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Hello, I am new to Wikipedia, but am eager to learn more about it.

I am researching an female artist named MISS MARY JETT FRANKLIN, who was born in 1842 in Athens, Georgia USA, and died there in 1928. She studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (PAFA) in Philadelphia, starting in 1859, then returning after the Civil War was over.

In 1889 she got a U.S. passport and traveled to Europe, settling in Paris where she attended the Academie Collorossi. She exhibited frequently in the Salon de Champs de Mars, and the Salon de les Independentes. and several national exhibitions until World War I broke out in 1914. She returned to Athens for a time, then sailed for Paris in 1916 (even before the war was over!), where she stayed until 1921. She returned to Athens for the rest of her life, except a brief visit to France in the spring of 1924.

Her paintings are signed MARY FRANKLIN and often have a location on the next line. (See example below)

Signature of Miss Mary Franklin, Tunis (ca 1913)
Signature of Miss Mary Franklin, Tunis (ca 1913)

I am working on a catalogue raisonnne of her art works, based on research started by my late mother Mary Bondurant Warren of Athens, Georgia. I would very much like to hear from anyone who has seen or owns any of Miss Franklin's artworks. We believe most of them were sold in Europe, as she had to support herself.

Thank you for helping us to find her lost art! eve