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Welcome to Soleil Engine

Soleil Engine is an online game engine designed to empower developers with modern web technologies.

Key Features

  • Modern Web Technologies: Utilizes WebGL, WebAssembly, and Three.js for powerful graphics and performance.
  • Ease of Use: Designed for developers of all skill levels to build and modify games without deep engine programming knowledge.
  • Visual Capabilities: Provides robust tools for creating dynamic and visually appealing 3D worlds.
  • Active Community: Supported by an active community of developers and contributors for learning and mutual support.
  • Continuous Development: Regular updates ensure support for the latest technologies and performance improvements.

Start your journey with Soleil Engine today and unleash your creativity in game development!

Visit the "" official Soleil Engine website for more information.

How to Use Soleil Engine

  1. Download: Download Soleil Engine from the official website or use it directly online.
  2. Setup: Follow the installation instructions to set up the engine on your local development environment.
  3. Create a Project: Start a new project or open an existing one.
  4. Import Assets: Import assets such as 3D models, textures, and sounds into your project.
  5. Build Scenes: Use the visual editor or code to build interactive scenes and environments.
  6. Scripting: Customize behaviors and interactions using JavaScript or a visual scripting tool.
  7. Preview and Test: Preview your game in the browser to test functionality and performance.
  8. Publish: Once satisfied, publish your game for web or mobile platforms.