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>I am curious...I had understood Erik made the webshop and was maintaining it. From your answers, I think I may have been wrong. Perhaps was it a common activity ?

Maybe you understood Erik wrong. He was involved in transfering the money for printing the WR Internet.

> Who set it ? (I ask this for the bio)

You mean installation and enhancement? Me. But the software is from

> Are you clearly the main contact for it ? It is important, because I intend to make it more proeminent on the website. Also, if you maintain it, could you perhaps quickly explain the current status of it ? (such as, how much was sold, which items met success and which none at all). Also, how much profit is there on each article, and do we have an estimate of shipping costs ?

Yes I'm the main contact. The shop is working fine and waiting for other sellers to put there products in. Sales could be better, but I've started some advertising on Google and other pages.

> I ask you because it was mentionned that items from the webshop could be either "offered" or proposed with a discount for members (those paying 60 dollars). I am not favorable to a "free" item, because with the shipping costs, I think we might lose a good deal of the membership due. Plus offering a present by default is maybe not the best idea. Of course, we might offer (but not force) the item and the shipping costs be for the member to pay. But that is not so nice a present :-)

Seems like I have to explain some stuff:
The shop is open for every seller. additionally I've put wikimedia into it as seller too, a good method to collect donations (~340 Euros right now).
Personally I've set the price for the WikiReader Internet as low as possible, rose it only by 50 cent because of the bad sales. Harko has a very different thinking about the pricing, although 5 euro for the WR Schweden is still low.
So, if you want to have some reduced stuff for the Foundation Member either have the Foundation produce stuff (like the WR Internet is more or less, btw: It's reduced by 1 euro for all ~600 authors) and sell it for a reducedprice to memebers. I'd gladly continue to do so.

> However, a discount of webshop items might be an idea.

> > In a similar fashion (and admitedly, I am more interested in this option), I think we might propose for members to purchase a wikireader with a discount. I think most heavy editors would like to have such one for memory and pride. I would have loved to have one of the first wikireader myself. I only saw the german one Angela had in France. I certainly intend to buy the first french one... even a totally ininteresting topic :-)
It is something quite common that members of an association who edit things have a discount on the edited items.

Some additions: I guess only ~40 - 50 of the sold WikiReaders (I think I've sold ~340 right now) went to authors. Might it be because not everyone has heard of yet (a newsletter to every registered user would be fine...) but I had expected more than that.

> I also personnaly believe more in wikireaders on specific topics than full encyclopedia, which can only be on computers. There is a special treat in holding paper and putting it in our bookshelf :-) Could you remind me how many wikireaders you printed, how much were sold, how much they were sold, how much you kept yourself, and what is the deal with refunds to the foundation ? How do you measure the success (or failure) of the experiment ?

1050 printed only about 340 sold, still getting the money for 100 copies from to resellers.

> Would you be interested in trying to maintain a list of all wikireaders proposed, in progress, in print, printed, out of print; in all languages, on meta ?

We essentially need to build

  • a central page on meta (this one already exist)
  • a network of all languages pages on the topic (with links to and fro the meta page)
  • list of all wikireaders and their status; link to download if relevant
  • perhaps short summary of what is in the wikireader
  • links to purchase place(s)
  • various informations about costs, printing issues and such.

Would you be interested in doing this ? Do you need someone to help you and do you know of someone who would be interested otherwise ?

I don't think that we need a detailed list on meta. I prefer a short one with links to the langauges.

What I'd prefer is a kind of wishlist where you not only can wish a specific reader but also pre-order it to give the editor and publisher more savety about how many copies he should make.

> For information, some french people are trying to slowly explore the topic as well. In particular in astronomy.
By the way, who has the legal responsability over the content in the printed edition ?

The main editor I fear, me for the WikiReader Internet.

> I am interested for several reasons : first because I act as the treasurer for the Foundation right now, so I need to understand how much may possibly be received later on

you mean the 3.200 Euro I've got from the foundation for the WR Internet?

I hope to pay it back as soon as the Readers are sold.


  • to see how/if we could propose more items for sale, and items in other languages
  • if best to centralize all this or not
  • how to set prices
  • also we may have a little logo copyright issue at hand

So here is the memory I have (correct me if I am wrong). You set the webshop and organised the publication of the two wikireaders.

one, the WikiReader Internet

> I do not know who set the production of the tee-shirts... did you ?

That's Harko. It's quite a good price btw.

> From the account, I see there are 4 sellers > One sell nothing

oh, my mistake. Will delete it soon.

> One (you) sell wikireaders, tee shirts and can recieve donations One (foundation) can receive donations (or these immediately sent to the WMF bank account ?) One (german verein) can seel one wikireader (why not both ?)

all wrong ;-)

> Could you for any item listed as Tom seller (ie, tee-shirts and wikireaders) remind me

  • how much each of the item is sold
  • how much are the cost for production for each item
  • how much are the plain benefits per item (I dont know if there are some processing fees somewhere)
  • and of the plain benefits, how much do you plan to donate the

foundation, or how much do you plan to donate to the german association ? Or do you plan to donate at all ?

Of the WikiReader Internet I keep 1 Euro per Sale. Right now about 70 cent are left and will be paid to the foundation.

> I remember the WMF lend you some money for the production. Could you remind me how much it was ? Was it only for one wikireader or both ? Did it covered everything or did you have additional costs to suport yourself ? If so, did you enter your costs yet ?

3.200 Euros for one WikiReader. I had addtional costs because paypal ate some money and I had to pay taxes and get package material. I have entered my costs already.

> How is it planned to pay back the WMF for the costs ? Was there some deadline ? Or after only a certain number of items are sold ? Is it planned that just the costs will be reimbursed or will you give a benefit ?

No deadline. Have to sell more fo the WikiReaders. If all get sold there will be a small benefit, but the primary idea was no benefit but asking for and additional donation (works quite good I can tell).

> Hmmm, so that you know, there are some discussions about publications of CD/DVD versions (by an external editor, who will take care of the distribution), and we are wondering as well, how much should be donated to the WMF for each item sold.

Afaik this one will be attached to a PC Magazine, so no donation but some fame. As soon as the CD-edition is stable I (or someone else interested, one for each country/language) will offer it in the shop as CD-on-demand.

> The Wikireader purchase prices are quite low indeed.

Thank you. My plan was below 5 Euro which I made (production is 3,43 per copy) but had to rise to refund the money faster. I'm already thinking about rising the price again if the foundation really needs the money.

> Also, the french future association is planning to get some tee shirts printed, and admittedly, the selling value suggested by fr is far above your tee-shirt value. Compared to Eloquence teeshirt price and given that there is a refund of 5 dollars for each item to the foundation, I guess your prices in euros are quite similar to Erik ones in dollars. But, do you keep all the benefits for the tee shirt sales or does the foundation gets some ?

T-Shirts are Harkos thing. I don't know if he wants to donate anything.

You should ask him if he can print some 50 shirts and send it to you.


  • with two sellers, so I understood, correct me if I am wrong. Right now, there is
    • a Wikimedia sellers -> who collect donations;
    • and Tom seller, who sell tee-shirt and readers; you collect money;

take a bit for you and give a bit for the foundation. Am I correct here  ?

There's also Harwin Rohde (Harko) from Berlin who is selling the WR Schweden.

> You say that any seller could be added. Would that be necessarily a different adress, or are the sellers mixed in the shop ? In this case, how do we identify which benefits go to who ? Only in the text going along the items ?

All can be handled in a single shop, we didn't have any problems with that yet and sure won't. I prefer it because the customer may find other interesting things.

> Yes, I agree that a newletter to all registered users might be a god idea.

I should discuss that on wikide-l maybe.

> >What I'd prefer is a kind of wishlist where you not only can wish a specific reader but also pre-order it to give the editor and publisher more savety about how many copies he should make.

> Hmmm, the main thing I can think of, is mostly to publish wikireaders with a specific goal in mind. And the goal does not necessarily takes into account ""editors"", but mostly usage of the future wikireader. In short, we should probably not make one, just for the sake of making one, but for along a specific intent. For example, if there is an Earth Summit, that makes sense to publish a whole set about sustainable development.

And only print it if we have sold enough by pre-orders to keep the risk low.

> Another example might be to have an edition co-financed by a grant (for example, the National Geographic might agree to give funds to have an wikireader produced on ecoregion).

>>Just publishing a wikireader on astronomy, because there are many articles ready to make the reader interesting, but with no specific selling goals in mind...seems quite hazardous imho.

You can publish an online-WikiReader. We have many of those one de:. I've even started a weekly edition (missed the last one already ;-( A PDF should be fine for most people with a laptop or handheld.

If you look at the webalizer stats you can see that some success: Stats are Aug 1st to Aug 3rd, only three days.

  • 178 0.00% 141294 0.25%


  • 26 0.00% 9210 0.02%


  • 22 0.00% 5886 0.01%


  • 16 0.00% 15637 0.03%


  • 11 0.00% 4526 0.01%


  • 7 0.00% 839 0.00%


>What amount was given for the wikireader printing ?

I would have to look up the exact amount, but 3,300 Euros.

>was he supposed to give back the money lent ?

The purpose was to pay for the wikireaders. The money was expressly not a loan. So the readers belong to the foundation.

>was it supposed to generate benefits ?



  • has the foundation received any money from it so far?


  • have you any data of what was sold in the webshop?

in july : 1050 printed only about 340 sold

  • no clear status of the webshop, no control of what tom is doing...