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Ghalia Benali est une chanteuse d'origine Tunisienne. Elle est née en 1968 à Bruxelles de parents tunisiens. Elle passe toute son enfance en Tunisie, avant de revenir en Belgique en 1987 afin de poursuivre des études de graphisme. Pendant cette période, elle est en contact avec beaucoup de genres musicaux. Alors qu'elle se trouve loin de son pays, son premier élan est de retrouver les "moments de bonheur" qu'elle a connus pendant son enfance avec sa famille et ses amis. Au cours d'une de ses multiples soirées entre Tunisiens, animées en musique, chant et danse; elle rencontre Moufadhel Ardhoum, luthiste tunisien étudiant à Bruxelles, qui lui propose, un soir de 1996, de chanter à l'occasion d'un concert. La voix un peu rauque et sensuelle de Ghalia fait mouche et le public lui fait un triomphe. Cinq ans plus tard, en 2001, elle enregistre son premier album "Ghalia Benali & Timnaa" (Network), puis suivent "Romeo & Leila" (Kobalt Moon / Kultuurburo Link, 2006), Al Palna (Zimbraz/ Music & Words, 2008) avec la complicité du joueur de sitar belge Bert Cornelis, et enfin un quatrième album: Ghalia Benali sings Oum Kalthoum (Music & Words, 2010) en hommage à la grande diva égyptienne.

Ghalia Benali - at World Nomads Tunisia</ref>

Ghalia was born in Brussels in 1968. At the age of three she left with her family to the South of Tunisia where she continued her studies. As a kid, she sang and shows already on family happenings. Ghalia has a very artistic family that her early feeds with various poetry and music: French chansons; Egyptian and Indian Theatre music; melodies from Syria and Iraq and the ' tartil ', the Sung lectures from the Koran, and the particular poetry of Oum Kalthoum.

After her scientific training in Tunis, she returned to Brussels to study in St. Lucas ' Chart '. She decides to stay in Belgium and wants the melancholy of her children's paradise and happiness that they knew, with the public parts. By singing she finds contact with other rich and nice cultures. It is also a way for her to get to know themselves better and to find its right place within all these different emotions.She sang for the first time in the ' Amadeus ' in Brussels and was quickly invited to tours to Portugal and Andalusia, where they discovered the riches of flamenco. Ghalia sings with a separate expression and a strong sensuality, possesses a voice that touches you deeply.

Ghalia played in the meantime in the combinations Yoda, Nada, and Timnaa

They also created the Group Kafichanta and plays with her project "Romeo and Leila ' (about the impossible love between people from different cultures 2) concerts in Benelux, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, etc. In addition to the CD "Romeo & Leila ' brought them also an eponymous book with text and drawings of herself.

They later founded the group together with Bert Cornelis ' Al Palna '. Here Sings Ghalia Sufi texts on Indian-inspired music. Her magical voice and unique game fusing itself wonderfully to a sitar Bert's new sound, and their empathy makes that music rising up from deep meditative atmospheres to ecstatic heights. At the request of the Belgian national radio station Klara they took a CD that was released in 2008 by Music and Words.

With her latest project ' Ghalia Benali: meet with To K ' brings them a new CD in February 2010 at Music & Words. It is not intended to compete with the power and the voice of this diva, but would rather the overwhelming emotion of her deep and authentic songs again to life.

In addition to these projects she currently her work further by collaborating with artists such as "The Spy of Cairo ' and Mad Professor. She also makes numerous collages that they exhibited at home and abroad.

Elle a joué dans certains films commeTony Gatliff's Swing and La Saison des hommes by producer Mouffida Tlatli.