find in the English one will be Dante or Pavarotti, probably. Still today, if you ask an America person the name of an Italian modern singer, they will mention Modugno!!! No mention of De André, De Gregori, Dalla, Guccini, Britti, Povia, and many others. If we disappear from search engines, we will disappear from history. Funny :( --Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 23:18 (CET)[répondre]

Google search result (ISSN 1123-2714 de judicibus)

"Les termes de recherche spécifiés - ISSN 1123-2714 de judicibus – ne correspondent à aucun document." CQFD --Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 21:02 (CET)[répondre]

Jbw, MC Microcomputer is a paper magazine. It was one of the most popular IT magazine in Italy. It does not exist any more. You cannot find because it was a pre-Internet era magazine. I was one of the first Italian users of Commodore Amiga (a great system) and wrote a very popular series of articles about developing in C on AmigaOS. It was a century ago, it seems. Nobody has converted MC Microcomputer issues in digital format. Again: you do not find it in Internet, so it does not exist. But there was a full world before Internet that was never converted to digital format. Internet is not the world, but part of it. There are poems in Indi and Urdu or Arabic that you will never find in Internet, tales in swahili, painting that nobody reproduced by a digital camera. Do they exist? What's the purpose of Wikipedia? To collect what ALREADY exist in Internet, or to preserve what you can find in real life? It is too easy to cut and paste, but you risk to forget too much culture. Please, do not consider this a criticism. I am here only to defend my existence and the truth of the info in that page, not the page itself. Remove it if you want, but remember: Internet is not the world.--Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 23:26 (CET)[répondre]

Comment faire pour que judicibus ne puisse revenir impunément sur ses posts clandestins ?[modifier le code]

Ma demande de suppression de l'article italien de de judicibus vient d'etre rejetée (ce monsieur avec ses aliases est tres influent visiblement sur wikipedia). L'article va donc demeurer et judicibus a atteint ses objectifs. nos enfants seront donc incapables de séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie. Merci à un administrateur global de wikipedia de prendre les mesures qui s'imposent au plus vite--Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 16:34 (CET)[répondre]

Do you want to remove the articles from Wikipedia? Do it. But do not say that their content is false.--Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 18:29 (CET)[répondre]

Étonnement[modifier le code]

M. de Judicibus nous représente que « if a book writer in Italy sell 100.000 copies is a success like an American author to sell 10.000.000 copies ». Parle-t-il de lui ou d'un auteur en général ? Et je me demande comment ce « mondo fantastico ricostruito alla perfezione », ces « personaggi interessanti », ces « sviluppi della trama inaspettati » (je me borne à répéter ce que je lis sur Ciao, un site qui vend de tout et même des livres) n'aient pas enthousiasmé des éditeurs dans d'autres pays. Gustave G. (d) 13 mars 2008 à 10:18 (CET)[répondre]

In general. Let me give some hints. Data are based from a statistical research made in 2000 by the association of small and medium publishers. In 2000 there were 4.426 publishers in Italy. Only 67% have published at least one title per year. Of that percentage, only one fourth has published at least 10 titles per year. Only few dozens have more than 50 titles per year. There are only 4 big editors which controls the majority of market. Every year are published only 50.000 titles in Italy, most of them are translations of foreign authors. The average number of copies published by a medium publisher per title is only 2.000. Novels are about 55% of titles, essays 18%. The most impressive numbers anyway relates to readers. More than 60% of Italians do not read even a book per year! Only 4% read more than 10 books per year. I do not know which is the situation in France but I suspect it is much better. So, if you publish a book with any Italian publisher but the "four big", selling few dozens of thousand books is an incredible success. If you consider fantasy (the genre of my last works), 98% of titles are translation of American and English authors. For years Italian writers of Sci-Fi and fantasy had to use an anglosaxon pen name to sell their books. Only few of us decided to break this rule because we are trying to make a cultural change, but cultural changes are very difficult to do: they take time.--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 09:49 (CET)[répondre]

Article déjà retiré / Article already removed[modifier le code]

Dejudicibus a seul retiré l'article et l'a remplacé par une page blanche. Dejudicibus a donc décidé unilatéralement de le supprimer, sans attendre la semaine imposée par les règles de la WP fr. De plus, il a contribué à un article (de manière non-significative, soulignons-le) parlant de lui-même, ce qui est interdit par la WP fr (dans mes souvenirs, en vertu de la NPOV). Serait-il dès lors nécessaire de prendre des sanctions à son égard ? Frór Oook? 13 mars 2008 à 10:23 (CET)[répondre]

I am sorry if I had to remove the article, but it was used as a pretext to say false statement on me. So I thought the best action for me and for wikipedia was to remove it asap. There was already a certain number of votes asking to remove it, so I accepted the vote. The page is now in my private area, so that anybody can verify if it contains true info or not. I suspect that for somebody this was not a normal vote, but a personal attack. I do not understand why, but I prefer that wikipedia people in good faith are not involved in personal affairs. I will continue to contribute to wikipedia it, en and fr with articles not related to me in any way but only to what I know, of course. Mostly about Italy. Thank you for understanding.--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 12:42 (CET)[répondre]

Dejudicibus removed by himself the article and replaced it by a white page. Dejudicibus the decided by its own to remove it, without waiting for the regular week required by the french-speaking WP. Even more: he contributed to an article (in a non-significant way) related to himself, which is forbidden by the french-speaking WP (as I can remember, according to the Neutral Point of View rule). Should we therefore take necessary actions against him ? Frór Oook? 13 mars 2008 à 10:23 (CET)[répondre]

Le souhait des participants à cette page est exhaussé. S'il y a d'autres griefs, des lieux wikipédiens plus adaptés sont à disposition. jpm2112 Discuter ici 13 mars 2008 à 10:35 (CET)[répondre]


Dario de Judicibus a déjà retiré son article en français (lui-meme parait-il) avant d'etre supprimé dans les heures qui aurait du suivre. Soyons très vigilant car il use d'une technique qu'il a déjà mis en oeuvre sur wikepdia allemagne : il se créé une page miroir de son article en utilisateur, puis sous un alias fait une redirection de son nom sur l'encyclopéfie pour réémerger sur la page de l'encyclopédie. Restons donc attentif et continuons à ouevrer au retrait de tous les post de cet usurpateur vaniteux. Cordialement--Jbw (d) 13 mars 2008 à 15:29 (CET)[répondre]

C'est le cas puisqu'il vient de renommer son article en Utilisateur:Dejudicibus/Dario de Judicibus. Sans vouloir préjuger de la fiabilité des infos, ça laisse perplexe sur sa bonne foi! --V°o°xhominis [allô?] 13 mars 2008 à 17:29 (CET)[répondre]
Même tactique sur WP (en) Addacat (d) 13 mars 2008 à 17:37 (CET)[répondre]
Tactique???? I am really upset now! I will say that ONCE forever: all the information in that article are absolutely true, so, unless you demonstrate that are false, it is my right to have them in my personal page as well as any other wikipedian. Just few considerations:
  1. «Autopromotion d'un auteur.» I did not promote myself. I simply published a page that was translated from Italian Wikipedia by a reader of mine to French. The Italian wikipedia page is no more the original one that was debated because the content was not according Wikipedia style: it was rewritten by other wikipedians, included administrator, after verifying that all info were correct. Please, consider that I work since 1986 for a big computer company. If I would like promote myself I had a lot of possibility to ask other people to publish articles about me or to use some of the many mechanisms exist to hide or falsify my IP address. The fact that I published by my ID demonstrate transparency. About IP addresses, please note that I access Internet through LAN, so all people on the same LAN share the same address. I published the translated version of Italian page because I there are several non-Italian authors in Wikipedia with only few book published, so I thought that there was no reason it could not be here (by the way, it does not seem to me that all French, English, American authors mentioned in Wikipedia are equivalent to Dante, Leopardi or Manzoni). But I have no problem to accept a different opinion by vote (this is the way Wikipedia works and this is ok). What I do not accept it is a 360° attack on me by saying false statements like «you never published those books since i cannot find them by ISBN». This is unacceptable. Anyway, some pages have been published by people who I do not even know, like Cherokee one. So, speaking of self-promotion is wrong.
  2. «Every expert can (and usually have to) publish articles in magazines and journal (ISSN).» True, but I did not published only technical articles. I worked as freelance journalist for several major national montly magazines for more than 20 years. Being or not in Wikipedia does not change what I am or what I did.
  3. «I've made many search on IBSN databases and well-known libraries unsuccessfully.» This is one of the aspect that is really upsetting me. Most of "international" (really American) book catalog services do not index Italian books, so you will hardly find 88- ISBN in Amazon or other services. This is not only true for Italian books, but also for Spanish and some French too, even if exists. I think it is really bad that the existence of a book depends on the fact that you can find it by Amazon, Google or other services. Books are paper object. Up to ten years ago, we did not even used ISBN in Italy, so most of books have not even that number. So, according to that guy, all Italian books before 1980 more or less DO NOT EXIST becase they have no ISBN or because nobody cared to mention them in the web.
  4. «Les termes ... ISSN 1123-2714 ... ne correspondent à aucun document.» This is another example. MC Microcomputer was one of the most popular computer magazine in Italy (not for technical people, for everybody). They do not exist anymore, killed by the arrival of translated USA magazines in Italy. But they were an icon in my country. If you look for "MC Microcomputer" by Google you will find few results, and as far as I know, nobody converted any article to a digital format. When I began to write for them, I do not even send them digital text, but printed one! It was 1988. So, did they ever exist? No, because they cannot be found by Google.
  5. «Plusieurs de ses livres ne sont même pas connus (j'ai pas dis disponibles)» Well, I should be really stupid to promote books that cannot even be sold! But that's the point. I am not promoting anything. Seriosly: do you really think that anybody in USA, France or UK will ever read a book of mine, since they are written in Italian? The real problem is that MOST of Italian authors, singers, and artists which express themselves in our beautyful language are simply unknown not because they are not good, but because today who decides if anything exist is Google, Amazon, the English blogsphere. France and Spanish people will survive more than us, but soon or later you will have to face this problem too. So, to be in English wikipedia, you can also be a mostly unknown writer if you write in English, or a singer who was famous for one year. But if you are Italian, Finnish, Egyptian, Malaysian, and so forth, and you write in your own language, you must at least to be a genius! Sorry. I am not. So, it is true I have not to be here.

--Dejudicibus (d) 14 mars 2008 à 10:11 (CET)[répondre][modifier le code]

Je suis un peu intrigué par l'attitude des contributeurs sur, qui effacent à répétition l'insertion des modèles visant à placer la page en PàS. Certes, dans plusieurs cas, la procédure reste incomplète, mais je les trouve quand même un peu pressés... Hégésippe | ±Θ± 13 mars 2008 à 10:32 (CET)[répondre]

Ce monsieur judicibus joui de complaisance évidente de certain administrateurs de wkiquote italie (j'en ai fait les frais et y ait d'ailleurs été traité comme un vandale pour avoir essayé de réouvrir une discussion sur l'exclusion de la page). Comment peut-on escalader le point auprès des des superadministrateurs de wiki ?--Jbw (d) 13 mars 2008 à 15:21 (CET)[répondre]

Avis[modifier le code]

Entrez ci-dessous votre avis sur l’admissibilité du thème à l’aune de l’existence de sources extérieures et sérieuses ; ce que Wikipédia n’est pas ; ou autres critères d’admissibilité. Il est recommandé d'accentuer l'idée principale en gras (conserver, fusionner, déplacer, supprimer, etc.) pour la rendre plus visible. Vous pouvez éventuellement utiliser un modèle. N’oubliez pas de signer en entrant quatre tildes (~~~~).

Conserver[modifier le code]

Supprimer[modifier le code]

  1.  Supprimer ça me parait trop tous ses écrits sont indisponibles sur n'arrive pas à trouver les c'est vrai que cette démarche de notoriété (jusqu'à noter sa naissance comme un fait marquant...) est dérangeante. Au revoir Nonopoly (d) 11 mars 2008 à 11:25 (CET)[répondre]
  2.  Supprimer Suppression, de très loin. C'est de la démarche de vanité personnelle grande comme une montagne, la quasi-totalité des informations sont fausses ou non référencées. De plus, il fait aussi l'objet d'une procédure de suppression sur wikipedia en pour les mêmes raisons ( ) (Dalandiel (d) 11 mars 2008 à 11:44 (CET))[répondre]
  3.  Supprimer Aucune référence sur le catalogue Opale de la BN et les N°ISBN semblent faux. C'est plus que louche tout ça --Janex (d) 11 mars 2008 à 11:59 (CET)[répondre]
    I am available in any moment to demonstrate that all publications are true. I do not pretend that I have to be listed in Wikipedia (this is a democratic place - people decide), but all the pieces of information in that article (which was not written by me) are true.--Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 18:26 (CET)[répondre]
    Mr de Judicibus, you ou mentioned five books you would have written and published. I've made many search unssuccessfull on IBSN databases and well-known libraries. Could you expliain why ?--Jbw (d) 11 mars 2008 à 20:59 (CET)[répondre]
    Yes. You probably used one of the many search engines for ISBN which are based on Amazon. Amazon is providing this service to many sites. However Amazon does not exist in Italy (but it exists in Germany and in France) and you will hardly find ISBN which begins by 88. You have to search in the equivalent of Amazon in Italy like BOL or IBS. You will surely find at least the most recent titles. The XML book is no mor ein catalog since was written many years ago and XML evolved since them. I was writing a new essay but I got a contact with the biggest publisher in Italy and I have a chance to publish a book with it, so I changed my priorities. You can find the covers of my book in one of the social network I attend, NING Publishe Authors. The problem of non English authors is that Internet is more and more the favorite choice of everybody to find info, and most Internet is in English. English is killing the other languages, especially those like Italian are not spoken in many other countries. In few dozens of years only few languages will survive, surely English and Chinese, probably Spanish and French. Even German and Russian are in danger. If you do not write books or articles in English, or sing in English, you risk to disappear. There are a lot of great singers in Italy, France, German, and other European countries that are mostly unknown in the rest of world because they sing in their own language. Wikipedia was great because is one of the few multilanguage initiatives in the web, but it is not only important to have encyclopedias in various languages, but to have multicultural content. If Wikipedia will use as a criteria how much is "famous" somebody in world, soon or later all artists which do not express themselves in English (but the historical ones) will disappear. It is a problem that is not very well known in the English blogsphere, but it is really critical. Just think that if a book writer in Italy sell 100.000 copies is a success like an American author to sell 10.000.000 copies. You can easily understand why more and more Italian singers are singing in English today. The problem for book authors is that if English is not your native language you cannot compete with native writers. But this is a long story and it is not the right place to speak about. In any case, if you still have problem to find my books, I am available to provide links to bookshop catalogs, but privately because this is not the right place to put links to commercial sites.--Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 23:04 (CET)[répondre]
    M. de Judicibus déplore que l'anglais soit en train d'éliminer toutes les autres langues, mais pourquoi écrit-il lui-même en anglais. Il pouvait fort bien faire rédiger le texte en français par un compère (pardon: « by a collegue »). Jbw s'est senti tenu de lui répondre dans cette langue, mais cela me gêne. Gustave G. (d) 13 mars 2008 à 04:25 (CET)[répondre]
  4.  Supprimer le vrai danger est la contamination des autres articles de wikipedia qu'il conviendra de purger de tous les passages parasites relatant ce personage non digne d'y figurer :
    NB : l'article vient (enfin) d'etre supprimé au portugal sur wikipedia ! je viens de le rayer des evenement célébres en 1960 sur wikipedia portugal ( Merci à tous dans toutes les langues de poursuivre ce travail de nettoyage. Quel dommage que la vanité personnelle puisse conduire à cette forme de vandalisme la plus sournoise car plus difficilement détectable !-- (d) 11 mars 2008 à 14:11 (CET)[répondre]
    The articles in various language have not been created by me. I just translated the Italian one to English. The other translations have been done by other people. I can write only in Italian and English.--Dejudicibus (d) 11 mars 2008 à 18:28 (CET)[répondre]
    False ! The french article has been writen by, who is also the author of your first answer here : Special:Contributions/ Cf. [1] Hastings II (d) 12 mars 2008 à 11:24 (CET)[répondre]
    Again. The French article was NOT written by me. I do not write in French (even if I can read it, more or less). It was written by a collegue who asked me to load it. That's all. I think I did nothing wrong. It contains the same info of other articles and info are reliable. What is upsetting me it is that this discussion is not about if it is the case the page stay or not in Wikipedia, but about content of that page. It looks like a personal attack, not a normal Wikipedian notability debate. It was told that I did not published the books or the articles, for example, which can be easily verified it is false. So, why? I do not think this has anything to do with Wikipedia.--Dejudicibus (d) 12 mars 2008 à 14:21 (CET)[répondre]
  5.  Supprimer Il a menti sur sa dernière affirmation (et a cherché à le masquer), ce qui le décridibilise définitivement à mes yeux. Hastings II (d) 12 mars 2008 à 11:24 (CET)[répondre]
  6.  Supprimer Ce monsieur poursuit inlassablement sa campagne d'invasion de wikipedia avec ses alias (autres fausses identités) et acolytes (voir site italien et la remise en ligne d'un article tres contesté). Merci Messieurs Dames les administrateurs WIKI de prendre les mesures qui s'imposent !--Jbw (d) 12 mars 2008 à 11:27 (CET)[répondre]
  7.  Supprimer, très louche tout ça. Pas d'entrisme.--LPLT [discu] 13 mars 2008 à 00:18 (CET)[répondre]
  8.  Supprimer Jbw m'a devancée d'une tête. J'allais proposer cet article en PàS, en étant arrivée aux mêmes conclusions : il s'agit bien d'un super-spam international. D de J s'était même placé dans le Portail Italie, juste en dessous de Dante et de Pirandello... Addacat (d) 13 mars 2008 à 01:56 (CET)[répondre]
  9.  Supprimer En l'état HC. Andromeda (d) 13 mars 2008 à 09:04 (CET)[répondre]
  10.  Supprimer Plusieurs de ses livres ne sont même pas connus (j'ai pas dis disponibles) des liens que lui-même propose. Frór Oook? 13 mars 2008 à 10:10 (CET)[répondre]
  11.  Supprimer Pour une fois qu'on peut démasquer une cabale sur WP...! Émoticône--Janseniste Scriptura 13 mars 2008 à 12:10 (CET)[répondre]

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