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World Day for the End of Fishing

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World Day for the End of Fishing (Journée Mondiale pour la fin de la pêche, JMFP) is an international day calling for the end of fishing in all its forms. The first edition was held for the first time on March 25, 2017 in several cities around the world. Subsequent editions will be held on the last Saturday in March each year.

The initiative was created by the Swiss association Pour l'égalité animale (PEA), notably under the initiative of Yves Bonnardel.

In 2017, for the first World Day for the End of Fishing, events were held in Lorient, France1,2 and around the world in Geneva3, Lausanne (Switzerland)4, Brussels, Namur, Charleroi (Belgium), Paris, Valence, Lyon, Lille, Montpellier, Saint Malo, Rennes (France), Montreal and Toronto (Canada)5, Stuttgart, Vogelsberg, Siegen, Hannover, Göttingen, Hamburg, Berlin (Germany), Lisbon (Portugal), Tel Aviv, Haifa (Israel), Melbourne (Australia), San Diego and Monterey Bay (United States).6

A forum was published in the French newspaper Libération to announce the demands of the JMFP7.

In 2018, the event was celebrated in Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Windsor and Winnipeg, Canada, but also in Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Peru, Sweden, the United States, Germany, Japan, Brazil, France, Italy, Denmark, Mexico, Panama and the United Kingdom.8

In 2018, an open letter signed by dozens of philosophers and scientists, including Stevan Harnad, Peter Singer and Will Kymlicka, was published in the New Literary Magazine to mark World Day for the End of Fishing.9

Notes and references

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