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An explanation of the nature of dark matter and dark energy using traditional physics

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Nicolas Poupart, Independent Researcher (june 2012) 12269 rue Lévis, Mirabel, Québec, Canada (J7J 0A6) (450) 939-2167


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Since Einstein and a century's of relativity theory we now know that energy can be stored in matter. The combined mass of the decay products of an uranium atom is less than the mass of the latter and the energy is indeed proportional to the mass-energy relationship E = mc2. The mass-energy equivalence should logically apply to any scale. At the chemical level, that energy is stored as mass after an endothermic reaction is a fact perfectly anecdotal, to remember that Lavoisier was finally in error, but in practice, it's always right. At the mechanical scale, this phenomenon seems so insignificant that it is difficult to conceptualize. As we scale up to galactic mechanics this phenomenon seem also so insignificant that astrophysicists tend to ignore it completely to rely solely on Newtonian physics. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that this is not the case and that, after reaching a minimum value in systems of common sizes, the importance of the mass-energy balance become increasingly significant with size.

This mass-energy balance is present within potential energy field, and the fact that it has remained so long invisible and intangible is a mystery, we can only that mention here Leon Brillouin, «There is no energy without mass, but it seems that most authors simply ignored the case of potential energy. The founders of Relativity keep silent about it. As a matter of fact, the corresponding energy is spread all around in space, and so is the mass. Symmetry properties of this distribution suggests splitting the mass fifty-fifty between interacting particles. It is necessary to re-evaluate the values of masses, even in the classical theory of relativity, where this consideration was simply ignored. Renormalization is absolutely essential, before quantum theory, and must start at the beginning of Einstein's relativity.»


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1. We must imperatively interpret the relationship of mass-energy equivalence E = mc2 as follows: No physical system can gain or lose mass without gain or loss of energy and vice versa. Here, the energy is composed of exchange particles with energy but without the associated mass like the photon, the gluon or the hypothetical graviton.

2. Nothing suggests that the potential energy of the gravitational field does not have mass. The Higgs boson, likely mediator in the heart of the mechanism of gravitation, is probably very heavy.

Lets explore the example of a body being absorbed by a black hole within the framework of these two assumptions. We know that a massive black hole of mass M will attract a mass m0 initially at rest at a distance d from the outer limit of the black hole, as defined by the Schwarzschild radius. We know that the kinetic energy achieved by this mass before disappearing behind the horizon is E = ½ m0 c2, which implies a 50% increase in mass. The speed of the body is calculated by the relativistic equation of the mass 3m0/2 = m0/[1-(v/c)2]1/2 or v/c = (5/9)1/2 = 0.745. Curiously, if we consider the potential energy as having no mass, an external observer of the system would see a gradual increase of the whole mass of the system M + m0 to M + 3m0/2 then stabilize after issuing 10% of kinetic energy in form of radiation. Thus, a fundamental physical system could increase its mass without any external energy input; this situation is in complete disagreement with the relationship of mass-energy equivalence. The most straightforward solution to this would be that the mass is simply stored in the field of gravitational potential energy and was gradually transferred to the system.

The storage of potential energy in gravitational systems of common sizes

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If we now take the example of several balls, perfectly isolated and floating in space, possessing no relative speed and arranged a few centimetres from each other. We know that after some time, gravity will bring these balls into a larger compact ball, whose state is the lowest possible energy state 1,i. Furthermore, we see that energy is released as heat by the system during the inelastic collision of the balls. We also know that the system of the larger compact ball is necessarily lighter than the original system because heat radiation was emitted. The gravitational potential energy of a system of n balls of mass mi at the distance rij from each other is given by this equation (this is the sum of the (n2-n) /2 potential energy relationship between the balls) :