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Utilisateur:Philgin/François Villée

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The French astrologer François Villée was born January 2, 1936, at 3.15 am, in Paris.

Astrological work

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Villée is a specialist in Chinese Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu), which is prediction-oriented. Simultaneously, he practises global astrology (a kind of western astrology launched by Claire Santagostini), seeking to integrate all astrological elements into one big picture. In 1969, he founded with Claire Santagostini, the first officially registered astrology school in France, the Académie Internationale d'Astrologie (AIA), which is still in existence, and the skills areas of which he has since expanded to include Reiki, Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology.

À partir de 1980, il est, avec le philosophe François Brousse et Josée Lugol, corédacteur de la revue ésotérique Sources et Flammes ; avec cette dernière, il publia un livre sur l'astrologie karmique. Dans les services publics français de gaz et d’électricité (EDF/GDF), il a introduit l’astrologie à partir de 1986, selon la déclaration de Villée, afin que la société assume mieux ses responsabilités sociales. En 1990, il réalise un film sur l'histoire de l'astrologie, acheté par le Centre Pompidou. Pendant un moment, il a également été astrologue sur la radio France Inter et y analysait, sans connaître les noms des personnes, les horoscopes de célébrités.

From 1980, he was, with the philosopher François Brousse and Josée Lugol, co-editor of the esoteric journal Sources et Flammes ; with the latter, he published a book on karmic astrology. From 1986, he introduced astrology In the French gas and electricity utilities (EDF/GDF). In 1990, he made a film on the history of astrology, which was bought by the Center Pompidou of Paris. For a while, he was also an astrologer on the radio France Inter' and analyzed there, without knowing the names of people, the horoscopes of celebrities.

From 1989 to 1997, he received the teaching of the Vietnamese master Vo Van Em who asked him to transmit the Chinese astrology of the 109 energies.

Bio-astrology is a development Villées made in 1997. It aims at combining astrology with the memories that circulate in the genealogy, and the physical conditions of the people, so as to explore the spiritual depths, and thereby find one's meaning of life.

Villée has been a speaker at numerous international astrology congresses, notably in the United States, Brazil and the Soviet Union, and wrote four astrological textbooks, including one on Chinese Astrology (jointly with Van Em Vo) and another one on the combination of astrology with Feng Shui and Reiki.

Bibliography (French)

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Pour Josée Lugol et François Villée, motivations, sentiments et états d’âme, d’une part, événements heureux et malheureux de l’existence d’autre part, configurations astrales enfin, sont les trois côtés du même triangle...

For Josée Lugol and François Villée, motivations, feelings and states of mind, on the one hand, happy and unhappy events of existence on the other hand, finally astral configurations, are the three sides of the same triangle... (astro-psychology including research on the unconscious).

Faut-il utiliser le zodiaque des signes ou le zodiaque des constellations pour interpréter une carte du ciel ? Primordiale, cette question mérite d’être traitée, c’est évident, avant même de se lancer dans l’étude de l’astrologie.

Should we use the zodiac of the signs or the zodiac of the constellations to interpret a chart of the sky? Primordial, this question deserves to be addressed, it is obvious, before even embarking on the study of astrology.

Pour la première fois dans l’histoire de l’astrologie, un expert asiatique, accepte, en 1989, de tout révéler de la nature et de l’interprétation des 109 énergies constitutives du thème chinois, à un occidental.

For the first time in the history of astrology, an Asian expert agreed, in 1989, to reveal everything about the nature and interpretation of the 109 constituent energies of the Chinese chart, to an Occidental.

Les asiatiques donnent à l’énergie le nom de Ki (lire « La Véritable Astrologie Chinoise » Rompu au maniement des 109 énergies du thème chinois, François Villée explique comment il est passé du Ki à REIKI.

Asians give the energy the name of Ki (read “The True Chinese Astrology” Experienced in handling the 109 energies of the Chinese theme, François Villée explains how he went from Ki to REIKI.

Préfacé par André Barbault, ce livre de 532 pages est le fruit de toute une vie vouée à la pratique de l'Astrologie Occidentale, de l'Astrologie Chinoise et de la Bio Astrologie. C'est dire s'il est riche d'un enseignement précieux.

Prefaced by André Barbault, this 532-page book is the fruit of a lifetime devoted to the practice of Western Astrology, Chinese Astrology and Bio Astrology. This is to say that it is rich in a precious lesson.

Notes and References

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Category:Astrologer (France) Category:Karmic Astrology