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Utilisateur:Roland45/Script VBA

Une page de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro enregistrée le 05/04/2020 par ROLAND
Dim i As Integer
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
Dim IEDoc As HTMLDocument
Dim InputWPZoneTexte As HTMLInputElement
Dim InputWPBouton As HTMLInputElement
Dim InputWPSave As Object

Ligne = 1
LigneRef = 114
LigneGeoloc = 50
LigneComEval = 60
LigneComRattach = 60
BureauCentr = Sheets("Code").Cells(23, 6)

iDebut = Sheets("Code").Cells(30, 2)
iFin = Sheets("Code").Cells(31, 2)

For i = iDebut To iFin

    Sheets("Code").Cells(2, 3) = i
    NbCantons = 1

    Sheets("Code").Cells(6, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 1)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 3)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(8, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 4)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(9, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 5)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(10, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 7)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(11, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 8)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(12, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 9)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(13, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 10)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 11)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 13)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 14)
    Sheets("Code").Cells(22, 2) = Sheets("COM2020").Cells(i, 15)

    CodeDEP = Sheets("Code").Cells(12, 2)              ' recherche nom Dep
    For k = 2 To 101
        If Sheets("DEP").Cells(k, 2) = CodeDEP Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(12, 3) = Sheets("DEP").Cells(k, 5)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(12, 4) = Sheets("DEP").Cells(k, 8)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(12, 5) = Sheets("DEP").Cells(k, 3)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(23, 2) = Sheets("DEP").Cells(k, 11)
            k = 101
        End If
    Next k
    CodeREG = Sheets("Code").Cells(13, 2)              ' recherche nom région
    For k = 2 To 19
        If Sheets("REGION").Cells(k, 1) = CodeREG Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(13, 3) = Sheets("REGION").Cells(k, 4)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(27, 3) = Sheets("REGION").Cells(k, 5)
            k = 19
        End If
    Next k

    CodeEPCI = Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 2)              ' recherche nom EPCI
    For k = 1 To 1255
        If Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 1) = CodeEPCI Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 3) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 7)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 4) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 8)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 5) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 11)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(15, 2) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 16)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(15, 3) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 14)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(15, 4) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 4)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(15, 5) = Sheets("EPCI2020").Cells(k, 15)
            k = 1255
        End If
    Next k

    CodeARR = Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 2)              ' recherche nom arrondissement
    For k = 1 To 332
        If Sheets("ARR").Cells(k, 1) = CodeARR Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 3) = Sheets("ARR").Cells(k, 4)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 4) = Sheets("ARR").Cells(k, 3)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 5) = Sheets("ARR").Cells(k, 5)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 5) = Sheets("ARR").Cells(k, 2)
            k = 332
        End If
    Next k
    CodeCANTON = Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 2)              ' recherche nom canton
    For k = 1 To 2055
        If Sheets("CANTON").Cells(k, 1) = CodeCANTON Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 3) = Sheets("CANTON").Cells(k, 4)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 4) = Sheets("CANTON").Cells(k, 5)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 5) = Sheets("CANTON").Cells(k, 11)
            k = 2055
        End If
    Next k
      For k = 1 To 2353                                 ' recherche nom du bureau centralisateur du canton
        If Sheets("CANTON-BC").Cells(k, 8) = Sheets("Code").Cells(20, 2) Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(18, 4) = Sheets("CANTON-BC").Cells(k, 6)
            k = 2353
        End If
    Next k
  CodeInsee = Sheets("Code").Cells(6, 2)                                          ' recherche nom circonscription
    For k = 1 To 37536
        If Sheets("CIRC").Cells(k, 1) = CodeInsee Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(19, 2) = Sheets("CIRC").Cells(k, 5)
            k = 37536
        End If
    Next k
   CodeCIRC = Sheets("Code").Cells(19, 3)
       For k = 1 To 577
        If Sheets("CIRC-Liste").Cells(k, 3) = CodeCIRC Then
            Sheets("Code").Cells(19, 4) = Sheets("CIRC-Liste").Cells(k, 4)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(19, 5) = Sheets("CIRC-Liste").Cells(k, 5)
            k = 577
        End If
    Next k

    ' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RECUPERATION des données Meta en cas de cantons multiples   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


If Sheets("Code").Cells(18, 2) > 70 Then

    CodeMeta = Sheets("Code").Cells(22, 2)

   With Sheets("PageRecup").QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
        "URL;" & CodeInsee & "-" & CodeMeta, Destination:=Sheets("PageRecup").Range("A1"))
        .Name = "index"
        .FieldNames = True
        .RowNumbers = False
        .FillAdjacentFormulas = False
        .PreserveFormatting = True
        .RefreshOnFileOpen = False
        .BackgroundQuery = True
        .RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells
        .SavePassword = False
        .SaveData = True
        .AdjustColumnWidth = True
        .RefreshPeriod = 0
        .WebSelectionType = xlEntirePage
        .WebFormatting = xlWebFormattingNone
        .WebPreFormattedTextToColumns = True
        .WebConsecutiveDelimitersAsOne = True
        .WebSingleBlockTextImport = False
        .WebDisableDateRecognition = False
        .WebDisableRedirections = False
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With

    a = 16
    For Ligne = 100 To 300
        If Left(Sheets("PageRecup").Cells(Ligne, 1), 11) = "Canton(s) :" Then
        LigneDeb = Ligne
        Ligne = 300
        End If
    Next Ligne
              For k = 1 To 5
                If Sheets("PageRecup").Cells(LigneDeb + k, 1) <> "" Then
                a = a + 1
                Sheets("Code").Cells(a, 7) = Sheets("PageRecup").Cells(LigneDeb + k, 1)
                NbCantons = k - 1
                k = 5
                End If
              Next k
    Sheets("Code").Cells(18, 3) = NbCantons
    'MsgBox (NbCantons)
    For k = 1 To NbCantons
        Pos1 = InStr(Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 7), "(")
        Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 9) = Left(Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 7), Pos1 - 2)

        Pos2 = InStr(Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 7), ")")
        Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 10) = Mid(Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 7), Pos1 + 1, 4)

    Next k
      For k = 1 To NbCantons
        For a = 1 To 2055
            If Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 10) = Sheets("CANTON").Cells(a, 1) Then
                Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 11) = Sheets("CANTON").Cells(a, 5)
                Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + k, 12) = Sheets("CANTON").Cells(a, 6)
                a = 2055
            End If
        Next a
      Next k
 End If
    NomWPCommune = Sheets("Code").Cells(8, 2)
    NomCodeCommune = Sheets("Code").Cells(9, 2)
    CodeArticle = Sheets("Code").Cells(25, 2)
    CommuneNouvelle = Sheets("Code").Cells(24, 2)


    IE.Navigate "" & NomCodeCommune & "&action=edit"
    IE.Visible = False
    WaitIE IE
    Set IEDoc = IE.Document
    Set InputWPZoneTexte = IEDoc.all("wpTextbox1")
    Set InputWPResume = IEDoc.all("wpSummary")
    TexteWP = InputWPZoneTexte.Value
    jfin = Len(TexteWP)

    'MsgBox (jfin)


 ' XXXXXXX Recherche éventuelles références
  For j = 1 To jfin
 If Mid(TexteWP, j, 7) = "Infobox" Then
 ka = j
 Infoboxa = 1
 j = jfin
 End If
 Next j
 If Infoboxa = 1 Then
    For j = ka To jfin
        If Mid(TexteWP, j, 2) = "}}" Then
            kb = j
            j = jfin
        End If
    Next j
    For j = ka To kb
        If Mid(TexteWP, j, 4) = "<ref" Then
            LigneRef = LigneRef + 1
            Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneRef, 10) = Sheets("Code").Cells(6, 2)
            Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneRef, 11) = Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2)

            GoTo FinCode
            j = kb
        End If
    Next j

 End If

    ' XXXXXXX Intercommunalité
TestInfobox = 0
 TestGeoloc = 0
 InfoboxTest = 0
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "|intercomm"
    Txt2 = Chr(10) & " | intercomm"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "| intercomm"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & " |intercomm"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
 InfoboxIntercom = 0
 For j = 1 To jfin
 If Mid(TexteWP, j, 11) = "| intercomm" Then
 k0 = j
 InfoboxIntercom = 1
 j = jfin
 End If
 Next j
 If InfoboxIntercom = 1 Then
    For j = k0 To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
    kDeb = j + 1
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j

    For j = kDeb To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
    kFin = j
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j
    TxtIntercomm1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, kFin - k0)
 '   If Left(TxtIntercomm1, 1) <> " " Then
  '  TxtIntercomm1 = " " & TxtIntercomm1
 '   End If
    If Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2) = Sheets("Code").Cells(15, 5) Then        ' test si la commune est siège de l'intercom
    TxtIntercomm2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(58, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 4) & Sheets("Code").Cells(24, 6)
    TxtIntercomm2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(58, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(14, 4)
    End If
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtIntercomm1, TxtIntercomm2)
 End If

 ' XXXXXXX Canton
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "|canton"
    Txt2 = Chr(10) & " | canton"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "| canton"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & " |canton"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)

 InfoboxCanton = 0
 For j = 1 To jfin
 If Mid(TexteWP, j, 8) = "| canton" Then
 k0 = j
 InfoboxCanton = 1
 j = jfin
 End If
 Next j
 If InfoboxCanton = 1 Then
    For j = k0 To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
    kDeb = j + 1
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j

    For j = kDeb To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
    kFin = j
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j
    TxtCanton1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, kFin - k0)

    If NbCantons = 1 Then
        If Sheets("Code").Cells(18, 4) = Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2) Then
            TxtCanton2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(52, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 5) & BureauCentr ' test si la commune est bureau centralisateur du canton
            TxtCanton2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(52, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(17, 5)
        End If
        If Sheets("Code").Cells(18, 4) = Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2) Then
            TxtCanton2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(52, 1) & " " & "Bureau centralisateur des cantons de "
            TxtCanton2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(52, 1) & " " & "Cantons de "
        End If
        For a = 1 To NbCantons - 1
            If NbCantons > 2 Then
            TxtCanton2 = TxtCanton2 & Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + a, 11) & ", de "
            TxtCanton2 = TxtCanton2 & Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + a, 11)
            End If
        Next a
        TxtCanton2 = TxtCanton2 & " et de " & Sheets("Code").Cells(16 + NbCantons, 11)
    End If

        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtCanton1, TxtCanton2)

 End If
 jfin = Len(TexteWP)
  ' XXXXXXX Circonscription législative
InfoboxCirc = 0
 For j = 1 To jfin
 If Mid(TexteWP, j, 29) = "| circonscription législative" Then
 k0 = j
 InfoboxCirc = 1
 j = jfin
 End If
 Next j
If InfoboxCirc = 0 Then
 Txt1 = TxtCanton2
 TxtCirc = TxtCanton2 & Chr(10) & Sheets("Code").Cells(29, 10)
 TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, TxtCirc)
jfin = Len(TexteWP)
End If
  ' XXXXXXX Arrondissement

    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "|arron"
    Txt2 = Chr(10) & " | arron"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "| arron"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & " |arron"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)

 InfoboxArron = 0
 For j = 1 To jfin
 If Mid(TexteWP, j, 16) = "| arrondissement" Then
 k0 = j
 InfoboxArron = 1
 j = jfin
 End If
 Next j
 If InfoboxArron = 1 Then
    For j = k0 To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
    kDeb = j + 1
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j

    For j = kDeb To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
    kFin = j
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j
    TxtArron1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, kFin - k0)
    TxtArron2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(51, 1) & Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 5)
        If Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 5) = Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2) Then
            TxtArron2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(51, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 5) & "<br/><small>([[chef-lieu]])</small>"
            TxtArron2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(51, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(16, 5)
        End If

    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtArron1, TxtArron2)

 End If

    jfin = Len(TexteWP)

  ' XXXXXXX Géoloc
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "|géoloc"
    Txt2 = Chr(10) & " | géoloc"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "| géoloc"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & " |géoloc"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)

 InfoboxGeoloc = 0
 For j = 1 To jfin
 If Mid(TexteWP, j, 20) = "| géoloc-département" Then
 InfoboxGeoloc = 1
 k0 = j
 j = jfin
 End If
 Next j
 If InfoboxGeoloc = 1 Then                              ' Cas où il y a un paramètre de géolocalisation
    For j = k0 To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
    kDeb = j + 1
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j

    For j = kDeb To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
    kFin = j
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j
    TxtGeoloc1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, kFin - k0)
        PosAccolade = 0                                 ' Test si les accolades fermantes de l'Infobox sont précédées d'un renvoi à la ligne
        PosAccolade = InStr(TxtGeoloc1, "}")
        If PosAccolade <> 0 Then
        TxtGeoloc1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, PosAccolade - 1)
        End If
    TxtGeoloc2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(68, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(27, 4)
        If PosAccolade <> 0 Then
        TxtGeoloc2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(68, 1) & " " & Sheets("Code").Cells(27, 4) & Chr(10)
        End If

    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtGeoloc1, TxtGeoloc2)

 Else                                                   ' Cas où il n'y a pas de paramètre de géolocalisation

        Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneGeoloc, 13) = Sheets("Code").Cells(6, 2)
        Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneGeoloc, 14) = Sheets("Code").Cells(7, 2)

 End If
  ' XXXXXXXXXXX Paramètres Légende et légende blason et légende drapeau

    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "|légende"
    Txt2 = Chr(10) & " | légende"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "| légende"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & " |légende"
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)

    InfoboxLegende = 0                                          ' recherche présence éventuelle 1ère légende
    For j = 1 To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 9) = "| légende" Then
    InfoboxLegende = 1
    k0 = j
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j
    If InfoboxLegende = 1 Then
        For j = k0 To jfin
            If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
                k1 = j + 1
                j = jfin
            End If
        Next j
        For j = k1 To jfin
            If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
                kFin1 = j
                j = jfin
            End If
        Next j

       TxtLegende1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, kFin1 - k0)
       TxtLegende1_Fin = Mid(TexteWP, k1, kFin1 - k1)
               If Mid(TxtLegende1, 10, 2) = " b" Then
                    TxtLegende2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(48, 1) & TxtLegende1_Fin
                    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1, TxtLegende2)
                ElseIf Mid(TxtLegende1, 10, 2) = " d" Then
                    TxtLegende2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(76, 1) & TxtLegende1_Fin
                    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1, TxtLegende2)
                    TxtLegende2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(46, 1) & TxtLegende1_Fin
                    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1, TxtLegende2)
                End If
                jfin = Len(TexteWP)

        InfoboxLegende2 = 0
        For j = k1 To jfin                                          ' recherche présence éventuelle 2ème légende
            If Mid(TexteWP, j, 9) = "| légende" Then
                InfoboxLegende2 = 1
                k2 = j
                j = jfin
            End If
        Next j

            If InfoboxLegende2 = 1 Then
                For j = k2 To jfin
                    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
                        k3 = j + 1
                        j = jfin
                    End If
                Next j

        For j = k3 To jfin
            If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
                kFin1b = j
                j = jfin
            End If
        Next j

                TxtLegende1b = Mid(TexteWP, k2, kFin1b - k2)
                TxtLegende1b_Fin = Mid(TexteWP, k3, kFin1b - k3)

                    If Mid(TxtLegende1b, 10, 2) = " b" Then
                        TxtLegende2b = Sheets("Code").Cells(48, 1) & TxtLegende1b_Fin
                        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1b, TxtLegende2b)
                    ElseIf Mid(TxtLegende1b, 10, 2) = " d" Then
                        TxtLegende2b = Sheets("Code").Cells(76, 1) & TxtLegende1b_Fin
                        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1b, TxtLegende2b)
                        TxtLegende2b = Sheets("Code").Cells(46, 1) & TxtLegende1b_Fin
                        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1b, TxtLegende2b)
                    End If
            End If
            jfin = Len(TexteWP)
        InfoboxLegende3 = 0
        For j = k1 To jfin                                          ' recherche présence éventuelle 3ème légende
            If Mid(TexteWP, j, 9) = "| légende" Then
                InfoboxLegende3 = 1
                k4 = j
                j = jfin
            End If
        Next j

            If InfoboxLegende3 = 1 Then
                For j = k4 To jfin
                    If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
                        k5 = j + 1
                        j = jfin
                    End If
                Next j

            For j = k5 To jfin
                If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = Chr(10) Then
                    kFin1c = j
                    j = jfin
                End If
            Next j
                TxtLegende1c = Mid(TexteWP, k4, kFin1c - k4)
                TxtLegende1c_Fin = Mid(TexteWP, k5, kFin1c - k5)

                    If Mid(TxtLegende1c, 10, 2) = " b" Then
                        TxtLegende2c = Sheets("Code").Cells(48, 1) & TxtLegende1c_Fin
                        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1c, TxtLegende2c)
                    ElseIf Mid(TxtLegende1b, 10, 2) = " d" Then
                        TxtLegende2c = Sheets("Code").Cells(76, 1) & TxtLegende1c_Fin
                        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1c, TxtLegende2c)
                        TxtLegende2c = Sheets("Code").Cells(46, 1) & TxtLegende1c_Fin
                        TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtLegende1c, TxtLegende2c)
                    End If
            End If

  End If
   jfin = Len(TexteWP)
 ' XXXXXXXXXXX Autres paramètres

For k = 46 To 70
param = Sheets("Code").Cells(k, 4)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "|" & param
    Txt2 = Chr(10) & " | " & param
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & "| " & param
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)
    Txt1 = Chr(10) & " |" & param
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, Txt1, Txt2)

    InfoboxParam = 0
    LonParam = Sheets("Code").Cells(k, 5) + 2
    For j = 1 To jfin
    If Mid(TexteWP, j, LonParam) = "| " & param Then
    InfoboxParam = 1
    k0 = j
    j = jfin
    End If
    Next j
    If InfoboxParam = 1 Then
        For j = k0 To jfin
            If Mid(TexteWP, j, 1) = "=" Then
                kDeb = j + 1
                j = jfin
            End If
        Next j

    LigneParam2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(k, 6)
    TxtParam1 = Mid(TexteWP, k0, kDeb - k0)
    If Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneParam2, 1) = "" Then
    TxtParam2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneParam2, 1) & Chr(10)
    TxtParam2 = Sheets("Code").Cells(LigneParam2, 1)
    End If
    TexteWP = Replace(TexteWP, TxtParam1, TxtParam2)
    End If

Next k

    ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Wait2 (3)


'       IE.Navigate ""
       IE.Navigate "" & NomCodeCommune & "&action=edit"
       IE.Visible = False
       WaitIE IE

       Set IEDoc = IE.Document
       Set InputWPZoneTexte = IEDoc.all("wpTextbox1")
        Set InputWPResume = IEDoc.all("wpSummary")
        InputWPZoneTexte.Value = TexteWP
        TxtResume = "Actualisation Infobox"

        InputWPResume.Value = TxtResume

        Set InputWPSave = IE.Document.getElementsByTagName("input")
        Set WpSave = InputWPSave.Item("wpSave")
        WpSave.Value = "Publier les modifications"
        Dim Connect As Object

        Set InputWp = IEDoc.all("wpSave")


        WaitIE IE
        Wait2 (3)
  '  End If


Next i

End Sub

Sub WaitIE(IE As InternetExplorer)
   'On boucle tant que la page n'est pas totalement chargée
   Do Until IE.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
   End Sub
Sub Wait2(length)

newHour = Hour(Now())
newMinute = Minute(Now())
newSecond = Second(Now()) + length
waitTime = TimeSerial(newHour, newMinute, newSecond)
Application.Wait waitTime

End Sub