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Utilisateur:AdM/Brouillons/Balle pelote

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One-Wall (ou Wall Ball)[modifier | modifier le code]

1-Wall (also known as 'Wallball') The 1-Wall code, as the name suggests, is played against a single wall measuring 20ft by 16ft, with court lines marked out on both the wall and floor. It is played with a soft rubber ball (similar to a raquetball ball, softer than both a 4-Wall, Softball and Hardball ball) and can be played either indoors or outdoors. When serving or returning a ball, the ball must bounce firstly within the court lines on the wall and then also within the court lines marked out on the floor. 1-Wall Handball has emerged in the last decade as the fastest growing code of the game - the most recent Irish Wallball Nationals tournament held in Breaffy House, Co. Mayo in July 2019 attracted four hundred entries. The code's simplicity to play, combined with the accessibility of building multiple court venues enables clubs & GAA Handball to host larger scale tournaments. The international element of 1-Wall currently[when?] consists of a European Tour and World Championships as well as regional and national tournaments held abroad (US Nationals for example).



Infrastructure et matériel[modifier | modifier le code]

Les accessoires[modifier | modifier le code]

Deux craies pour marquer et barrer les chasses, une pour l'arbitre et l'autre pour le marqueur de chasses ; Deux repères de chasse, dotés d'un socle …




La balle pelote dans les arts[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. « Erfgoedplus | Collectie van Sportimonium, nº inv. SMVVP00422 », sur (consulté le )