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--Salebot (bot de maintenance) (d) 15 avril 2020 à 06:57 (CEST)[répondre]

Yo watch the movie Anna from 2015 and you're gonna see that i am not a liar, Olivier Aubin-Mercier is my favorite fighter since 2013 and i've seen this movie many times and he also talk about this movie and the scene he played in his youtube podcast The Canadian Gangster Podcast(proof#1)

and you can see the scene here(proof#2):

And he is also credited in the generic(proof#3) so booom !

And he's in the imdb cast(proof#4):

Why I would like to lie on that, what's the point, im not gonna win anything, you blocked me but i was right, he really played in this movie. You're wrong, im right !

Message for Jusdafax[modifier le code]

Yo watch the movie Anna from 2015 and you're gonna see that i am not a liar, Olivier Aubin-Mercier is my favorite fighter since 2013 and i've seen this movie many times and he also talk about this movie and the scene he played in his podcast the canadian gangster padcast(proof#1) on youtube. you can see the scene here(proof#2):

Yo watch the movie Anna from 2015 and you're gonna see that i am not a liar, Olivier Aubin-Mercier is my favorite fighter since 2013 and i've seen this movie many times and he also talk about this movie and the scene he played in his podcast the canadian gangster padcast(proof#1) on youtube. you can see the scene here(proof#2):

I was right ![modifier le code]

Yo watch the movie Anna from 2015 and you're gonna see that i am not a liar, Olivier Aubin-Mercier is my favorite fighter since 2013 and i've seen this movie many times and he also talk about this movie and the scene he played in his youtube podcast The Canadian Gangster Podcast(proof#1)

and you can see the scene here(proof#2):

And he is also credited in the generic(proof#3) so booom !

Why I would like to lie on that, what's the point, im not gonna win anything, you blocked me but i was right, he really played in this movie, he is not in that imdb casting because he's not actor, but a fighter and he don,t speak in the movie but he fight, so he play in the movie ! You're wrong, im right ! And im gonna expose that on youtube, i have videos with 80 000 views so... hope wiki is not gonna shut down...

Concernant votre demande de restauration de la page Olvier aubin-mercier really played in Anna from 2015[modifier le code]


Ceci est un message automatique vous avertissant que votre demande de restauration pour Olvier aubin-mercier really played in Anna from 2015 a été refusée. Afin d'en voir les détails, cliquez ici. Ce lien restera actif durant une semaine à compter du 15 avril 2020 à 08:21 (CEST).

Distribué par ZéroBot, le 15 avril 2020 à 10:01 (CEST)[répondre]

For your information it already exists Olivier Aubin-Mercier. --Yanik B 15 avril 2020 à 13:18 (CEST)[répondre]

Concernant votre demande de restauration de la page Je me suis fait blocké pour rien, je ne ment pas du tout[modifier le code]


Ceci est un message automatique vous avertissant que votre demande de restauration pour Je me suis fait blocké pour rien, je ne ment pas du tout a été refusée. Afin d'en voir les détails, cliquez ici. Ce lien restera actif durant une semaine à compter du 16 avril 2020 à 00:31 (CEST).

Distribué par ZéroBot, le 16 avril 2020 à 02:01 (CEST)[répondre]