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# Metadata
'metadata' => 'Metadonnés',
'metadata-help' => 'Ce fichier contient des informations supplémentaires, vraisemblablement ajoutées par l'appareil numérique ou le scanner utilisé. Si le fichier a été modifié entre-temps, il est possible que certaines détails ne décrivent plus l'image dans sa dernière version.',
'metadata-expand' => 'Montrer les détails',
'metadata-collapse' => 'Cacher les détails',
'metadata-fields' => 'Les champs des métadonnées EXIF dont la liste est donnée dans ce massage seront inclus sur la page de présentation de l'image lorsque la table des métadonnées est cachée. Les autres seront cachées par défaut
* marque
* modèle
* date et heure
* temps d'exposition
* valeur d'ouverture
* longueur focale',

# Exif tags
'exif-imagewidth' =>'Largeur',
'exif-imagelength' =>'Hauteur',
'exif-bitspersample' =>'Bits per component',
'exif-compression' =>'Schéma de compression',
'exif-photometricinterpretation' =>'Composition des pixel ',
'exif-orientation' =>'Orientation',
'exif-samplesperpixel' =>'Number of components',
'exif-planarconfiguration' =>'Data arrangement',
'exif-ycbcrsubsampling' =>'Subsampling ratio of Y to C',
'exif-ycbcrpositioning' =>'Y and C positioning',
'exif-xresolution' =>'Horizontal resolution',
'exif-yresolution' =>'Vertical resolution',
'exif-resolutionunit' =>'Unit of X and Y resolution',
'exif-stripoffsets' =>'Image data location',
'exif-rowsperstrip' =>'Number of rows per strip',
'exif-stripbytecounts' =>'Bytes per compressed strip',
'exif-jpeginterchangeformat' =>'Offset to JPEG SOI',
'exif-jpeginterchangeformatlength' =>'Bytes of JPEG data',
'exif-transferfunction' =>'Transfer function',
'exif-whitepoint' =>'White point chromaticity',
'exif-primarychromaticities' =>'Chromaticities of primarities',
'exif-ycbcrcoefficients' =>'Color space transformation matrix coefficients',
'exif-referenceblackwhite' =>'Pair of black and white reference values',
'exif-datetime' =>'File change date and time',
'exif-imagedescription' =>'Image title',
'exif-make' =>'Camera manufacturer',
'exif-model' =>'Camera model',
'exif-software' =>'Software used',
'exif-artist' =>'Author',
'exif-copyright' =>'Copyright holder',
'exif-exifversion' =>'Exif version',
'exif-flashpixversion' =>'Supported Flashpix version',
'exif-colorspace' =>'Color space',
'exif-componentsconfiguration' =>'Meaning of each component',
'exif-compressedbitsperpixel' =>'Image compression mode',
'exif-pixelydimension' =>'Valid image width',
'exif-pixelxdimension' =>'Valind image height',
'exif-makernote' =>'Manufacturer notes',
'exif-usercomment' =>'User comments',
'exif-relatedsoundfile' =>'Related audio file',
'exif-datetimeoriginal' =>'Date and time of data generation',
'exif-datetimedigitized' =>'Date and time of digitizing',
'exif-subsectime' =>'DateTime subseconds',
'exif-subsectimeoriginal' =>'DateTimeOriginal subseconds',
'exif-subsectimedigitized' =>'DateTimeDigitized subseconds',
'exif-exposuretime' =>'Exposure time',
'exif-exposuretime-format' => '$1 sec ($2)',
'exif-fnumber' =>'F Number',
'exif-fnumber-format' =>'f/$1',
'exif-exposureprogram' =>'Exposure Program',
'exif-spectralsensitivity' =>'Spectral sensitivity',
'exif-isospeedratings' =>'ISO speed rating',
'exif-oecf' =>'Optoelectronic conversion factor',
'exif-shutterspeedvalue' =>'Shutter speed',
'exif-aperturevalue' =>'Aperture',
'exif-brightnessvalue' =>'Brightness',
'exif-exposurebiasvalue' =>'Exposure bias',
'exif-maxaperturevalue' =>'Maximum land aperture',
'exif-subjectdistance' =>'Subject distance',
'exif-meteringmode' =>'Metering mode',
'exif-lightsource' =>'Light source',
'exif-flash' =>'Flash',
'exif-focallength' =>'Lens focal length',
'exif-focallength-format' =>'$1 mm',
'exif-subjectarea' =>'Subject area',
'exif-flashenergy' =>'Flash energy',
'exif-spatialfrequencyresponse' =>'Spatial frequency response',
'exif-focalplanexresolution' =>'Focal plane X resolution',
'exif-focalplaneyresolution' =>'Focal plane Y resolution',
'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit' =>'Focal plane resolution unit',
'exif-subjectlocation' =>'Subject location',
'exif-exposureindex' =>'Exposure index',
'exif-sensingmethod' =>'Sensing method',
'exif-filesource' =>'File source',
'exif-scenetype' =>'Scene type',
'exif-cfapattern' =>'CFA pattern',
'exif-customrendered' =>'Custom image processing',
'exif-exposuremode' =>'Exposure mode',
'exif-whitebalance' =>'White Balance',
'exif-digitalzoomratio' =>'Digital zoom ratio',
'exif-focallengthin35mmfilm' =>'Focal length in 35 mm film',
'exif-scenecapturetype' =>'Scene capture type',
'exif-gaincontrol' =>'Scene control',
'exif-contrast' =>'Contrast',
'exif-saturation' =>'Saturation',
'exif-sharpness' =>'Sharpness',
'exif-devicesettingdescription' =>'Device settings description',
'exif-subjectdistancerange' =>'Subject distance range',
'exif-imageuniqueid' =>'Unique image ID',
'exif-gpsversionid' =>'GPS tag version',
'exif-gpslatituderef' =>'North or South Latitude',
'exif-gpslatitude' =>'Latitude',
'exif-gpslongituderef' =>'East or West Longitude',
'exif-gpslongitude' =>'Longitude',
'exif-gpsaltituderef' =>'Altitude reference',
'exif-gpsaltitude' =>'Altitude',
'exif-gpstimestamp' =>'GPS time (atomic clock)',
'exif-gpssatellites' =>'Satellites used for measurement',
'exif-gpsstatus' =>'Receiver status',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode' =>'Measurement mode',
'exif-gpsdop' =>'Measurement precision',
'exif-gpsspeedref' =>'Speed unit',
'exif-gpsspeed' =>'Speed of GPS receiver',
'exif-gpstrackref' =>'Reference for direction of movement',
'exif-gpstrack' =>'Direction of movement',
'exif-gpsimgdirectionref' =>'Reference for direction of image',
'exif-gpsimgdirection' =>'Direction of image',
'exif-gpsmapdatum' =>'Geodetic survey data used',
'exif-gpsdestlatituderef' =>'Reference for latitude of destination',
'exif-gpsdestlatitude' =>'Latitude destination',
'exif-gpsdestlongituderef' =>'Reference for longitude of destination',
'exif-gpsdestlongitude' =>'Longitude of destination',
'exif-gpsdestbearingref' =>'Reference for bearing of destination',
'exif-gpsdestbearing' =>'Bearing of destination',
'exif-gpsdestdistanceref' =>'Reference for distance to destination',
'exif-gpsdestdistance' =>'Distance to destination',
'exif-gpsprocessingmethod' =>'Name of GPS processing method',
'exif-gpsareainformation' =>'Name of GPS area',
'exif-gpsdatestamp' =>'GPS date',
'exif-gpsdifferential' =>'GPS differential correction',

# Make & model, can be wikified in order to link to the camera and model name

'exif-make-value' => '$1',
'exif-model-value' =>'$1',
'exif-software-value' => '$1',

# Exif attributes

'exif-compression-1' => 'Uncompressed',
'exif-compression-6' => 'JPEG',

'exif-photometricinterpretation-2' => 'RGB',
'exif-photometricinterpretation-6' => 'YCbCr',

'exif-orientation-1' => 'Normal', // 0th row: top; 0th column: left
'exif-orientation-2' => 'Flipped horizontally', // 0th row: top; 0th column: right
'exif-orientation-3' => 'Rotated 180°', // 0th row: bottom; 0th column: right
'exif-orientation-4' => 'Flipped vertically', // 0th row: bottom; 0th column: left
'exif-orientation-5' => 'Rotated 90° CCW and flipped vertically', // 0th row: left; 0th column: top
'exif-orientation-6' => 'Rotated 90° CW', // 0th row: right; 0th column: top
'exif-orientation-7' => 'Rotated 90° CW and flipped vertically', // 0th row: right; 0th column: bottom
'exif-orientation-8' => 'Rotated 90° CCW', // 0th row: left; 0th column: bottom

'exif-planarconfiguration-1' => 'chunky format',
'exif-planarconfiguration-2' => 'planar format',

'exif-xyresolution-i' => '$1 dpi',
'exif-xyresolution-c' => '$1 dpc',

'exif-colorspace-1' => 'sRGB',
'exif-colorspace-ffff.h' => 'FFFF.H',

'exif-componentsconfiguration-0' => 'does not exist',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-1' => 'Y',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-2' => 'Cb',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-3' => 'Cr',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-4' => 'R',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-5' => 'G',
'exif-componentsconfiguration-6' => 'B',

'exif-exposureprogram-0' => 'Not defined',
'exif-exposureprogram-1' => 'Manual',
'exif-exposureprogram-2' => 'Normal program',
'exif-exposureprogram-3' => 'Aperture priority',
'exif-exposureprogram-4' => 'Shutter priority',
'exif-exposureprogram-5' => 'Creative program (biased toward depth of field)',
'exif-exposureprogram-6' => 'Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)',
'exif-exposureprogram-7' => 'Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)',
'exif-exposureprogram-8' => 'Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)',

'exif-subjectdistance-value' => '$1 metres',

'exif-meteringmode-0' => 'Unknown',
'exif-meteringmode-1' => 'Average',
'exif-meteringmode-2' => 'CenterWeightedAverage',
'exif-meteringmode-3' => 'Spot',
'exif-meteringmode-4' => 'MultiSpot',
'exif-meteringmode-5' => 'Pattern',
'exif-meteringmode-6' => 'Partial',
'exif-meteringmode-255' => 'Other',

'exif-lightsource-0' => 'Unknown',
'exif-lightsource-1' => 'Daylight',
'exif-lightsource-2' => 'Fluorescent',
'exif-lightsource-3' => 'Tungsten (incandescent light)',
'exif-lightsource-4' => 'Flash',
'exif-lightsource-9' => 'Fine weather',
'exif-lightsource-10' => 'Cloudy weather',
'exif-lightsource-11' => 'Shade',
'exif-lightsource-12' => 'Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 – 7100K)',
'exif-lightsource-13' => 'Day white fluorescent (N 4600 – 5400K)',
'exif-lightsource-14' => 'Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 – 4500K)',
'exif-lightsource-15' => 'White fluorescent (WW 3200 – 3700K)',
'exif-lightsource-17' => 'Standard light A',
'exif-lightsource-18' => 'Standard light B',
'exif-lightsource-19' => 'Standard light C',
'exif-lightsource-20' => 'D55',
'exif-lightsource-21' => 'D65',
'exif-lightsource-22' => 'D75',
'exif-lightsource-23' => 'D50',
'exif-lightsource-24' => 'ISO studio tungsten',
'exif-lightsource-255' => 'Other light source',

'exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2' => 'inches',

'exif-sensingmethod-1' => 'Undefined',
'exif-sensingmethod-2' => 'One-chip color area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-3' => 'Two-chip color area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-4' => 'Three-chip color area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-5' => 'Color sequential area sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-7' => 'Trilinear sensor',
'exif-sensingmethod-8' => 'Color sequential linear sensor',

'exif-filesource-3' => 'DSC',

'exif-scenetype-1' => 'A directly photographed image',

'exif-customrendered-0' => 'Normal process',
'exif-customrendered-1' => 'Custom process',

'exif-exposuremode-0' => 'Auto exposure',
'exif-exposuremode-1' => 'Manual exposure',
'exif-exposuremode-2' => 'Auto bracket',

'exif-whitebalance-0' => 'Auto white balance',
'exif-whitebalance-1' => 'Manual white balance',

'exif-scenecapturetype-0' => 'Standard',
'exif-scenecapturetype-1' => 'Landscape',
'exif-scenecapturetype-2' => 'Portrait',
'exif-scenecapturetype-3' => 'Night scene',

'exif-gaincontrol-0' => 'None',
'exif-gaincontrol-1' => 'Low gain up',
'exif-gaincontrol-2' => 'High gain up',
'exif-gaincontrol-3' => 'Low gain down',
'exif-gaincontrol-4' => 'High gain down',

'exif-contrast-0' => 'Normal',
'exif-contrast-1' => 'Soft',
'exif-contrast-2' => 'Hard',

'exif-saturation-0' => 'Normal',
'exif-saturation-1' => 'Low saturation',
'exif-saturation-2' => 'High saturation',

'exif-sharpness-0' => 'Normal',
'exif-sharpness-1' => 'Soft',
'exif-sharpness-2' => 'Hard',

'exif-subjectdistancerange-0' => 'Unknown',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-1' => 'Macro',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-2' => 'Close view',
'exif-subjectdistancerange-3' => 'Distant view',

// Pseudotags used for GPSLatitudeRef and GPSDestLatitudeRef
'exif-gpslatitude-n' => 'North latitude',
'exif-gpslatitude-s' => 'South latitude',

// Pseudotags used for GPSLongitudeRef and GPSDestLongitudeRef
'exif-gpslongitude-e' => 'East longitude',
'exif-gpslongitude-w' => 'West longitude',

'exif-gpsstatus-a' => 'Measurement in progress',
'exif-gpsstatus-v' => 'Measurement interoperability',

'exif-gpsmeasuremode-2' => '2-dimensional measurement',
'exif-gpsmeasuremode-3' => '3-dimensional measurement',

// Pseudotags used for GPSSpeedRef and GPSDestDistanceRef
'exif-gpsspeed-k' => 'Kilometres per hour',
'exif-gpsspeed-m' => 'Miles per hour',
'exif-gpsspeed-n' => 'Knots',

// Pseudotags used for GPSTrackRef, GPSImgDirectionRef and GPSDestBearingRef
'exif-gpsdirection-t' => 'True direction',
'exif-gpsdirection-m' => 'Magnetic direction',