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Tapio Mattlar, (born March 17, 1953 in Helsinki, Finland), is a farmer, musician and Finnish rural activist, known for his involvement in the Finnish Village Action Movement and for protecting biodiversity, both in his daily work as a farmer, and by his alter-globalism commitment. He recieved a Honor Award at the 1992 Alternative Nobel Prize ceremony.

Tapio Mattlar attends the Lauttasaaren High School in Helsinski until 1972, then goes to the University of Helsinki. His dream, at the time, is to become a musical journalist, he accentes on two subjects: journalism and music science, especially ethnomusicology. He obtains a Master of Political Science, and defends a master's thesis named "the effects of media on the musical taste of people."

From 1969 until 1981, he plays electric bass in various rock bands and performs on stage in the Helsinki area.

After having obtained his diploma, and until 1981, Tapio Mattlar works as a musical journalist in a Finnish broadcasting company

In 1976, he marries the singer and songwriter Marja Mattlar. From this union are born three sons.

In 1981, Tapio Mattlar and his family leave Helsinki and move to Vuorenkylä near Hartola (about 200 km north of Helsinki). They buy a farm, built in 1811, whose original disposition is pratically conserved (one full courtyard, meadows, forests and wooded pastures)[1]. At that time, a farm and 34 acres of land were less expensive than a three-room apartment in Helsinki[2]. From his installation, Tapio Mattlar grows natural jams.

In 1984, he joins the Finnish Village Action Movement - a national organization that brings together regional stakeholders of rural development. He is chairman of the committee in his village for four years (1984-1988), and the "village's savior"[2] is a member of the National Advisory Committee of the movement from 1985 to 1991.

In 1985, the exceptional character of his farm, where there are many rare plants, push him to get involved in the work of conservation of biodiversity. The rapid expansion of forested areas requires Tapio Mattlar to sit up maintenance of open landscapes]] [3], on the which rare plants grow. It is, simultaneously, a scientific work (observations, measurements ...) and field work (herding sheep, forestry). He is assisted by his younger son - a student in ecology and environmental sciences in Jyväskylä - with whom he conducts all projects of the farm.

From Finland's membership to the European Union, in January 1995, this work on biodiversity becomes the main activity of the farm.

In 1989, willing to ensure links between the village committees, he creates "Kylätoiminta"[4], he national newspaper of the Finnish Village Action Movement, and works as editor in chief of the newspaper until 2000. He is also its publisher, from 1992 to 2000.]] [[These committees, all very active, are based on community mutual aid, without a legal structure (at least in the early years). The editorial office is located in his farm, along with the computer center of the Village. In 2006, 2650 villages, among the 3900 of Finland, have joined of the Movement[5]. These groups organize not only the traditional neighborhood lifestyle, but also cultural life. Some villagers then speak of "concrete utopia" [2].

In 1996, Tapio Mattlar founds the folk band Tarujen Saari [6], [[musically influenced by both Irish and Finnish folk and medieval music[7]. After five albums, he leaves the band in 2006 and creates a folk-pagan band named Ancient Bear Cult, their first album being released in 2008. [ 8 ]. Patio Mattlar is a versatile instrumentalist, playing the hurdy-gurdy, Viking lyre and other stringed instruments (kantele, Jouhikko, sitar, kora)[8].

For the time being, while pursuing his agricultural activities, Tapio Mattlar engages himself in a form of global activism in favor of biodiversity and the peoples's right to self-determination, as for example :

  • In 2001, Tapio Mattlar, with fourteen winners of the Alternative Nobel or Goldman Prize, asks the Mexican constitutional congress for recognition of indigenous peoples]] [[and their rights in Mexico, emphasizing their role in the development and conservation of biodiversity, both natural and cultural[9].

  • In 2005, Tapio Mattlar with twelve other winners of the Alternative Nobel, signs a request to repeal Paul Bremer's section 81 [10] - [11] which aims to prevent Iraqi farmers from using their old varieties of seeds and crops, and force them to depend on the company that patented GM seeds[12]. [[Because the traditional varieties of crops grown in Iraq, which have evolved over thousands of years, are not only the legacy of Iraqi farmers, but are also the world's heritage[13].
  • In 200?, Tapio Mattlar signes the petition sent to the European Commissioners Androulla Vassiliou, Stavros Dimas and Mariann Fischer Boel to react against the acceptance of a percentage of GMOs in naturel seeds.[14]


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On behalf of the Finnish Village Action Movement, Tapio Mattlar is recipient of an Award of Honor at the Alternative Nobel Prize in 1992, "to show a dynamic method of recovery of rural areas, decentralization and strengthening of the population.". In 1995, Tapio Mattlar and Finnish Village Action Movement receive a Communities Award from the Friends of the United Nations, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UN.

"We are not willing to consider economic values as more important than the quality of life. We believe in the right of people to decide of what their own lives should be. We are particularly happy if our movement can be an encouraging example for rural people, demonstrating that vibrant village life is not inconsistent with development."

  • (fi) Tapio Mattlar et Marja Mattlar, Maatilan elämää  ? [« La vie sur une ferme »],
  • (fi) Tapio Mattlar et Marja Mattlar, Muuttaisitko maalle  ? [« S'intaller à la campagne ? »], Otava,
  • Tarujen Saari : Miltähän tuo tuntuisi / CD-single 1997 Kingdom Records KID 952
  • Tarujen Saari : Helmiä ja kuparikolikoita / CD 1998 Strawberry Records SBCD 037
  • Tarujen Saari : Katariina Karhunhammas / CD-ep 1999 Orimattilan teatterinystävät ry. OTY 001
  • Tarujen Saari : Hepsankeikka / CD 2000 Strawberry Records SBCD 047
  • Tarujen Saari : Levoton hauta / CD 2002 Silence SLC 007
  • Tarujen Saari : Rattaanpyörä / CD-single 2003 Silence SLCS 015
  • Tarujen Saari : Sota kirottu! / CD 2004 Silence SLC 019
  • Ancient Cult Bear : Sounds From The Past / CD 2008, Kingdom/Presence


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  • (de) Geseko von Lüpke et Peter Erlenwein (trad. Stéphanie Alglave), Nobel alternatif, 13 portraits de lauréats, La Plage, , 213 p. (ISBN 978-2842211912)

Notes et Références

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  1. Description of accommodation in Finland
  2. a et b Debate chaired by Reiner Metzger June 8, 2005, between Nicanor Perlas, Manfred Max-Neef and Tapio Mattlar.
  3. For a better understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and landscape open read the article "Ensuring the management of open landscape by farming systems ?" by Sylvie Lardon published in 1996 in the Revue de géographie de Lyon.
  4. Biography dated March 6, 1999 at the library Robert Jungk, Salzbourg.
  5. Article by Jochen Schilk ) Kurskontact N° 140.
  6. Site de « Tarujen Saari » sur wikipedia finlandaise.
  7. Group Presentation on the website of Finnish folk music
  8. Biography and Discography on
  9. Lettre ouverte du 23 mars 2001.
  10. In May 2003, Paul Bremer III was responsible for directing the Authority Coalition (CPA). Former official of the U.S. Department of State in charge of the fight against terrorism at the head of the CPA, Paul Bremer is eager to enact a series of orders to govern Iraq, which at the time had no constitution or legally constituted government. Those orders, numbering 100, entered into force in April 2004. One stipulates that no elected government can change.
  11. Article by F. William Engdahl published in January 2005 in Horizons et débats
  12. The Order 81 on "Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and the Law on plant varieties" is in complete contradiction with the Iraqi constitution of 1990 which prohibited private ownership of resources biological. This order makes it illegal to practice traditional and millenary best selection of seeds by farmers and gives free rein to foreign companies to enforce their patented seeds and their prices. It also allows the importing and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMO). The patent term is 20 years for agricultural plants and 25 years for vines and trees. Food sovereignty of the Iraqi people is seriously undermined by this law. Cote ONU: E/CN.4/2005/NGO/350
  13. conférence "Die Alternative - Ausblicke Globalisierung auf eine andere"

1/ ↑ Description of accommodation in Finland

2/ ↑ a, b and c debate moderated by Reiner Metzger June 8, 2005, between Nicanor Perlas, Manfred Max-Neef and Tapio Mattlar.

3/ ↑ For a better understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and landscape open, read the article "Ensuring the management of open landscape by farming systems?" Sylvie Lardon published in 1996 in the Revue de géographie de Lyon.

4/ ↑ Biography dated March 6, 1999 to Robert Jungk library, Salzburg.

5/ ↑ Article of Jochen Schilke in Kurskontact No. 140.

6/ ↑ Tarujen Saari Finnish on wikipedia finnish.

7/ ↑ Group Presentation on the website of Finnish folk music

8/ ↑ Biography and discography on

9/ ↑ Open Letter of March 23, 2001.

10/ ↑ In May 2003, Paul Bremer III was responsible for directing the Authority Coalition (CPA). Former official of the U.S. Department of State in charge of the fight against terrorism at the head of the CPA, Paul Bremer is eager to enact a series of orders to govern Iraq, which at the time had no constitution or legally constituted government. Those orders, numbering 100, entered into force in April 2004. One stipulates that no elected government can change.

11/ ↑ Article of William Engdahl appeared in January 2005 in Horizons and debates

12/ ↑ The Order 81 on "Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and the Law on plant varieties" is in complete contradiction with the Iraqi constitution of 1990 which prohibited private ownership of resources biological. This order makes it illegal to practice traditional and millenary best selection of seeds by farmers and gives free rein to foreign companies to enforce their patented seeds and their prices. It also allows the importing and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMO). The patent term is 20 years for agricultural plants and 25 years for vines and trees. Food sovereignty of the Iraqi people is seriously undermined by this law. Cote UN E/CN.4/2005/NGO/350

13/ ↑ conference "Die Alternative - Ausblick auf eine andere Globalisierung"

14/ ↑

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