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Utilisateur:Nathalie Goulet (61)

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Nathalie Goulet, French Senator (Orne, France)

Nathalie Goulet, born Milsztein on May 24, 1958 in Boulogne-Billancourt (Seine), is a French politician. Senator of Orne since 2007, she is a member of the Union of Democrats and Independents - UC group in the Senate.

After studying law, Nathalie Milsztein became a lawyer at the Paris Bar. On the occasion of the senatorial renewal of September 21, 2008, she joined the  parliamentary group of the centrist Union. She was re-elected Senator of the Orne on  September 25, 2011, obtaining 491 votes in the first round and 617 votes in the second  round (or about 60% of the votes). She also won the first round in 2017. Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and the Armed Forces, Nathalie Goulet is also President of the France- Central Asia, Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group. She is a committed and very present senator assuming several responsibilities  thanks to her function and in the Palais du Luxembourg. Recently she was appointed by the Prime Minister for a Parliamentary mission on social fraud.[1]

Responsibilities [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

Standing Committee [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

• Finance, Budget Control and Economic Accounts of the Nation (Secretary).

Judicial functions, international or extra-parliamentary [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

• Departmental allocation commission of equipment endowment of rural territories.


• French Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (U.I.P) (member).

• Departmental Commission for Inter-municipal Cooperation (member).

Inter-parliamentary Study and Friendship Groups [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

• France-Central Asia Group (Chairman).

• Hunting and Fishing Study Group (Member).

• Member of the French Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (U.I.P.).

Member of the Departmental Committee for Allocation of Credits for the Equipment Endowment of Rural Areas.

• VP at the Members of the France-Gulf Countries Friendship group.

Previous functions [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

• President of the Commission of Inquiry into the fight against jihadist networks in France and Europe.

• Member of the Commission of Inquiry on Tax Evasion.

• Member of the French delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

• Rapporteur of the Mission of information on the organization, the place and the financing of Islam in France and its places of worship.

Noteworthy interventions [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

Finance committee

• Anti-Fraud Bill - Consideration of Amendments to the Committee Text ( July  3rd, 2018) [2]

• Draft law reinforcing the effectiveness of the prosecution of financial offenders and removing the "Bercy bolt " (May 15, 2018) [3]

Foreign affairs committee

• Draft Law Authorizing the Approval of the Extradition Convention between France and the State of the United Arab Emirates - Consideration of the Report and Text of the Committee (December 16, 2016) [4]

• Draft law authorizing the approval of the agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United States of America on the compensation of certain victims of the Shoah deported from France, not covered by French programs (July 1st, 2015)[5] n° 2015-892 July 23rd 2015, published in JO n° 169 July 24th 2015 [6]

• An Act authorizing the approval of the Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax evasion and tax evasion on income tax and fortune (February 25th, 2019) [7]

• Written question on the removal of Lebanon from the red list of dangerous countries [8]

Parliamentary works [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

Nathalie Goulet is a member of the working group on the constitutional revision and the reform of the rules of the Senate and member of the plenary committee strategic diagnosis France 2025. In January 2011, she was elected to serve on the Information Mission on the Drug Monitoring and Evaluation System. From 2008 to 2015, she is rapporteur of the Economic Sub-Committee of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and publishes a report on the financing of terrorism. [9]. In June 2015, she leaves the Senate delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

Fight against terrorism [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

Nathalie Goulet is very committed to the subject of the fight against terrorism. Initiating many proposals of laws on this subject, she is also active on the social networks and through journalism. She writes articles for the Huffington Post, The Hill, ArabNews and many others…

In March 2014, she tabled a motion for a resolution calling for the establishment of a senate commission of inquiry into the national platform for judicial interception.

In June 2014, she obtained the creation of a commission of inquiry into the fight against jihadist networks in France. She is, since October 2014, president of the commission of inquiry « on the organization and means of the fight against jihadist networks in France and in Europe ».

She writes regularly on this subject in the national and world press. She’s also known for being the secretary general of the UDI party in charge of the fight against terrorism.

Some articles :

Islam in France [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

At the end of 2015, Nathalie Goulet initiated an information mission of the Senate "on the organization, the place and the financing of Islam in France and its places of worship" in which she is appointed rapporteur in October.

On 6 July 2016, the report of the fact-finding mission is presented to the press and its conclusions are debated on 19 October 2016 during a public session in the Senate.[10]

On this topic :

Fight against tax fraud [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

Nathalie Goulet is a member of the Senate Committee of Inquiry into the Escape of Capital and Assets Outside France and its Tax Implications. In 2012, she is Vice-Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on the Role of Banks and Financial Players in the capital flight created after the Cahuzac affair in 2013. It intervenes regularly in public session on this subject, as during the debate on the effectiveness of the international tax conventions to denounce the abusive use. In particular with the magistrate Charles Prats, she deals with many cases related to this subject and is mobilized concerning this fight.

On this topic :

Nathalie Goulet has done a lot since 2008 on the subject of the modernization of the economy (about 89 interventions), on the reform of local authorities, the fight against fraud, the fight against terrorism… here’s a little idea of her involvement :

- 91 bills as from today [11]

- 12 signed reports [12]

- 600 interventions in Commission [13]

- 4326 interventions in the hemicycle [14]

• Some parliamentary case files ➪

Latest [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]

-Bill to Recognize Rape as a War Crime : The sole article of this bill aims to integrate the crime of rape among the crimes and war crimes defined by the book IV bis of the penal code. [15]

-Constitutional Law Proposal for More Balanced and Effective Institutions : It is a question of restoring to the bicameralism more force and visibility, while making more flexible but framed the referendum practice. [16]

- Motion for a resolution to set up a commission of inquiry to evaluate tools for combating tax fraud and social fraud : The hearings of the Commission of Inquiry will be able to draw up an inventory of the tools in place, in France, to examine their capacity of coordination with our European neighbors and our partners of the G8. [17]

-Motion for a resolution pursuant to Rule 73 d of the Rules of Procedure for the establishment of an international criminal court to try European jihadists who served with Daesh : the establishment of an international jurisdiction to judge European jihadists as the most appropriate device [18]

-Legislative proposal to strengthen the prevention and fight against radicalization : to encourage the setting up of real programs and reintegration structures coordinated at central level and covering the entire territory. [19]

Some recent publications [modifier | modifier le code][modifier | modifier le code]


Nathalie Goulet is writing some articles for the Huffington Post as a columnist (

-The attack in Burkina Faso recalls that a multinational terrorist has its headquarters in West Africa (05/05/2019)

- 3 essential ideas to better organize the institutions of Islam in France (19/07/2018)

• ArabNews (

-We need a Marshall Plan for West Africa (April 30, 2019)

-US no longer the world’s policeman (January 03, 2019)

• The Hill

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