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Telepro[modifier | modifier le code]

Telepro is a weekly Francophone magazine published in Belgium that offers programmes of 100 Belgian and foreign television channels broadcasted in the country.

History[modifier | modifier le code]

Telepro was created by two students in 1954 as a non-profit organization. They started with handouts before printing a few hundred of copies of the magazine. The successful diffusion of the magazine begins in the 1970s as well as the development of cable operators in Belgium.

Since 1994, Télépro has been published by Belgomedia, a limited company owned 50% by the French publisher Bayard Presse and 50% by the Belgian publisher Roularta.

Description[modifier | modifier le code]

Telepro is a maintream and a family weekly television magazine with an editorial line designed to be directed to all and notto offend any convictions. It contains a TV guide as well as a guide to practical life at home. It is the only Belgian TV magazine to "design" its programme schedules internally, from input to layout, while its competitors resort to agencies specialised in the supply of TV programmes.

The first part of the magazine is reserved for the news of the week, TV appointments and "people" sections. The second part is the TV guide and the third part is dedicated to the practical, leisure and wellness sections.

You can also find Telepro on the internet.

Télépro is also developing special editions: "Détente JEUX" (2 times a year), "Délices CUISINE" (2 times a year) and "Destins de STAR" (2 times a year) as well as cultural products (dvd, cd, books, ...).

Circulation[modifier | modifier le code]

In 2011, the paid circulation was of 135,229 copies, 70% of which were delivered by mail subscriptions.

Télépro is the second largest weekly magazine in Francophone Belgium in terms of paid circulation. The magazine had 438,200 readers in 2010-2011 (Media Information Centre), a family readership, mostly Francophone.

33% of the circulation is in the province of Liège, 17.8% in Brussels and Walloon Brabant, 24% in the province of Hainaut, 12% in the province of Namur, 9% in the province of Luxembourg and the remaining 4.2% in Flanders.