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Mégafaune Charismatique

La mégafaune charismatique se compose de quelques espèces de grands animaux (principalement des mammifères) dont la forte valeur symbolique et la grande renommée sont régulièrement utilisées à des fins environnementalistes. Les espèces suivantes peuvent être considérées comme appartenant à la mégafaune charismatique : la baleine à bosse, le panda géant, le pygargue à tête blanche, le condor de Californie, le phoque du Groenland, les manchots. De façon paradoxale, alors que de nombreuses espèces charismatiques sont menacées par la destruction de leur habitat, leur renommée leur confère une vulnérabilité supplémentaire en raison de la chasse et du braconnage, du commerce des produits du braconnage ou d'animaux vivants sur le marché noir, et des attractions touristiques développées autour de la présence de ces animaux [1].

   1 Use in conservation
   2 Taxonomic bias
   3 See also
   4 References
   5 Further reading

Utilité pour la conservation

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Les espèces charismatiques sont souvent utilisées comme des porte-étendards dans les programmes de conservation, puisqu'elles suscitent d’avantage l'attention et la compassion du publique. Cependant, les espèces charismatiques ne sont pas immunisées contre leur extinction : en effet, les 10 espèces les plus charismatiques sont actuellement menacées, et seul le panda géant a montré une croissance démographique à partir d'une population extrêment restreinte.

Charismatic species are often used as flagship species in conservation programs, as they are supposed to attract people's feelings more.[1] However, being charismatic does not protect species against extinction: all of the 10 most charismatic species are currently endangered, and only the giant panda shows a demographic growth from an extremely small population.[4]

Beginning early in the 20th century, efforts to reintroduce extirpated charismatic megafauna to ecosystems have been an interest of a number of private and non-government conservation organizations.[5] Species have been reintroduced from captive breeding programs in zoos, such as the European bison to Poland's Białowieża Forest.[6] These and other reintroductions of charismatic megafauna, such as Przewalski's horse to Mongolia, have been to areas of limited, and often patchy range compared to the historic ranges of the respective species.[7]

Environmental activists and proponents of ecotourism seek to use the leverage provided by charismatic and well-known species to achieve more subtle and far-reaching goals in species and biodiversity conservation.[citation needed] By directing public attention to the diminishing numbers of giant panda due to habitat loss, for example, conservation groups can raise support for the protection of the panda and for the entire ecosystem of which it is a part.[citation needed] (The giant panda is portrayed in the logo of the World Wide Fund for Nature.) Taxonomic bias

Charismatic megafauna may be subject to taxonomic inflation, in that taxonomists will declare a subspecies to be a species because of the advocacy benefits of a unique species, rather than because of new scientific evidence.[8] The public's preference to identify with species sold through the ecotourism industry may be a factor for creating taxonomic inflation.[8] In the public perception, ecotourism may be about seeing species, and the number of unique species increases the perceived biodiversity and tourism value of an area.[9][10] A correlation may exist between the taxonomic bias in biodiversity datasets and the charisma of terrestrial megafauna, with the more charismatic species being largely over-reported.[11] See also

   Bambi effect


Ducarme, Frédéric; Luque, Gloria M.; Courchamp, Franck (2013). "What are "charismatic species" for conservation biologists ?" (PDF). BioSciences Master Reviews. 10: 1–8. Retrieved 19 December 2013. Kaufman, Donald G.; Franz, Cecilia M. (2000). Biosphere 2000: Protecting Our Global Environment. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. p. 342. (ISBN 978-0-7872-5713-2). "Penguins in peril". The Guardian. The Guardian. 1999. Courchamp, F.; Jaric, I.; Albert, C.; Meinard, Y.; Ripple, W. J.; Chapron, G. (2018). "The paradoxical extinction of the most charismatic animals". PLOS Biology. 16 (4): e2003997. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2003997. Miller, C. R.; Waits, L. P.; Joyce, P. (2006). "Phylogeography and mitochondrial diversity of extirpated brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in the contiguous United States and Mexico". Molecular Ecology. 15 (14): 4477–4485. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2006.03097.x. PMID 17107477. Mysterud, A.; Bartoń, K. A.; Jędrzejewska, B.; Krasiński, Z. A.; Niedziałkowska, M.; Kamler, J. F.; Yoccoz, N. G.; Stenseth, N. C. (2007). "Population ecology and conservation of endangered megafauna: the case of European bison in Białowiez'a Primeval Forest, Poland". Animal Conservation. 10 (1): 77–87. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1795.2006.00075.x. Rugenstein, Dustin R.; Rubenstein, Daniel I.; Sherman, Paul W.; Gavin, Thomas A. (2006). "Pleistocene Park: Does re-wilding North America represent sound conservation for the 21st century?". Biological Conservation. 132 (2): 232–238. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2006.04.003. "Species inflation: Hail Linnaeus", The Economist, May 17, 2007 Higham, James (2007). Critical Issues in Ecotourism: understanding a complex tourism phenomenon. Butterworth-Heinemann. pp. 76–77. (ISBN 0-7506-6878-4). Weaver, D. (2002). Ecotourism. John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd. p. 113. (ISBN 0-471-42230-4).

   Monsarrat, S.; Kerley, G.I.H (2018). "Charismatic species of the past: Biases in reporting of large mammals in historical written sources". Biological Conservation. 223: 68-75. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2018.04.036.

Further reading Petersen, Shannon (1999). "Congress and charismatic megafauna: a legislative history of the Endangered Species Act". Environmental Law. 29. Leader-Williams, N.; H. T. Dublin (2000). "Charismatic megafauna as 'flagship species'". In Entwistle, A. and N. Dunstone. Priorities for the Conservation of Mammalian Diversity: Has the Panda had its Day?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 53–81. (ISBN 0-521-77279-6). Goodwin, H.; N. Leader-Williams (2000). "Tourism and protected areas – distorting conservation priorities towards charismatic megafauna?". In Entwistle, A. and N. Dunstone. Priorities for the Conservation of Mammalian Biodiversity: Has the Panda had its Day?. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257–275. (ISBN 0-521-77279-6). Barney, Erin C.; Mintzes, Joel J.; Yen, Chiung-Fen (January 2005). "Assessing knowledge, attitudes, and behavior toward charismatic megafauna: The case of dolphins". The Journal of Environmental Education. 36 (2): 41–55. doi:10.3200/JOEE.36.2.41-55.

  1. « Le panda géant : tout un symbole ! », sur (consulté le )